997 resultados para Santa Pola


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This work aims to analyze the land use evolution in the city of Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo - SP through supervised classification of Landsat-5 TM satellite images according to the maximum likelihood (Maxlike), as well as verifying the mapping accuracy through Kappa index, comparing NDVI and SAVI vegetation indexes in different adjustment factors for the canopy substrate and determining the vegetal coverage percentage in all methods used on 2007, May 26 th; 2009, January 7 th and 2009, April 29 th. The Maxlike classification showed several spatial changes in land use over the study period. The most appropriated vegetation indexes were NDVI and SAVI - 0,25 factor, which showed similar values of vegetal coverage percentage, but discrepant from the inferred value for Maxlike classification.


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This paper is a contribution for the understanding of the geological evolution of Guaxupé Complex. New data on petrography and mineral chemistry as well as estimates of metamorphic (P-T) conditions in the region of Arceburgo - Santa Cruz do Prata (MG) Brazil, at the southern portion of the Brasília Belt, more specifically at the Guaxupé Complex (Domain) are now presented. The lithotypes are high-grade metamorphic rocks subdivided into two groups: metasediments and granulites (orthoderivates). Chemical analysis of minerals was performed in three steps including core and rim of amphibole, pyroxene, feldspar, biotite, and garnet from samples of the following rock types: enderbites, mafic granulites, charnockites, and alkali feldspar charnockites. Results obtained with geothermobarometric calculations show metamorphic peak around 900°C of T and 10 kbar of P. Enderbites and tonalite granulites (mafic) show the highest values of temperature and pressure, while alkali feldspar charnockites show the lowest probably due to their late generation in relation to mafic rock types (enderbites and mafic tonalite granulite). Chemical mineral analysis in metamorphic parageneses and geothermobarometric calculations indicate that the possible metamorphic peak may be higher than 900°C of temperature and around 10 kbar of pressure, within a isothermal decompression (ITD) regime.


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This research was conducted with objective to evaluate the effect of different zinc (Zn) sources and doses in the diet for Santa Ines sheep. Forty lambs at weaning, with 18.4 kg of body weight were supplemented with three different sources of zinc (zinc oxide (ZnO), zinc amino acid and zinc proteinate) and three doses of zinc (200, 400 and 600 mg/kg DM) added to the basal diet. At every 28 days, animals were weighted and blood samples were collected for analyses of zinc (Zn), alkaline phosphatase and immunoglobulin G (IgG) and M (IgM). At the end of experiment, liver samples were collected for determination of the hepatic zinc levels. Zinc was analyzed with atomic absorption spectrophotometer, while phosphatase alkaline and immunoglobulins G and M were analyzed using Laborlab and Bioclin kits, respectively. There was no effect of diets on phosphatase alkaline levels and hepatic zinc, but there was difference in the plasmatic zinc levels and IgG and IgM levels. Based on the accumulation of hepatic zinc, the estimate of the zinc bioavailability, through the regression equation, showed that supplementation with organic and inorganic sources of zinc did not differ in the diet of Santa Ines sheep. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Zootecnia.


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This study intends to evaluate the effects of landscape physical elements (rocks and relief) associated with silviculture activities. The study was carried out on a small farm (Fazenda Santa Edwirges) covered by Eucalyptus forested situated in the Paraiba do Sul Basin, Southeast Brazil. The methodology consisted of detailed geological and geomorphological studies at 1:10,000 scale, and laboratory analysis of soil physical properties. The results showed three geologic-geomorphologic associations (ridge escarpment with granitic rocks, steep and gentle hills cut by shear zones and gentle hill with alluvial sediments) present high vulnerability for the development of the physical processes such as accelerated erosion landslides and flooding. In contrast, mountains associated with gneissic rocks present smaller vulnerability and high resilience for the development of the physical processes. The results have showed the importance of considering the interactions among landscape physical for the eucalyptus forest management contributing to a better selection area for eucalyptus cultivation and minimize adverse environment impact in road design.


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Agricultural and mining activities are directly related to changes in natural landscapes. From the perspective of anthropogenic geomorphology supported by general systems theory, this research has developed, in order to identify and analyze changes in the land use, mainly from agriculture and the exploitation of clay, and its implications in the hydro-geomorphological characteristics in the Santa Gertrudes Stream watershed (SP). This area is within the context of the Ceramic Pole Santa Gertrudes (SP), which besides its importance as a supplier of raw material, is characterized as the largest center of international reference in ceramic tiles on the American continent. For this purpose, we made land use and geomorphology maps of two scenarios, corresponding to the years 1962 and 2006, which allowed the identification of changes caused by human activities on the landforms of the area, such as the increase in area of parcels intended for mining activity, which went from 3.1% to occupy 19% of the catchment area of the respective period and that, among other changes, gave rise to new forms of relief as, for example, in levels of pit mining abrupt and smooth. The results indicate that the main features of representative of human changes in relief are represented for opening of large clay mining pits and agricultural activities, which intensified the denudation and sedimentation processes in the Santa Gertrudes Stream watershed.


