981 resultados para Semiconductor quantum dots


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Efficient coupling of light to quantum emitters, such as atoms, molecules or quantum dots, is one of the great challenges in current research. The interaction can be strongly enhanced by coupling the emitter to the eva-nescent field of subwavelength dielectric waveguides that offer strong lateral confinement of the guided light. In this context subwavelength diameter optical nanofibers as part of a tapered optical fiber (TOF) have proven to be powerful tool which also provide an efficient transfer of the light from the interaction region to an optical bus, that is to say, from the nanofiber to an optical fiber. rnAnother approach towards enhancing light–matter interaction is to employ an optical resonator in which the light is circulating and thus passes the emitters many times. Here, both approaches are combined by experi-mentally realizing a microresonator with an integrated nanofiber waist. This is achieved by building a fiber-integrated Fabry-Pérot type resonator from two fiber Bragg grating mirrors with a stop-band near the cesium D2-line wavelength. The characteristics of this resonator fulfill the requirements of nonlinear optics, optical sensing, and cavity quantum electrodynamics in the strong-coupling regime. Together with its advantageous features, such as a constant high coupling strength over a large volume, tunability, high transmission outside the mirror stop band, and a monolithic design, this resonator is a promising tool for experiments with nanofiber-coupled atomic ensembles in the strong-coupling regime. rnThe resonator's high sensitivity to the optical properties of the nanofiber provides a probe for changes of phys-ical parameters that affect the guided optical mode, e.g., the temperature via the thermo-optic effect of silica. Utilizing this detection scheme, the thermalization dynamics due to far-field heat radiation of a nanofiber is studied over a large temperature range. This investigation provides, for the first time, a measurement of the total radiated power of an object with a diameter smaller than all absorption lengths in the thermal spectrum at the level of a single object of deterministic shape and material. The results show excellent agreement with an ab initio thermodynamic model that considers heat radiation as a volumetric effect and that takes the emitter shape and size relative to the emission wavelength into account. Modeling and investigating the thermalization of microscopic objects with arbitrary shape from first principles is of fundamental interest and has important applications, such as heat management in nano-devices or radiative forcing of aerosols in Earth's climate system. rnUsing a similar method, the effect of the TOF's mechanical modes on the polarization and phase of the fiber-guided light is studied. The measurement results show that in typical TOFs these quantities exhibit high-frequency thermal fluctuations. They originate from high-Q torsional oscillations that couple to the nanofiber-guided light via the strain-optic effect. An ab-initio opto-mechanical model of the TOF is developed that provides an accurate quantitative prediction for the mode spectrum and the mechanically induced polarization and phase fluctuations. These high-frequency fluctuations may limit the ultimate ideality of fiber-coupling into photonic structures. Furthermore, first estimations show that they may currently limit the storage time of nanofiber-based atom traps. The model, on the other hand, provides a method to design TOFs with tailored mechanical properties in order to meet experimental requirements. rn


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In order to understand how nanoparticles (NPs <100 nm) interact with cellular systems, potentially causing adverse effects, it is important to be able to detect and localize them within cells. Due to the small size of NPs, transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is an appropriate technique to use for visualizing NPs inside cells, since light microscopy fails to resolve them at a single particle level. However, the presence of other cellular and non-cellular nano-sized structures in TEM cell samples, which may resemble NPs in size, morphology and electron density, can obstruct the precise intracellular identification of NPs. Therefore, elemental analysis is recommended to confirm the presence of NPs inside the cell. The present study highlights the necessity to perform elemental analysis, specifically energy filtering TEM, to confirm intracellular NP localization using the example of quantum dots (QDs). Recently, QDs have gained increased attention due to their fluorescent characteristics, and possible applications for biomedical imaging have been suggested. Nevertheless, potential adverse effects cannot be excluded and some studies point to a correlation between intracellular particle localization and toxic effects. J774.A1 murine macrophage-like cells were exposed to NH2 polyethylene (PEG) QDs and elemental co-localization analysis of two elements present in the QDs (sulfur and cadmium) was performed on putative intracellular QDs with electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI). Both elements were shown on a single particle level and QDs were confirmed to be located inside intracellular vesicles. Nevertheless, ESI analysis showed that not all nano-sized structures, initially identified as QDs, were confirmed. This observation emphasizes the necessity to perform elemental analysis when investigating intracellular NP localization using TEM.


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The addition of a ZnS shell to CdSe and CdS quantum dot cores was explored using various methods. Spectrophotometry was used to assess the success of ZnS overcoating, which produces both an increase in overall fluorescence and decrease in particle size distribution. A new method was developed, involving preheating of the zinc and sulfide precursor solutions, resulting in CdSe(ZnS) particles with improved fluorescence and a more uniform shell coating from oleylamine-capped CdSe core particles.


