988 resultados para Soil erosion control


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The work focuses on the screening of Polyalthia longifolia and Aloe vera for their phytoextractability of heavy metal in soil of the Niger Delta. 5kg of soil was polluted with 100 mg of Zn, Fe and Pb each replicated 9 times. Each set was separated into 3 subgroups. The subgroups were phytoextracted with Polyalthia longifolia and Aloe vera alongside a control (no phytoextraction) respectively. After 12 weeks, the concentration of Lead, Iron and Zinc in soils, roots and shoots was determined. Results showed that the two plants have phytoextraction ability with reductions in Zn, Fe, and Pb in the phytoextraction soil . Metal transfer factor was PB: Aloe vera (0.881) > P. longifolia (0.315); Zn: P. longifolia (0.614) > Aloe vera (0.606); Fe: Aloe vera (0.812) > P. longifolia (0.774). Translocation factors for the two plants were in the order: Zn: P. longifolia (0.79) > Aloe vera (0.36); Fe: P. longifolia (0.63) > Aloe vera (0.05); Pb: P. longifolia (0.57) > Aloe vera (0.23). Since the translocation factors were < 1, the plants can be classified as non- hyperaccumulators for these metals.


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The levels of some heavy metals in soil samples and tubers of cocoyam ( Colocasia esculentum ) grown on soil receiving paint wastes (PWS) has been investigated using Atomic Absorption spectrophotometer (Unicam 939/959 model). Similar analyses were carried out for the same plant from a control area. The studies revealed that although the P.W.S contained abnormally high levels of Pb (474.14mgkg-1) and Cu (137.85mgkg-1). The paint waste tuber (PWT) recorded low levels of these metals: Pb (2.13mgkg-1) and Cu (13.85mgkg-1) respectively. Correlation analysis tested at 0.05 level of significance show that no significant correlation existed between the metals levels in the soil and the level in the tuber. In all cases the levels of the metals in the tubers were well below the upper limit documented for unpolluted plant. The results however suggest the ineffectiveness of the use of Colocasia esculentum as a bioindicator for heavy metal pollution in soil.


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Urbanization is associated with global biodiversity loss of macrophauna and flora through direct and indirect mechanisms, but to date few studies have examined urban soil microbes. Although there are numerous studies on the influence of agricultural management on soil microbial community composition, there has been no global-scale study of human control over urban soil microbial communities. This thesis extends the literature of urban ecology to include soil microbial communities by analyzing soils that are part of the Global Urban Soil Ecology and Education Network (GLUSEEN). Chapter 1 sets the context for urban ecology; Chapters 2 addresses patterns of community assembly, biodiversity loss, and the phylogenetic relationships among community members; Chapter 3 addresses the metabolic pathways that characterize microbial communities existing under different land-uses across varying geographic scales; and Chapter 4 relates Chapter 2 and 3 to one another and to evolutionary theory, tackling assumptions that are particular to microbial ecology.


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Biochar has been heralded a mechanism for carbon sequestration and an ideal amendment for improving soil quality. Melaleuca quinquenervia is an aggressive and wide-spread invasive species in Florida. The purpose of this research was to convert M. quinquenervia biomass into biochar and measure how application at two rates (2% or 5% wt/wt) impacts soil quality, plant growth, and microbial gas flux in a greenhouse experiment using Phaseolus vulgaris L. and local soil. Plant growth was measured using height, biomass weight, specific leaf area, and root-shoot ratio. Soil quality was evaluated according to nutrient content and water holding capacity. Microbial respiration, as carbon dioxide (CO2), was measured using gas chromatography. Biochar addition at 5% significantly reduced available soil nutrients, while 2% biochar application increased almost all nutrients. Plant biomass was highest in the control group, p2 flux decreased significantly in both biochar groups, but reductions were not long term.


