1000 resultados para São Pedro do Sul


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em História Cultural e das Mentalidades Contemporâneas


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Tinea pedis is the most common type of dermatophytosis, but can mimic many cutaneous diseases and tend to be chronic. We present a study of the frequency, epidemiology and clinical aspects of tinea pedis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul during the period 1988-1997.


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Onychomycosis is a common infection of the nail plate caused by fungal microrganisms, and represents approximately 50% of nails disorders and 30% of all superficial mycotic infections. We present a study of the frequency, epidemiology and clinical aspects of onychomycosis in the central region of Rio Grande do Sul during the period 1988-1997.


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Os crescentes custos ligados ao consumo elétrico, não apenas de cariz financeiro mas também ambiental, despertam cada vez mais para a importância da definição de estratégias de melhor utilização de recursos e eficiência energética. Esta importância tem sido reforçada pela definição de decretos-lei que vêm colocar metas e limites relativamente às despesas energéticas. Estes diplomas são também acompanhados por programas de incentivo para um setor ligado à eficiência energética. Em Portugal as medidas ligadas ao setor tem vindo a ser redirecionadas para o consumo final de energia, com a definição de metas para as instalações de maior consumo. As instalações hospitalares são grandes centros de consumo energético devido não só ao elevado número de utentes que recebem mas também pelos diversos tipos de equipamentos elétricos usados para a prestação dos serviços médicos. Como consequência disso, os investimentos e os custos operacionais são elevados, o que reforça a necessidade de gerir os gastos e consumos energéticos com a procura constante de melhoria na recolha de informação sobre todo o sistema e na adequação de intervenções com vista a uma maior eficiência energética. O Hospital Pedro Hispano vem desde algum tempo a investir no sentido de conhecer mais e melhor toda a instalação bem como os consumos energéticos a ela associados. Algumas medidas foram tomadas nesse sentido nomeadamente a instalação de analisadores de energia, de modo a obter um retrato mais fiel e fidedigno dos principais vetores de consumo. Neste momento a gestão técnica do hospital tem em análise uma grande parte da instalação recolhendo dados do consumo elétrico real do hospital. Nesta dissertação procurou-se fazer uma análise e enquadramento dos programas e metas ligados ao setor energético com ênfase nos diplomas que visão e abrangem as instalações hospitalares. Dos vários programas de incentivo à adoção de políticas de maior eficiência energética é dado especial destaque ao programa ECO.AP que visa a celebração de contratos para implementação de medidas de poupança energética ao setor público. Em colaboração com o HPH, iniciaram-se os trabalhos pelo estudo e identificação das principais fases e ferramentas utilizadas na gestão energética do edifício tendo como objetivo a reavaliação dos vetores energéticos já identificados no HPH e a criação e contabilização de novos grupos de consumo. Através de várias medições do consumo elétrico, num total superior a 650 horas de funcionamento, foi possível a criação do mapa de desagregação de consumos para o ano de 2013. A desagregação realizada conta com 3 novos vetores energéticos e com a reavaliação do peso relativo de mais 5 grupos de consumo. Das medições efetuadas destaca-se a reavaliação do consumo da central de bombagem onde a parcela considerada até à data estava 3 vezes acima do valor real medido. Com base na desagregação feita foram apontadas e estudadas medidas de implementação com o objetivo de reduzir os consumos energético em todo o hospital, destacando-se a solução apresentada para a central de bombagem. Esta medida traria um grande impacto em toda a fatura energética, não só pela sua viabilidade, mas também porque atuaria num grande centro de consumo onde até ao momento nenhuma ação do género foi implementada.


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Of 156 cases of histoplasmosis observed in the State of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), during a 21-year period (1978-1999) 137 were included in this study. Sixty-seven per cent of the patients had hematogeneous disseminated histoplasmosis, 24% had a self-limited syndrome (acute pulmonary histoplasmosis, histoplasmoma or primary pulmonary lymph node complex), and 9 per cent had chronic pulmonary histoplasmosis. Clinical, mycological, and epidemiological data were reviewed and commented.


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Group B Streptococcus is the most common pathogen found in neonatal sepsis in North America. OBJECTIVES: We describe 15 cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus (Streptococcus agalactiae) at a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit of a public and teaching hospital. METHODS: We conducted a study at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, from January 1st, 1996 to June 30, 1999. Diagnosis of neonatal infection was established according to the findings of Group B Streptococcus in blood culture associated with alterations resembling sepsis on the basis of clinical picture and laboratory findings. RESULTS: Fifteen cases of neonatal infections by Group B Streptococcus were detected. Eleven cases consisted of early-onset sepsis, 2 cases of occult bacteremia and 2 cases of late-onset sepsis. Eight cases had septic shock (53%), 8 cases had pneumonia (53%), and 4 cases had meningitis (27%). Fourteen cases were diagnosed from a positive blood culture, and 1 case from evidence of these bacteria in pulmonary anatomopathological examination. Thirteen cases (87%) were diagnosed before 72 hours of life. We had 3 deaths (20%), and 3 cases of meningitis developing neurological deficits. CONCLUSIONS: Streptococcus Group B is one of the most important pathogens in the etiology of early-onset neonatal sepsis at our hospital, with high mortality and morbidity. However, we do not know the incidence of GBS neonatal infections at other hospitals. More data are needed to establish a basis for trials of different strategies to reduce these infections.


