981 resultados para RolC promoter


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The molecular mechanisms underlying transcription elongation and their role in gene regulation are poorly characterized in eukaryotes. A number of genes, however, have been proposed to be regulated at the level of transcription elongation, including c-myc, c-fos and c-myb. Here, we analyze the control of transcription elongation at the mouse c-fos gene at the nucleotide level in intact cells. We find that RNA polymerases are engaged in the promoter-proximal part of the gene in the absence of gene activation signals and mRNA synthesis. Importantly, we determine that the engaged RNA polymerases originate from a continuous initiation of transcription which, in the absence of gene activation signals, terminate close to the promoter. We also observe that the c-fos gene presents an active chromatin conformation, with the promoter and upstream regulatory sequences constitutively occupied by proteins, accounting for the continuous initiation of RNA polymerase complexes. We propose that activation of c-fos gene expression results primarily from the assembly of elongation-competent RNA polymerases that can transcribe the complete gene. Our results suggest that the engaged RNA polymerases found downstream of a number of other eukaryotic promoters may be associated with transcription termination of elongation-incompetent polymerases in the absence of activating signals.


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PURPOSE: To report the first case of choroidal schwannoma in a patient affected by PTEN hamartoma tumor syndrome (PHTS) and investigate the molecular involvement of the phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) and neurofibromin 2 (NF2) genes in this rare intraocular tumor. DESIGN: Observational case report. PARTICIPANT: A 10-year-old girl diagnosed with PHTS. METHODS: The enucleated specimen underwent histologic, immunohistochemical, and transmission electronic microscopy. The expression of PTEN and NF2 and their protein products were evaluated by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemistry. Somatic mutations of PTEN and NF2, as well as allelic loss, were investigated by direct sequencing of DNA extracted from the tumor. PTEN epigenetic silencing was investigated by pyrosequencing. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Histopathologic and molecular characterization of a choroidal pigmented schwannoma. RESULTS: Histopathologic, immunohistochemical, and electron microscopic analysis demonstrated features consistent with a pigmented cellular schwannoma of the choroid. We found no loss of heterozygosity at the genomic level for the PTEN germline mutation and no promoter hypermethylation or other somatic intragenic mutations. However, we observed an approximate 40% reduction of PTEN expression at both the mRNA and the protein level, indicating that the tumor was nonetheless functionally deficient for PTEN. Although DNA sequencing of NF2 failed to identify any pathologic variants, its expression was abolished within the tumor. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first description of a pigmented choroidal schwannoma in the context of a PHTS. This rare tumor showed a unique combination of reduction of PTEN and absence of NF2 expression.


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Thymic positive and negative selection of developing T lymphocytes confronts us with a paradox: How can a T-cell antigen receptor (TCR)-major histocompatibility complex (MHC)/peptide interaction in the former process lead to transduction of signals allowing for cell survival and in the latter induce programmed cell death or a hyporesponsive state known as anergy? One of the hypotheses put forward states that the outcome of a TCR-MHC/peptide interaction depends on the cell type presenting the selecting ligand to the developing thymocyte. Here we describe the development and lack of self-tolerance of CD8(+) T lymphocytes in transgenic mice expressing MHC class I molecules in the thymus exclusively on cortical epithelial cells. Despite the absence of MHC class I expression on professional antigen-presenting cells, normal numbers of CD8(+) cells were observed in the periphery. Upon specific activation, transgenic CD8(+) T cells efficiently lysed syngeneic MHC class I(+) targets in vitro and in vivo, indicating that thymic cortical epithelium (in contrast to medullary epithelium and antigen-presenting cells of hematopoietic origin) is incapable of tolerance induction. Thus, compartmentalization of the antigen-presenting cells involved in thymic positive selection and tolerance induction can (at least in part) explain the positive/negative selection paradox.


