998 resultados para SILICON NANOWIRES


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Silicon nitride films were deposited by plasma-enhanced chemical-vapour deposition. The films were then implanted with erbium ions to a concentration of 8 x 10(20) cm(-3). After high temperature annealing, strong visible and infrared photoluminescence (PL) was observed. The visible PL consists mainly of two peaks located at 660 and 750 nm, which are considered to originate from silicon nanocluster (Si-NCs) and Si-NC/SiNx interface states. Raman spectra and HRTEM measurements have been performed to confirm the existence of Si-NCs. The implanted erbium ions are possibly activated by an energy transfer process, leading to a strong 1.54 mu m PL.


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The results of conductivity, photoconductivity and constant photocurrent method absorption measurements by DC and AC methods in hydrogenated silicon films with mixed amorphous-nanocrystalline structure are presented. A series of diphasic silicon films was deposited by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition technique, using different hydrogen dilution ratios of silane. The increase of hydrogen dilution ratio results in five orders of magnitude increase of conductivity and a sharp increase of grain volume fraction. The comparison of the absorption spectra obtained by DC and AC methods showed that they are similar for silicon films with the predominantly amorphous structure and films with high grain volume fraction. However we found a dramatic discrepancy between the absorption spectra obtained by DC and AC constant photocurrent methods in silicon films deposited in the regime of the structure transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline state. AC constant photocurrent method gives higher absorption coefficient than DC constant photocurrent method in the photon energy range of 1.2-1.7 eV. This result indicates the possibility of crystalline grains contribution to absorption spectra measured by AC constant photocurrent method in silicon films with intermediate crystalline grain volume fraction. (c) 2008 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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The electronic structure and optical gain of wurtzite ZnO nanowires are investigated in the framework of effective-mass envelope-function theory. We found that as the elliptical aspect ratio e increases to be larger than a critical value, the hole ground states may change from optically dark to optically bright. The optical gain of ZnO nanowires increases as the hole density increases. For elliptical wire with large e, the y-polarized mode gain can be several thousand cm(-1), while the x-poiarized mode gain may be 26 times smaller than the former, so they can be used as ultraviolet linearly polarized lasers. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on the density functional theory, we study the magnetic coupling properties of Mn-doped ZnO nanowires. For the nanowires with passivated surfaces, the antiferromagnetic state is found and the Mn atoms have a clustering tendency. When the distance between two Mn atoms is large, the system energetically favors the paramagnetic or spin-glass state. For the nanowires with unpassivated surfaces, the ferromagnetic (FM) coupling states appear between the two nearest Mn atoms, and the zinc vacancies can further stabilize the FM states between them. The electrons with enough concentration possibly mediate the FM coupling due to the negative exchange splitting of conduction band minimum induced by the s-d coupling, which could be useful in nanomaterial design for spintronics. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si:H) thin films were prepared by high-pressure radio-frequency (13.56 MHz) plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (rf-PECVD) with a screened plasma. The deposition rate and crystallinity varying with the deposition pressure, rf power, hydrogen dilution ratio and electrodes distance were systematically studied. By optimizing the deposition parameters the device quality mu c-Si:H films have been achieved with a high deposition rate of 7.8 angstrom/s at a high pressure. The V-oc of 560 mV and the FF of 0.70 have been achieved for a single-junction mu c-Si:H p-i-n solar cell at a deposition rate of 7.8 angstrom/s.


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This paper reports that a two-dimensional single-defect photonic crystal waveguide in the F-K direction with triangular lattice on a silicon-on-insulator substrate is fabricated by the combination of electron beam lithography and inductively coupled plasma etching. A ministop band (MSB) is observed by the measurement of transmission characteristics. It results from the coupling between the two modes with the same symmetry, which is analysed from the stimulated band diagram by the effective index and the two-dimensional plane wave expansion methods. The parameter working on the MSB is the ratio of the radius of air holes to the lattice constant, r/a. It is obtained that the critical r/a value determining the occurrence or disappearance of MSB is 0.36. When r/a is larger than or equal to 0.36, the MSB occurs. However, when r/a is smaller than 0.36, the MSB disappears.


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The electronic structure, Zeeman splitting, and g factor of Mn-doped CdS nanowires are studied using the k center dot p method and the mean field model. It is found that the Zeeman splittings of the hole ground states can be highly anisotropic, and so can their g factors. The hole ground states vary a lot with the radius. For thin wire, g(z) (g factor when B is along the z direction or the wire direction) is a little smaller than g(x). For thick wire, g(z) is mcuh larger than g(x) at small magnetic field, and the anisotropic factor g(z)/g(x) decreases as B increases. A small transverse electric field can change the Zeeman splitting dramatically, so tune the g(x) from nearly 0 to 70, in thick wire. The anisotropic factor decreases rapidly as the electric field increases. On the other hand, the Zeeman splittings of the electron ground states are always isotropic.