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Knowledge of anemophilous fungi in a given city or region is important for the ecological diagnosis and specific treatment of allergic manifestations induced by inhaled allergens. In order to diagnose the presence of anemophilous fungi, several qualitative and quantitative techniques are used depending on the study place. This study of fungal air spores was performed with a Rotorod Sampler®, an equipment which samples the air through a plastic rod attached to an electric engine that makes it spin fast enough to collect the particles in the air. The samples were collected once a week during 24 hours using the standard cycle of the manufacturers. A total of 52 samples were obtained from April 2000 through March 2001. The results revealed prevalence of ascosporos (50.49%), Cladosporium (17.86%), Aspergillus/Penicillium (15.03%), basidiosporos (3.84%), rusts (3.82%), and Helminthosporium (2.49%), and a lesser frequency of Botrytis (1.22%), Alternaria (1.19%), smuts (0.90%), Curvularia (0.87%), Nigrospora (0.61%), and Fusarium (0.08%). Also, 1.59% of the spores detected here could not be identified by the systematic key used. More fungal spores were observed during the summer than during the autumn.


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With the aim of estimating the incidence of infection by Toxocara among residents in the outskirts of Campinas (State of São Paulo, Brazil) two serological surveys, using ELISA anti-Toxocara tests, were performed in January 1999 and January 2000, involving, respectively, 138 and 115 individuals, 75 of which examined in both occasions. Among this group 67 individuals did not show the presence of anti-Toxocara antibodies in 1999, and 12 presented seroconversion in the second survey, revealing an annual incidence rate of 17.9%.


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This investigation aimed to design a strategy for echinococcosis control in Santana do Livramento county, an endemic area in state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). Fecal samples from 65 dogs were obtained from urban, suburban and rural areas. Purging with Arecoline Bromhidrate (AB) was done to visualize Echinococcus granulosus, and Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was performed to detect parasite coproantigen. Samples were obtained at the beginning and at the end of treatment with Praziquantel. A third fecal sampling was also done in rural areas four months after the end of treatment. Each dog was treated immediately after the first purging and every 30 days for eight months. In urban and suburban areas no infected dogs were found. In rural areas, first evaluation showed 11.36% and 27.69% of infected dogs by AB and ELISA, respectively. No infected dogs were diagnosed in the second evaluation and in the third evaluation 36.84% and 47.37% infected dogs were identified by AB and ELISA, respectively. Medication program to combat dog infection resulted in successful interruption of parasite transmission, but the project failed to create awareness of the need for dog prophylaxis among rural populations as well as to establish a permanent control program in this municipality.


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In the present study, a total of 455 enterococcal isolates, recovered from patients living in the city of Porto Alegre, State of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, during the period from July 1996 to June 1997, were identified to the species level by conventional biochemical and microbiological tests, and assayed for their susceptibilities to antimicrobial agents. The genetic diversity of antimicrobial resistant strains was evaluated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis of SmaI restricted chromosomal DNA. The most frequent species was Enterococcus faecalis (92.8%). Other species identified were: E. faecium (2.9%), E. gallinarum (1.5%), E. avium (1.1%), E. hirae (0.7%), E. casseliflavus (0.4%), E. durans (0.4%) and E. raffinosus (0.2%). The overall prevalence of isolates with high-level resistance (HLR) to aminoglycosides was 37.8%. HLR to gentamicin was found in 24.8%. No strains with acquired resistance to vancomycin were found. PFGE analysis showed the predominance of clonal group A, comprising strains isolated from different clinical specimens obtained from patients in three hospitals. These results suggest intra and inter-hospital dissemination of one predominant clonal group of E. faecalis isolates with HLR to gentamicin in the hospitals included in this study.


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The protozoan Cryptosporidium sp. has been frequently detected in faeces from children with persistent diarrhoea. This work achieved to investigate an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis, in a day care center, attending children of high socio-economic level, between 0 and six years old. The outbreak was detected through the network of public health, when stool samples, not diarrhoeic, were examined at the Parasitology Service of the Adolfo Lutz Institute. Among the 64 examined children, 13 (20.3%) showed oocysts of Cryptosporidium sp. in the faeces examined by Kinyoun technique: seven children one year old, three, two years old and three, three years old. Among the 23 examined adults, only a 22 years old woman, possibly having an immunocomprometiment, was positive. Clinical and epidemiological aspects were investigated by questionnaires, highlighting the occurrence of the outbreak in a very dry period.


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Trabalho Realizado para obtenção do Grau de Mestrado em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais Especialização Globalização e Ambiente


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Soil contamination by embryonic eggs of Toxocara canis is the main source of human infection by this ascarid larvae resulting, sometimes, in the occurrence of visceral larva migrans syndrome. The objective of the present research is to determine the frequency of T. canis eggs in soil samples monthly collected in nine public places, located at the South Region of São Paulo municipality in a 18-month period, from February 2004 to July 2005. The soil samples collected were treated with a 30% antiformine solution and with a sodium dichromate solution (d = 1.40) and microscopic slides were prepared and examined under light microscopy for searching T. canis eggs. Two peaks of higher frequency had been found, one in February - May 2004 and the other in April - July 2005.