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The state of Florida has one of the most severe exotic species invasion problems in the United States, but little is known about their influence on soil biogeochemistry. My dissertation research includes a cross-continental field study in Australia, Florida, and greenhouse and growth chamber experiments, focused on the soil-plant interactions of one of the most problematic weeds introduced in south Florida, Lygodium microphyllum (Old World climbing fern). Analysis of field samples from the ferns introduced and their native range indicate that L microphyllum is highly dependent on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) for phosphorus uptake and biomass accumulation. Relationship with AMF is stronger in relatively dry conditions, which are commonly found in some Florida sites, compared to more common wet sites where the fern is found in its native Australia. In the field, L. microphyllum is found to thrive in a wide range of soil pH, texture, and nutrient conditions, with strongly acidic soils in Australia and slightly acidic soils in Florida. Soils with pH 5.5 - 6.5 provide the most optimal growth conditions for L. microphyllum, and the growth declines significantly at soil pH 8.0, indicating that further reduction could happen in more alkaline soils. Comparison of invaded and uninvaded soil characteristics demonstrates that L. microphyllum can change the belowground soil environment, with more conspicuous impact on nutrient-poor sandy soils, to its own benefit by enhancing the soil nutrient status. Additionally, the nitrogen concentration in the leaves, which has a significant influence in the relative growth rate and photosynthesis, was significantly higher in Florida plants compared to Australian plants. Given that L. microphyllum allocates up to 40% of the total biomass to rhizomes, which aid in rapid regeneration after burning, cutting or chemical spray, hence management techniques targeting the rhizomes look promising. Over all, my results reveal for the first time that soil pH, texture, and AMF are major factors facilitating the invasive success of L. mcirophyllum. Finally, herbicide treatments targeting rhizomes will most likely become the widely used technique to control invasiveness of L. microphyllum in the future. However, a complete understanding of the soil ecosystem is necessary before adding any chemicals to the soil to achieve a successful long-term invasive species management strategy.


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Soil is a key resource that provides the basis of food production and sustains and delivers several ecosystems services including regulating and supporting services such as water and climate regulation, soil formation and the cycling of nutrients carbon and water. During the last decades, population growth, dietary changes and the subsequent pressure on food production, have caused severe damages on soil quality as a consequence of intensive, high input-based agriculture. While agriculture is supposed to maintain and steward its most important resource base, it compromises soil quality and fertility through its impact on erosion, soil organic matter and biodiversity decline, compaction, etc., and thus the necessary yield increases for the next decades. New or improved cropping systems and agricultural practices are needed to ensure a sustainable use of this resource and to fully take the advantages of its associated ecosystem services. Also, new and better soil quality indicators are crucial for fast and in-field soil diagnosis to help farmers decide on the best management practices to adopt under specific pedo-climatic conditions. Conservation Agriculture and its fundamental principles: minimum (or no) soil disturbance, permanent organic soil cover and crop rotation /intercropping certainly figure among the possibilities capable to guarantee sustainable soil management. The iSQAPER project – Interactive Soil Quality Assessment in Europe and China for Agricultural Productivity and Environmental Resilience – is tackling this problem with the development of a Soil Quality application (SQAPP) that links soil and agricultural management practices to soil quality indicators and will provide an easy-to-use tool for farmers and land managers to judge their soil status. The University of Évora is the leader of WP6 - Evaluating and demonstrating measures to improve Soil Quality. In this work package, several promising soil and agricultural management practices will be tested at selected sites and evaluated using the set of soil quality indicators defined for the SQAPP tool. The project as a whole and WP6 in specific can contribute to proof and demonstrate under different pedoclimatic conditions the impact of Conservation Agriculture practices on soil quality and function as was named the call under which this project was submitted.


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Landfill leachates carry nutrients, especially N and K, which can be recycled in cropping systems. We applied doses of landfill leachate (0 [Control], 32.7, 65.4, 98.1, and 130.8 m3 ha-1 ) three times in 2008 and three times in 2009 on a clay Rhodic Kandiudult soil. In 2009, black oat (Avena strigosa L.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were cropped in succession and assessed for concentration of nutrients in leaves and for shoot biomass and grain yield, respectively. As a positive control, an additional treatment with urea (120 kg ha-1 of N) was studied in corn. Soil was sampled at four depths (down to 60 cm) in three sampling dates to assess chemical and biochemical properties. Concentration of nutrients in leaves, oat biomass (8530?23,240 kg ha-1), and corn grain yield (4703-8807 kg ha-1 ) increased with increasing doses of leachate. There was a transient increase in the concentration of nitrate in soil (3-30 mg kg-1), increasing the risk of N losses by leaching at doses above 120 kg ha-1 N, as revealed by an estimated N balance in the cropping system. Sodium and K in soil also increased with increasing doses of leachate but decreased as rainfall occurred. The activity of dehydrogenase decreased about 30% from the control to the highest dose of leachate and urea, suggesting an inhibitory effect of mineral N on microbial metabolism. Landfill leachate was promising as a source of N and K for crop productivity and caused minor or transient effects on soil properties.


