986 resultados para Saddle-Node Equilibrium Point


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Emission of europium(II) and europium(III) have been observed in SrMgF4 xEu, yTb phosphors winch are synthesized in Ar flow. The valence state of En is influenced by terbium, It is noted that the intensities of the ESR peaks corresponding to Eu2+ are increased when terbium ion is codopech this can be explained by electron transfer mechanism which is Eu3++Tb3+-->Eu2++Tb4+. And its equilibrium constant is calculated.


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The crystallization and melting behaviour of poly(aryl-ether-ether-ketone) (PEEK) in blends with another polymer of the same family containing a bulky pendant phenolphthalein group (PEK-C) have been investigated by thermal methods. The small interaction energy density of the polymer pair (B = -8.99 J/cm3), evaluated from equilibrium melting point depression, is consistent with the T(g) data that indicate partial miscibility in the melt. Two conjugated phases are in equilibrium at 430-degrees-C: one is crystallizable and contains about 35 wt% of PEK-C; the other, containing only 15 wt% of PEEK, does not form crystals upon cooling and it interferes with the development of spherulites in the sample. The analysis of kinetic data according to nucleation theories shows that crystallization of PEEK in the explored temperature range takes place in Regime III and that a transition to Regime II might be a consequence of an increase in the amount of non-crystallizable molecules in the PEEK-rich phase. A composition independent value of the end surface free energy of PEEK lamellae has been derived from kinetic data (sigma-e = 40 +/- 4 erg/cm2) in excellent agreement with previous thermodynamic estimates. A new value for the equilibrium melting temperature of PEEK (T(m)-degrees = 639 K) has been obtained; it is about 30-degrees-C lower than the commonly accepted value and it explains better the "memory effect" in the crystallization from the melt of this high performance polymer.


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Based on the second-order random wave solutions of water wave equations in finite water depth, a joint statistical distribution of two-point sea surface elevations is derived by using the characteristic function expansion method. It is found that the joint distribution depends on five parameters. These five parameters can all be determined by the water depth, the relative position of two points and the wave-number spectrum of ocean waves. As an illustrative example, for fully developed wind-generated sea, the parameters that appeared in the joint distribution are calculated for various wind speeds, water depths and relative positions of two points by using the Donelan and Pierson spectrum and the nonlinear effects of sea waves on the joint distribution are studied. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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Biosorption of Cu2+ and Pb2+ by Cladophora fascicularis was investigated as a function of initial pH, initial heavy metal concentrations, temperature and other co-existing ions. Adsorption equilibriums were well described by Langmuir and Freundlich isotherm models. The maximum adsorption capacities were 1.61 mmol/ g for Cu2+ and 0.96 mmol/ g for Pb2+ at 298K and pH 5.0. The adsorption processes were endothermic and biosorption heats calculated by the Langmuir constant b were 39.0 and 29.6 kJ/ mol for Cu2+ and Pb2+, respectively. The biosorption kinetics followed the pseudo- second order model. No significant effect on the uptake of Cu2+ and Pb2+ by co-existing cations and anions was observed, except EDTA. Desorption experiments indicated that Na(2)EDTA was an efficient desorbent for the recovery of Cu2+ and Pb2+ from biomass. The results showed that Cladophora fascicularis was an effective and economical biosorbent material for the removal and recovery of heavy metal ions from wastewater.