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The hole-mediated Curie temperature in Mn-doped wurtzite ZnO nanowires is investigated using the k center dot p method and mean field model. The Curie temperature T-C as a function of the hole density has many peaks for small Mn concentration (x(eff)) due to the density of states of one-dimensional quantum wires. The peaks of T-C are merged by the carriers' thermal distribution when x(eff) is large. High Curie temperature T-C > 400 K is found in (Zn,Mn)O nanowires. A transverse electric field changes the Curie temperature a lot. (Zn,Mn)O nanowires can be tuned from ferromagnetic to paramagnetic by a transverse electric field at room temperature. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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This letter reports on the Raman, optical and magnetic properties of FeNi co-doped ZnO nanowires prepared via a soft chemical solution method. The microstructural investigations show that the NiFe co-dopants are substituted into wurtzite ZnO nanostructure without forming any secondary phase. The co-doped nanowires show a remarkable reduction of 34 nm (267.9 meV) in the optical band gap, while suppression in the deep-level defect transition in visible luminescence. Furthermore, these nanowires exhibit ferromagnetism and an interesting low-temperature spin glass behavior, which may arise due to the presence of disorder and strong interactions of frustrated spin moments of Ni and Fe co-dopants on the ZnO lattice sites. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2009


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We present the design and numerical simulation results for a silicon waveguide modulator based on carrier depletion in a linear array of periodically interleaved PN junctions that are oriented perpendicular to the light propagation direction. In this geometry the overlap of the optical waveguide mode with the depletion region is much larger than in designs using a single PN junction aligned parallel to the waveguide propagation direction. Simulations predict that an optimized modulator will have a high modulation efficiency of 0.56 V.cm for a 3V bias, with a 3 dB frequency bandwidth of over 40 GHz. This device has a length of 1.86 mm with a maximum intrinsic loss of 4.3 dB at 0V bias, due to free carrier absorption. (C) 2009 Optical Society of America


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A 2 x 2 electro-optic switch is experimentally demonstrated using the optical structure of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (MZI) based on a submicron rib waveguide and the electrical structure of a PIN diode on silicon-on-insulator (SOI). The switch behaviour is achieved through the plasma dispersion effect of silicon. The device has a modulation arm of I mm in length and cross-section of 400 nmx340 nm. The measurement results show that the switch has a V pi L pi figure of merit of 0.145 V-cm and the extinction ratios of two output ports and cross talk are 40 dB, 28 dB and -28 dB, respectively. A 3 dB modulation bandwidth of 90 MHz and a switch time of 6.8 ns for the rise edge and 2.7 ns for the fall edge are also demonstrated.


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The density of states (DOS) above Fermi level of hydrogenated microcrystalline silicon (mu c-Si H) films is correlated to the material microstructure. We use Raman scattering and infrared absorption spectra to characterize the structure of the films made with different hydrogen dilution ratios. The DOS of the films is examined by modulated photocurrent measurement. The results have been accounted for in the framework of a three-phase model comprised of amorphous and crystalline components, with the grain boundary as the third phase. We observed that the DOS increases monotonically as the grain boundary volume fractions f(gb) is increased, which indicates a positive correlation between the DOS and the grain boundary volume fraction.


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We designed and fabricated a four-channel reconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexer based on silicon photonic wire waveguide, which is controlled through the thermo-optic effect. The effective footprint of the device is about 1000 x 500 mu m(2). The minimum insertion loss including the transmission loss and coupling loss is about 10.7 dB. The tuning bandwidth is about 17 nm, the average tuning efficiency about 6.11 mW/nm and the tuning speed about 24.5 kHz. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A two dimensional silicon-on-insulator based photonic crystal structure is used to enhance the emission from colloidal HgTe nanocrystal quantum dots embedded in a thin polymer film. The enhancement is resonant to the leaky eigenmodes of the photonic crystals due to coherent scattering effects. Transmittance and photoluminescence experiments are presented to map the leaky mode dispersion and the angle dependence of the emission enhancement factor, which reaches values up to 80 (650) for vertical (oblique) emission in the telecommunication wavelength range.


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A free-standing, bidirectionally permeable and ultra-thin (500-1000 nm) porous anodic alumina membrane was fabricated using a two-step aluminium anodization process, which was then placed on top of a silicon film as an etching mask. The pattern was transferred to silicon using dry-etching technology, and the silicon nanopore array structure was formed. The factors which afflct the pattern transfer process are discussed. Observation of the nanopatterned sample under a scanning electron microscope shows that the structure obtained by this method is made up of uniform and highly ordered holes, which attains to 125 nm depth. The photoluminescence spectrum from the nanopatterned sample,the surface of which has been thermal-oxidized, shows that the the luminesce is evidently enhanced, the mechanism of which is based on the normally weak TO phonon assisted bandgap light-emission process, and the physical reasons that underlic the enhancement have been analyzed. The PL results do show an attractive optical characteristic, which provides a promising pathway to achieve efficient light emission from silicon.