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This study investigated the uptake, kinetics and cellular distribution of different surface coated quantum dots (QDs) before relating this to their toxicity. J774.A1 cells were treated with organic, COOH and NH2 (PEG) surface coated QDs (40 nM). Model 20 nm and 200 nm COOH-modified coated polystyrene beads (PBs) were also examined (50 microg ml(-1)). The potential for uptake of QDs was examined by both fixed and live cell confocal microscopy as well as by flow cytometry over 2 h. Both the COOH 20 nm and 200 nm PBs were clearly and rapidly taken up by the J774.A1 cells, with uptake of 20 nm PBs being relatively quicker and more extensive. Similarly, COOH QDs were clearly taken up by the macrophages. Uptake of NH2 (PEG) QDs was not detectable by live cell imaging however, was observed following 3D reconstruction of fixed cells, as well as by flow cytometry. Cells treated with organic QDs, monitored by live cell imaging, showed only a small amount of uptake in a relatively small number of cells. This uptake was insufficient to be detected by flow cytometry. Imaging of fixed cells was not possible due to a loss in cell integrity related to cytotoxicity. A significant reduction (p<0.05) in the fluorescent intensity in a cell-free environment was found with organic QDs, NH2 (PEG) QDs, 20 nm and 200 nm PBs at pH 4.0 (indicative of an endosome) after 2 h, suggesting reduced stability. No evidence of exocytosis was found over 2 h. These findings confirm that surface coating has a significant influence on the mode of NP interaction with cells, as well as the subsequent consequences of that interaction.


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Renewable energy is growing in demand, and thus the the manufacture of solar cells and photovoltaic arrays has advanced dramatically in recent years. This is proved by the fact that the photovoltaic production has doubled every 2 years, increasing by an average of 48% each year since 2002. Covering the general overview of solar cell working, and its model, this thesis will start with the three generations of photovoltaic solar cell technology, and move to the motivation of dedicating research to nanostructured solar cell. For the current generation solar cells, among several factors, like photon capture, photon reflection, carrier generation by photons, carrier transport and collection, the efficiency also depends on the absorption of photons. The absorption coefficient,α, and its dependence on the wavelength, λ, is of major concern to improve the efficiency. Nano-silicon structures (quantum wells and quantum dots) have a unique advantage compared to bulk and thin film crystalline silicon that multiple direct and indirect band gaps can be realized by appropriate size control of the quantum wells. This enables multiple wavelength photons of the solar spectrum to be absorbed efficiently. There is limited research on the calculation of absorption coefficient in nano structures of silicon. We present a theoretical approach to calculate the absorption coefficient using quantum mechanical calculations on the interaction of photons with the electrons of the valence band. One model is that the oscillator strength of the direct optical transitions is enhanced by the quantumconfinement effect in Si nanocrystallites. These kinds of quantum wells can be realized in practice in porous silicon. The absorption coefficient shows a peak of 64638.2 cm-1 at = 343 nm at photon energy of ξ = 3.49 eV ( = 355.532 nm). I have shown that a large value of absorption coefficient α comparable to that of bulk silicon is possible in silicon QDs because of carrier confinement. Our results have shown that we can enhance the absorption coefficient by an order of 10, and at the same time a nearly constant absorption coefficient curve over the visible spectrum. The validity of plots is verified by the correlation with experimental photoluminescence plots. A very generic comparison for the efficiency of p-i-n junction solar cell is given for a cell incorporating QDs and sans QDs. The design and fabrication technique is discussed in brief. I have shown that by using QDs in the intrinsic region of a cell, we can improve the efficiency by a factor of 1.865 times. Thus for a solar cell of efficiency of 26% for first generation solar cell, we can improve the efficiency to nearly 48.5% on using QDs.


