985 resultados para Salty taste


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The contamination of water sources of public drinking by waste originated by anthropogenic activities has brought various risks to human health. Among the consequences of such activities can highlight the bloom of microalgae and cyanobacteria, which have the potential to produce toxins dangerous to humans, and the presence of humic substances that are generated by the decomposition of natural organic matter (NOM), such as vegetation. When found in water sources for public supply, present negative aspects conferring high color, odor and taste. The double filtration technology has good efficiency in water with the presence of cyanobacteria and different quality variations. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the behavior of the technique of double filtration with pre-oxidation for water purifiers the lagoon of Extremoz-RN, which currently has high concentrations of cyanobacteria. The research is summarized in four phases: the first phase turned to static tests in jarteste equipment in the laboratory and subsequent phases were tested in the Pilot Plant of Double Filtration. For the second and third stage filtration rates were tested filtration rates of 120 and 180 m3 / m2 .day for ascending boulders filters and 160 and 240 m3 / m2 .day in the filters in quick sand descendants. The last phase aimed to evaluate the double filtration with pre-oxidation. The results demonstrated that the system could produce double filtration in all trials of good quality water according to the Decree nº. 2914/11 of the Ministry of Health. The use of preoxidation favored the removal of microcystin and color at the end of the tests, reaching a percentage of color removal around 60%. The analysis of variance in the data, enabled prove that the filtration rates of 180 m3 / m2.d the gravel filter and 240 m3 /m2 .d in rapid filters, were the most significant for the removal of turbidity. The ascending filter of boulder 4 with particle size finer filter layer showed the best performance and the best means of turbidity and apparent color. The rapid filter downward 1 was more efficient in removing turbidity reaching removal about 100%


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Sediment cores from the southern continental margin of Australia are near the formation region of Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) and Subantarctic Mode Water and record the changes in these water masses from the last glacial maximum through the present. Carbon and oxygen isotopes were measured on the benthic foraminiferal species Planulina wuellerstrorfi for both the Recent and last glacial maximum sections of the cores and were then used to reconstruct temperature and carbon isotopic water column profiles. The glacial oxygen isotope profile indicates a vertical temperature structure for this region similar to that in today's Subantarctic Zone. Although intermediate water delta13C cannot be used as a nutrient tracer in this region because of the large influence of air-sea carbon isotopic exchange on this water mass, delta13C can be used as a water mass tracer. Today, AAIW properties reflect contributions from cool, fresh Antarctic Surface Waters (2/3) and warm, salty waters from the Indian Ocean (1/3). When examined in conjuction with the glacial delta13C and delta18C data from the north Indian and Southern Oceans, our data suggest a much reduced contribution of North Indian Ocean intermediate water to glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water relative to the contribution of Antarctic Surface Water. This fresher, cooler glacial Antarctic Intermediate Water would be distributed to the intermediate-depth ocean, thus decreasing the transport of salt produced in the North Indian Ocean to the rest of the world's oceans. Combined with evidence for a reduced influence of North Atlantic Deep Water, these results suggest major changes in the pathways for the redistribution of heat and salt in the glacial ocean.


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We attempt a reconstruction of salinity levels of the central Baltic Sea based on diatom assemblages, the isotopic composition of organic matter and sedimentological expression of anoxia over the last 10 000 years. We use the data to investigate the dependence of salinity levels on climate evolution and isostasy. Changes in salinity of surface and deep waters were most pronounced from 8400 to approximately 5000 cal. BP. Density stratification between salty deep and fresher surface waters caused the frequent development of anoxic conditions and deposition of laminated sediments on large parts of the sea floor in the central Baltic Sea, and dramatic changes in organic carbon-accumulation rates. From 5000 to 3100 cal. BP, the salinity of the basin decreased, oxygenation of deep sea floors was improved, and fertility of the sea surface was significantly reduced. This is reflected by low accumulation rates of organic carbon in bioturbated sediments. Since 2800 cal. BP, salinity rose again and anoxic periods were more common. Even though the major steps in environmental evolution in the Baltic Sea coincide with known patterns of climatic change of the North Atlantic realm over the last 10 000 years, we find no conclusive evidence for synchronous changes or linear responses on submillennial timescales. However, we note that major variations in our salinity records agree with temporal patterns of reconstructed summer warmth and winter precipitation in southern Scandinavia. Both types of record suggest that climate in the mid-Holocene was far from stable. Our data also confirm that climate evolution over the late Holocene had significant impact on environmental conditions in the Baltic Sea.


