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A commercial pyrometallurgical process for the extraction of platinum-group metals (PGM) from a feedstock slag was analysed with the use of a model based on computational fluid dynamics. The results of the modelling indicate that recovery depends on the behaviour of the collector phase. A possible method is proposed for estimation of the rate at which PGM particles in slag are absorbed into an iron collector droplet that falls through it. Nanoscale modelling techniques (for particle migration or capture) are combined with a diffusion-controlled mass-transfer model to determine the iron collector droplet size needed for >95% PGM recovery in a typical process bath (70 mm deep) in a realistic time-scale (<1 h). The results show that an iron droplet having a diameter in the range 0.1–0.3 mm gives good recovery (>90%) within a reasonable time. This finding is compatible with published experimental data. Pyrometallurgical processes similar to that investigated should be applicable to other types of waste that contain low levels of potentially valuable metals.


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The structure of intertidal benthic diatoms assemblages in the Tagus estuary was investigated during a 2-year survey, carried out in six stations with different sediment texture. Nonparametric multivariate analyses were used to characterize spatial and temporal patterns of the assemblages and to link them to the measured environmental variables. In addition, diversity and other features related to community physiognomy, such as size-class or life-form distributions, were used to describe the diatom assemblages. A total of 183 diatom taxa were identified during cell counts and their biovolume was determined. Differences between stations (analysis of similarity (ANOSIM), R=0.932) were more evident than temporal patterns (R=0.308) and mud content alone was the environmental variable most correlated to the biotic data (BEST, rho=0.863). Mudflat stations were typically colonized by low diversity diatom assemblages (H' similar to 1.9), mainly composed of medium-sized motile epipelic species (250-1,000 mu m(3)), that showed species-specific seasonal blooms (e.g., Navicula gregaria Donkin). Sandy stations had more complex and diverse diatom assemblages (H' similar to 3.2). They were mostly composed by a large set of minute epipsammic species (<250 mu m(3)) that, generally, did not show temporal patterns. The structure of intertidal diatom assemblages was largely defined by the interplay between epipelon and epipsammon, and its diversity was explained within the framework of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis. However, the spatial distribution of epipelic and epipsammic life-forms showed that the definition of both functional groups should not be over-simplified.


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Some commercial fish species of the northeast Atlantic Ocean have relocated in response to warming. The impact of warming on marine assemblages in the region may already be much greater than appreciated, however, with over 70% of common demersal fish species responding through changes in abundance, rather than range. The northeast Atlantic Ocean is one of the most productive marine ecoregions in the world with a substantial commercial fishery. It is also a region that has undergone particularly rapid warming over the past 50 years, up to four times faster than the global average1. Compared with other marine regions worldwide, the biological response in the northeast Atlantic Ocean has been particularly dramatic, reflecting this rapid warming. Studies have documented biogeographical movements in marine plankton of over 1,000 km northwards2 and advances in the onset of key life-history events by six to eight weeks3. In addition, there has been limited evidence of distributional shifts in some fish species along latitudinal and depth gradients in response to warming4, 5. Writing in Current Biology, Stephen Simpson and colleagues6 present the most comprehensive analysis so far of the impact of warming on commercially important European continental-shelf fish species in the region, and in doing so show that there has been a profound reorganization of local communities.


