996 resultados para Sondas de DNA de HPV
Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) can trigger the production of type I interferon (IFN) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) by binding to endosomal Toll-like receptor-9 (TLR9; refs , , , , ). It is also known that the formation of DNA-antimicrobial peptide complexes can lead to autoimmune diseases via amplification of pDC activation. Here, by combining X-ray scattering, computer simulations, microscopy and measurements of pDC IFN production, we demonstrate that a broad range of antimicrobial peptides and other cationic molecules cause similar effects, and elucidate the criteria for amplification. TLR9 activation depends on both the inter-DNA spacing and the multiplicity of parallel DNA ligands in the self-assembled liquid-crystalline complex. Complexes with a grill-like arrangement of DNA at the optimum spacing can interlock with multiple TLR9 like a zipper, leading to multivalent electrostatic interactions that drastically amplify binding and thereby the immune response. Our results suggest that TLR9 activation and thus TLR9-mediated immune responses can be modulated deterministically.
Source/Description: p6a-l is a O.9 kb HindIII/BamHl genomic fragment subclone or cosmic cNX.6a in pUC13. cNX.6a was isolated from a non-methylated enriched library from the CMGT cell line Cll (1,2).
The nucleoid-associated protein H-NS is a global modulator of the expression of genes associated with adaptation to environmental changes. A variant of H-NS expressed in the R27 plasmid was previously shown to selectively modulate the expression of horizontally acquired genes, with minimal effects on core genes that are repressed by the chromosomal form of H-NS. Both H-NS proteins are formed by an oligomerization domain and a DNA-binding domain, which are connected by a linker that is highly flexible in the absence of DNA. We studied DNA binding by means of oligomer-forming chimeric proteins in which domains of the chromosomal and plasmidic variants are exchanged, as well as in monomeric truncated forms containing the DNA-binding domain and variable portions of the linker. Point mutations in the linker were also examined in full-length and truncated H-NS constructs. These experiments show that the linker region contributes to DNA binding affinity and that it is a main component of the distinct DNA binding properties of chromosomal and plasmidic H-NS. We propose that interactions between the linker and DNA limit the flexibility of the connection between H- NS oligomerization and DNA binding and provide an allosteric indirect readout mechanism to detect long- range distortions of DNA, thus enabling discrimination between core and horizontally acquired DNA.
Di-(2-ethylhexyl)phtalate (DEHP) is a plasticizer with endocrine disrupting properties found ubiquitously in the environment and altering reproduction in rodents. Here we investigated the impact of prenatal exposure to DEHP on spermatogenesis and DNA sperm methylation in two distinct, selected, and sequenced mice strains. FVB/N and C57BL/6J mice were orally exposed to 300 mg/kg/day of DEHP from gestation day 9 to 19. Prenatal DEHP exposure significantly decreased spermatogenesis in C57BL/6J (fold-change = 0.6, p-value = 8.7*10-4), but not in FVB/N (fold-change = 1, p-value = 0.9). The number of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) by DEHP-exposure across the entire genome showed increased hyper- and decreased hypo-methylation in C57BL/6J compared to FVB/N. At the promoter level, three important subsets of genes were massively affected. Promoters of vomeronasal and olfactory receptors coding genes globally followed the same trend, more pronounced in the C57BL/6J strain, of being hyper-methylated in DEHP related conditions. In contrast, a large set of micro-RNAs were hypo-methylated, with a trend more pronounced in the FVB/N strain. We additionally analyze both the presence of functional genetic variations within genes that were associated with the detected DMRs and that could be involved in spermatogenesis, and DMRs related with the DEHP exposure that affected both strains in an opposite manner. The major finding in this study indicates that prenatal exposure to DEHP can decrease spermatogenesis in a strain-dependent manner and affects sperm DNA methylation in promoters of large sets of genes putatively involved in both sperm chemotaxis and post-transcriptional regulatory mechanisms.
