990 resultados para Saline


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Introducción: La hidrolipoclasia es una técnica de moldeamiento corporal consistente en la infiltración de una solución en el tejido adiposo con la consiguiente aplicación de ultrasonido para producir lisis en los adipocitos y reducción del tejido adiposo en el área de tratamiento. Sin embargo, existen múltiples variaciones a la técnica, entre ellas el tipo de solución utilizada. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los resultados con la técnica de hidrolipoclasia en cuanto a reducción de medidas con el uso de solución salina hipotónica versus isotónica. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo de corte transversal, se analizaron historias clínicas de pacientes a los que se les realizó hidrolipoclasia entre enero de 2013 y febrero 2014 en dos centros médicos estéticos de Bogotá. Se compararon dos técnicas (utilizando solución salina isotónica versus hipotónica) en cuanto a la disminución de medidas antropométricas tomadas antes y después del tratamiento. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la comparación de medias utilizando la prueba t de Student. Resultados: Se analizaron 37 historias clínicas, 19 pacientes sometidos a hidrolipoclasia con solución salina hipotónica y 18 con isotónica. Después de la realización de un procedimiento hubo una disminución estadísticamente significativa (p: 0,000) en todas las medidas antropométricas evaluadas, siendo mayor comparativamente en los pacientes tratados con solución hipotónica en cintura, perímetro abdominal y perímetro a nivel de crestas iliacas. Los efectos secundarios incluyeron equimosis y hematomas. No se presentaron complicaciones. Conclusión: La hidrolipoclasia es segura y eficaz en el manejo de adiposidad localizada, teniendo una mayor efectividad cuando se utiliza solución salina hipotónica.


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Introducción: las terapias continuas de reemplazo renal son una importante medida a utilizar en los pacientes con lesión renal aguda que ingresan a la unidad de cuidado intensivo, la pérdida temprana del circuito por coagulación del mismo es una situación que afecta a este grupo de pacientes. Materiales y métodos: se realizo un estudio de casos y controles de una duración de tres meses tomando los pacientes que eran sometidos a terapia continua de reemplazo renal en la fundación Cardioinfantil, se eligieron como casos aquellos pacientes que no lograban completar 72 horas de terapia por perdida del circuito relacionada con coagulación, y aquellos que si se tomaron como controles, se analizaron ambos grupos en función de diferentes variables demográficas, clínicas y del circuito, tomando como análisis primario el primer filtro utilizado y haciendo un análisis secundario incluyendo todos los filtros. Resultados: se recolectaron 24 pacientes para el análisis primario y 101 filtros para el análisis secundario, el 37,5% de los filtros duró > 72 horas y 62,5%, menos de este tiempo. El puntaje APACHE II (OR: 0,76, p 0.003) y sitio de inserción femoral derecho (OR: 0.14, p 0.007) se encontraron protectoras para la disfunción temprana. Discusión: aunque no se alcanzó la muestra total, se encontró asociación protectora del acceso femoral derecho, que fue novedosa, pero requiere confirmación. El APACHE II, también protector, puede corresponder a un sesgo, se necesitan más estudios para aclarar estos hallazgos y determinar la presencia de otras variables que intervengan.


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We assessed the importance of temperature, salinity, and predation for the size structure of zooplankton and provided insight into the future ecological structure and function of shallow lakes in a warmer climate. Artificial plants were introduced in eight comparable coastal shallow brackish lakes located at two contrasting temperatures: cold-temperate and Mediterranean climate region. Zooplankton, fish, and macroinvertebrates were sampled within the plants and at open-water habitats. The fish communities of these brackish lakes were characterized by small-sized individuals, highly associated with submerged plants. Overall, higher densities of small planktivorous fish were recorded in the Mediterranean compared to the cold-temperate region, likely reflecting temperature-related differences as have been observed in freshwater lakes. Our results suggest that fish predation is the major control of zooplankton size structure in brackish lakes, since fish density was related to a decrease in mean body size and density of zooplankton and this was reflected in a unimodal shaped biomass-size spectrum with dominance of small sizes and low size diversity. Salinity might play a more indirect role by shaping zooplankton communities toward more salt-tolerant species. In a global-warming perspective, these results suggest that changes in the trophic structure of shallow lakes in temperate regions might be expected as a result of the warmer temperatures and the potentially associated increases in salinity. The decrease in the density of largebodied zooplankton might reduce the grazing on phytoplankton and thus the chances of maintaining the clear water state in these ecosystems