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Objective: The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of surveillance and control activities in Canadian hospitals with rates of nosocomial methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA), C. difficile associated diarrhea (CDAD), and vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus (VRE). Methods: Surveys were sent to Infection Control programs in hospitals that participated in an earlier survey of infection control practices in Canadian acute care hospitals. Results: One hundred and twenty of 145 (82.8%) hospitals responded to the survey. The mean MRSA rate was 2.0 (SD 2.9) per 1,000 admissions, the mean CDAD rate was 3.8 (SD 4.3), and the mean VRE rate was 0.4 (SD 1.5). Multiple stepwise regression analysis found hospitals that reported infection rates by specific risk groups (r = - 0.27, p < 0.01) and that kept attendance records of infection control teaching activities (r = - 0.23, p < 0.01) were associated with lower MRSA rates. Multiple stepwise regression analysis found larger hospitals (r = 0.25, p < 0.01) and hospitals where infection control committees or staff had the direct authority to close a ward or unit to further admissions due to outbreaks (r = 0.22, p < 0.05) were associated with higher CDAD rates. Multiple logistic regression analysis found larger hospitals (OR = 1.6, CI 1.2 - 2.0, p = 0.003) and teaching hospitals (OR = 3.7, CI 1.2 - 11.8, p = 0.02) were associated with the presence of VRE. Hospitals were less likely to have VRE when infection control staff frequently contacted physicians and nurses for reports of new infections (OR = 0.5, CI 0.3 - 0.7, p = 0.02) and there were in-service programs for updating nursing and ancillary staff on current infection control practices (OR = 0.2, CI 0.1 - 0.7, p = 0.01). Conclusions: Surveillance and control activities were associated with MRSA and CDAD rates and the presence of VRE. Surveillance and control activities might be especially beneficial in large and teaching hospitals.


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Small 1,000-bp fragments of genomic DNA obtained from human malignant breast cancer cell lines when transfected into a benign rat mammary cell line enhance transcription of the osteopontin gene and thereby cause the cells to metastasize in syngeneic rats. To identify the molecular events underlying this process, transient cotransfections of an osteopontin promoter-reporter construct and fragments of one metastasis-inducing DNA (Met-DNA) have identified the active components in the Met-DNA as the binding sites for the T-cell factor (Tcf) family of transcription factors. Incubation of cell extracts with active DNA fragments containing the sequence CAAAG caused retardation of their mobilities on polyacrylamide gels, and Western blotting identified Tcf-4, beta-catenin, and E-cadherin in the relevant DNA complexes in vitro. Transfection of an expression vector for Tcf-4 inhibited the stimulated activity of the osteopontin promoter-reporter construct caused by transiently transfected active fragments of Met-DNA or permanently transfected Met-DNA. This stimulated activity of the osteopontin promoter-reporter construct is accompanied by an increase in endogenous osteopontin mRNA but not in fos or actin mRNAs in the transfected cells. Permanent transfection of the benign rat mammary cell line with a 20-bp fragment from the Met-DNA containing the Tcf recognition sequence CAAAG caused an enhanced permanent production of endogenous osteopontin protein in vitro and induced the cells to metastasize in syngeneic rats in vivo. The corresponding fragment without the CAAAG sequence was without either effect. Therefore, the regulatory effect of the C9-Met-DNA is exerted, at least in part, by a CAAAG sequence that can sequester the endogenous inhibitory Tcf-4 and thereby promote transcription of osteopontin, the direct effector of metastasis in this system.


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Cerebral palsy is a relatively rare condition affecting approximately 2-2.5 children in every 1,000 (Parkes et al 2001). It is a leading cause of physical disability in childhood and is often associated with severe motor and other impairments (Table 1). Improved survival of small and premature babies who are particularly at risk of developing the condition raises concerns about increasing numbers of children with cerebral palsy possibly with more severe forms. In the UK, information about the number and needs of children with CP is not collected routinely. The most reliable sources of information on CP in the UK comes from five dedicated case registers which have monitored live births in their respective geographically defined areas since the 1960s and 1970s. These registers have formed a collaborative network called the United Kingdom Collaboration of Cerebral Palsy Registers (or UKCP) and are listed in Table 2. All five registers are currently funded and all are active in surveillance activities and research.


