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We report enhanced back scattering in nanometer-sized ZnO colloids prepared in two different media, by different methods. The FWHM of the back scattered cone and hence the mean free path varied with concentration of ZnO as well as particle size. The Lorentzian profile of backscattered cone indicates the presence of coherence.


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Fine magnetic particles (size≅100 Å) belonging to the series ZnxFe1−xFe2O4 were synthesized by cold co-precipitation methods and their structural properties were evaluated using X-ray diffraction. Magnetization studies have been carried out using vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM) showing near-zero loss loop characteristics. Ferrofluids were then prepared employing these fine magnetic powders using oleic acid as surfactant and kerosene as carrier liquid by modifying the usually reported synthesis technique in order to induce anisotropy and enhance the magneto-optical signals. Liquid thin films of these fluids were prepared and field-induced laser transmission through these films was studied. The transmitted light intensity decreases at the centre with applied magnetic field in a linear fashion when subjected to low magnetic fields and saturate at higher fields. This is in accordance with the saturation in cluster formation. The pattern exhibited by these films in the presence of different magnetic fields was observed with the help of a CCD camera and was recorded photographically.


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A laser produced plasma from the multielement solid target YBa2Cu3O7 is generated using 1.06 μm, 9 ns pulses from a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser in air at atmospheric pressure. A time resolved analysis of the profile of the 4554.03 Å resonance line emission from Ba II at various laser power densities has been carried out. It has been found that the line has a profile which is strongly self-reversed. It is also observed that at laser power densities equal to or exceeding 1.6×1011 W cm−2, a third peak begins to develop at the centre of the self-reversed profile and this has been interpreted as due to the anisotropic resonance scattering (fluorescence). The number densities of singly ionized barium ions evaluated from the width of the resonance line as a function of time delay with respect to the beginning of the laser pulse give typical values of the order of 1019 cm−3. The higher ion concentrations existing at smaller time delays are seen to decrease rapidly. The Ba II ions in the ground state resonantly absorb the radiation and this absorption is maximum around 120 ns after the laser pulse.


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Optical absorption studies of phthalocyanines (Pc-s) in borate glass matrix have been reported for the first time. Measurements have been done corresponding to photon energies between 1.1 and 6.2 eV for free base, manganese, iron, nickel, molybdenum, cobalt and copper phthalocyanines. Several new discrete transitions are observed in the UV–vis region of the spectra in addition to a strong continuum component of absorption in the IR region. Values of some of the important optical constants viz. absorption coefficient (α), molar extinction coefficient (ε), absorption cross-section (σa), band width (Δλ), electric dipole strength (q2) and oscillator strength (f) for the relevant electronic transitions are also presented. All the data reported for Pc-s in the new matrix have been compared with those corresponding to solution, vapor and thin film media.


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The design and development of a cost-effective, simple, sensitive and portable LED based fiber optic evanescent wave sensor for simultaneously detecting trace amounts of chromium and nitrite in water are presented. In order to obtain the desired performance, the middle portions of two multimode plastic clad silica fibers are unclad and are used as the sensing elements in the two arms of the sensor. Each of the sensor arms is sourced by separate super bright green LEDs, which are modulated in a time-sharing manner and a single photo detector is employed for detecting these light signals. The performance and characteristics of this system clearly establish the usefulness of the technique for detecting very low concentrations of the dissolved contaminants.


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Nano structured noble metals have very important applications in diverse fields as photovoltaics, catalysis, electronic and magnetic devices, etc. Here, we report the application of dual beam thermal lens technique for the determination of the effect of silver sol on the absolute fluorescence quantum yield (FQY) of the laser dye rhodamine 6G. A 532 nm radiation from a diode pumped solid state laser was used as the excitation source. It has been observed that the presence of silver sol decreases the fluorescence quantum efficiency. This is expected to have a very important consequence in enhancing Raman scattering which is an important spectrochemical tool that provides information on molecular structures. We have also observed that the presence of silver sol can enhance the thermal lens signal which makes the detection of the signal easier at any concentration.


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The nanosecond optical limiting characteristics of sandwich-type neodymium diphthalocyanine in a co-polymer matrix of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and methyl-2-cyanoacrylate have been studied for the first time. The measurements were performed using 9 ns laser pulses generated from a frequency-doubled Nd:YAG laser at 532 nm wavelength. The optical limiting performance of neodymium diphthalocyanine in co-polymer host was studied at different linear transmission. Laser damage threshold was also measured for the doped and undoped co-polymer samples. The optical limiting response is attributed to reverse saturable absorption which is due to excited-state absorption.