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Paleostudies of the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) are largely based on temperature and salinity reconstructions of its near surface component, whereas the variability of its lower thermocline flow has rarely been investigated. We present a multi-proxy record of planktonic and benthic foraminiferal d18O, Mg/Ca-derived surface and lower thermocline temperatures, X-ray fluorescence (XRF)-derived runoff and sediment winnowing for the past 130 ka in marine sediment core SO18471. Core SO18471, retrieved from a water depth of 485 m at the southern edge of the Timor Strait close to the Sahul Shelf, sits in a strategic position to reconstruct variations in both the ITF surface and lower thermocline flow as well as to investigate hydrological changes related to monsoon variability and shelf dynamics over time. Sediment winnowing demonstrates that the ITF thermocline flow intensified during MIS 5d-a and MIS 1. In contrast during MIS 5e, winnowing was reduced and terrigenous input increased suggesting intensification of the local wet monsoon and a weaker ITF. Lower thermocline warming during globally cold periods (MIS 4 - MIS 2) appears to be related to a weaker and contracted thermocline ITF and advection of warm and salty Indian Ocean waters.


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The southwestern part of the subpolar North Atlantic east of the Grand Banks of Newfoundland and Flemish Cap is a crucial area for the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Here the exchange between subpolar and subtropical gyre takes place, southward flowing cold and fresh water is replaced by northward flowing warm and salty water within the North Atlantic Current (NAC). As part of a long-term experiment, the circulation east of Flemish Cap has been studied by seven repeat hydrographic sections along inline image (2003-2011), a 2 year time series of current velocities at the continental slope (2009-2011), 19 years of sea surface height, and 47 years of output from an eddy resolving ocean circulation model. The structure of the flow field in the measurements and the model shows a deep reaching NAC with adjacent recirculation and two distinct cores of southward flow in the Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC): one core above the continental slope with maximum velocities at mid-depth and the second farther east with bottom-intensified velocities. The western core of the DWBC is rather stable, while the offshore core shows high temporal variability that in the model is correlated with the NAC strength. About 30 Sv of deep water flow southward below a density of sigma-theta = 27.68 kg/m**3 in the DWBC. The NAC transports about 110 Sv northward, approximately 15 Sv originating from the DWBC, and 75 Sv recirculating locally east of the NAC, leaving 20 Sv to be supplied by the NAC from the south.


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No mercado têm surgido alternativas aos produtos de colagem de origem animal, nomeadamente as proteínas de origem vegetal e extratos de levedura. O objectivo deste trabalho foi a comparação de um elevado número de produtos de colagem de origem animal (gelatinas) e produtos alternativos de origem vegetal e levuriano. Inicialmente os produtos de colagem foram aplicados ao vinho em diferentes doses. Com base na avaliação sensorial, foram selecionados os produtos e as doses que revelaram melhor desempenho. Os produtos de colagem selecionados foram aplicados ao vinho e avaliado o seu efeito nas características sensoriais e físico-químicas. O parâmetro que apresentou diferenças mais significativas foi a turbidez. A análise estatística apenas revelou diferenças significativas para os atributos qualidade do sabor e nota final; apesar de não evidenciar diferenças significativas, as variações observadas para o atributo extração/secura foram muito importantes do ponto de vista prático. As gelatinas que mostraram melhor desempenho foram as POA 10 e POA 12 e as proteínas vegetais POV 6 (proteína de ervilha) e POV 10 (proteína de batata). Este estudo permitiu a recolha de informação para ser utilizada na seleção do produto de colagem mais apropriado para o perfil de vinho da adega e a alternativa mais apropriada às gelatinas.