RESUMO A determinação do nível de ploidia é muito importante, principalmente em programas de melhoramento genético que envolvem poliploides, a fim de possibilitar a escolha adequada dos materiais vegetais com os quais se deseja trabalhar. A relação entre o conteúdo de DNA de acessos de bananeira e sua ploidia ainda permanece controversa na literatura; assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o conteúdo de DNA de acessos de bananeira com diferentes níveis de ploidia. Foram avaliados sete acessos tetraploides, quatro triploides e quatro diploides. A determinação do conteúdo foi realizada pela técnica de citometria de fluxo. Foram trituradas entre 50-60 mg de folhas frescas, juntamente com o padrão interno (Pisum sativum) no tampão LB01, e, posteriormente, as amostras foram filtradas em gaze e filtro de 50 µm. Adicionaram-se 5 µL de RNase e 25 µL de iodeto de propídeo. Para cada amostra, foram analisados 10 mil núcleos, com três repetições. Os resultados obtidos para o conteúdo de DNA permitiram estimar o tamanho dos genomas A e B, sendo o primeiro cerca de 14% maior que o segundo. Os resultados apresentaram clara relação entre o conteúdo de DNA e o nível de ploidia dos materiais. O contéudo de DNA apresentou aumento médio de 30% nas cultivares diploides em relação às cultivares triploides avaliadas e de 25% nas cultivares triploides em relação às cultivares tetraploides. Apesar da diferença nos tamanhos dos genomas A e B, contribuições distintas desses dois genomas não foram diretamente relacionadas com alterações no conteúdo do DNA de cultivares tetraploides.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), a maternally inherited 16.6-Kb molecule crucial for energy production, is implicated in numerous human traits and disorders. It has been hypothesized that the presence of mutations in the mtDNA may contribute to the complex genetic basis of schizophreniadisease, due to the evidence of maternal inheritance and the presence of schizophrenia symptoms in patients affected of a mitochondrial disorder related to a mtDNA mutation. The present project aims to study the association of variants of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), and an increased risk of schizophrenia in a cohort of patients and controls from the same population. The entire mtDNA of 55 schizophrenia patients with an apparent maternal transmission of the disease and 38 controls was sequenced by Next Generation Sequencing (Ion Torrent PGM, Life Technologies) and compared to the reference sequence. The current method for establishing mtDNA haplotypes is Sanger sequencing, which is laborious, timeconsuming, and expensive. With the emergence of Next Generation Sequencing technologies, this sequencing process can be much more quickly and cost-efficiently. We have identified 14 variants that have not been previously reported. Two of them were missense variants: MTATP6 p.V113M and MTND5 p.F334L ,and also three variants encoding rRNA and one variant encoding tRNA. Not significant differences have been found in the number of variants between the two groups. We found that the sequence alignment algorithm employed to align NGS reads played a significant role in the analysis of the data and the resulting mtDNA haplotypes. Further development of the bioinformatics analysis and annotation step would be desirable to facilitate the application of NGS in mtDNA analysis.
Background Exhausting exercise reduces the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content in the skeletal muscle of healthy subjects due to oxidative damage. Since patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) suffer enhanced oxidative stress during exercise, it was hypothesised that the mtDNA content will be further reduced. Objective To investigate the effects of exercise above and below the lactate threshold (LT) on the mtDNA content of skeletal muscle of patients with COPD. Methods Eleven patients with COPD (676 8 years; forced expiratory volume in 1s (FEV1)456 8%ref) and 10 healthy controls (666 4 years; FEV1 906 7% ref) cycled 45 min above LT (65% peak oxygen uptake (V9O2 peak)and another 7 patients (656 6 years; FEV1 506 4%ref)and 7 controls (566 9 years;FEV1 926 6%ref) cycled 45 min below their LT (50% V9O2 peak). Biopsies from the vastus lateralis muscle were obtained before exercise, immediately after and 1 h, 1 day and 1 week later to determine by PCR the mtDNA/nuclear DNA (nDNA) ratio (a marker of mtDNA content) and the expression of the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor- g coactivator-1 a (PGC-1a)mRNA and the amount of reactive oxygen species produced during exercise was estimated from total V9O2. Results Skeletal muscle mtDNA/nDNA fell significantly after exercise above the LT both in controls and in patients with COPD, but the changes were greater in those with COPD. These changes correlated with production of reactive oxygen species, increases in manganese superoxide dismutase and PGC-1 a mRNA and returned to baseline values 1 week later. This pattern of response wa was also observed, albeit minimised, in patients exercising below the LT. Conclusions In patients with COPD, exercise enhances the decrease in mtDNA content of skeletal muscle and the expression of PGC-1 a mRNA seen in healthy subjects probably due to oxidative stress.