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Based on the fractal theories, contractive mapping principles as well as the fixed point theory, by means of affine transform, this dissertation develops a novel Explicit Fractal Interpolation Function(EFIF)which can be used to reconstruct the seismic data with high fidelity and precision. Spatial trace interpolation is one of the important issues in seismic data processing. Under the ideal circumstances, seismic data should be sampled with a uniform spatial coverage. However, practical constraints such as the complex surface conditions indicate that the sampling density may be sparse or for other reasons some traces may be lost. The wide spacing between receivers can result in sparse sampling along traverse lines, thus result in a spatial aliasing of short-wavelength features. Hence, the method of interpolation is of very importance. It not only needs to make the amplitude information obvious but the phase information, especially that of the point that the phase changes acutely. Many people put forward several interpolation methods, yet this dissertation focuses attention on a special class of fractal interpolation function, referred to as explicit fractal interpolation function to improve the accuracy of the interpolation reconstruction and to make the local information obvious. The traditional fractal interpolation method mainly based on the randomly Fractional Brown Motion (FBM) model, furthermore, the vertical scaling factor which plays a critical role in the implementation of fractal interpolation is assigned the same value during the whole interpolating process, so it can not make the local information obvious. In addition, the maximal defect of the traditional fractal interpolation method is that it cannot obtain the function values on each interpolating nodes, thereby it cannot analyze the node error quantitatively and cannot evaluate the feasibility of this method. Detailed discussions about the applications of fractal interpolation in seismology have not been given by the pioneers, let alone the interpolating processing of the single trace seismogram. On the basis of the previous work and fractal theory this dissertation discusses the fractal interpolation thoroughly and the stability of this special kind of interpolating function is discussed, at the same time the explicit presentation of the vertical scaling factor which controls the precision of the interpolation has been proposed. This novel method develops the traditional fractal interpolation method and converts the fractal interpolation with random algorithms into the interpolation with determined algorithms. The data structure of binary tree method has been applied during the process of interpolation, and it avoids the process of iteration that is inevitable in traditional fractal interpolation and improves the computation efficiency. To illustrate the validity of the novel method, this dissertation develops several theoretical models and synthesizes the common shot gathers and seismograms and reconstructs the traces that were erased from the initial section using the explicit fractal interpolation method. In order to compare the differences between the theoretical traces that were erased in the initial section and the resulting traces after reconstruction on waveform and amplitudes quantitatively, each missing traces are reconstructed and the residuals are analyzed. The numerical experiments demonstrate that the novel fractal interpolation method is not only applicable to reconstruct the seismograms with small offset but to the seismograms with large offset. The seismograms reconstructed by explicit fractal interpolation method resemble the original ones well. The waveform of the missing traces could be estimated very well and also the amplitudes of the interpolated traces are a good approximation of the original ones. The high precision and computational efficiency of the explicit fractal interpolation make it a useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data; it can not only make the local information obvious but preserve the overall characteristics of the object investigated. To illustrate the influence of the explicit fractal interpolation method to the accuracy of the imaging of the structure in the earth’s interior, this dissertation applies the method mentioned above to the reverse-time migration. The imaging sections obtained by using the fractal interpolated reflected data resemble the original ones very well. The numerical experiments demonstrate that even with the sparse sampling we can still obtain the high accurate imaging of the earth’s interior’s structure by means of the explicit fractal interpolation method. So we can obtain the imaging results of the earth’s interior with fine quality by using relatively small number of seismic stations. With the fractal interpolation method we will improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the reverse-time migration under economic conditions. To verify the application effect to real data of the method presented in this paper, we tested the method by using the real data provided by the Broadband Seismic Array Laboratory, IGGCAS. The results demonstrate that the accuracy of explicit fractal interpolation is still very high even with the real data with large epicenter and large offset. The amplitudes and the phase of the reconstructed station data resemble the original ones that were erased in the initial section very well. Altogether, the novel fractal interpolation function provides a new and useful tool to reconstruct the seismic data with high precision and efficiency, and presents an alternative to image the deep structure of the earth accurately.


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Crosshole Seismic tomography has been broadly studied and applied in the fields of resource exploration and engineering exploration because of its special observing manner and better resolution than normal seismic exploration. This thesis will state the theory and method of Crosshole Seismic tomography. Basing on the previous studies,the thesis studied the initial velocity model,ray-tracing method, and developed the three-dimension tomography software. All the cells that a ray passes through are of the same velocities if the paths from transmitters to receivers are straight. The cells that the each ray passes through are recorded, and rays that pass through each cell are calculated. The ray average velocity which passes through a cell is set as the cell velocity. Analogously we can make a initial node velocity model because the velocity sum is calculated on the all cells which own to a certain node, and the cell number is summed about each nodes,the ratio of the velocity sum to the all cells number is set as the node velocity. The inversion result from the initial node velocity model is better than that of the average velocity model. Ray-bending and Shortest Path for Rays (SPR) have shortcomings and limitations respectively. Using crooked rays obtained from SPR rather than straight lines as the starting point can not only avoid ray bending converging to the local minimum travel time path, but also settle the no smooth ray problem obtained by SPR. The hybrid method costs much computation time, which is roughly equal to the time that SPR expends. The Delphi development tool based on the Object Pascal language standard has an advantage of object-oriented. TDTOM (Three Dimensions Tomography) was developed by using Delphi from the DOS version. Improvement on the part of inversion was made, which bring faster convergence velocity. TDTOM can be used to do velocity tomography from the first arrival travel time of the seismic wave, and it has the good qualities of friendly user interface and convenient operation. TDTOM is used to reconstruct the velocity image for a set of crosshole data from Karamay Oil Field. The geological explanation is then given by comparing the inversion effects of different ray-tracing methods. High velocity zones mean the cover of oil reservoir, and low velocity zones correspond to the reservoir or the steam flooding layer.