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Durante o período de estágio curricular, no âmbito do Mestrado em Gestão e Direção Hoteleira, que decorreu de 1 de Novembro de 2013 a 31 de Julho de 2014, nos departamentos de Direção de F&B, At Your Service e Relações Públicas e Eventos do Praia D’El Rey Marriott Golf & Beach Resort, verificou-se que, em algumas e diferentes situações, não existia uma gestão eficaz entre os recursos existentes e a própria operação. O objetivo do presente trabalho pretende mostrar como, muitas vezes, através dos próprios recursos se consegue melhorar a operação e, consequentemente, os resultados. Efetuou-se uma análise de observação à operação e, ao mesmo tempo, interagiu-se diretamente com os recursos humanos, no intuito de se detetarem falhas que se consigam evitar através dos próprios recursos, ou seja, sem custos para a empresa. Na Direção de F&B pôs-se em prática um dos standards exigidos pela cadeia Marriott, o Art of Host. Este standard será abordado ao longo do presente trabalho, contudo, a sua principal vantagem é, sem dúvida, a melhoria da comunicação entre equipas e a partilha de ideias e conhecimentos. Ainda na área do F&B, mas já a nível de compras e fornecedores, também se realizaram estudos e análises que se revelaram importantes para uma melhor gestão da operação. No departamento de At Your Service, verificou-se uma falha no conhecimento da carta de room-service, por parte dos PBX Operators. Assim, realizou-se um taste panel para todos os colaboradores deste departamento e os resultados foram bastante positivos. Já na área das Relações Públicas e Eventos, projetou-se e criou-se um espaço que funciona como um Resort Information Office, ou seja, um ponto de informação do resort onde, ao mesmo tempo, se promovem eventos. Um projeto dinâmico e eficaz. As ações implementadas, no geral, demonstraram que, de facto, conseguem-se melhorias na operação, muitas vezes, através dos recursos existentes. Recomenda-se a adoção futura e contínua deste tipo de iniciativas e ações para que se obtenham resultados cada vez melhores.


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Objectives: The current study aims to evaluate dosage form preferences in children and young adults together with identifying the key pragmatic dosage form characteristics that would enable appropriate formulation of orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs). Methods: International, multisite, cross-sectional questionnaire of children and young adults aged from 6 to 18 years. Eligibility was based on age, ability to communicate and previous experience in taking medications. The study was carried out at three locations: the UK, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. The questionnaire instrument was designed for participant self-completion under supervision of the study team.Results 104 questionnaires were completed by the study cohort (n=120, response rate 87%). Results: showed that ODTs were the most preferred oral dosage forms (58%) followed by liquids (20%), tablets (12%) and capsules (11%). The preferred colours were pink or white while the preferred size was small (<8 mm) with a round shape. With regard to flavour, strawberry was the most preferred (30.8%), while orange was the least preferred (5.8%). The results also showed that the most important physical characteristics of ODTs were disintegration time followed by taste, size and flavour, respectively. Conclusions: The results of our study support the WHO's claim for a shift of paradigm from liquid towards ODTs dosage forms for drug administration to young children older than 6 years. Data from this study will also equip formulators to prioritise development of key physical/performance attributes within the delivery system.


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Although people frequently pursue multiple goals simultaneously, these goals often conflict with each other. For instance, consumers may have both a healthy eating goal and a goal to have an enjoyable eating experience. In this dissertation, I focus on two sources of enjoyment in eating experiences that may conflict with healthy eating: consuming tasty food (Essay 1) and affiliating with indulging dining companions (Essay 2). In both essays, I examine solutions and strategies that decrease the conflict between healthy eating and these aspects of enjoyment in the eating experience, thereby enabling consumers to resolve such goal conflicts.

