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An important first step in spray combustion simulation is an accurate determination of the fuel properties which affects the modelling of spray formation and reaction. In a practical combustion simulation, the implementation of a multicomponent model is important in capturing the relative volatility of different fuel components. A Discrete Multicomponent (DM) model is deemed to be an appropriate candidate to model a composite fuel like biodiesel which consists of four components of fatty acid methyl esters (FAME). In this paper, the DM model is compared with the traditional Continuous Thermodynamics (CTM) model for both diesel and biodiesel. The CTM model is formulated based on mixing rules that incorporate the physical and thermophysical properties of pure components into a single continuous surrogate for the composite fuel. The models are implemented within the open-source CFD code OpenFOAM, and a semi-quantitative comparison is made between the predicted spray-combustion characteristics and optical measurements of a swirl-stabilised flame of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model performs better than the CTM model in predicting a higher magnitude of heat release rate in the top flame brush region of the biodiesel flame compared to that of the diesel flame. Using both the DM and CTM models, the simulation successfully reproduces the droplet size, volume flux, and droplet density profiles of diesel and biodiesel. The DM model predicts a longer spray penetration length for biodiesel compared to that of diesel, as seen in the experimental data. Also, the DM model reproduces a segregated biodiesel fuel vapour field and spray in which the most abundant FAME component has the longest vapour penetration. In the biodiesel flame, the relative abundance of each fuel component is found to dominate over the relative volatility in terms of the vapour species distribution and vice versa in the liquid species distribution. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The cDNA of growth hormone receptor (GHR) was cloned from the liver of 2-year common carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and rapid amplification of cDNA end (RACE). Its open reading frame (ORF) of 1806 nucleotides is translated into a putative peptide of 602 amino acids, including an extracellular ligand-binding domain of 244 amino acids (aa), a single transmembrane domain of 24 aa and an intracellular signal-transduction domain of 334 aa. Sequence analysis indicated that common carp GHR is highly homologous to goldfish (Carassius auratus) GHR at both gene and protein levels. Using a pair of gene-specific primers, a GHR fragment was amplified from the cDNA of 2-year common carp, a 224 bp product was identified in liver and a 321 bp product in other tissues. The sequencing of the products and the partial genomic DNA indicated that the difference in product size was the result of a 97 bp intron that alternatively spliced. In addition, the 321 bp fragment could be amplified from all the tissues of 4-month common carp including liver, demonstrating the occurrence of the alternative splicing of this intron during the development of common carp. Moreover, a semi-quantitative RT-PCR was performed to analyze the expression level of GHR in tissues of 2-year common carp and 4-month common carp. The result revealed that in the tissues of gill, thymus and brain, the expression level of GHR in 2-year common carp was significantly tower than that of 4-month common carp.


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Source levels of echolocating free-ranging Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis) were calculated using a range estimated by measuring the time delays of the signals via the surface and bottom reflection paths to the hydrophone, relative to the direct signal. Peak-to-peak source levels for finless porpoise were from 163.7 to 185.6 dB re:1 mu Pa. The source levels are highly range dependent and varied approximately as a function of the one-way transmission loss for signals traveling from the animals to the hydrophone. (c) 2006 Acoustical Society of America.


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This paper discusses the use of a university spin-out firm to bring a potentially disruptive technology to market. The focus for discussion is how a spin-out can build a technology ecosystem of providers of complementary resources to enable partner organizations to build competence in a novel and potentially disruptive technology. The paper uses the illustrative case of Cambridge Display Technology Ltd (CDT) to consider these issues from the perspective of the literature on open innovation (with particular emphasis on the role of partnerships between start-ups and established firms), the commercialization of university IP, and the commercialization of disruptive technologies. © World Scientific Publishing Company.


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© 2014 IEEE. This exploratory study addresses a gap in management literature by addressing the role of location in the continuously expanding field of open innovation research. In this context, we analyze potential negative effects of absolute geography and relative proximity on open innovation practices in high-tech small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Kingdom. Drawing upon cluster theory and business ecosystem literature, the analysis from three SME case studies in the East of England suggests that presumed 'favorable' location variables, such as close relative proximity between partners and the presence of economic clusters, can have certain negative effects on open innovation practices.