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Optical properties of free and substituted porphyrins (PP) doped borate glass matrix are reported for the first time. Absorption spectral measurements of H2TPP, CdTPP, MgTPP and ZnTPP doped borate glass matrix have been made in the 200–1100 nm region and the spectra obtained are analyzed to obtain the optical bandgap (Eg) and other important spectral parameters viz. oscillator strength (f), molar extinction coefficient (ε), electric dipole strength (q2), absorption cross-section (σa) and molecular concentration (N). Intense fluorescence was observed in the region 668–685 nm for CdTPP, ZnTPP and MgTPP doped matrices, whereas no such fluorescence was observed in H2TPP doped matrix. Fluorescence intensity was observed to be almost similar in all the metallated porphyrine matrices. Fluorescence bandwidth (Δλ), decay time (τ), stimulated emission cross-section (σ) and optical gain (G) of the principal fluorescence transitions corresponding to the Q-band excitation were also evaluated and discussed.


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Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are relatively new computational tools that have found extensive utilization in solving many complex real-world problems. This paper describes how an ANN can be used to identify the spectral lines of elements. The spectral lines of Cadmium (Cd), Calcium (Ca), Iron (Fe), Lithium (Li), Mercury (Hg), Potassium (K) and Strontium (Sr) in the visible range are chosen for the investigation. One of the unique features of this technique is that it uses the whole spectrum in the visible range instead of individual spectral lines. The spectrum of a sample taken with a spectrometer contains both original peaks and spurious peaks. It is a tedious task to identify these peaks to determine the elements present in the sample. ANNs capability of retrieving original data from noisy spectrum is also explored in this paper. The importance of the need of sufficient data for training ANNs to get accurate results is also emphasized. Two networks are examined: one trained in all spectral lines and other with the persistent lines only. The network trained in all spectral lines is found to be superior in analyzing the spectrum even in a noisy environment.


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Fluorescence of BaS: Sm phosphor has been studied using a pulsed Nitrogen laser (337.1 nm) as the excitation source. The spectrum consists of a broad band in the region 540–660nm superposed by the characteristic Sm3+ lines. Energy level splitting pattern of Sm3+ due to crystal field effects has been calculated and relevent field parameters are evaluated. Analysis shows that Sm3+ takes up Ba2+ substitutional sites.


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Photoluminescence, thermoluminescence and phosphorescence studies of cerium and copper doped BaS phosphors are attempted. Cu+ centres in BaS lattice activate red emission while Ce3+ sensitize the blue emission. Results are explained on the basis of superposition theory involving monomolecular kinetics. In Randall and Wilkins model, the decay and TL studies are found to corelate each other.


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Nonlinear time series analysis is employed to study the complex behaviour exhibited by a coupled pair of Rossler systems. Dimensional analysis with emphasis on the topological correlation dimension and the Kolmogorov entropy of the system is carried out in the coupling parameter space. The regime of phase synchronization is identified and the extent of synchronization between the systems constituting the coupled system is quantified by the phase synchronization index. The effect of noise on the coupling between the systems is also investigated. An exhaustive study of the topological, dynamical and synchronization properties of the nonlinear system under consideration in its characteristic parameter space is attempted.


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D.C. and a.c. electrical conductivities, dielectric constant and dielectric loss factor in single crystals of ethylenediammonium sulphate, (H3NCH2CH2NH3)(SO4), have been measured axiswise as a function of temperature. Anomalous variations in all the above properties at 480 K indicate the occurrence of a phase transition in the above material at this temperature. The existence of such a phase transition is also confirmed by DSC measurements. Electrical conductivity results are analysed and the activation energies of conduction at different temperature regions have been evaluated from the logσ vs 103T−1 plot. Possible mechanisms for the electrical conduction process are discussed, the available results being in favour of a proton transport model.


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Actualmente se estima que más de 160.000 niños en todo el mundo son diagnosticados de cáncer cada año y esta cifra podría ser considerablemente superior debido que los datos en su mayoría son imprecisos (1), hay un gran número de niños que junto con sus familias deben hacer frente a las implicaciones del diagnóstico de cáncer o enfermedad terminal, del tratamiento y el pronóstico. En Colombia se viene practicando en los servicios de pediatría, sin embargo no se realiza bajo un protocolo establecido El objetivo de este trabajo fue realizar una búsqueda sistemática de Guías de Práctica Clínica en Cuidados Paliativos Pediátricos basadas en la evidencia en el mundo y evaluarlas mediante preguntas clínicas preestablecidas, y bajo la metodología GLIA indicada por el ministerio de protección social, teniendo en cuenta la realidad colombiana y los principios de accesibilidad, calidad y eficiencia consagrados en el Sistema General de Seguridad Social de Salud de Colombia, con el fin de identificar la mejor Guía de Práctica Clínica (GPC) para la población de la Fundación Cardioinfantil de Bogotá – Colombia. Como resultado de la búsqueda se obtuvieron 32 GPC en Cuidados Paliativos de los cuales 8 guías se relacionaban con la población objeto y solo 5 de las guías respondían a las preguntas clínicas. El informe se elaboró según la metodología PRISMA con el fin constituir una base de datos para posteriores estudios, realización de guías o la adaptación de guías basadas en la evidencia.


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Introduction to interview data, how it is used and how and why it might be collected