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Division and proliferation of dendritic cells (DCs) have been proposed to contribute to homeostasis and to prolonged antigen presentation. Whether abnormal proliferation of dendritic cells causes Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a highly debated topic. Transgenic expression of simian virus 40 (SV40) T antigens in mature DCs allowed their transformation in vivo while maintaining their phenotype, function, and maturation capacity. The transformed cells were differentiated splenic CD8 alpha-positive conventional dendritic cells with increased Langerin expression. Their selective transformation was correlated with higher steady-state cycling compared with CD8 alpha-negative DCs in wild-type and transgenic mice. Mice developed a DC disease involving the spleen, liver, bone marrow, thymus, and mesenteric lymph node. Surprisingly, lesions displayed key immunohistologic features of Langerhans cell histiocytosis, including expression of Langerin and absence of the abnormal mitoses observed in Langerhans cell sarcomas. Our results demonstrate that a transgenic mouse model with striking similarities to aggressive forms of multisystem histiocytosis, such as the Letterer-Siwe syndrome, can be obtained by transformation of conventional DCs. These findings suggest that conventional DCs may cause some human multisystem LCH. They can reveal shared molecular pathways for human histiocytosis between humans and mice


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The biodistribution of transgene expression in the CNS after localized stereotaxic vector delivery is an important issue for the safety of gene therapy for neurological diseases. The cellular specificity of transgene expression from rAAV2/1 vectors (recombinant adeno-associated viral vectors pseudotyped with viral capsids from serotype 1) using the tetracycline-inducible (TetON) expression cassette in comparison with the cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter was investigated in the rat nigrostriatal pathway. After intrastriatal injection, although green fluorescent protein (GFP) was expressed mainly in neurons with both vectors, the relative proportions of DARPP-32-positive projection neurons and parvalbumin-positive interneurons were, respectively, 13:1 and 2:1 for the CMV and TetON vectors. DARP32-positive neurons projecting to the globus pallidus were strongly GFP positive with both vectors, whereas those projecting to the substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) were efficiently labeled by the CMV vector but poorly by the TetON vector. Numerous GFP-positive cells were evidenced in the subventricular zone with both vectors. However, in the olfactory bulb (OB), GFP-positive neurons were observed with the CMV vector but not the TetON vector. We conclude that the absence of significant amounts of transgene product in distant regions (SN and OB) constitutes a safety advantage of the AAV2/1-TetON vector for striatal gene therapy. Midbrain injections resulted in selective GFP expression in tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons by the TetON vector whereas with the CMV vector, GFP-positive cells covered a widespread area of the midbrain. The biodistribution of GFP protein corresponded to that of the transcripts and not of the viral genomes. We conclude that the rAAV2/1-TetON vector constitutes an interesting tool for specific transgene expression in midbrain dopaminergic neurons.


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Damage-inducible defenses in plants are controlled in part by jasmonates, fatty acid-derived regulators that start to accumulate within 30 s of wounding a leaf. Using liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, we sought to identify the 13-lipoxygenases (13-LOXs) that initiate wound-induced jasmonate synthesis within a 190-s timeframe in Arabidopsis thaliana in 19 single, double, triple and quadruple mutant combinations derived from the four 13-LOX genes in this plant. All four 13-LOXs were found to contribute to jasmonate synthesis in wounded leaves: among them LOX6 showed a unique behavior. The relative contribution of LOX6 to jasmonate synthesis increased with distance from a leaf tip wound, and LOX6 was the only 13-LOX necessary for the initiation of early jasmonate synthesis in leaves distal to the wounded leaf. Herbivory assays that compared Spodoptera littoralis feeding on the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A lox6A quadruple mutant and the lox2-1 lox3B lox4A triple mutant revealed a role for LOX6 in defense of the shoot apical meristem. Consistent with this, we found that LOX6 promoter activity was strong in the apical region of rosettes. The LOX6 promoter was active in and near developing xylem cells and in expression domains we term subtrichomal mounds.


