970 resultados para Shrimp - Traceability


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We examined the effect of habitat and shrimp trawl bycatch on the density, size, growth, and mortality of inshore lizardfish (Synodus foetens), a nonexploited species that is among the most widespread and abundant benthic fishes in the north central Gulf of Mexico. Results of quarterly trawl sampling conducted from spring 2004 through spring 2005 revealed that inshore lizardfish are most abundant on sand habitat, but larger fish are more common on shell rubble habitat. There was no significant difference in fish density between habitats exposed to shrimp trawling on the open shelf versus those habitats within a permitted artificial reef zone that served as a de facto no-trawl area; this finding indicates that either inshore lizardfish experienced minimal effects from trawling or, more likely, that fish moved between trawled and nontrawled habitats. Exploitation ratio (bycatch mortality/total morality) estimates derived from catch curve analysis ranged from 0.43 inside the artificial reef zone to 0.55 outside the reef zone, thus indicating that inshore lizardfish are subject to significant fishing mortality in the north central Gulf of Mexico despite the lack of a directed fishery for the species. We infer from this result that effects of shrimp trawl bycatch may be significant at the population level for nonexploited species and that a broader ecosystem-scale examination of bycatch effects is warranted.


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Data on the trophic dynamics of fishes are needed for management of ecosystems such as Chesapeake Bay. Summer flounder (Paralichthys dentatus) are an abundant seasonal resident of the bay and have the potential to impact foodweb dynamics. Analyses of diet data for late juvenile and adult summer flounder collected from 2002−2006 in Chesapeake Bay were conducted to characterize the role of this flatfish in this estuary and to contribute to our understanding of summer flounder trophic dynamics throughout its range. Despite the diversity of prey, nearly half of the diet comprised mysid shrimp (Neomysis spp.) and bay anchovy (Anchoa mitchilli). Ontogenetic differences in diet and an increase in diet diversity with increasing fish size were documented. Temporal (inter- and intra-annual) changes were also detected, as well as trends in diet reflecting peaks in abundance and diversity of prey. The preponderance of fishes in the diet of summer flounder indicates that this species is an important piscivorous predator in Chesapeake Bay.


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A study was undertaken to assess the growth performance of brackishwater tiger shrimp, Penaeus monodon under monoculture in a hardwater seasonal pond in Tamil Nadu, India. A production of 209 kg/ha/110 days was attained at a low stocking density of 1.5/m2.


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The growth, mortality, and recruitment pattern of Penaeus californiensis were investigated using tail length (TL)-frequency data obtained from the Gulf of Guayaquil shrimp population. Computer-based methods of tail-frequency analysis Compleat ELEFAN software were used. Results obtained gave relatively high growth and mortality estimates for both males and females. The recruitment pattern indicated two pulses annually, one significantly larger than the other.


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Length frequency data of six sciaenids (Johnius macrorhynus, J. vogleri, Otolithes cuvieri, J. sina, Pennahia macrophthalamus, J. dussumieri) were collected from shrimp trawlers at New Ferry Wharf and Sasson Docks landing centers off Greater Mumbai (India). Growth parameters of these species were analyzed via modal progression analysis using Bhattacharya's method. Natural mortality (m) was estimated using Cushing's formula. Comparison of growth parameters was done using the 0' index. The growth parameters obtained were compared with the results of earlier growth studies which used other techniques. This study concludes that the growth parameters obtained are consistent with earlier estimates.


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The marine fisheries of Trinidad and Tobago are mainly artisanal and involve about 8,000 fishers. The main fishing gear used are the gillnets, the troll, the shrimp trawl, the fishpot and the industrial longline. Landings total approximately 14,000 t annually with Scomberomorus brasiliensis, shrimps and sharks being the most abundant in the landings. Assessment studies indicate overfishing and inferior marketing is an important issue. Underexploited resources include clupeiods, deep shell and slope resources, and lobsters. The shrimp trawl and longline by-catch are not fully utilized. Fishery legislation is mostly uotdated and a fisheries policy, including new legislation, is being developed to help solve the problems and effectively manage the fisheries.


