988 resultados para Segmental blocks


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In most recent substructuring methods, a fundamental role is played by the coarse space. For some of these methods (e.g. BDDC and FETI-DP), its definition relies on a 'minimal' set of coarse nodes (sometimes called corners) which assures invertibility of local subdomain problems and also of the global coarse problem. This basic set is typically enhanced by enforcing continuity of functions at some generalized degrees of freedom, such as average values on edges or faces of subdomains. We revisit existing algorithms for selection of corners. The main contribution of this paper consists of proposing a new heuristic algorithm for this purpose. Considering faces as the basic building blocks of the interface, inherent parallelism, and better robustness with respect to disconnected subdomains are among features of the new technique. The advantages of the presented algorithm in comparison to some earlier approaches are demonstrated on three engineering problems of structural analysis solved by the BDDC method.


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Abstract—There are sometimes occasions when ultrasound beamforming is performed with only a subset of the total data that will eventually be available. The most obvious example is a mechanically-swept (wobbler) probe in which the three-dimensional data block is formed from a set of individual B-scans. In these circumstances, non-blind deconvolution can be used to improve the resolution of the data. Unfortunately, most of these situations involve large blocks of three-dimensional data. Furthermore, the ultrasound blur function varies spatially with distance from the transducer. These two facts make the deconvolution process time-consuming to implement. This paper is about ways to address this problem and produce spatially-varying deconvolution of large blocks of three-dimensional data in a matter of seconds. We present two approaches, one based on hardware and the other based on software. We compare the time they each take to achieve similar results and discuss the computational resources and form of blur model that each requires.


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Atmospheric effects can significantly degrade the reliability of free-space optical communications. One such effect is scintillation, caused by atmospheric turbulence, refers to random fluctuations in the irradiance and phase of the received laser beam. In this paper we inv stigate the use of multiple lasers and multiple apertures to mitigate scintillation. Since the scintillation process is slow, we adopt a block fading channel model and study the outage probability under the assumptions of orthogonal pulse-position modulation and non-ideal photodetection. Assuming perfect receiver channel state information (CSI), we derive the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) exponents for the cases when the scintillation is lognormal, exponential and gammagamma distributed, which cover a wide range of atmospheric turbulence conditions. Furthermore, when CSI is also available at the transmitter, we illustrate very large gains in SNR are possible (in some cases larger than 15 dB) by adapting the transmitted power. Under a long-term power constraint, we outline fundamental design criteria via a simple expression that relates the required number of lasers and apertures for a given code rate and number of codeword blocks to completely remove system outages. Copyright © 2009 IEEE.


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We present algorithms for tracking and reasoning of local traits in the subsystem level based on the observed emergent behavior of multiple coordinated groups in potentially cluttered environments. Our proposed Bayesian inference schemes, which are primarily based on (Markov chain) Monte Carlo sequential methods, include: 1) an evolving network-based multiple object tracking algorithm that is capable of categorizing objects into groups, 2) a multiple cluster tracking algorithm for dealing with prohibitively large number of objects, and 3) a causality inference framework for identifying dominant agents based exclusively on their observed trajectories.We use these as building blocks for developing a unified tracking and behavioral reasoning paradigm. Both synthetic and realistic examples are provided for demonstrating the derived concepts. © 2013 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


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High-power converters usually need longer dead-times than their lower-power counterparts and a lower switching frequency. Also due to the complicated assembly layout and severe variations in parasitics, in practice the conventional dead-time specific adjustment or compensation for high-power converters is less effective, and usually this process is time-consuming and bespoke. For general applications, minimising or eliminating dead-time in the gate drive technology is a desirable solution. With the growing acceptance of power electronics building blocks (PEBB) and intelligent power modules (IPM), gate drives with intelligent functions are in demand. Smart functions including dead time elimination/minimisation can improve modularity, flexibility and reliability. In this paper, a dead-time minimisation using Active Voltage Control (AVC) gate drive is presented. © 2012 IEEE.