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ate studies(2) and fusion energy research(3,4). Laser-driven implosions of spherical polymer shells have, for example, achieved an increase in density of 1,000 times relative to the solid state(5). These densities are large enough to enable controlled fusion, but to achieve energy gain a small volume of compressed fuel (known as the 'spark') must be heated to temperatures of about 10(8) K (corresponding to thermal energies in excess of 10 keV). In the conventional approach to controlled fusion, the spark is both produced and heated by accurately timed shock waves(4), but this process requires both precise implosion symmetry and a very large drive energy. In principle, these requirements can be significantly relaxed by performing the compression and fast heating separately(6-10); however, this 'fast ignitor' approach(7) also suffers drawbacks, such as propagation losses and deflection of the ultra-intense laser pulse by the plasma surrounding the compressed fuel. Here we employ a new compression geometry that eliminates these problems; we combine production of compressed matter in a laser-driven implosion with picosecond-fast heating by a laser pulse timed to coincide with the peak compression. Our approach therefore permits efficient compression and heating to be carried out simultaneously, providing a route to efficient fusion energy production.


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Cooling of mechanical resonators is currently a popular topic in many fields of physics including ultra-high precision measurements, detection of gravitational waves and the study of the transition between classical and quantum behaviour of a mechanical system. Here we report the observation of self-cooling of a micromirror by radiation pressure inside a high-finesse optical cavity. In essence, changes in intensity in a detuned cavity, as caused by the thermal vibration of the mirror, provide the mechanism for entropy flow from the mirror's oscillatory motion to the low-entropy cavity field. The crucial coupling between radiation and mechanical motion was made possible by producing free-standing micromirrors of low mass (m approximately 400 ng), high reflectance (more than 99.6%) and high mechanical quality (Q approximately 10,000). We observe cooling of the mechanical oscillator by a factor of more than 30; that is, from room temperature to below 10 K. In addition to purely photothermal effects we identify radiation pressure as a relevant mechanism responsible for the cooling. In contrast with earlier experiments, our technique does not need any active feedback. We expect that improvements of our method will permit cooling ratios beyond 1,000 and will thus possibly enable cooling all the way down to the quantum mechanical ground state of the micromirror.


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Haemophilia A is a mutationally heterogeneous disorder with approximately 1,000 unique mutations of the Factor VIII (F8) gene recorded to date [1]. With the exception of the intron 22 inversion mutation, which occurs in ~45% of individuals with clinically severe disease, recurrent mutations causing haemophilia A are rare. This reflects a high rate of spontaneous mutation within the F8 gene generally resulting in private mutations within individual kindreds. We have identified a recurrent F8 gene mutation in Irish haemophilia A patients and have used haplotype analysis to investigate its origins.


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After thermal treatment of a mixture of glucose and glycine for 2 h at 125 degreesC, about 60% of the starting material was converted into nonsoluble, black pigments, whereas 40% of the mixture was still water-soluble. Dialysis of the latter fraction revealed 30.4% of low molecular weight compounds (LMWs; MW <10 000 De) and 10.0% high-molecular weight products [HMWs; MW greater than or equal to 10000 Dal. The water-soluble Maillard reaction products (MRPs) were separated by gel permeation chromatography and ultrafiltration, revealing that 60% of the water-soluble products of the total carbohydrate/amino acid mixture had MWs <1 000 Da and consisted mainly of non-coloured reaction products. MRPs with MWs between 1000 and 30000 Da were Found in comparatively low yields (about 1.3%). In contrast, about 31.1% of the MRPs exhibited MWs > 30000 Da, amongst which 14.5% showed MWs > 100000 Da, thus indicating an oligomerisation of LMWs to melanoidins under roasting conditions. To investigate the physiological effects of these MRPs, xenobiotic enzyme activities were analysed in intestinal Caco-2 cells. For Phase-I NADPH-cytochrome c-reductase, the activity in the presence of the LMW and HMW fraction was decreased by 13% and 22%: respectively. Phase-II glutathione-S-transferase activity decreased by 15% and 18%, respectively, after incubation with the LMW and the HMW fractions. Considering the different yields, 30% and 10%, respectively, of the LMW and the HMW fractions, the total amount of the LMW fraction present in the glucose-glycine mixture is more active in modulating three enzyme activities than that of the HMW fraction.