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O ambiente marinho é um dos ecossistemas mais diversos e complexos em termos de biodiversidade. As condições químicas, físicas e biológicas desse ambiente favorecem a produção de uma variedade de substâncias pela biota, transformando os produtos naturais marinhos em um dos recursos promissores na pesquisa por novos compostos bioativos. O gênero Tubastraea (Scleractinia, Dendrophylliidae) inclui corais ahermatípicos que produzem compostos secundários bioativos em situações de competição. No estado do Rio de Janeiro são encontradas duas espécies invasoras desse gênero, Tubastraea coccinea e Tubastraea tagusensis. A primeira é amplamente distribuída nas águas tropicais do Atlântico e do Pacífico, e a segunda é nativa do leste do pacífico, ambas invasoras no Atlântico Sul. Este trabalho objetiva avaliar as atividades anti-inflamatória, antioxidante e toxicológica de extratos metanólicos de T. coccinea e T. tagusensis. As colônias de Tubastraea foram coletadas na Baía de Ilha Grande, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil e extraídas com metanol. A caracterização química foi realizada através da espectroscopia ultravioleta, visível e de infravermelho. Ação anti-inflamatória foi avaliada pelo modelo in vivo de edema em pata de camundongo induzido por carragenina. Atividade sequestrante de radicais livres foi avaliada pelo método do DPPH. Na avaliação toxicológica utilizamos o ensaio Salmonella/microssoma, na presença e ausência de ativação metabólica exógena, o teste in vitro de micronúcleo com células de macrófagos de rato e o teste de mortalidade com o microcrustáceo Artemia salina. Foi possível a distinção dos grupos químicos presentes nos extratos, com os resultados encontrados sendo corroborados com os presentes na literatura. Os extratos de ambas as espécies apresentaram inibição significativa no edema da pata nas doses testadas, em relação ao veículo. Ambos os extratos demonstraram capacidade pela captura do radical DPPH. Atividades citotóxica e mutagênica na ausência de metabolização exógena não foram observadas para as linhagens TA97, TA98 e TA102 nas duas espécies; para a TA100 o extrato de T. coccinea induziu citotoxidade na concentração de 50 g/placa. Os dois extratos induziram citotoxicidade na presença de metabolização exógena para a cepa TA98, tendo sido detectada também indução de mutagenicidade nesta linhagem para T. coccinea. Os extratos não foram capazes de induzir a formação de micronúcleos e não foram tóxicos para o microcrustáceo A. salina. A resposta inibitória do edema após 2 h da indução indica que os compostos presentes nos extratos atuam na segunda fase da inflamação, possivelmente pela inibição da produção de prostaglandinas. Os resultados sugerem que os extratos das espécies T. coccinea e T. tagusensis apresentam substâncias com potencial uso farmacológico, como agente anti-inflamatório e antioxidante.


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The effect of aquaculture, especially shrimp farming, on agriculture has caused heated debate among aquaculturists, agriculturists, and non-governmental organizations. As data on the negative impact of shrimp farming on adjacent rice fields are not available, a study was undertaken in rice fields skirting three shrimp farms: a semi-intensive farm; an extensive farm; and a semi-intensive farm with a buffer zone. The buffer zone was found to be helpful in preventing salinization of the adjacent agricultural fields and the Electrical Conductivity (EC) values (less than 1) reported were found to be harmless to the rice crop. Thus, aquaculture and agriculture can coexist in coastal areas if there are buffer zones in between.


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Some examples are given of integration of crustacean aquaculture into coastal rice farming in Vietnam. Freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii ) and marine shrimp culture integrated with coastal rice farming and crab (Scylla serrata ) culture in backyard ponds and ricefields are described.


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Microcohorts of white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, were sampled with a cast net at fortnightly intervals in the Mar Muerto Lagoon, Southern Mexico. Shrimp recruited to the lagoon throughout the sampling period (January to August 1993). Mean growth rates of microcohorts ranged from 0.21 to 1.21 mm total length (TL) per day. Juvenile shrimp mainly between the sizes of 70 to 80 mm TL emigrated from the lagoon. Growth and the onset of emigration appeared to be related to water salinity.