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The area known as 'prats de Sant Sebastià' is in Caldes de Malavella. It is part of the wetlands located in the south-eastern end of the Selva Basin. Several areas with unusually high conductivity (EC up to 24,500 uS/cm) have been identified in this place. This fact allows highly specialised and comparatively rare botanical species to grow in this area. These saline soils follow a north-south line-up. The geophysical data, obtained with a field conductivemeter (EM 31), show that this superficial line-up continues in the subsoil. In addition to this, the conductivity cartography, made for an electromagnetic exploration depth of 6 meters, shows that the width of the region where these salinity anomalies take place increases in depth. When included in the hidrogeological context of this sector of the Selva Basin, these data bring new elements for the study of the genesis and working of these marshy environments. The model that future research will have to confirm, maintains that the groundwater discharges coming from the underlying hydrogeothermal aquifer are a conditioning factor of the aforementioned phenomenon. This ascending flow of highly mineralised waters (TDS of about 3,500 mg/l) can produce and keep stable the soil salinity


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L'objectiu principal del treball de recerca és aprofundir en el coneixement del grup de Bacteris Verds del Sofre (BVS) des del punt de vista de la relació amb la salinitat. L'estudi s'ha restringit als representants halotolerants o halòfils del grup amb tres línies de treball que corresponen a diferents àmbits de coneixement, com són la descripció del biòtop i la riquesa específica de les comunitats de BVS en els ambients naturals, l'avaluació de la significació taxonòmica de la capacitat de desenvolupament en ambients salins en el marc de discussió de la taxonomia-filogenètica del grup, i l'anàlisi de les estratègies fisiològiques desenvolupades per a l'osmoadaptació en medi salí.


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Experiments evaluated cochlear expression of key stress proteins in kanamycin and saline treated C57BL/6J and CBA/J mice using immunocytochemistry. A qualitative approach was used to assess immunoreactivity for HSP70, HSF-1, HO-1, and TNF-α as a function of strain and treatment.


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Pulses of potassium (K+) applied to columns of repacked calcium (Ca2+) saturated soil were leached with distilled water or calcium chloride (CaCl2) solutions of various concentrations at a rate of 12 mm h(-1). With increased Ca2+ concentration, the rate of movement of K+ increased, as did the concentration of K+ in the displaced pulse, which was less dispersed. The movement of K+ in calcite-amended soil leached with water was at a similar rate to that of the untreated soil leached with 1 mM CaCl2, and in soil containing gypsum, movement was similar to that leached with 15 mM CaCl2. The Ca2+ concentrations in the leachates were about 0.4 and 15 mM respectively the expected values for the dissolution of the two amendments. Soil containing native K+ was leached with distilled water or CaCl2 solutions. The amount of K+ leached increased as Ca2+ concentration increased, with up to 34% of the exchangeable K+ being removed in five pore volumes of 15 mM CaCl2. Soil amended with calcite and leached with water lost K+ at a rate between that for leaching the unamended soil with 1 mM CaCl2 and that with water. Soil containing gypsum and leached with water lost K+ at a similar rate to unamended soil leached with 15 mM CaCl2. The presence of Ca2+ in irrigation water and of soil minerals able to release Ca2+ are of importance in determining the amounts of K+ leached from soils. The LEACHM model predicted approximately the displacement of K+, and was more accurate with higher concentrations of displacing solution. The shortcomings of this model are its inability to account for rate-controlled processes and the assumption that K+:Ca2+ exchange during leaching can be described using a constant adsorption coefficient. As a result, the pulse is predicted to appear a little earlier and the following edge has less of a tail than chat measured. In practical agriculture, the model will be more useful in soils containing gypsum or leached with saline water than in either calcareous or non-calcareous soils leached with rainwater.