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脊椎动物在胚胎发育的过程中沿身体前后轴形成一定数目的暂时性结构-体节(somite),随着胚胎的继续发育每个体节分化成为生骨区、生皮区和生肌区,继而生成各种组织。近30年来,研究者们就体节的发生和分化提出了多种解释模型,这包括时钟波峰模型、反应扩散模型、时钟诱导模型、时钟痕迹模型等,这些模型从不同角度不同程度解释了动物体节发生和分化的不同现象。尽管每个模型仍然存在一些不足,但大多提出了时钟分节(segmental clock)这一概念。对鸡的c-hairy1和c-hairy2、鸡和小鼠的l-fng以及斑马


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Background: Bradykinesia is a cardinal feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). Despite its disabling impact, the precise cause of this symptom remains elusive. Recent thinking suggests that bradykinesia may be more than simply a manifestation of motor slowness, and may in part reflect a specific deficit in the operation of motivational vigour in the striatum. In this paper we test the hypothesis that movement time in PD can be modulated by the specific nature of the motivational salience of possible action-outcomes. Methodology/Principal Findings: We developed a novel movement time paradigm involving winnable rewards and avoidable painful electrical stimuli. The faster the subjects performed an action the more likely they were to win money (in appetitive blocks) or to avoid a painful shock (in aversive blocks). We compared PD patients when OFF dopaminergic medication with controls. Our key finding is that PD patients OFF dopaminergic medication move faster to avoid aversive outcomes (painful electric shocks) than to reap rewarding outcomes (winning money) and, unlike controls, do not speed up in the current trial having failed to win money in the previous one. We also demonstrate that sensitivity to distracting stimuli is valence specific. Conclusions/Significance: We suggest this pattern of results can be explained in terms of low dopamine levels in the Parkinsonian state leading to an insensitivity to appetitive outcomes, and thus an inability to modulate movement speed in the face of rewards. By comparison, sensitivity to aversive stimuli is relatively spared. Our findings point to a rarely described property of bradykinesia in PD, namely its selective regulation by everyday outcomes. © 2012 Shiner et al.


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We demonstrate the fabrication of horizontally aligned carbon nanotube (HA-CNT) networks by spatially programmable folding, which is induced by self-directed liquid infiltration of vertical CNTs. Folding is caused by a capillary buckling instability and is predicted by the elastocapillary buckling height, which scales with the wall thickness as t(3/2). The folding direction is controlled by incorporating folding initiators at the ends of the CNT walls, and the initiators cause a tilt during densification which precedes buckling. By patterning these initiators and specifying the wall geometry, we control the dimensions of HA-CNT patches over 2 orders of magnitude and realize multilayered and multidirectional assemblies. Multidirectional HA-CNT patterns are building blocks for custom design of nanotextured surfaces and flexible circuits.


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The effect of displaying cytochromes from an amyloid fibre is modelled as perturbation of -strands in a bilayer of helical -sheets, thereby explaining the spiral morphology of decorated amyloid and the dynamic response of morphology to cytochrome conformation. The morphology of the modelled fibre, which consists of minimal energy assemblies of rigid building blocks containing two anisotropic interacting units, depends primarily on the rigid constraints between units rather than the soft interactions between them. The framework is a discrete version of the bilayered frustration principle that drives morphology in Bauhinia seedpods. We show that self-assembly of frustrated long range structures can occur if the building blocks themselves are internally frustrated, e.g. amyloid morphology is governed by the conformation of the misfolded protein nucleating the fibre. Our model supports the idea that any peptide sequence can form amyloid if bilayers can form first, albeit stabilised by additional material such as chaperones or cytochromes. Analysis of experimentally derived amyloid structures supports our conclusions and suggests a range of frustration effects, which natural amyloid fibres may exploit. From this viewpoint, amyloid appears as a molecular example of a more general universal bilayered frustration principle, which may have profound implications for materials design using fibrous systems. Our model provides quantitative guidance for such applications. The relevance to longer length scales was proved by designing the morphology of a series of macroscopic magnetic stacks. Finally, this work leads to the idea of mixing controlled morphologically defined species to generate higher-order assembly and complex functional behaviour. The systematic kinking of decorated fibres and the nested frustration of the Bauhinia seed pod are two outstanding examples.


