979 resultados para Secular perturbation


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Based on the Navier-Stokes equation, an equation describing the Langmuir circulation is derived by a perturbation method when the influences of Coriolis force and buoyancy force are both considered. The approach used in the analysis is similar to the works carried out by Craik and Leibovich [J. Fluid Mech. 73 (1976) 401], Leibovich [J. Fluid Mech. 79 (1977) 715] and Huang [J. Fluid Mech. 91 (1979) 191]. Potential applications of the equation proposed are discussed in the area of Antarctic circumpolar current.


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Rossby waves are the most important waves in the atmosphere and ocean, and are parts of a large-scale system in fluid. The theory and observation show that, they satisfy quasi-geostrophic and quasi-static equilibrium approximations. In this paper, solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography in barotropic fluids with a shear flow are studied. In order to simplify the problem, the topography is taken as a linear function of latitude variable y, then employing a weakly nonlinear method and a perturbation method, a KdV (Korteweg-de Vries) equation describing evolution of the amplitude of solitary Rossby waves induced by linear topography is derived. The results show that the variation of linear topography can induce the solitary Rossby waves in barotropic fluids with a shear flow, and extend the classical geophysical theory of fluid dynamics.


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The perturbation expansion method is used to find the effective thermal conductivity of graded nonlinear composites having thermal contact resistance on the inclusion surface. As an example, we have studied the graded composites with cylindrical inclusions immersed in a homogeneous matrix. The thermal conductivity of the cylindrical inclusion is assumed to have a power-law profile of the radial distance r measured from its origin. For weakly nonlinear constitutive relations between the heat flow density q and the temperature field T, namely, q = -mu del T - chi vertical bar del T vertical bar(2) del T, in both the inclusion and the matrix regions, we have derived the temperature distributions using the perturbation expansion method. A nonlinear effective medium approximation of graded composites is proposed to estimate the effective linear and nonlinear thermal conductivities. by considering the temperature singularity on the inclusion surface due to the heat contact resistance. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, interfacial waves in three-layer stratified fluid with background current are investigated using a perturbation method, and the second-order asymptotic solutions of the velocity potentials and the second-order Stokes wave solutions of the associated elevations of the interfacial waves are presented based on the small amplitude wave theory, and the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability of interfacial waves is studied. As expected, for three-layer stratified fluid with background current, the first-order asymptotic solutions (linear wave solutions), dispersion relation and the second-order asymptotic solutions derived depend on not only the depths and densities of the three-layer fluid but also the background current of the fluids, and the second-order Stokes wave solutions of the associated elevations of the interfacial waves describe not only the second-order nonlinear wave-wave interactions between the interfacial waves but also the second-order nonlinear interactions between the interfacial waves and currents. It is also noted that the solutions obtained from the present work include the theoretical results derived by Chen et al (2005) as a special case. It also shows that with the given wave number k (real number) the interfacial waves may show Kelvin-Helmholtz instability.