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Lake Kinneret (LK) is a relatively fresh water take situated in the Dead Sea Rift (DSR) Valley. The pore water (PW) in the sediments underlying LK pelagic zone have significantly higher salinity than that of the lake. The concentrations of major ion solutes (Cl, Br, Na, K, Mg) in PW from six 2.4 m to 5.1 m long sediment cores increase linearly with depth, indicating the occurrence of saline, deep seated brines. The upper part of the PW column is affected by the much fresher boundary with LK water and in most cores is characterized by gradually increasing Br/Cl and decreasing Na, Mg, K/Cl molar ratios, which tend to stabilize at about 2.0 m below the sediment surface. The 'stable' molar ratios in the deeper PW vary spatially and are supposed to represent the ratios in the deep underlying brines at each site. When plotted as Na/Cl vs. Br/Cl, the stable ratios of the northern and central part of the lake fall close to a straight line which characterizes many of the brines in the DSR Valley. However, the respective ratios in the southern part of the lake fall markedly off the DSR line. Moreover, Na/Cl and K/Cl molar ratios in the south are significantly higher than in the central and northern parts. delta Cl-37 measured in present LK water is ca. 0.0 parts per thousand. Along the PW column at the lake center, delta Cl-37 is becoming more positive with depth, reaching values of about +0.5 parts per thousand to +0.6 parts per thousand at 3 m depth. Even more positive values (+0.7 parts per thousand to +0.8 parts per thousand) are detected further north, in PW from deeper sediment layers. In contrast, in PW from the southeastern part of the lake, delta Cl-37 is becoming more negative with depth (-1.0 parts per thousand at similar to 2.6 m). It is suggested that these isotopic differences are also indicative of spatial variability in the PW brine sources. O-18 and D values in the PW of all 3 m long cores are similar and resemble the respective levels in LK. The source of H2O in 3 m deep, bed sediments is claimed to be the overlying lake water, and therefore water isotopes do not provide a clue regarding the original water isotopic composition in the underlying brines. PW from the southeast with higher K/Cl and Na/Cl but lower concentrations of these solutes, suggest leaching by meteoric water of sub-surface halite and post-halite salt formations, while the more saline PW from the northern and central parts, that have lower K/Cl and Na/Cl, and higher Br/Cl, are similar to DSR brines and represent underlying residual brines. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Estimating the magnitude of Agulhas leakage, the volume flux of water from the Indian to the Atlantic Ocean, is difficult because of the presence of other circulation systems in the Agulhas region. Indian Ocean water in the Atlantic Ocean is vigorously mixed and diluted in the Cape Basin. Eulerian integration methods, where the velocity field perpendicular to a section is integrated to yield a flux, have to be calibrated so that only the flux by Agulhas leakage is sampled. Two Eulerian methods for estimating the magnitude of Agulhas leakage are tested within a high-resolution two-way nested model with the goal to devise a mooring-based measurement strategy. At the GoodHope line, a section halfway through the Cape Basin, the integrated velocity perpendicular to that line is compared to the magnitude of Agulhas leakage as determined from the transport carried by numerical Lagrangian floats. In the first method, integration is limited to the flux of water warmer and more saline than specific threshold values. These threshold values are determined by maximizing the correlation with the float-determined time series. By using the threshold values, approximately half of the leakage can directly be measured. The total amount of Agulhas leakage can be estimated using a linear regression, within a 90% confidence band of 12 Sv. In the second method, a subregion of the GoodHope line is sought so that integration over that subregion yields an Eulerian flux as close to the float-determined leakage as possible. It appears that when integration is limited within the model to the upper 300 m of the water column within 900 km of the African coast the time series have the smallest root-mean-square difference. This method yields a root-mean-square error of only 5.2 Sv but the 90% confidence band of the estimate is 20 Sv. It is concluded that the optimum thermohaline threshold method leads to more accurate estimates even though the directly measured transport is a factor of two lower than the actual magnitude of Agulhas leakage in this model.