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Reactive magnesia (MgO) cements have emerged as a potentially more sustainable and technically superior alternative to Portland cement due to their lower production temperature and ability to sequester significant quantities of CO2. Porous blocks containing MgO were found to achieve higher strength values than PC blocks. A number of variables are investigated to achieve maximum carbonation and associated high strengths. This paper focuses on the impact of four different hydrated magnesium carbonates (HMCs) as cement replacements of either 20 or 50%. Accelerated carbonation (20 C, 70-90% RH, 20% CO2) is compared with natural curing (20 C, 60-70% RH, ambient CO2). SEM, TG/DTA, XRD, and HCl acid digestion are utilized to provide a thorough understanding of the performance of MgO-cement porous blocks. The presence of HMCs resulted in the formation of larger size carbonation products with a different morphology than those in the control mix, leading to significantly enhanced carbonation and strength. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Deaths from microcystin toxication have widely been attributed to hypovolemic shock due to hepatic interstitial hemorrhage, while some recent studies suggest that cardiogenic complication is also involved. So far, information on cardiotoxic effects of MC has been rare and the underlying mechanism is still puzzling. The present study examined toxic effects of microcystins on heart muscle of rats intravenously injected with extracted MC at two doses, 0.16LD(50) (14 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight) and 1LD(50) (87 mu g MC-LReq kg(-1) body weight). In the dead rats, both TTC staining and maximum elevations of troponin I levels confirmed myocardial infarction after MC exposure, besides a serious interstitial hemorrhage in liver. In the 1LD(50) dose group, the coincident falls in heart rate and blood pressure were related to mitochondria dysfunction in heart, while increases in creatine kinase and troponin I levels indicated cardiac cell injury. The corresponding pathological alterations were mainly characterized as loss of adherence between cardiac myocytes and swollen or ruptured mitochondria at the ultrastructural level. MC administration at a dose of 1LD(50) not only enhanced activities and up-regulated mRNA transcription levels of antioxidant enzymes, but also increased GSH content. At both doses, level of lipid peroxides increased obviously, suggesting serious oxidative stress in mitochondria. Simultaneously. complex I and III were significantly inhibited, indicating blocks in electron flow along the mitochondrial respiratory chain in heart. In conclusion, the findings of this study implicate a role for MC-induced cardiotoxicity as a potential factor that should be considered when evaluating the mechanisms of death associated with microcystin intoxication in Brazil. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Hexagonal nanopillars with a single InGaAs/GaAs quantum well (QW) were fabricated on a GaAs (111) B substrate by selective-area metal-organic vapor phase epitaxy. The standard deviations in diameter and height of the nanopillars are about 2% and 5%, respectively. Zincblende structure and rotation twins were identified in both the GaAs and the InGaAs layers by electron diffraction. The excitation-power-density-dependent micro-photoluminescence (mu-PL) of the nanopillars was measured at 4.2, 50, 100 and 150 K. It was shown that, with increasing excitation power density, the mu-PL peak's positions shift to a higher energy, and their intensity and width increase, which were rationalized using a model that includes the effects of piezoelectricity, photon-screening and band-filling. It was also revealed that the rotation twins significantly reduce the diffusion length of the carriers in the nanopillars, compared to that in the regular semiconductors.


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We report the synthesis and characterization of Zn-doped InN nanorods by metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. Electron microscopy images show that the InN nanorods are single-crystalline structures and vertically well-aligned. Energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analyses suggest that Zn ions are distributed nonhomogenously in InN nanorods. Simulations based on diffusion model show that the doping concentration along the radial direction of InN nanorod is bowl-like from the exterior to the interior, the doping concentration decreases, and Such dopant distribution result in a bimodal EDXS spectrum of Zn across the nanorod. The study of the mechanism of doping effect is useful for the design of InN-based nanometer devices. Also, high-quality Zn-doped InN nanorods will be very attractive as building blocks for nano-optoelectronic devices.'


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We report on the fabrication of the nanowires with InGaAs/GaAs heterostructures on the GaAs(111) B substrate using selective-area metal organic vapor phase epitaxy. Fabry-Perot microcavity modes were observed in the nanowires with perfect end facets dispersed onto the silicon substrate and not observed in the free-standing nanowires. We find that the calculated group refractive indices only considering the material dispersion do not agree with the experimentally determined values although this method was used by some researchers. The calculated group refractive indices considering both the material dispersion and the waveguide dispersion agree with the experimentally determined values well. We also find that Fabry-Perot microcavity modes are not observable in the nanowires with the width less than about 180 nm, which is mainly caused by their poor reflectivity at the end facets due to their weak confinement to the optical field. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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We show that the Coulomb blockade in parallel dots pierced by magnetic flux Phi completely blocks the resonant current for any value of Phi except for integer multiples of the flux quantum Phi(0). This non-analytic (switching) dependence of the current on Phi arises only when the dot states that carry the current are of the same energy. The time needed to reach the steady state, however, diverges when Phi -> n Phi(0). Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009