Essay 1 focuses on the well-established conflict between having healthy food and having tasty food and introduces a novel product offering (“vice-virtue bundles”) that can help consumers simultaneously address both health and taste goals. Through several experiments, I demonstrate that consumers often choose vice-virtue bundles with small proportions (¼) of vice and that they view such bundles as healthier than but equally tasty as bundles with larger vice proportions, indicating that “healthier” does not always have to equal “less tasty.”

Essay 2 focuses on a conflict between healthy eating and affiliation with indulging dining companions. The first set of experiments provides evidence of this conflict and examine why it arises (Studies 1 to 3). Based on this conflict’s origins, the second set of experiments tests strategies that consumers can use to decrease the conflict between healthy eating and affiliation with an indulging dining companion (Studies 4 and 5), such that they can make healthy food choices while still being liked by an indulging dining companion. Thus, Essay 2 broadens the existing picture of goals that conflict with the healthy eating goal and, together with Essay 1, identifies solutions to such goal conflicts.


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The dietary intake of sodium chloride has increased considerably over the last few decades due to changes in the human diet. This higher intake has been linked to a number of diseases including hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Numerous international health agencies, as well as the food industry, have now recommended a salt intake level of 5-6 g daily, approximately half of the average current daily intake level. Cereal products, and in particular bread, are a major source of salt in the Western diet. Therefore, any reduction in the level of salt in bread could have a major impact on global health. However, salt is a critical ingredient in bread production, and its reduction can have a deleterious effect on the production process as well as on the final bread quality characteristics such as shelf-life, bread volume and sensory characteristics, all deviating from the bakers’ and consumers’ expectations. This work addresses the feasibility of NaCl reduction in wheat bread focusing on options to compensate NaCl with the use of functional sourdoughs. Three strains were used for the application of low-salt bread; L. amylovorus DSM19280, W. cibaria MG1 and L. reuteri FF2hh2. The multifunctional strain L. reuteri FF2hh2 was tested the first time and its application could be demonstrated successfully. The functionalities were based on the production of exopolysaccharides as well as the production of antifungal compounds. While the exopolysaccharides, mainly high molecular dextrans, positively influenced mainly bread loaf volume, crumb structure and staling rate, the strains producing antifungal compounds prolonged the microbial shelf life significantly and compensated the lack of salt. The impact on the sensory characteristics of bread were evaluated by descriptive sensory evaluation. The increase in surface area as well as the presence of organic acids impacted significantly on the flavour profile of the sourdough bread samples. The flavour attribute “salt” could be enhanced by sourdough addition and increased the salty perception. Furthermore, a trained sensory panel evaluated for the first time the impact of yeast activity, based on different salt and yeast concentrations, on the volatile aroma profile of bread crumb samples. The analytical measurements using high resolution gas chromatography and proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) resulted in significantly different results based on different yeast activities. Nevertheless, the extent of the result could not be recognised by the sensory panel analysing the odour profile of the bread crumb samples. Hence, the consumer cannot recognised low-salt bread by its odour. The use of sourdough is a natural option to overcome the broad range of technological issues caused by salt reduction and also a more popular alternative compared to existing chemical salt replacers.


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Exploration empirique et théorique des diverses contraintes sociales agissant sur la pratique de la critique musicale dans les médias montréalais en contexte de compétition marchande. Pour ce faire, une enquête sociologique qualitative fut menée auprès d’un échantillon de dix animateurs et journalistes musicaux de Montréal. L’auteur développe une théorie selon laquelle critiquer esthétiquement consiste à trier et à choisir en fonction du goût au moyen d’un concept appelé « dynamique EGC », soit le processus par lequel les expériences esthétiques sont filtrées par le goût, qui commande une réponse actée sous forme de critique d’art. Sa recherche s’intéresse d’abord aux impératifs (obstacles) du métier d’animateur et de journaliste musical et montre que c’est la compétition marchande qui prédomine dans un tel travail parce qu’elle surplombe tout le reste. Le mémoire s’attarde ensuite à étudier les déterminismes sociaux poussant certains individus à vouloir pratiquer ce métier. Il est montré que les déterminismes particuliers incitant à la pratique du métier d’animateur musical ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux incitant à la pratique du journalisme musical. Les animateurs sont des « conservateurs esthétiques » qui aiment constamment partager implicitement leur passion, tandis que les journalistes sont des « progressistes esthétiques » préférant donner leur avis explicitement lorsque nécessaire, mais pas nécessairement tout le temps. Dans tous les cas, animateurs et journalistes musicaux sont à comprendre comme des « militants esthétiques », des gens qui tentent de convaincre en même temps qu’ils tentent d’acquérir de la notoriété critique.