UNLABELLED: CcrM is an orphan DNA methyltransferase nearly universally conserved in a vast group of Alphaproteobacteria. In Caulobacter crescentus, it controls the expression of key genes involved in the regulation of the cell cycle and cell division. Here, we demonstrate, using an experimental evolution approach, that C. crescentus can significantly compensate, through easily accessible genetic changes like point mutations, the severe loss in fitness due to the absence of CcrM, quickly improving its growth rate and cell morphology in rich medium. By analyzing the compensatory mutations genome-wide in 12 clones sampled from independent ΔccrM populations evolved for ~300 generations, we demonstrated that each of the twelve clones carried at least one mutation that potentially stimulated ftsZ expression, suggesting that the low intracellular levels of FtsZ are the major burden of ΔccrM mutants. In addition, we demonstrate that the phosphoenolpyruvate-carbohydrate phosphotransfer system (PTS) actually modulates ftsZ and mipZ transcription, uncovering a previously unsuspected link between metabolic regulation and cell division in Alphaproteobacteria. We present evidence that point mutations found in genes encoding proteins of the PTS provide the strongest fitness advantage to ΔccrM cells cultivated in rich medium despite being disadvantageous in minimal medium. This environmental sign epistasis might prevent such mutations from getting fixed under changing natural conditions, adding a plausible explanation for the broad conservation of CcrM. IMPORTANCE: In bacteria, DNA methylation has a variety of functions, including the control of DNA replication and/or gene expression. The cell cycle-regulated DNA methyltransferase CcrM modulates the transcription of many genes and is critical for fitness in Caulobacter crescentus. Here, we used an original experimental evolution approach to determine which of its many targets make CcrM so important physiologically. We show that populations lacking CcrM evolve quickly, accumulating an excess of mutations affecting, directly or indirectly, the expression of the ftsZ cell division gene. This finding suggests that the most critical function of CcrM in C. crescentus is to promote cell division by enhancing FtsZ intracellular levels. During this work, we also discovered an unexpected link between metabolic regulation and cell division that might extend to other Alphaproteobacteria.
Tämä opinnäytetyö tehtiin Tullilaboratorion Biokemian jaoston GMO-työryhmälle, joka valvoo elintarvikenäytteissä esiintyviä geneettisiä muunnoksia. Työn tarkoituksena oli ver-tailla DNA:n eristysmenetelmiä erilaisilla näytematriiseilla. Kaikki näytteet olivat Tullilabo-ratorion valvontaan kuuluvia elintarvikenäytteitä, joista osa oli pitkälle prosessoituja elin-tarvikkeita ja osa sisälsi suuria määriä rasvaa ja proteiinia. Jokaiselle näytetyypille pyrittiin löytämään sopivin menetelmä, jolla saadaan hyvälaatuista ja monistuskelpoista DNA:ta. Eristetyn DNA:n pitoisuus, menetelmän kustannukset, työturvallisuus, analyysin käytetty aika ja kontaminaatioriskit olivat myös valintakriteerejä. Kolmea erilaista menetelmää ver-rattiin laboratoriossa rutiinikäytössä olevaan eristysmenetelmään. Näytteet käsiteltiin kolmessa sarjassa: ensimmäinen sisälsi riisinäytteitä, toinen maissi-näytteitä ja kolmas soijaa sisältäviä elintarvikkeita. Jokaisesta näytteestä tehtiin rinnak-kaispunnitus tulosten luotettavuuden varmistamiseksi. Kaikki näytesarjat eristettiin valituil-la kolmella menetelmällä. Eristetyt DNA-näytteet analysoitiin kvantitatiivisella reaaliaikai-sella PCR:llä, jotta voitiin varmistua, että näytteestä saatiin eristettyä halutun organismin DNA. Jokaiselle näytetyypille löydettiin parhaiten soveltuva menetelmä. Kahdella valituista me-netelmistä saatiin parhaat tulokset jokaisen näytematriisin kohdalla. Myös näytteistä, joista ei saatu eristettyä referenssi-DNA:ta rutiinikäytössä olevalla menetelmällä, onnistuttiin eristämään haluttua DNA:ta yhdellä menetelmistä. Kokeilu onnistui hyvin ja tuloksia voi-daan hyödyntää valittaessa valvontanäytteille sopivia eristysmenetelmiä.