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The present study examined the influence of air exposure at different temperatures: a common perturbation associated with aquaculture handling practices, on immune responses in zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri. Scallops were exposed to air for 2 h, 6 h, 12 h and 24 h at 5 degrees C, 17 degrees C and 25 degrees C respectively. Thereafter, a recovery period of 24 h at 17 degrees C was applied. Haemocyte mortality, phagocytosis and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production of haemocytes, acid phosphatase (ACP) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in haemocyte lysates were chosen as immumomarkers of anoxic stress. The results showed that an increase of haemocyte mortality and a decrease of phagocytosis and ACP activity were observed after 2 h of air exposure for all temperatures tested. Moreover, a significant increase of ROS production occurred following 2 h of air exposure at 25 degrees C and 24 h of air exposure at 17 degrees C. Significant differences were also observed in haemocyte mortality, percentage of phagocytic cells and ACP and SOD activity depending on the temperature of air exposure. Finally, after 24 h of recovery at 17 degrees C, percentage of phagocytic haemocytes and ACP activity did not return to initial values. ROS production was significantly higher than before the recovery period and initial values for scallops subjected to air exposure at 5 degrees C. In our study, scallops showed a relative low anoxia tolerance under a high temperature. All the scallops air exposed to 25 degrees C died after the 6 h sampling. In conclusion, air exposure associated to aquaculture practices was demonstrated to strongly affect functional immune activities of scallop haemocytes, and high temperature air exposure caused reduced survival of scallops. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, the reactions of nitrone, N-methyl nitrone, N-phenyl nitrone and their hydroxylamine tautomers (vinyl-hydroxylamine, N-methyl-vinyl-hydroxylamine and N-phenyl-vinyl-hydroxylamine) on the reconstructed C(100)-2 x 1 surface have been investigated using hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP), Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) and multi-configuration complete-active-space self-consistent-field (CASSCF) methods. The calculations showed that all the nitrones can react with the surface "dimer" via facile 1.3-dipolar cycloaddition with small activation barriers (less than 12.0 kJ/mol at B3LYP/6-31g(d) level). The [2+2] cycloaddition of hydroxylamine tautomers on the C(100) surface follows a diradical mechanism. Hydroxylamine tautomers first form diradical intermediates with the reconstructed C(I 00)-2 x I surface by overcoming a large activation barrier of 50-60 kJ/mol (B3LYP), then generate [2+2] cycloaddition products via diradical transition states with negligible activation barriers. The surface reactions result in hydroxyl or amino-terminated diamond surfaces, which offers new opportunity for further modifications. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The reaction of nitrone, N-methyl nitrone, and their hydroxylamine tautomers (vinyl-hydroxylamine and N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine) on the reconstructed Si(100)-2 x 1 surface has been investigated by means of hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP) and Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) methods. The calculations predicted that both of the nitrones should react with the surface dimer via facile concerted 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition leading to 5-member-ring compounds. The reaction of hydroxylamine tautomers on the Si(100) surface follows pi-complex (intermediate) mechanism. For the reaction of N-methyl vinyl-hydroxylamine, the pi-complex intermediate undergoes [2+2] cycloaddition leading to a 4-member-ring compound. But in the reaction of vinyl-hydroxylamine, the intermediate undergoes H-migration reaction ("ene" reaction) resulting in the oxime-terminated Si surface. All the surface reactions result in the hydroxyl-terminated silicon surfaces, which are very useful for the further modification of the semiconductor.


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To model the adsorption of Na+ in aqueous solution on the semiconductor surface, the interactions of Na+ and Na+(H2O)(n) (n = 1-6) with a clean Si(111) surface were investigated by using hybrid density functional theory (B3LYP) and Moller-Plesset second-order perturbation (MP2) methods. The Si(111) surface was described with Si8H12, Si16H20, and Si22H21 Cluster models. The effect of the basis set superposition error (BSSE) was taken into account by applying the counterpoise (CP) correction. The calculated results indicated that the interactions between the Na+ cation and the dangling bonds of the Si(111) surface are primarily electrostatic with partial orbital interactions. The magnitude of the binding energies depends weakly on the adsorption sites and the size of the clusters. When water molecules are present, the interaction between the Nal and Si(I 11) surfaces weakens and the binding energy has the tendency to saturate. On a Si22H21 cluster described surface, the optimized Na+-surface distance for Na+(H2O)(5) adsorbed at on-top site is 4.16 angstrom and the CP-corrected binding energy (MP2) is -35.4 kJ/mol, implying a weakly adsorption of hydrated Na+ cation on clean Si(111) surface.


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本文对广义最佳鉴别矢量的求解方法进行研究 ,根据矩阵的扰动理论 ,改进了郭提出的求解广义最佳鉴别矢量的一种迭代算法 ,提出了求解广义最佳鉴别矢量的一种新的迭代算法 .本文算法的一个突出优点是随着类别数目的增加 ,计算时间反而缩短 ;而老算法随着类别数目的增加计算时间随着增加 ;不仅如此 ,新算法的识别率不劣于老算法 .在 ORL人脸数据库的数值实验 ,验证了上述论断的正确性


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针对一种四自由度并联机构进行了运动学分析 ,在此基础上以摄动法建立了其误差模型 ,明确了各误差源对末端位姿的影响 .在对并联机构的标定技术进行简单介绍后 ,说明了对该机构误差模型中的机构参数进行标定的两种方法 ,介绍了标定装置、标定算法及标定过程 .最后采用Matlab对基于逆解的标定方法进行了仿真 ,并对仿真结果进行了分析 .