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Xenopus laevis oocytes were used to assay for trans-acting factors shown previously to be involved in the liver-specific regulation of the vitellogenin genes in vitro. To this end, crude liver nuclear extracts obtained from adult estrogen-induced Xenopus females were fractionated by heparin-Sepharose chromatography using successive elutions with 0.1, 0.35, 0.6, and 1.0 M KCl. When these four fractions were injected into oocytes, only the 0.6-M KCl protein fraction significantly stimulated mRNA synthesis from the endogenous B class vitellogenin genes. This same fraction induced estrogen-dependent in vitro transcription from the vitellogenin B1 promoter, suggesting that it contains at least a minimal set of basal transcription factors as well as two positive factors essential for vitellogenin in vitro transcription, i.e. the NF-I-like liver factor B and the estrogen receptor (ER). The presence of these two latter factors was determined by footprinting and gel retardation assays, respectively. In contrast, injection of an expression vector carrying the sequence encoding the ER was unable to activate transcription from the oocyte chromosomal vitellogenin genes. This suggests that the ER alone cannot overcome tissue-specific barriers and that one or several additional liver components participate in mediating tissue-specific expression of the vitellogenin genes. In this respect, we present evidence that the oocyte germinal vesicles contain an NF-I-like activity different from that found in hepatocytes of adult frogs. This observation might explain the lack of vitellogenin gene activation in oocytes injected with the ER cDNA only.


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Summary Phosphorus is one of the major macronutrients required for plant growth and development. Plant roots acquire phosphorus as inorganic phosphate (Pi), which is further distributed to the shoot, via the transpiration stream and root pressure, where Pi is imported again into cells. PHO1 in Arabidopsis has been identified as a protein involved in the loading of Pi into the root xylem. PHO1 does not have any homology to described Pi transporters including the Pht1 family of H+/ Pi cotransporters. PHO1 bears two domains, SPX and EXS domains, previously identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteins involved in Pi transport and/or sensing, or in sorting proteins to endomembranes. Phylogenetic analysis of the PHO1 gene family revealed the presence of three clusters, with PHO1 and PHO1;H1 forming one cluster. The biological significance behind this cluster was demonstrated by the complementation of the pho1 mutant with only PHO1 and PHO1;H1, of all the PHO1 family members, when expressed under the PHO1 promoter. PHO1 has been shown to be expressed mostly in the root vascular cylinder and at low level in the shoot. PHO1;H1 had a different expression pattern, being expressed in both root and shoot vascular cylinder to the same level, with the levels in leaves increasing with the leaf maturity, suggesting additional role of PHO1;H1 in the Pi mobilization in leaves. In order to further explore the role of PHO1, Pi dynamics was studied on plants expressing PHO1 at different levels compared to the wild type: PHO1 overexpressors, PHO1 underexpressors and the pho1 mutant. Overexpression of the PHO1 protein in the shoot vascular tissue was shown to lead to increased Pi efflux out of the leaf cells and Pi accumulation in the shoot xylem apoplast compared to wild type, confirming the hypothesized role of PHO1 in xylem loading with Pi. The overexpression of PHO1 in the shoot was responsible far both changed Pi dynamic and stunted growth of PHO1 overexpressors, as shown by grafting experiments between wild type and PHO1 overexpressor. We found a ca. 2 fold decrease of shoot phosphorus and a 5-10 fold decrease in vacuolar Pi content in the PHO1 underexpressors and the pho1 null mutant compared to wild type, consistent with the role of PHO1 in the transfer of Pi from the root to the shoot. Shoot Pi deficiency results in a poor growth of the pho1 mutant. Grafting experiments between pho1 and wild type confirmed that both Pi deficiency and stunt growth of the pho1 mutant were dependent on the pho1 root, further supporting the importance of PHO1 in the root xylem loading with Pi. The pho1 mutant and the PHO1 underexpressors accumulated 8-15 fold more Pi in the root relative to wild type. In contrast to the pho1 mutant, the growth of PHO1 underexpressors was not impaired by the low shoat Pi content. This finding suggests that either PHO1 protein or root Pi concentration is important in Pi signaling and development of Pi deficiency symptoms leading to reduced growth. Résumé Le phosphore est l'un des nutriments essentiels à la croissance et au développement des plantes. Les racines absorbent le phosphore sous forme de phosphate inorganique (Pi) qui est dirigé, par la transpiration et la pression de la racine, vers les feuilles où le phosphate est acquis par les cellules. La protéine PHO1 a été démontrée indispensable au chargement du Pi dans le xylème des racines d'Arabidopsis. PHO1 ne démontre pas d'homologie aux transporteurs de Pi connus, incluant la famille Pht1 de cotransporteurs H+/Pi qui ont comme fonction le transport du phosphate à l'intérieur de la cellule. PHO1 contient deux domaines, SPX et EXS, aussi présents dans des protéines de Saccharomyces cerevisiae impliquées dans le transport ou la perception du phosphate, ou dans la localisation des protéines vers différentes membranes. Le génome d'Arabidopsis contient onze gènes homologues à PHO1. Neuf de ces homologues sont répartis en trois groupes. PHO1 et PHO1;H1 forment un de ces groupes. Nos travaux ont démontré que seuls PHO1;H1 et PHO1, sous contrôle du promoteur PHO1, peuvent complémenter le mutant pho1. PHO1 est exprimé principalement dans le cylindre vasculaire de la racine et faiblement dans la partie aérienne. Le degré d'expression de PHO1;H1 est similaire dans le cylindre vasculaire de la racine et des feuilles. Ceci suggère que PHO1;H1 est aussi impliqué dans la mobilisation du Pi dans les feuilles, en plus de son rôle dans le transfert du Pi dans le xylème des racines. Afin de mieux explorer le rôle de PHO1, la dynamique du phosphate a été observée dans trois lignées de plantes transgéniques: un sur-expresseur de PHO1, un sous-expresseur de PHO1 et le mutant pho1. La sur-expression de PHO1 dans le tissue vasculaire des feuilles a provoqué l'efflux du Pi vers l'espace apoplastic du xylème, ce qui confirme le rôle de PHO1 dans le chargement du Pi dans le xylème. La sur-expressìon de PHO1 dans la rosette est responsable d'un changement de la dynamique du Pi et de la diminution de la croissance, ce qui fut démontré par une expérience de greffe de la rosette du sur-expresseur de PHO1 sur les racines du sauvage. On a observé pour le sous-expresseur de PHO1 et le mutant pho1 une diminution du phosphore d'environ 2 fais au niveau des feuilles, et une diminution de 5-10 fois du Pi dans les vacuoles des feuilles, par rapport au sauvage. Ceci confirme le rôle proposé de PHO1 dans le transfert du Pi des racines aux feuilles. La carence de Pi chez pho1 implique une diminution de la taille de la rosette. Pour expliquer ce phénotype une autre expérience de greffe démontra que la cause de ce changement provenait des racines. Ceci renforce l'hypothèse de l'importance du rôle de PHO1 dans le xylème de la racine pour le chargement du Pi. Le mutant phot et le sous-expresseur de PHO1 accumulent 8-15 fois plus de Pi dans leurs racines comparé au sauvage. Cependant, contrairement au phot mutant, le sous-expresseur de PHO1 avait une croissance comparable au sauvage malgré le niveau bas du Pi dans les feuilles. Ceci suggère que la taille de la rosette lors d'une carence en Pi chez Arabidopsis serait la conséquence d'un changement de concentration de Pi dans les racines ou d'une influence de la protéine PHO1.