Interleukin 17-producing helper T cells (TH17 cells) have a major role in protection against infections and in mediating autoimmune diseases, yet the mechanisms involved are incompletely understood. We found that interleukin 26 (IL-26), a human TH17 cell-derived cytokine, is a cationic amphipathic protein that kills extracellular bacteria via membrane-pore formation. Furthermore, TH17 cell-derived IL-26 formed complexes with bacterial DNA and self-DNA released by dying bacteria and host cells. The resulting IL-26-DNA complexes triggered the production of type I interferon by plasmacytoid dendritic cells via activation of Toll-like receptor 9, but independently of the IL-26 receptor. These findings provide insights into the potent antimicrobial and proinflammatory function of TH17 cells by showing that IL-26 is a natural human antimicrobial that promotes immune sensing of bacterial and host cell death.
Background: Differences in the distribution of genotypes between individuals of the same ethnicity are an important confounder factor commonly undervalued in typical association studies conducted in radiogenomics. Objective: To evaluate the genotypic distribution of SNPs in a wide set of Spanish prostate cancer patients for determine the homogeneity of the population and to disclose potential bias. Design, Setting, and Participants: A total of 601 prostate cancer patients from Andalusia, Basque Country, Canary and Catalonia were genotyped for 10 SNPs located in 6 different genes associated to DNA repair: XRCC1 (rs25487, rs25489, rs1799782), ERCC2 (rs13181), ERCC1 (rs11615), LIG4 (rs1805388, rs1805386), ATM (rs17503908, rs1800057) and P53 (rs1042522). The SNP genotyping was made in a Biotrove OpenArrayH NT Cycler. Outcome Measurements and Statistical Analysis: Comparisons of genotypic and allelic frequencies among populations, as well as haplotype analyses were determined using the web-based environment SNPator. Principal component analysis was made using the SnpMatrix and XSnpMatrix classes and methods implemented as an R package. Non-supervised hierarchical cluster of SNP was made using MultiExperiment Viewer. Results and Limitations: We observed that genotype distribution of 4 out 10 SNPs was statistically different among the studied populations, showing the greatest differences between Andalusia and Catalonia. These observations were confirmed in cluster analysis, principal component analysis and in the differential distribution of haplotypes among the populations. Because tumor characteristics have not been taken into account, it is possible that some polymorphisms may influence tumor characteristics in the same way that it may pose a risk factor for other disease characteristics. Conclusion: Differences in distribution of genotypes within different populations of the same ethnicity could be an important confounding factor responsible for the lack of validation of SNPs associated with radiation-induced toxicity, especially when extensive meta-analysis with subjects from different countries are carried out.
Due to the helical structure of DNA the process of DNA replication is topologically complex. Freshly replicated DNA molecules are catenated with each other and are frequently knotted. For proper functioning of DNA it is necessary to remove all of these entanglements. This is done by DNA topoisomerases that pass DNA segments through each other. However, it has been a riddle how DNA topoisomerases select the sites of their action. In highly crowded DNA in living cells random passages between contacting segments would only increase the extent of entanglement. Using molecular dynamics simulations we observed that in actively supercoiled DNA molecules the entanglements resulting from DNA knotting or catenation spontaneously approach sites of nicks and gaps in the DNA. Type I topoisomerases, that preferentially act at sites of nick and gaps, are thus naturally provided with DNA-DNA juxtapositions where a passage results in an error-free DNA unknotting or DNA decatenation.