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Geophysical inversion is a theory that transforms the observation data into corresponding geophysical models. The goal of seismic inversion is not only wave velocity models, but also the fine structures and dynamic process of interior of the earth, expanding to more parameters such as density, aeolotropism, viscosity and so on. As is known to all, Inversion theory is divided to linear and non-linear inversion theories. In rencent 40 years linear inversion theory has formed into a complete and systematic theory and found extensive applications in practice. While there are still many urgent problems to be solved in non-linear inversion theory and practice. Based on wave equation, this dissertation has been mainly involved in the theoretical research of several non-linear inversion methods: waveform inversion, traveltime inversion and the joint inversion about two methods. The objective of gradient waveform inversion is to find a geologic model, thus synthetic seismograms generated by this geologic model are best fitted to observed seismograms. Contrasting with other inverse methods, waveform inversion uses all characteristics of waveform and has high resolution capacity. But waveform inversion is an interface by interface method. An artificial parameter limit should be provided in each inversion iteration. In addition, waveform information will tend to get stuck in local minima if the starting model is too far from the actual model. Based on velocity scanning in traditional seismic data processing, a layer-by-layer waveform inversion method is developed in this dissertation to deal with weaknesses of waveform inversion. Wave equation is used to calculate the traveltime and derivative (perturbation of traveltime with respect to velocity) in wave-equation traveltime inversion (WT). Unlike traditional ray-based travetime inversion, WT has many advantages. No ray tracing or traveltime picking and no high frequency assumption is necessary and good result can be got while starting model is far from real model. But, comparing with waveform inversion, WT has low resolution. Waveform inversion and WT have complementary advantages and similar algorithm, which proves that the joint inversion is a better inversion method. And another key point which this dissertation emphasizes is how to give fullest play to their complementary advantages on the premise of no increase of storage spaces and amount of calculation. Numerical tests are implemented to prove the feasibility of inversion methods mentioned above in this dissertation. Especially for gradient waveform inversion, field data are inversed. This field data are acquired by our group in Wali park and Shunyi district. Real data processing shows there are many problems for waveform inversion to deal with real data. The matching of synthetic seismograms with observed seismograms and noise cancellation are two primary problems. In conclusion, on the foundation of the former experiences, this dissertation has implemented waveform inversions on the basis of acoustic wave equation and elastic wave equation, traveltime inversion on the basis of acoustic wave equation and traditional combined waveform traveltime inversion. Besides the traditional analysis of inversion theory, there are two innovations: layer by layer inversion of seimic reflection data inversion and rapid method for acoustic wave-equation joint inversion.


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As the first arrival of seismic phase in deep seismic sounding, Pg is the important data for studying the attributes of the sedimentary layers and the shape of crystalline basement because of its high intensity and reliable detection. Conventionally, the sedimentary cover is expressed as isotropic, linear increasing model in the interpretation of Pg event. Actually, the sedimentary medium should be anisotropic as preferred cracks or fractures and thin layers are common features in the upper crust, so the interpretation of Pg event needs to be taken account of seismic velocity anisotropy. Traveltime calculation is the base of data processing and interpretation. Here, we only study the type of elliptical anisotropy for the poor quality and insufficiency of DSS data. In this thesis, we first investigate the meaning of elliptical anisotropy in the study of crustal structure and attribute, then derive Pg event’s traveltime-offset relationship by assuming a linear increasing velocity model with elliptical anisotropy and present the invert scheme from Pg traveltime-offset dataset to seismic velocity and its anisotropy of shallow crustal structure. We compare the Pg traveltime calculated by our analytic formula with numerical calculating method to test the accuracy. To get the lateral variation of elliptical anisotropy along the profiling, a tomography inversion method with the derived formula is presented, where the profile is divided into rectangles. Anisotropic imaging of crustal structure and attribute is efficient method for crust study. The imaging result can help us interprete the seismic data and discover the attribute of the rock to analyze the interaction between layers. Traveltime calculation is the base of image. Base on the ray tracing equations, the paper present a realization of three dimension of layer model with arbitrary anisotropic type and an example of Pg traveltime calculation in arbitrary anisotropic type is presented. The traveltime calculation method is complex and it only adapts to nonlinear inversion. Perturbation method of travel-time calculation in anisotropy is the linearization approach. It establishes the direct relation between seismic parameters and travetime and it is fit for inversion in anisotropic structural imaging. The thesis presents a P-wave imaging method of layer media for TTI. Southeastern China is an important part of the tectonic framework concerning the continental margin of eastern China and is commonly assumed to comprise the Yangtze block and the Cathaysia block, the two major tectonic units in the region. It’s a typical geological and geophysical zone. In this part, we fit the traveltime of Pg phase by the raytracing numerical method. But the method is not suitable here because the inefficiency of numerical method and the method itself. By the analytic method, we fit the Pg and Sg and get the lateral variation of elliptical anisotropy and then discuss its implication. The northeastern margin of Qinghai-Tibetan plateau is typical because it is the joint area of Eurasian plate and Indian plate and many strong earthquakes have occurred there in recent years.We use the Pg data to get elliptical anisotropic variation and discuss the possible meaning.