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Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are polyesters naturally produced by bacteria that have properties of biodegradable plastics and elastomers. A PHA synthase from Pseudomonas aeruginosa modified at the carboxy-end for peroxisomal targeting was transformed in Pichia pastoris. The PHA synthase was expressed under the control of the promoter of the P. pastoris acyl-CoA oxidase gene. Synthesis of up to 1% medium-chain-length PHA per g dry weight was dependent on both the expression of the PHA synthase and the presence of oleic acid in the medium. PHA accumulated as inclusions within the peroxisomes. P. pastoris could be used as a model system to study how peroxisomal metabolism needs to be modified to increase PHA production in other eukaryotes, such as plants.


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The HbpR protein is the sigma54-dependent transcription activator for 2-hydroxybiphenyl degradation in Pseudomonas azelaica. The ability of HbpR and XylR, which share 35% amino acid sequence identity, to cross-activate the PhbpC and Pu promoters was investigated by determining HbpR- or XylR-mediated luciferase expression and by DNA binding assays. XylR measurably activated the PhbpC promoter in the presence of the effector m-xylene, both in Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas putida. HbpR weakly stimulated the Pu promoter in E. coli but not in P. azelaica. Poor HbpR-dependent activation from Pu was caused by a weak binding to the operator region. To create promoters efficiently activated by both regulators, the HbpR binding sites on PhbpC were gradually changed into the XylR binding sites of Pu by site-directed mutagenesis. Inducible luciferase expression from mutated promoters was tested in E. coli on a two plasmid system, and from mono copy gene fusions in P. azelaica and P. putida. Some mutants were efficiently activated by both HbpR and XylR, showing that promoters can be created which are permissive for both regulators. Others achieved a higher XylR-dependent transcription than from Pu itself. Mutants were also obtained which displayed a tenfold lower uninduced expression level by HbpR than the wild-type PhbpC, while keeping the same maximal induction level. On the basis of these results, a dual-responsive bioreporter strain of P. azelaica was created, containing both XylR and HbpR, and activating luciferase expression from the same single promoter independently with m-xylene and 2-hydroxybiphenyl.