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Bone marrow is a target organ site involved in multiple diseases including myeloproliferative disorders and hematologic malignancies and metastases from breast and prostate. Most of these diseases are characterized with poor quality of life, and the treatment options are only palliative due to lack of delivery mechanisms for systemically injected drugs which results in dose limitation to protect the healthy hematopoietic cells. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop effective therapeutic strategies that allow for selective delivery of therapeutic payload to the bone marrow. Nanotechnology-based drug delivery systems provide the opportunity to deliver drugs to the target tissue while decreasing exposure to normal tissues. E-selectin is constitutively expressed on the bone marrow vasculature, but almost absent in normal vessels, and therefore, E-selectin targeted drug delivery presents an ideal strategy for the delivery of therapeutic nanoparticles to the bone marrow. The objective of this study was to develop a novel bone marrow targeted multistage vector (MSV) via E-selectin for delivery of therapeutics and imaging agents. To achieve this goal, Firstly, an E-selectin thioaptamer (ESTA) ligand was identified through a two-step screening from a combinatorial thioaptamer library. Next, ESTA-conjugated MSV (ESTA-MSV) were developed and evaluated for their stability and binding to E-selectin expressing endothelial cells. Different types of nanoparticles including liposomes, quantum dots, and iron oxide nanoparticles were loaded into the porous structure of ESTA-MSV. In vivo targeting experiments demonstrated 8-fold higher accumulation of ESTA-MSV in the mouse bone marrow as compared to non-targeted MSV Furthermore, intravenous injection of liposomes loaded ESTA-MSV resulted in a significantly higher accumulation of liposome in the bone marrow space as compared to injection of non-targeted MSV or liposomes alone. Overall this study provides first evidence that E-selectin targeted multistage vector preferentially targets to bone marrow vasculature and delivers larger amounts of nanoparticles. This delivery strategy holds potential for the selective delivery of large amounts of therapeutic payload to the vascular niches in the bone marrow for the treatment of bone marrow associated diseases.


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While cancer is one of the greatest challenges to public health care, prostate cancer was chosen as cancer model to develop a more accurate imaging assessment than those currently available. Indeed, an efficient imaging technique which considerably improves the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic and predicting the cancer behavior would be extremely valuable. The concept of optoacoustic imaging using home-made functionalized gold nanoparticles coupled to an antibody targeting PSMA (prostate specific membrane antigen) was evaluated on different cancer cell lines to demonstrate the specificity of the designed platform. Two commonly used microscopy techniques (indirect fluorescence and scanning electron microscopy) showed their straightforwardness and versatility for the nanoparticle binding investigations regardless the composition of the investigated nanoobjects. Moreover most of the research laboratories and centers are equipped with fluorescence microscopes, so indirect fluorescence using Quantum dots can be used for any active targeting nanocarriers (polymers, ceramics, metals, etc.). The second technique based on backscattered electron is not only limited to gold nanoparticles but also suits for any study of metallic nanoparticles as the electronic density difference between the nanoparticles and binding surface stays high enough. Optoacoustic imaging was finally performed on a 3D cellular model to assess and prove the concept of the developed platform.


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The optical and luminescence properties of CaI2 and NaCl doped with divalent thulium are reported for solar energy applications. These halides strongly absorb solar light from the UV up to 900 nm due to the intense Tm2+ 4f13→4f125d1 electronic transitions. Absorption is followed by emission of 1140 nm light due to the 2F5/2→2F7/2 transition of the 4f13 configuration that can be efficiently converted to electric power by thin film CuInSe2 (CIS) solar cells. Because of a negligible spectral overlap between absorption and emission spectra, a luminescent solar concentrator (LSC) based on these black luminescent materials would not suffer from self-absorption losses. The Tm2+ doped halides may therefore lead to efficient semi-transparent power generating windows that absorb solar light over the whole visible spectrum. It will be shown that the power efficiency of the Tm2+ based LSCs can be up to four times higher compared to LSCs based on organic dyes or quantum dots.


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This doctoral thesis explores some of the possibilities that near-field optics can bring to photovoltaics, and in particular to quantum-dot intermediate band solar cells (QD-IBSCs). Our main focus is the analytical optimization of the electric field distribution produced in the vicinity of single scattering particles, in order to produce the highest possible absorption enhancement in the photovoltaic medium in their surroundings. Near-field scattering structures have also been fabricated in laboratory, allowing the application of the previously studied theoretical concepts to real devices. We start by looking into the electrostatic scattering regime, which is only applicable to sub-wavelength sized particles. In this regime it was found that metallic nano-spheroids can produce absorption enhancements of about two orders of magnitude on the material in their vicinity, due to their strong plasmonic resonance. The frequency of such resonance can be tuned with the shape of the particles, allowing us to match it with the optimal transition energies of the intermediate band material. Since these metallic nanoparticles (MNPs) are to be inserted inside the cell photovoltaic medium, they should be coated by a thin insulating layer to prevent electron-hole recombination at their surface. This analysis is then generalized, using an analytical separation-of-variables method implemented in Mathematica7.0, to compute scattering by spheroids of any size and material. This code allowed the study of the scattering properties of wavelengthsized particles (mesoscopic regime), and it was verified that in this regime dielectric spheroids perform better than metallic. The light intensity scattered from such dielectric spheroids can have more than two orders of magnitude than the incident intensity, and the focal region in front of the particle can be shaped in several ways by changing the particle geometry and/or material. Experimental work was also performed in this PhD to implement in practice the concepts studied in the analysis of sub-wavelength MNPs. A wet-coating method was developed to self-assemble regular arrays of colloidal MNPs on the surface of several materials, such as silicon wafers, amorphous silicon films, gallium arsenide and glass. A series of thermal and chemical tests have been performed showing what treatments the nanoparticles can withstand for their embedment in a photovoltaic medium. MNPs arrays are then inserted in an amorphous silicon medium to study the effect of their plasmonic near-field enhancement on the absorption spectrum of the material. The self-assembled arrays of MNPs constructed in these experiments inspired a new strategy for fabricating IBSCs using colloidal quantum dots (CQDs). Such CQDs can be deposited in self-assembled monolayers, using procedures similar to those developed for the patterning of colloidal MNPs. The use of CQDs to form the intermediate band presents several important practical and physical advantages relative to the conventional dots epitaxially grown by the Stranski-Krastanov method. Besides, this provides a fast and inexpensive method for patterning binary arrays of QDs and MNPs, envisioned in the theoretical part of this thesis, in which the MNPs act as antennas focusing the light in the QDs and therefore boosting their absorption