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Background: Intravenous infusions of glucose and amino acids increase both nitrogen balance and muscle accretion. We hypothesised that co-infusion of glucose ( to stimulate insulin) and essential amino acids (EAA) would act additively to improve nitrogen balance by decreasing muscle protein degradation in association with alterations in muscle expression of components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway. Methods: We examined the effect of a 5 day intravenous infusions of saline, glucose, EAA and glucose + EAA, on urinary nitrogen excretion and muscle protein degradation. We carried out the study in 6 restrained calves since ruminants offer the advantage that muscle protein degradation can be assessed by excretion of 3 methyl-histidine and multiple muscle biopsies can be taken from the same animal. On the final day of infusion blood samples were taken for hormone and metabolite measurement and muscle biopsies for expression of ubiquitin, the 14-kDa E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, and proteasome sub-units C2 and C8. Results: On day 5 of glucose infusion, plasma glucose, insulin and IGF-1 concentrations were increased while urea nitrogen excretion and myofibrillar protein degradation was decreased. Co-infusion of glucose + EAA prevented the loss of urinary nitrogen observed with EAA infusions alone and enhanced the increase in plasma IGF-1 concentration but there was no synergistic effect of glucose + EAA on the decrease in myofibrillar protein degradation. Muscle mRNA expression of the ubiquitin conjugating enzyme, 14-kDa E2 and proteasome sub-unit C2 were significantly decreased, after glucose but not amino acid infusions, and there was no further response to the combined infusions of glucose + EAA. Conclusion: Prolonged glucose infusion decreases myofibrillar protein degradation, prevents the excretion of infused EAA, and acts additively with EAA to increase plasma IGF-1 and improve net nitrogen balance. There was no evidence of synergistic effects between glucose + EAA infusion on muscle protein degradation or expression of components of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway.


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The increase in fractional rate of protein synthesis (K-s) in the skeletal muscle of growing rats during the transition from fasted to fed state has been explained by the synergistic action of a rise in plasma insulin and branched-chain amino acids (BCAA). Since growing lambs Also exhibit an increase in K-s with level of feed intake, the objective of the present study was to determine if this synergistic relationship between insulin and BCAA also occurs in ruminant animals. Six 30 kg fasted (72 h) lambs (8 months of age) received each of four treatments, which were based on continuous infusion into the jugular vein for 6 h of: (1) saline (155 mmol NaCl/l); (2) a mixture of BCAA (0.778 mumol leucine, 0.640 mumol isoleucine and 0.693 mumol valine/min.kg); (3) 18.7 mumol glucose/min.kg (to induce endogenous insulin secretion): (4) co-infusion of BCAA and glucose. Within each period all animals received the same isotope of phenylalanine, (Phe) as follows: (1) L-[1-C-13]Phe; (2) L-phenyl-[ring H-2(5)]-alanine; (3) L-[N-15]Phe; (4) L-[ring 2,6-H-3]Phe. Blood was sampled serially during infusions to measure plasma concentrations of insulin, glucose and amino acids, and plasma free Phe isotopic activity; biopsies were taken 6 h after the beginning of infusions to determine K-s in in. longissimus dorsi and vastus muscle. Compared with control (saline-infused) lambs, K-s was increased by an average of 40% at the end of glucose infusion, but this effect was not statistically significant in either of the muscles sampled. BCAA infusion, alone or in combination with glucose, also had no significant effect on K-s compared with control sheep. K-s was approximately 60% greater for vastus muscle than for m. longissimus dorsi (P<0.01), regardless of treatment. It is concluded that there are signals other than insulin and BCAA that are responsible for the feed-induced increase in K-s in muscle of growing ruminant animals.