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Aníbal Pinto Santa Cruz, Director of the Review since 1986, died on 3 January. His death fills us with profound grief and leaves a deep vacuum in this organization. The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean benefited for many years from the intellectual sparkle and human warmth of Mr. Pinto, who served for several years as Director of the Economic Development Division. What is more, he was one of the personalities who gave the ECLAC secretariat a clear institutional identity. The depth and clarity of his analyses of Chile and its development process were matched by his real dedication to Latin America, which inspired him to make solid and valuable contributions to the progress of ideas in our region. He belonged in his own right to the select group of those thinkers whose new categories and concepts afford others a richer vision of reality. It is not surprising, therefore, that followers and former students of his abound in the region. A person of great intellectual generosity, impatient with conventional wisdom and intolerance from all academic and political quarters, Aníbal Pinto received recognition from the international academic community, as embodied in the Raúl Prebisch Ibero­American Prize in Economics, an honorary doctorate from the University of Campinas, Brazil, and the Chilean National Prize in the Humanities and Social Sciences for 1995. In recent months he received two further distinctions: first, a tribute from his ECLAC colleagues on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations, and second, a collection of his writings published by the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México which was presented to him in a ceremony held at the Santiago Book Fair in December 1995. ECLAC has been immensely fortunate in having among its senior officials great personalities who have left behind a legacy of values, principles and key ideas; institution­builders, if you will. If there is anything which distinguishes ECLAC from other United Nations bodies, it is this. Aníbal Pinto's name will undoubtedly be among those which resound the loudest. For this reason, and for his exceptional human qualities, we shall remember him with affection and admiration.


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El 3 de enero falleció don Aníbal Pinto Santa Cruz, desde 1986 Director de esta Revista. El hecho nos invade de profundo pesar, y deja un hondo vacío en la institución. La Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para América Latina y el Caribe se benefició por muchos años del brillo intelectual y la calidad humana de Don Aníbal, quien por varios años se desempeñó como Director de la División de Desarrollo Económico. Más que eso, fue una de las personalidades que le dio una clara identidad institucional a la Secretaría de la CEPAL. A la profundidad y lucidez de sus análisis sobre Chile y su proceso de desarrollo, unía una auténtica vocación latinoamericana, que lo llevó a realizar sólidos y valiosos aportes al progreso de las ideas en nuestra región. Pertenecía por derecho propio al selecto grupo de aquellos pensadores que mediante nuevas categorías y conceptos abren a los demás una visión enriquecida de la realidad. No es sorprendente, por lo tanto, que en toda la región existan discípulos y ex alumnos suyos. Persona de gran generosidad intelectual e impaciencia ante el saber convencional y las intolerancias de cualquier lado del espectro académico o político, Aníbal Pinto recibió el reconocimiento de la comunidad académica internacional, expresado en el Premio Iberoamericano de Economía "Raúl Prebisch", el Doctorado Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Campinas, en Brasil, y el Premio Nacional de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de Chile, 1995. En meses recientes, recibió dos distinciones adicionales: la primera, de sus colegas de la CEPAL, que le rindieron un homenaje con ocasión del quincuagésimo aniversario de las Naciones Unidas; la segunda, al presentarse una recopilación de sus escritos publicada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en un acto que se llevó a cabo en la Feria del Libro de Santiago, en diciembre pasado. La CEPAL ha tenido la infinita suerte de contar entre sus cuadros con grandes personalidades que han dejado un legado de valores, principios e ideas-fuerza; si se quiere, forjadores de instituciones. Es más, si hay algo que distingue a la CEPAL del resto de las entidades de las Naciones Unidas, es ese hecho. Entre los nombres que más resonarán, sin duda figurará el de Aníbal Pinto. Por eso, y por sus excepcionales cualidades humanas, lo recordaremos con afecto y admiración.


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B. ovis pathogenicity was evaluated in experimentally inoculated and naturally infected rams. Ten animals were submitted to simultaneous conjunctival and intrapreputial inoculation with 2x109 CFU/ mL of B. ovis REO 198. After that, animals underwent physical examination and blood samples were collected for serology every week. Positive serology results started to be observed in the 3rd week, with fluctuations in titers. Clinical changes began in the 5th week after inoculation and were associated with positive serology in the acute phase of the disease. Presence of B. ovis in semen and urine culture was intermittent. Three non-inoculated animals showed natural infection. B. ovis was shed twice in semen of one serology-negative animal. The study underscored the pathogenic characteristics of B. ovis REO 198 in Santa Inês rams, as well as the importance of animals as potential sources of infection.


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The present study aimed to evaluate the performance, survivability and carcass traits of crossbred lambs. Data from 299 lambs born to 209 ewes were used. The dams were from a local hair breed (Santa Inês) and five breeds of sires were used: Dorper (DR), Ile de France (IF), Hampshire Down (HD), Texel (TX) and Santa Inês (SI). The lambs were weighed at birth, weaning and slaughter. Fasting body weight, skin thickness, hot and cold carcass weight, carcass yield and carcass length were measured at slaughter. Carcasses were separated into commercial cuts: neck, shoulder, rib, belly, loin and leg. Leg length and circumference were measured. Analyses of variances using MIXED procedure in SAS® were carried out for weights and carcass traits. Factor, discriminant and canonical analysis were carried out. Mortality data of animals from birth until slaughter was analyzed using logistic regression. The HD animals had the highest mortality rate. TX lambs had similar growth rate and survivability compared to DR and IF and had better carcass traits than these genetic groups. Therefore, this breed can be used as paternal breed to crossbreeding with Santa Inês dams. Santa Inês animals did not differ in growth from birth until slaughter compared to crossbred animals, which highlights the potential of this naturalized breed for meat production. Moreover, there is a great variability inside this breed for carcass and growth traits which may undergo great improvement through selection programs. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.