985 resultados para Romance Histórico
“Ao vencedor, as batatas” era o lema de Humanitas, princípio filosófico concebido por Quincas Borba, um rico e excêntrico filósofo que se apresentava como o maior homem da terra. Usando ironia, paródia, recursos satíricos e tendo uma aguçada visão da existência humana, Machado de Assis retrata um quadro impressionante das condições políticas e sociais não apenas da decadência do império brasileiro, mas também do gênero humano. O ensaio analisa o romance machadiano - narrado em terceira pessoa e publicado em livro em 1891 - utilizando os recursos fornecidos pelos estudos de literatura comparada. As ressonâncias das leituras de Erasmo (Elogio à loucura), Cervantes (Dom Quixote), Voltaire (Cândido) e Darwin, no tocante à teoria da seleção natural das espécies, demonstram o impacto da presença da cultura europeia no pensamento do escritor brasileiro e sua aclimatação aos costumes do Rio de Janeiro num curto e turbulento período histórico em que a nação experimentava profundas mudanças políticas: a abolição da escravatura (1888) e proclamação da República no ano seguinte.
This paper concentrates on demonstrating that the novel called São Bernardo ,written by Graciliano Ramos, utilizes some literary strategies that cause the effect of being built by rememorizations, which is a vital aspect of several of the author’s titles. Such objective is reached via the analyses of how the following narrative categories: focalization, narrator, characters, story and time converge toward the elaboration of the memory and the comparison between this construction on São Bernardo and Angústia. In order to be successful on this task, three groups of study constitute our theoretical basis: a) critical essays concerning Graciliano Ramos; b) theoretical propositions about the narrative categories; c) academic articles on the constitution of memory. Papers composed by Antonio Candido, Alfredo Bosi, Sonia Brayner, Luís Costa Lima and others are part of the first group. The second one is constituted by propositions of Gérard Genette, Benedito Nunes etc. Finally, on the last one, we find Paul Ricouer and Henri Bergson
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
The Laboratory of Investigation on Paternity - FCFAr-UNESP performs an outreach university activity according to 53, UNESP Resolution article 3 , published on November 3, 2004. This article is classified in Human Rights area involving community services, training highly qualified human resources and scientific development. This kind of service is performed with advanced technological resources and quality control similar to the international standard. in human identification by DNA research results are available . The laboratory offers a highly qualified service at a fair price, allowing the low-income population access to such tests.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O impacto das reações adversas pode afetar duas vertentes, as conseqüências da reação ao paciente e a as conseqüências econômicas e sociais causadas pelas reações. Devido a isso, após o acidente da talidomida, órgãos governamentais de todo o mundo iniciaram a regulamentação do que hoje chamamos de farmacovigilância. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e conhecer a legislação brasileira sobre a farmacovigilância, ao longo dos anos. Foi realizada uma pesquisa documental, de junho a setembro de 2014, sobre as legislações pertinentes utilizando a técnica de análise de conteúdo que permitiu avaliar as seguintes variáveis: ano publicação, âmbito, tipo de norma, a quem se aplica e o que regulamenta. No Brasil as primeiras iniciativas datam da década de 1970, mas foram tentativas infrutíferas na consolidação da farmacovigilância, pois havia muitas lacunas deixadas pelas normas, além da alta incidência de subnotificação por falta de uma fiscalização adequada. Apenas aproximadamente 25 anos depois, apareceram normas mais assertivas na consolidação da farmacovigilância, com a publicação da Política Nacional de Medicamentos, a fundação da ANVISA, criação do Centro Nacional de Monitorização de Medicamentos, criação do projeto Rede Sentinela, inserção do Brasil como membro do Programa Internacional de Monitorização de Medicamentos da OMS em 2001, criação dos centros de vigilância sanitária estaduais e a publicação da RDC n°4 de 2009 e Portaria CVS n°5 de 2010. Estas normativas incentivavam a fiscalização, sobretudo, da segurança, qualidade e efetividade das tecnologias em saúde. Apenas em 2013 foi contemplado o paciente como protagonista no processo de uso dos medicamentos, sendo possível analisar todo o contexto envolvido nas etapas (necessidade, efetividade, segurança e adesão). Hoje, o Brasil possui normas que contemplam todos os âmbitos de saúde, além dos detentores de ...
Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS
This work is set in the context of the Hispanic-American literature of the twentieth century (in particular, Alejo Carpentier) viewed in a historical perspective. For this task, we focus on a specific writer’s work: the novel Baroque Concert (1974). The text is divided into three parts: the first deals with some topics concerning the intersection between sui generis Literature and History. Next, we focus on the Hispanic-American literary context, discussing it in an analytical perspective, with regard to its connections with the historical discourse. Finally, we analyze the novel Baroque Concert, by means of the basic concepts of the theory of historiographic metafiction.
Joaquim Manuel de Macedo was a highly acclaimed writer among nineteenth - century readers, although posterity treated his work with many reservations. Despite the severity of his critics, Macedo’s contribution undeniably cannot be limited to his books, but extends to the very concept of the novel as a genre during Brazilian Romanticism. This novelistic concept is fueled by the observation of everyday life as well as by aesthetic ideas brought to light by European Romanticism. Differently, however, in A luneta mágica [The Magic Looking Glass] Macedo employed aspects of the fantastic to produce a daringly critical and creative novel that contrasts vividly with other Romantic works in Brazil
Friedrich Schlegel’s novel, Lucinde, is here discussed as being part of a whole project for the establishment of the basis for a theory of modern novel. At the same time we try to point out some possible descendants of Schlegel’s ideas on the theory of the novel, as in Lukács and Walter Benjamin.
This article presents the theoretical and methodological road used to construct the Historical Dictionary of Brazilian Portuguese in the XVI, XVII and XVIII centuries (sponsored by CNPq). Starting with some examples and models of historical and diachronic dictionaries we set the model that structures the Dictionary; it has the purpose of assembling in a single book the Portuguese language lexicon responsible for the construction of the Portuguese language in Brazil. Our reference basis is a data bank with many sorts of sources existing along the three centuries of the Brazilian colonial history. This data bank provides the nomenclature of the historical dictionary and allows the construction of the lexicographical definition through its lexical context that is followed by consecrated examples. This article also presents the contributions of the dictionary to future studies of the Brazilian Portuguese.
The novel O passado (2003) by Alan Pauls presents many isotopies which would deserve to be investigated: there is a varied construction of loving relationships among the characters, who reveal different feelings, that would allow a mapping of passions to be studied; there is an activity of translation (role performed by Rimini and Carmen) that engenders a very rich reflection on the literary activity which is taking place. There is also the presence of a visual artist, Jeremy Riltse, revealing a poetic work which was created by this discourse. Due to the dimension that a research of this kind would require, it is not possible to deal with all the isotopies. Thus, the last one was chosen to be investigated, that is, to verify how the fictional visual artist and his singular work operate in the novel.
The conception of O tronco was influenced by Hegel´s ideas. The genesis of this novel is in Bernardo Élis’ purpose of writing a monograph on land ownership conflicts in Goiás, later transformed into a new project, the novel O tronco. The same ideological position of the author gives the argumentative direction of the novel; his ideological background determines the choice of the theme, associated with images expanded by the procedures of argumentation that permeate the literary discourse. Thus, in face of the undeniable aesthetic value of Élis´work, we analyzed O tronco, specifically the argumentation that guides the literary narrative, enhanced by the artistic treatment of violence, its theme, as the result of the struggle for power. The novel was published in 1956; the author, heir to the literary regionalism of the 30s, through an artistic and calculated combination of the story of a local government and literature, accuses, judges the exacerbated domination of a particular social group in a region in Goiás.
La novela A cidade de Ulisses (2011), de la escritora portuguesa contemporánea Teolinda Gersão, nos presenta una Lisboa envuelta en mitos e historia. Este trabajo pretende inferir las relaciones entre estos dos campos del conocimiento y sus implicaciones para la construcción de los sentidos del texto. Teniendo en cuenta la leyenda que cuenta que la capital portuguesa fue fundada por Ulisses, el héroe homérico, la narrativa se vale de elementos míticos para, junto con el relato del personaje Paulo Vaz acerca de sus relaciones románticas con Cecília Branco y Sara, hacer referencia a cuestiones del pasado y del presente histórico portugueses, siempre de manera crítica. Buscamos, así, indagar, a través del mito, cómo se introduce la historia en el universo del texto.
Vidas secas, fourth volume of Graciliano Ramos’s work, has its origins in baleia, a short story written by the author and later interspersed, in a term of six months, in twelve other chapters then created for the novel. This paper deals with aspects of Vidas secas creative process, from the short story to the novel.