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To achieve high efficiency, the intermediate band (IB) solar cell must generate photocurrent from sub-bandgap photons at a voltage higher than that of a single contributing sub-bandgap photon. To achieve the latter, it is necessary that the IB levels be properly isolated from the valence and conduction bands. We prove that this is not the case for IB cells formed with the confined levels of InAs quantum dots (QDs) in GaAs grown so far due to the strong density of internal thermal photons at the transition energies involved. To counteract this, the QD must be smaller.


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The development of high efficiency laser diodes (LD) and light emitting diodes (LED) covering the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region of the spectra using GaAs heteroepitaxy has been long pursued. Due to the lack of materials that can be grown lattice-macthed to GaAs with bandgaps in the 1.0 to 1.55 μm region, quantum wells (QW) or quantum dots (QD) need be used. The most successful approach with QWs has been to use InGaAs, but one needs to add another element, such as N, to be able to reach 1.3/1.5μm. Even though LDs have been successfully demonstrated with the QW approach, using N leads to problems with compositional homogeneity across the wafer, and limited efficiency due to strong non-radiative recombination. The alternative approach of using InAs QDs is an attractive option, but once again, to reach the longest wavelengths one needs very large QDs and control over the size distribution and band alignment. In this work we demonstrate InAs/GaAsSb QDLEDs with high efficiencies, emitting from 1.1 to 1.52 μm, and we analyze the band alignment and carrier loss mechanisms that result from the presence of Sb in the capping layer.


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We demonstrate site-controlled growth of epitaxial Ag nanocrystals on patterned GaAs substrates by molecular beam epitaxy with high degree of long-range uniformity. The alignment is based on lithographically defined holes in which position controlled InAs quantum dots are grown. The Ag nanocrystals self-align preferentially on top of the InAs quantum dots. No such ordering is observed in the absence of InAs quantum dots, proving that the ordering is strain-driven. The presented technique facilitates the placement of active plasmonic nanostructures at arbitrarily defined positions enabling their integration into complex devices and plasmonic circuits.


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The behavior of quantum dot, quantum wire, and quantum well InAs/GaAs solar cells is studied with a very simplified model based on experimental results in order to assess their performance as a function of the low bandgap material volume fraction fLOW. The efficiency of structured devices is found to exceed the efficiency of a non-structured GaAs cell, in particular under concentration, when fLOW is high; this condition is easier to achieve with quantum wells. If three different quasi Fermi levels appear with quantum dots the efficiency can be much higher.


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We report growth of InAs/GaAs quantum dots (QDs) by molecular beam epitaxy with low density of 2 μm−2 by conversion of In nanocrystals deposited at low temperatures. The total amount of InAs used is about one monolayer, which is less than the critical thickness for conventional Stranski–Krastanov QDs. We also demonstrate the importance of the starting surface reconstruction for obtaining uniform QDs. The QD emission wavelength is easily tunable upon post-growth annealing with no wetting layer signal visible for short anneals. Microphotoluminescence measurements reveal well separated and sharp emission lines of individual QDs.


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The concept of "intermediate band solar cell" (IBSC) is, apparently, simple to grasp. However, since the idea was proposed, our understanding has improved and we feel now that we can explain better some concepts than we initially introduced. Clarifying these concepts is important, even if they are well-known for the advanced researcher, so that efforts can be driven in the right direction from start. The six pieces of this work are: Does a miniband need to be formed when the IBSC is implemented with quantum dots?; What are the problems of each of the main practical approaches that exist today? What are the simplest experimental techniques to demonstrate whether an IBSC is working as such or not? What is the issue with the absorption coefficient overlap? and Mott's transition? What the best system would be, if any?