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Manganese nodules recovered in the Pacific Ocean by the U. S. Bureau of Mines and by DeepSea Ventures Ltd. are studied for their chemical composition using X microprobe and X-ray fluorescence methods.


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Seven Miocene Pacific Ocean Deep Sea Drilling Project sites from four different water masses (planktonic foraminiferal biogeographic regions) have been correlated using 18 prominent carbon isotopic events defined in the benthic foraminiferal delta13C records in DSDP Site 289. The correlations are based on the assumption that there are global or at least Pacific-wide controls on the delta13C of deep-water [HCO3]**-. Each of the individual delta13C records is correlated to Site 289 based on the shape of the curves in a manner analogous to that used to correlate sea-floor magnetic anomaly patterns. The results of this correlation experiment confirm that planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy and carbon isotopic stratigraphy are consistent within the tropical surface water mass and precise to +/-100,000 years. Correlations between surface water masses suggest that the precision of foraminiferal biostratigraphy is on the average less than +/-200,000 years due to the lack of cosmopolitan marker species and diachronism of species occurrences. Carbon isotope stratigraphy used in conjunction with biostratigraphy has the potential to provide an easily utilized, globally applicable, correlation tool (with an interregional precision of +/-100,000 years or better) as more continuous and undisturbed deep-sea sections become available as a result of the Hydraulic Piston Coring Program.


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Large variations exist between published mid-Cretaceous (late Barremian to early Turonian stages) seawater Sr-isotope stratigraphies; this has resulted in disparate interpretations of crustal production rates. We report on a detailed investigation of seawater Sr-isotope stratigraphy based on foraminifers and, where available, on inoceramid bivalves from 12 mid-Cretaceous Deep Sea Drilling Project and Ocean Drilling Program sections. The effects of diagenesis are assessed using scanning electron microscope observations and trace-elemental analyses, but are best distinguished by comparing the 87Sr/86Sr values of similar-age samples from different sites. Strontium-isotope analyses compiled from 9 of 12 sites that have detailed age control define one band of common values. This band is used as a composite curve, which presumably represents seawater 87Sr/86Sr values. The composite curve shows a "trough" of markedly lower 87Sr/86Sr values in the Aptian and early Albian stages, higher but constant values for the middle Albian-Cenomanian stages, followed by a decrease in 87Sr/86Sr values in the early Turonian. Variations between published mid-Cretaceous Sr-isotope records result from diagenetic alteration, analytical problems, and the diverse biostratigraphic approaches and assumptions used to estimate sample ages. When preexisting age data are made consistent, the composite record shows close similarities with data sets derived from measurements of macrofossils in land sections of Europe and North America. The interval of decreased 87Sr/86Sr values in the Aptian-Albian stages overlaps with the pulse of mid-plate volcanic activity that produced the Ontong Java, Manihiki, and Kerguelen Plateaus. The exact age and the shape of the trough, however, are consistent with increased spreading rates at oceanic ridges, given the existing data on the timing of mid-plate volcanic activity.


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DSDP 162 is located due north of DSDP 161 on the lower west flank of the East Pacific Rise about 3900 km west of the crest. It is in the Clarion-Clipperton block, about 80 km south of the Clarion Fracture Zone. The site lies at the extreme northern edge of the zone of thick sediments that parallels the equator in the Pacific and marks the region of high biological productivity.


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DSDP 159 is one of a series of sites in the eastern equatorial Pacific on the west flank of the East Pacific Rise. It was selected by the Pacific Site Selection Panel on the premise that if hydrothermal processes on the crest of the East Pacific Rise supply the transition metals, a broad zone of such deposits should be present immediately above basement over the entire flank of the Rise.


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This site was accidentally spudded on a small basement pinnacle and was abandoned when hard rock was reached within a few meters from the surface. The section penetrated consisted of coarse winnowed calcareous sand over thin chalk ooze resting on a hard crust of ferromanganese oxide presumably covering basalt.


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The preliminary planning and approach to site 13 were taken from the JOIDES Atlantic Advisory Panel Report and from a previous detailed survey of the site by R/V Vema of the Lamont Geological Observatory. Several CSP profiles crossing the selected site in various directions show an uplifted portion of the sea floor roughly circular in shape of about 10 kilometers in diameter. In contrast to the smooth bottom of the surrounding abyssal plain, the topography of the small rise selected for the site has a small-scale roughness of amplitude of 40 to 80 meters. The work reported here is a biostratigraphic summary of available samples. Only the most important and biostratigraphically significant components of the faunas have been noted. No attempt has been made to give an exhaustive faunal analysis of the samples seen.