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Abstract:The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different nitrogen doses and five period of sample collection, on soil microbial biomass - nitrogen (SMB-N), total nitrogen (total N) and percentual ratio of the microbial biomass and total N (SMB-N/total N) in a Oxisol cultivated with barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). The experiment was installed in June, 2005, in an area located at Embrapa Cerrados, Federal District. The experimental design was a randomized block, with three replicates. The plots received doses of nitrogen: 20 - 40 - 80 kg ha-1 N and a control without it and the subplots were period of soil sample. Three applications of N were realized: 10 kg ha-1 on the 5th day (06/14) after sowing; the rest of N was parceled in two applications with fertigation, on tillage, on the 27th (07/08) DAP, e no 43rd (07/22) DAP. Soil samples layer (0 - 10 cm deep) were collected for (SMB-N) determination and total N in six periods: 02 days before of the first fertigation; 02 days after of the first fertigation; 04 days before of the last fertigation and 04 days after of the last fertigation; on flowering stage and after harvesting. There was effect of the doses of N and the period of soil collection on the SMB-N, total N and in the ratio SMB-N/total N. The average values of total N revealed steadier in short-term (cycle of the culture) and this was not a good parameter to evaluate the behavior and N transformations in the soil-plant system. Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de diferentes dosis de nitrógeno y cinco período de muestreo en la biomasa microbiana del complejo suelo - nitrogeno (BMS-N), nitrógeno total (N total) y la relación porcentual de la biomasa microbiana y N total (BMS-N/N total) en un Oxisol cultivado con cebada (Hordeum vulgare L.). El estudio se inició en junio de 2005 en la estación experimental de la Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (Embrapa-Cerrados), Distrito Federal, Brazil. El experimento se dispuso en bloques al azar con tres repeticiones. Las parcelas recibieron dosis de nitrógeno: 20 - 40 - 80 kg/ha de N más un control sin N, y las subparcelas fueron el periodo de muestro. Las aplicaciones de N se realizaron de la forma siguiente: cinco días después de la siembra (dds) se aplicaron 10 kg/ha y el resto de la dosis se aplicó con fertirrigación en dos dosis 27 y 43 dds. Las muestras de suelo (0-10 cm de profundidad) para determinar BMS-N y N total fueron tomadas, 2 días antes e igual número de días después de la primera fertirrigación y 4 días antes y después de la última, en floración y después de la cosecha. No se encontró efecto de las dosis de N y el período de muestreo en el BMS-N, N total y en la relación BMS-N/N total. Los valores medios de N total fueron más estable en el corto plazo (ciclo de la cultivo) lo que indica que éste no es un buen parámetro para evaluar la dinámica del N y sus transformaciones en el sistema suelo-planta.


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Biochar has been used worldwide as soil amendment. Due to the high sorption capacity of organic compounds by charcoal in general, the use of biochar can change the soil sorptive properties, that could result in a environmental protective strategy in one hand and/or in need of higher pesticides doses in another hand. However no data in the literature is available about the long term effect of biochar application in the sorptive properties of the soil, even studies about the sorptive properties of soil treated with biochar are scarce, the few available papers are with pure biochar. This unprecedented work, evaluating the sorption of atrazine in a clayed soil treated with biochar, under experimental field conditions, evaluated the sorption isotherms one and three years after the single biochar application (16 Mg ha-1 of biochar). One year after the biochar application the Kf was two times higher for the biochar amended soil than for the control one (without biochar). This effect decreases after three years from the application, but it is even significantly higher (50% higher) than the control treatment.


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Abstract: The objectives of this study were to evaluate the combined effects of soil bioticand abiotic factors on the incidence of Fusarium corn stalk rot, during four annual incorporations of two typesofsewagesludge intosoil ina 5-years field assay under tropical conditions and topredict the effectsof these variables on the disease. For each type of sewage sludge, the following treatments were included: control with mineral fertilization recommended for corn; control without fertilization; sewage sludge based on the nitrogen concentration that provided the same amount of nitrogen as in the mineral fertilizer treatment; and sewage sludge that provided two, four and eight times the nitrogen concentration recommended for corn. Increasing dosages of both types of sewage sludge incorporated into soil resulted in increased corn stalk rot incidence, being negatively correlated with corn yield. A global analysis highlighted the effect of the year of the experiment, followed by the sewage sludge dosages. The type of sewage sludge did not affect the disease incidence. Amultiple logistic model using a stepwise procedure was fitted based on the selection of a model that included the three explanatory parameters for disease incidence: electrical conductivity, magnesium and Fusarium population. In the selected model, the probability of higher disease incidence increased with an increase of these three explanatory parameters. When the explanatory parameters were compared, electrical conductivity presented a dominant effect and was the main variable to predict the probability distribution curves of Fusarium corn stalk rot, after sewage sludge application into the soil.