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Pour respecter les droits d’auteur, la version électronique de ce mémoire a été dépouillée de certains documents visuels et audio-visuels. La version intégrale du mémoire a été déposée au Service de la gestion des documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.


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Understanding how seafood will be influenced by coming environmental changes such as ocean acidification is a research priority. One major gap in knowledge relates to the fact that many experiments are not considering relevant end points related directly to production (e.g., size, survival) and product quality (e.g., sensory quality) that can have important repercussions for consumers and the seafood market. The aim of this experiment was to compare the survival and sensory quality of the adult northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis) exposed for 3 wk to a temperature at the extreme of its thermal tolerance (11°C) and 2 pH treatments: pH 8.0 (the current average pH at the sampling site) and pH 7.5 (which is out of the current natural variability and relevant to near-future ocean acidification). Results show that decreased pH increased mortality significantly, by 63%. Sensory quality was assessed through semiqualitative scoring by a panel of 30 local connoisseurs. They were asked to rate 4 shrimp (2 from each pH treatment) for 3 parameters: appearance, texture and taste. Decreased pH reduced the score significantly for appearance and taste, but not texture. As a consequence, shrimp maintained in pH8.0 had a 3.4 times increased probability to be scored as the best shrimp on the plate, whereas shrimp from the pH 7.5 treatment had a 2.6 times more chance to be scored as the least desirable shrimp on the plate. These results help to prove the concept that ocean acidification can modulate sensory quality of the northern shrimp P. borealis. More research is now needed to evaluate impacts on other seafood species, socioeconomic consequences, and potential options.


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Results from a large scale soil mapping on the North Frisian mainland indicate, that field characteristics, particularly the grain-size, bedding, and degree of compaction, with in general determine the soil units mapped, are closely correlated with each other and with other field and laboratory data. Exchangable ions and the Ca/Mg-ratio, however, indicate no explainable connections with the soil units and with most of the other field characteristics but are determined postsedimentarily by processes of the development of soil and landscape, such as desalting and decalcification, silicate weathering, fresh- and salt-water innundations, salty precipitations, salty groundwater and fertilization. Therefore the Ca/Mg-ratio is not suitable to differentiate between more clayey compacted Knick-marsh soils and less clayey permeable Klei-marsh soils. The results confirm that marsh-soils may only be classified and mapped by means of all available field-data which have to be supplemented by laboratory investigations.


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We present evidence that the characteristic chemical signature (based on coupled benthic foraminiferal Cd/Ca and d13C) of Antarctic Intermediate waters (AAIW) penetrated throughout the intermediate depths of the Atlantic basin to the high-latitude North Atlantic during the abrupt cooling events of the last deglaciation: Heinrich 1 and the Younger Dryas. AAIW may play the dynamic counterpart to the "bipolar seesaw" when near-freezing salty bottom waters from the Antarctic (AABW) sluggishly ventilate the deep ocean. Our data reinforce the concept that interglacial circulation is stabilized by salinity feedbacks between salty northern sourced deep waters (NADW) and fresh southern sourced waters (AABW and AAIW). Further, the glacial ocean may be susceptible to the more finely balanced relative densities of NADW and AAIW, due to either freshwater input or a reversal of the salinity gradient, such that the ocean is poised for NADW collapse via a negative salinity feedback. The unstable climate of the glacial period and its termination may arise from the closer competition for ubiquity at intermediate depths between northern and southern sourced intermediate waters.