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The Galactic Centre is the most active and heavily processed region of the Milky Way, so it can be used as a stringent test for the abundance of deuterium (a sensitive indicator of conditions in the first 1,000 seconds in the life of the Universe). As deuterium is destroyed in stellar interiors, chemical evolution models 1 predict that its Galactic Centre abundance relative to hydrogen is D/H = 5 x 10(-12), unless there is a continuous source of deuterium from relatively primordial (low-metallicity) gas. Here we report the detection of deuterium (in the molecule DCN) in a molecular cloud only 10 parsecs from the Galactic Centre. Our data, when combined with a model of molecular abundances, indicate that D/H = (1.7 +/- 0.3) x 10(-6), five orders of magnitude larger than the predictions of evolutionary models with no continuous source of deuterium. The most probable explanation is recent infall of relatively unprocessed metal-poor gas into the Galactic Centre (at the rate inferred by Wakker(2)). Our measured D/H is nine times less than the local interstellar value, and the lowest D/H observed in the Galaxy. We conclude that the observed Galactic Centre deuterium is cosmological, with an abundance reduced by stellar processing and mixing, and that there is no significant Galactic source of deuterium.


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Objective The objective of this research was to examine differences in patterns of statin prescribing between Northern Ireland and England both before and after the introduction of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). Setting: Primary care practices in Northern Ireland and England. Method Northern Ireland practices were matched with practices in England, statin prescribing data and QOF achievement scores (for the first year post-QOF) were obtained. Crude prescribing data from matched practices were manipulated to provide a data set of Defined Daily Doses (DDDs)/1,000 patients and cost/DDD/1,000 patients for each statin drug entity covering 1 year before and after the introduction of QOF. QOF achievements were converted into percentage scores for matched practices. Main outcome measure Cost per defined daily dose (DDD) per 1,000 patients. Results Significantly less statins (DDD/1,000 patients) were dispensed in Northern Ireland compared with the matched region in England both before and after the introduction of QOF (P


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The marine oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium Sphingomonas alaskensis RB2256 has a physiology that is distinctly different from that of typical copiotrophic marine bacteria, such as Vibrio angustum S14. This includes a high level of inherent stress resistance and the absence of starvation-induced stress resistance to hydrogen peroxide. In addition to periods of starvation in the ocean, slow nutrient-limited growth is likely to be encountered by oligotrophic bacteria for substantial periods of time. In this study we examined the effects of growth rate on the resistance of S. alaskensis RB2256 to hydrogen peroxide under carbon or nitrogen limitation conditions in nutrient-limited chemostats. Glucose-limited cultures of S. alaskensis RB2256 at a specific growth rate of 0.02 to 0.13 h(-1) exhibited 10,000-fold-greater viability following 60 min of exposure to 25 mM hydrogen peroxide than tells growing at a rate of 0.14 h(-1) or higher. Growth rate control of stress resistance was found to be specific to carbon and energy limitation in this organism. In contrast, V. angustum S14 did not exhibit growth rate-dependent stress resistance. The dramatic switch in stress resistance that was observed under carbon and energy limitation conditions has not been described previously in bacteria and thus may be a characteristic of the oligotrophic ultramicrobacterium, Catalase activity varied marginally and did not correlate with the growth rate, indicating that hydrogen peroxide breakdown was not the primary mechanism of resistance. More than 1,000 spots were resolved on silver-stained protein gels for cultures growing at rates of 0.026, 0.076, and 0.18 h(-1). Twelve protein spots had intensities that varied by more than twofold between growth rates and hence are likely to be important for growth rate-dependent stress resistance. These studies demonstrated the crucial role that nutrient limitation plays in the physiology of S. alaskensis RB2256, especially under oxidative stress conditions.