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Since their emergence, locally resonant metamaterials have found several applications for the control of surface waves, from micrometer-sized electronic devices to meter-sized seismic barriers. The interaction between Rayleigh-type surface waves and resonant metamaterials has been investigated through the realization of locally resonant metasurfaces, thin elastic interfaces constituted by a cluster of resonant inclusions or oscillators embedded near the surface of an elastic waveguide. When such resonant metasurfaces are embedded in an elastic homogeneous half-space, they can filter out the propagation of Rayleigh waves, creating low-frequency bandgaps at selected frequencies. In the civil engineering context, heavy resonating masses are needed to extend the bandgap frequency width of locally resonant devices, a requirement that limits their practical implementations. In this dissertation, the wave attenuation capabilities of locally resonant metasurfaces have been enriched by proposing (i) tunable metasurfaces to open large frequency bandgaps with small effective inertia, and by developing (ii) an analytical framework aimed at studying the propagation of Rayleigh waves propagation in deep resonant waveguides. In more detail, inertial amplified resonators are exploited to design advanced metasurfaces with a prescribed static and a tunable dynamic response. The modular design of the tunable metasurfaces allows to shift and enlarge low-frequency spectral bandgaps without modifying the total inertia of the metasurface. Besides, an original dispersion law is derived to study the dispersive properties of Rayleigh waves propagating in thick resonant layers made of sub-wavelength resonators. Accordingly, a deep resonant wave barrier of mechanical resonators embedded inside the soil is designed to impede the propagation of seismic surface waves. Numerical models are developed to confirm the analytical dispersion predictions of the tunable metasurface and resonant layer. Finally, a medium-size scale resonant wave barrier is designed according to the soil stratigraphy of a real geophysical scenario to attenuate ground-borne vibration.


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Trace Elements (TEs) pollution is a significant environmental concern due to its toxic effects on human and ecosystem health and its potential to bioaccumulate in the food chain and to threaten species survival, leading to a decline in biodiversity. Urban areas, industrial and mining activities, agricultural practices, all contribute to the release of TEs into the environment posing a significant risk to human health and ecosystems. Several techniques have been developed to control TEs into the environment. This work presents the findings of three-year PhD program that focused on research on TEs pollution. The study discusses three fundamental aspects related to this topic from the perspective of sustainable development, environmental and human health. (1) High levels of TEs contamination prevent the use of sewage sludge (SS) as a fertilizer in agriculture, despite its potential as a soil amendment. Developing effective techniques to manage TEs contamination in SS is critical to ensure its safe use in agriculture and promote resource efficiency through sludge reuse. Another purpose of the study was to evaluate different strategies to limit the TEs uptake by horticultural crops (specifically, Cucumis Melo L.). This study addressed the effect of seasonality, Trichoderma inoculation and clinoptilolite application on chromium (Cr), copper (Cu) and lead (Pb) content of early- and late-ripening cultivars of Cucumis Melo L.. Finally, the accumulation of copper and the effect of its bioavailable fraction on bacterial and fungal communities in the rhizosphere soil of two vineyards, featuring two different varieties of Vitis vinifera grown for varying lengths of time, were evaluated.


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In order to increase fertility of agricultural soils, in the framework of circular economy, the use of soil amendments such as biochar, compost, and mixtures of the two, has been implemented in recent years. Although it has been demonstrated that their use can improve the physico-chemical characteristics of soil and plant yield, few studies investigated the effect of these amendments on the soil fauna, and consequently the biological quality of soils. This study aimed to provide information on soil fauna, in particular microarthropods , in plots of an experimental vineyard treated with different soil amendments (biochar, compost, and CB mix, i.e. a mixture of biochar and compost) compared to untreated plots. What emerged from this study is that taxa abundances are significantly increased in compost-treated soil samples compared to untreated and CB mix ones. The value of the QBS-ar index obtained in soil samples treated with CB mix is lower than in samples treated with compost, biochar, and untreated, although the difference was not statistically significant. The physico-chemical soil characteristics are, in general, significantly more favorable in samples treated with CB mix than in the control, although the soil fauna seems to be partially negatively influenced by the treatment with CB mix. In fact, the number of taxa, in particular the number of taxa most adapted to edaphic life, are significantly negatively affected by the application of the CB mix. Concluding, improved physico-chemical characteristics induced by soil amendments do not always correspond to a positive response of the soil fauna, at least with respect to the QBS-ar approach.