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With the large developments of the seismic sources theory, computing technologies and survey instruments, we can model and rebuild the rupture process of earthquakes more realistically. On which earthquake sources' properties and tectonic activities law are realized more clearly. The researches in this domain have been done in this paper as follows. Based on the generalized ray method, expressions for displacement on the surface of a half-space due to an arbitrary oriented shear and tensile dislocation are also obtained. Kinematically, fault-normal motion is equivalent to tensile faulting. There is some evidence that such motion occurs in many earthquakes. The expressions for static displacements on the surface of a layered half-space due to static point moment tensor source are given in terms of the generalized reflection and transmission coefficient matrix method. The validity and precision of the new method is illustrated by comparing the consistency of our results with the analytical solution given by Okada's code employing same point source and homogenous half-space model. The computed vertical ground displacement using the moment tensor solution of the Lanchang_Gengma earthquake displays considerable difference with that of a double couple component .The effect of a soft layer at the top of the homogenous half-space on a shallow normal-faulting earthquake is also analyzed. Our results show that more seismic information would be obtained utilizing seismic moment tensor source and layered half-space model. The rupture process of 1999 Chi-Chi, Taiwan, earthquake investigated by using co-seismic surface displacement GPS observations and far field P-wave records. In according to the tectonic analysis and distributions of aftershock, we introduce a three-segment bending fault planes into our model. Both elastic half-space models and layered-earth models to invert the distribution of co-seismic slip along the Chi-Chi earthquake rupture. The results indicate that the shear slip model can not fit horizontal and vertical co-seismic displacements together, unless we add the fault-normal motion (tensile component) in inversions. And then, the Chi Chi earthquake rupture process was obtained by inversion using the seismograms and GPS observations. Fault normal motions determined by inversion, concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji where the surface earthquake ruptures reveal more complexity and the developed flexural slip folding structures than the other portions of the rupture zone For understanding the perturbation of surface displacements caused by near-surface complex structures, We have taken a numeric test to synthesize and inverse the surface displacements for a pop-up structure that is composed of a main thrust and a back thrust. Our result indicates that the pop-up structure, the typical shallow complex rupture that occurred in the northern bending fault zone form Fengyuan to Shuangji, can be modeled better by a thrust fault added negative tensile component than by a simple thrust fault. We interpret the negative tensile distributions, that concentrate on the shallow northern bending fault from Fengyuan to Shuangji, as a the synthetic effect including the complexities of property and geometry of rupture. The earthquake rupture process also reveal the more spatial and temporal complexities form Fenyuan to SHuangji. According to the three-components teleseismic records, the S-wave velocity structure beneath the 59 teleseismic stations of Taiwan obtained by using the transform function method and the SA techniques. The integrated results, the 3D crustal structure of Taiwan reveal that the thickest part of crustal local in the western Central Range. This conclusion is consistent with the result form the Bouguer gravity anomaly. The orogenic evolution of Taiwan is young period, and the developing foot of Central Range dose not in static balancing. The crustal of Taiwan stays in the course of dynamic equilibrium. The rupture process of 2003)2,24,Jiashi, Xinjiang earthquake was estimated by the finite fault model using far field broadband P wave records of CDSN and IRIS. The results indicate that the earthquake focal is north dip trust fault including some left-lateral strike slip. The focal mechanism of this earthquake is different form that of earthquakes occurred in 1997 and 1998, but similar to that of 1996, Artux, Xinjiang earthquake. We interpreted that the earthquake caused trust fault due to the Tarim basin pushing northward and orogeny of Tianshan mountain. In the end, give a brief of future research subject: Building the Real Time Distribute System for rupture process of Large Earthquakes Based on Internet.