968 resultados para Scalar Dissipation


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At hadron colliders, the search for R-parity violating supersymmetry can probe scalar masses beyond what is covered by pair production processes. We evaluate the next-to-leading order SUSY-QCD corrections to the associated stop or sbottom production with a lepton through R-parity violating interactions. We show that higher order corrections render the theoretical predictions more stable with respect to variations of the renormalization and factorization scales and that the total cross section is enhanced by a factor up to 70% at the Tevatron and 50% at the LHC. We investigate in detail how the heavy supersymmetric states decouple from the next-to-leading order process, which gives rise to a theory with an additional scalar leptoquark. In this scenario the inclusion of higher order QCD corrections increases the Tevatron reach on leptoquark masses by up to 40 GeV and the LHC reach by up to 200 GeV. (C) 2003 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.


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We investigate the nature of ordinary cosmic vortices in some scalar-tensor extensions of gravity. We find solutions for which the dilaton field condenses inside the vortex core. These solutions can be interpreted as raising the degeneracy between the eigenvalues of the effective stress-energy tensor, namely, the energy per unit length U and the tension T, by picking a privileged spacelike or timelike coordinate direction; in the latter case, a phase frequency threshold occurs that is similar to what is found in ordinary neutral current-carrying cosmic strings. We find that the dilaton contribution for the equation of state, once averaged along the string worldsheet, vanishes, leading to an effective Nambu-Goto behavior of such a string network in cosmology, i.e. on very large scales. It is found also that on small scales, the energy per unit length and tension depend on the string internal coordinates in such a way as to permit the existence of centrifugally supported equilibrium configuration, also known as vortons, whose stability, depending on the very short distance (unknown) physics, can lead to catastrophic consequences on the evolution of the Universe.


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We derive the formal expressions needed to discuss the change of the twist-two parton distribution functions when a hadron is placed in a medium with relativistic scalar and vector mean fields. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the impact of new physics beyond the Standard Model to the s --> d gamma process, which is responsible for the short-distance contribution to the radiative decay Omega-( )--> Xi(-) gamma. We study three representative extensions of the Standard Model, namely a one-family technicolor model, a two Higgs doublet model and a model containing scalar leptoquarks. When constraints arising from the observed b --> s gamma transition and the upper limit on D-0-(D) over bar(0) mixing are taken into account, we find no significant contributions of new physics to the s --> d gamma process.


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Nonperturbative Wilson coefficients of the operator product expansion (OPE) for the spin-0 glueball correlators are derived and analyzed. A systematic treatment of the direct instanton contributions is given, based on a realistic instanton size distribution and renormalization at the operator scale. In the pseudoscalar channel, topological charge screening is identified as an additional source of (semi-) hard nonperturbative physics. The screening contributions are shown to be vital for consistency with the anomalous axial Ward identity, and previously encountered pathologies (positivity violations and the disappearance of the 0(-+) glueball signal) are traced to their neglect. on the basis of the extended OPE, a comprehensive quantitative analysis of eight Borel-moment sum rules in both spin-0 glueball channels is then performed. The nonperturbative OPE coefficients turn out to be indispensable for consistent sum rules and for their reconciliation with the underlying low-energy theorems. The topological short-distance physics strongly affects the sum rule results and reveals a rather diverse pattern of glueball properties. New predictions for the spin-0 glueball masses and decay constants and an estimate of the scalar glueball width are given, and several implications for glueball structure and experimental glueball searches are discussed.


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Numerical calculations are performed and compared to the experimental data for the electromagnetic form factor of the kaon, extracted from both components of the electromagnetic current, J(+) and J(-), with a pseudo-scalar coupling of the quarks to the kaon. In the case of J(+), there is no pair term contribution in the Drell-Yan frame (q(+) = 0). However, for J-, the pair term contribution is different from zero and is necessary in order to preserve the rotational symmetry of the current. The free parameters are the quark masses and the regulator mass.


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We investigate the conformal invariance of massless Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau theory coupled to Riemannian spacetimes. We show that, as usual, in the minimal coupling procedure only the spin I sector of the theory - which corresponds to the electromagnetic field - is conformally invariant. We also show that the conformal invariance of the spin 0 sector can be naturally achieved by introducing a compensating term in the Lagrangian. Such a procedure - besides not modifying the spin I sector - leads to the well-known conformal coupling between the scalar curvature and the massless Klein-Gordon-Fock field. Going beyond the Riemannian spacetimes, we briefly discuss the effects of a nonvanishing torsion in the scalar case.


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We study the (lambda/4!)phi(4) massless scalar field theory in a four-dimensional Euclidean space, where all but one of the coordinates are unbounded. We are considering Dirichlet boundary conditions in two hyperplanes, breaking the translation invariance of the system. We show how to implement the perturbative renormalization up to two-loop level of the theory. First, analyzing the full two and four-point functions at the one-loop level, we show that the bulk counterterms are sufficient to render the theory finite. Meanwhile, at the two-loop level, we must also introduce surface counterterms in the bare Lagrangian in order to make finite the full two and also four-point Schwinger functions. (c) 2006 American Institute of Physics.