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With the purpose of eliciting a superovulatory response, 12 adult nulliparous Boer goat does were actively immunized against a recombinant a-subunit of ovine inhibin (roIHN-alpha; two injections of 100 mg 4 weeks apart). Another 12 control Boer goat does were treated with physiological saline and acted as controls. One year later the immunized animals were boostered by the administration of another dose (100 mg) of the immunogen. Following treatment, blood samples were collected twice weekly for the periods of 16 and 12 weeks, respectively, to monitor the inhibin binding ability with the aid of a radio-tracer binding assay. Throughout the experiment, estrus detection was conducted twice daily with the aid of an aproned intact buck. From the first day after treatment to 48 h after standing estrus, ovarian activity was monitored daily by transrectal ultrasonography. On alternate estrous cycles, does were mated and 6 days later flushed transcervically to recover embryos. All goats treated with the roIHN-alpha produced antibodies reactive to the native bovine inhibin tracer-the titre increasing from 2.9 +/- 0.4 to a maximum of 21.9 +/- 2.9% binding after the second injection. The antibody titre gradually subsided over the next 16 weeks. The booster injection restored an elevated antibody titre (11.7 +/- 0.4%), which was maintained until the end of the sampling period 12 weeks later. In the control goats only trace amounts of antibody were recorded throughout the trial. In the roIHN-alpha-immunized goats the number of follicles reaching a diameter of > 4 mm was 14.6 +/- 1.2 per doe. A positive correlation was recorded between the follicle number and antibody titre (r=0.61; P < 0.01). The number of follicles ovulating per doe (6.9 +/- 0.7) followed the same tendency-however, the proportion decreased with increasing follicle numbers. A relatively weak correlation was recorded between the inhibin binding ability and number of ovulations (r=0.27; P < 0.05). In the control goats the majority (92%) of follicles exceeding 4 mm in diameter ovulated (2.5 +/- 0.1 follicles/doe). Embryo collection proved unsatisfactory (42% versus 39% recovery for immunized and control animals, respectively)-presumably because the uterine lumen of the nulliparous does was too narrow to permit effective flushing. In the group of immunized goats the occurrence of short estrous cycles (< 15 days) recorded was 34% versus only 6% in the controls. Overall, immunization of goats against roIHN-alpha led to an almost six-fold increase in number of ovarian follicles, a three-fold increase in ovulations and, despite the low recovery rate, a more than three-fold increase in ova or embryos recovered. It may be concluded that treatment of female goats with roIHN-alpha leads to an inhibin antibody response, accompanied by enhanced ovarian activity. The response was, however, accompanied by a large proportion of retained follicles and a high incidence of short estrous cycles. These problems need to be further investigated before rendering the method fit for application in embryo transfer programs in goats. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The distribution of sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) in the sediments of the Colne River estuary, Essex, UK covering different saline concentrations of sediment porewater was investigated by the use of quantitative competitive PCR. Here, we show that a new PCR primer set and a new quantitative method using PCR are useful tools for the detection and the enumeration of SRB in natural environments. A PCR primer set selective for the dissimilatory sulphite reductase gene (dsr) of SRB was designed. PCR amplification using the single set of dsr-specific primers resulted in PCR products of the expected size from all 27 SRB strains tested, including Gram-negative and positive species. Sixty clones derived from sediment DNA using the primers were sequenced and all were closely related with the predicted dsr of SRB. These results indicate that PCR using the newly designed primer set are useful for the selective detection of SRB from a natural sample. This primer set was used to estimate cell numbers by dsr selective competitive PCR using a competitor, which was about 20% shorter than the targeted region of dsr. This procedure was applied to sediment samples from the River Colne estuary, Essex, UK together with simultaneous measurement of in situ rates of sulphate reduction. High densities of SRB ranging from 0.2 - 5.7 × 108 cells ml-1 wet sediment were estimated by the competitive PCR assuming that all SRB have a single copy of dsr. Using these estimates cell specific sulphate reduction rates of 10-17 to 10-15 mol of SO42- cell-1 day-1 were calculated, which is within the range of, or lower than, those previously reported for pure cultures of SRB. Our results show that the newly developed competitive PCR technique targeted to dsr is a powerful tool for rapid and reproducible estimation of SRB numbers in situ and is superior to the use of culture-dependent techniques.