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Five-micron thick freestanding Si cantilevers were fabricated on bulk Si (1 1 1) substrates with surface/bulk micromachining (SBM) process. Then 1-mu m thick GaN layers were deposited on the Si cantilevers by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Epilayers on cantilever areas were obtained crack-free, and the photoluminescence (PL) spectra verified the stress reduction and better material quality in these suspended parts of GaN. Back sides of the cantilevers were also covered with GaN layers, which prevented the composite beams from bending dramatically. This paper had proved the feasibility of integrating high-quality GaN epilayers with Si micromechanical structures to realize GaN-based micro electro-mechanical system (MEMS). (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We propose and simulate a new kind of compact polarizing beam splitter (PBS) based on a photonic crystal ring resonator (PCRR) with complete photonic bandgaps. The two polarized states are separated far enough by resonant and nonresonant coupling between the waveguide modes and the microring modes. Some defect holes are utilized to control the beam propagation. The simulated results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that high transmission (over 95%) is obtained and the polarization separation is realized with a length as short as 3.1 mu m. The design of the proposed PBS can be flexible, thanks to the advantages of PCRRs.


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We investigate numerically the self-imaging effect in a system of multiple coupled photonic crystal waveguides (M-CPCWs) with asymmetric coupling. Then two couplers of 2-CPCWs and 3-CPCWs are cascaded to form an ultracompact triplexer by employing coupling and decoupling of M-CPCWs. The wavelength of 1310 nm propagates along the input direction because the M-CPCWs are decoupled at the same decoupling frequency. The other two wavelengths (1490 and 1550 nm) are separated by combining multimode interference and the dual mode coupling effect. Only by introducing a single defect near the crossing point between two output photonic crystal waveguides (PCWs) are the high extinction ratios for the three wavelengths achieved simultaneously.


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We propose an ultracompact triplexer based on a shift of the cutoff frequency of the fundamental mode in a planar photonic crystal waveguide (PCW) with a triangular lattice of air holes. The shift is realized by modifying the radii of the border holes adjacent to the PCW core. Some defect holes are introduced to control the beam propagation. The numerical results obtained by the finite-difference time-domain method show that the presented triplexer can separate three specific wavelengths, i.e. 1310, 1490 and 1550 nm with the extinction ratios higher than - 18 dB. The designed device with a size as compact as 12 mu m x 6.5 mu m is feasible for the practical application, and can be utilized in the system of fiber to the home.


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A computer program, QtUCP, has been developed based on several well-established algorithms using GCC 4.0 and Qt (R) 4.0 (Open Source Edition) under Debian GNU/Linux 4.0r0. it can determine the unit-cell parameters from an electron diffraction tilt series obtained from both double-tilt and rotation-tilt holders. In this approach, two or more primitive cells of the reciprocal lattice are determined from experimental data, in the meantime, the measurement errors of the tilt angles are checked and minimized. Subsequently, the derived primitive cells are converted into the reduced form and then transformed into the reduced direct primitive cell. Finally all the patterns are indexed and the least-squares refinement is employed to obtain the optimized results of the lattice parameters. Finally, two examples are given to show the application of the program, one is based on the experiment, the other is from the simulation. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Current fluctuations can provide additional insight into quantum transport in mesoscopic systems. The present work is carried out for the fluctuation properties of transport through a pair of coupled quantum dots which are connected with ferromagnetic electrodes. Based on an efficient particle-number-resolved master equation approach, we are concerned with not only fluctuations of the total charge and spin currents, but also of each individual spin-dependent component. As a result of competition among the spin polarization, Coulomb interaction, and dot-dot tunnel coupling, rich behaviors are found for the self- and mutual-correlation functions of the spin-dependent currents.


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The electronic structure and Lande electron g-factors of manganese-doped HgTe quantum spheres are investigated, in the framework of the eight-band effective-mass model and the mean-field approximation. It is found that the electronic structure evolves continuously from the zero-gap configuration to an open-gap configuration with decreasing radius. The size dependence of electron g-factors is calculated with different Mn-doped effective concentration, magnetic field, and temperature values, respectively. It is found that the variations of electron g-factors are quite different for small and large quantum spheres, due to the strong exchange-induced interaction and spin-orbit coupling in the narrow-gap DMS nanocrystals. The electron g-factors are zero at a critical point of spherical radius R-c; however, by modulating the nanocrystal size their absolute values can be turned to be even 400 times larger than those in undoped cases. Copyright (c) EPLA, 2008.


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InGaN photovoltaic structures with p-n junctions have been fabricated by metal organic chemical vapour deposition. Using double-crystal X-ray diffraction measurements, it was found that the room temperature band gaps of p-InGaN and n-InGaN films were 2.7 and 2.8 eV, respectively. Values of 3.4 x 10(-2) mA cm(-2) short-circuit current, 0.43 V open-circuit voltage and 0.57 fill factor have been achieved under ultraviolet illumination (360 nm), which were related to p-n junction connected back-to-back with a Schottky barrier and many defects of the p-InGaN film. 2007 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.