963 resultados para SEQUENCING REVEALS


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Neuropathological and brain imaging studies suggest that schizophrenia may result from neurodevelopmental defects. Cytoarchitectural studies indicate cellular abnormalities suggestive of a disruption in neuronal connectivity in schizophrenia, particularly in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Yet, the molecular mechanisms underlying these findings remain unclear. To identify molecular substrates associated with schizophrenia, DNA microarray analysis was used to assay gene expression levels in postmortem dorsolateral prefrontal cortex of schizophrenic and control patients. Genes determined to have altered expression levels in schizophrenics relative to controls are involved in a number of biological processes, including synaptic plasticity, neuronal development, neurotransmission, and signal transduction. Most notable was the differential expression of myelination-related genes suggesting a disruption in oligodendrocyte function in schizophrenia.


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Thioredoxins are 12-kDa proteins functional in the regulation of cellular processes throughout the animal, plant, and microbial kingdoms. Growing evidence with seeds suggests that an h-type of thioredoxin, reduced by NADPH via NADP-thioredoxin reductase, reduces disulfide bonds of target proteins and thereby acts as a wakeup call in germination. A better understanding of the role of thioredoxin in seeds as well as other systems could be achieved if more were known about the target proteins. To this end, we have devised a strategy for the comprehensive identification of proteins targeted by thioredoxin. Tissue extracts incubated with reduced thioredoxin are treated with a fluorescent probe (monobromobimane) to label sulfhydryl groups. The newly labeled proteins are isolated by conventional two-dimensional electrophoresis: (i) nonreducing/reducing or (ii) isoelectric focusing/reducing SDS/PAGE. The isolated proteins are identified by amino acid sequencing. Each electrophoresis system offers an advantage: the first method reveals the specificity of thioredoxin in the reduction of intramolecular vs. intermolecular disulfide bonds, whereas the second method improves the separation of the labeled proteins. By application of both methods to peanut seed extracts, we isolated at least 20 thioredoxin targets and identified 5—three allergens (Ara h2, Ara h3, and Ara h6) and two proteins not known to occur in peanut (desiccation-related and seed maturation protein). These findings open the door to the identification of proteins targeted by thioredoxin in a wide range of systems, thereby enhancing our understanding of its function and extending its technological and medical applications.


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Previously conducted sequence analysis of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype Columbia-0) reported an insertion of 270-kb mtDNA into the pericentric region on the short arm of chromosome 2. DNA fiber-based fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses reveal that the mtDNA insert is 618 ± 42 kb, ≈2.3 times greater than that determined by contig assembly and sequencing analysis. Portions of the mitochondrial genome previously believed to be absent were identified within the insert. Sections of the mtDNA are repeated throughout the insert. The cytological data illustrate that DNA contig assembly by using bacterial artificial chromosomes tends to produce a minimal clone path by skipping over duplicated regions, thereby resulting in sequencing errors. We demonstrate that fiber-fluorescence in situ hybridization is a powerful technique to analyze large repetitive regions in the higher eukaryotic genomes and is a valuable complement to ongoing large genome sequencing projects.