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In this work we study the colloidal osmotic pressure (COP) and aggregate shape in phosphate saline buffer solutions (PH 7.4) containing bovine serum albumin (BSA), poly(ethylene glycol) lipid (PEG(2000)-PE) and Dextran (Dx). Dx was added to the BSA/PEG(2000)-PE system in order to increase the COP of the solution to levels comparable to the COP of healthy adults, with the aim of using the solution as a blood COP regulator. Dynamic light scattering and small angle X-ray scattering results shown the formation of BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx aggregates in the solution. Osmometry results shown that the addition of Dx to the BSA/PE2000-PE system could successfully increase the COP, through the formation of BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx aggregates. The BSA/PEG(2000)-PE/Dx solutions attained COP= 15 mm Hg, representing 60% of COP measured for healthy adults. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Geological carbon dioxide storage (CCS) has the potential to make a significant contribution to the decarbonisation of the UK. Amid concerns over maintaining security, and hence diversity, of supply, CCS could allow the continued use of coal, oil and gas whilst avoiding the CO2 emissions currently associated with fossil fuel use. This project has explored some of the geological, environmental, technical, economic and social implications of this technology. The UK is well placed to exploit CCS with a large offshore storage capacity, both in disused oil and gas fields and saline aquifers. This capacity should be sufficient to store CO2 from the power sector (at current levels) for a least one century, using well understood and therefore likely to be lower-risk, depleted hydrocarbon fields and contained parts of aquifers. It is very difficult to produce reliable estimates of the (potentially much larger) storage capacity of the less well understood geological reservoirs such as non-confined parts of aquifers. With the majority of its large coal fired power stations due to be retired during the next 15 to 20 years, the UK is at a natural decision point with respect to the future of power generation from coal; the existence of both national reserves and the infrastructure for receiving imported coal makes clean coal technology a realistic option. The notion of CCS as a ‘bridging’ or ‘stop-gap’ technology (i.e. whilst we develop ‘genuinely’ sustainable renewable energy technologies) needs to be examined somewhat critically, especially given the scale of global coal reserves. If CCS plant is built, then it is likely that technological innovation will bring down the costs of CO2 capture, such that it could become increasingly attractive. As with any capitalintensive option, there is a danger of becoming ‘locked-in’ to a CCS system. The costs of CCS in our model for UK power stations in the East Midlands and Yorkshire to reservoirs in the North Sea are between £25 and £60 per tonne of CO2 captured, transported and stored. This is between about 2 and 4 times the current traded price of a tonne of CO2 in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme. In addition to the technical and economic requirements of the CCS technology, it should also be socially and environmentally acceptable. Our research has shown that, given an acceptance of the severity and urgency of addressing climate change, CCS is viewed favourably by members of the public, provided it is adopted within a portfolio of other measures. The most commonly voiced concern from the public is that of leakage and this remains perhaps the greatest uncertainty with CCS. It is not possible to make general statements concerning storage security; assessments must be site specific. The impacts of any potential leakage are also somewhat uncertain but should be balanced against the deleterious effects of increased acidification in the oceans due to uptake of elevated atmospheric CO2 that have already been observed. Provided adequate long term monitoring can be ensured, any leakage of CO2 from a storage site is likely to have minimal localised impacts as long as leaks are rapidly repaired. A regulatory framework for CCS will need to include risk assessment of potential environmental and health and safety impacts, accounting and monitoring and liability for the long term. In summary, although there remain uncertainties to be resolved through research and demonstration projects, our assessment demonstrates that CCS holds great potential for significant cuts in CO2 emissions as we develop long term alternatives to fossil fuel use. CCS can contribute to reducing emissions of CO2 into the atmosphere in the near term (i.e. peak-shaving the future atmospheric concentration of CO2), with the potential to continue to deliver significant CO2 reductions over the long term.