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Three classes of thyroid hormone response elements have been described. They are composed of two half-sites arranged either as a palindromic, a direct repeat or as an inverted palindromic array. Receptor homodimers as well as heterodimers can bind to all three types of response element. While the ligand binding domain of the receptors provides the major dimerization surface, asymmetric contacts between the DNA binding domains are necessary for binding to a direct repeat. Moreover, some recent findings suggest that in TR, compared to RXR, the ligand binding domain has a 180 degrees rotation with respect to the DNA binding domain. This feature could explain the preferential binding of the RXR-TR heterodimer to the direct repeat response element, in which RXR exclusively binds the 5' half-site, and of the TR homodimer to the inverted palindrome response element.


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Previous studies have shown that glucose increases the glucose transporter (GLUT2) mRNA expression in the liver in vivo and in vitro. Here we report an analysis of the effects of glucose metabolism on GLUT2 gene expression. GLUT2 mRNA accumulation by glucose was not due to stabilization of its transcript but rather was a direct effect on gene transcription. A proximal fragment of the 5' regulatory region of the mouse GLUT2 gene linked to a reporter gene was transiently transfected into liver GLUT2-expressing cells. Glucose stimulated reporter gene expression in these cells, suggesting that glucose-responsive elements were included within the proximal region of the promoter. A dose-dependent effect of glucose on GLUT2 expression was observed over 10 mM glucose irrespective of the hexokinase isozyme (glucokinase K(m) 16 mM; hexokinase I K(m) 0.01 mM) present in the cell type used. This suggests that the correlation between extracellular glucose and GLUT2 mRNA concentrations is simply a reflection of an activation of glucose metabolism. The mediators and the mechanism responsible for this response remain to be determined. In conclusion, glucose metabolism is required for the proper induction of the GLUT2 gene in the liver and this effect is transcriptionally regulated.


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Activation of the transcription factor PPARγ by the n-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is implicated in controlling proinflammatory cytokine secretion, but the intracellular signaling pathways engaged by PPARγ are incompletely characterized. Here, we identify the adapter-encoding gene SOCS3 as a critical transcriptional target of PPARγ. SOCS3 promoter binding and gene transactivation by PPARγ was associated with a repression in differentiation of proinflammatory T-helper (TH)17 cells. Accordingly, TH17 cells induced in vitro displayed increased SOCS3 expression and diminished capacity to produce interleukin (IL)-17 following activation of PPARγ by DHA. Furthermore, naïve CD4 T cells derived from mice fed a DHA-enriched diet displayed less capability to differentiate into TH17 cells. In two different mouse models of cancer, DHA prevented tumor outgrowth and angiogenesis in an IL-17-dependent manner. Altogether, our results uncover a novel molecular pathway by which PPARγ-induced SOCS3 expression prevents IL-17-mediated cancer growth. Cancer Res; 73(12); 3578-90. ©2013 AACR.


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Immune-endocrine interplay may play a major role in the pathogenesis of endometriosis. In the present study, we have investigated the interaction between macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF), a major pro-inflammatory and growth-promoting factor markedly expressed in active endometriotic lesions, and estradiol (E(2)) in ectopic endometrial cells. Our data showed a significant increase of MIF protein secretion and mRNA expression in endometriotic cells in response to E(2). MIF production was blocked by Fulvestrant, an estrogen receptor (ER) antagonist, and induced by ERα and ERβ selective agonists propyl-pyrazole-triol (PPT) and diarylpropionrile (DPN), respectively, thus demonstrating a specific receptor-mediated effect. Cell transfection with MIF promoter construct showed that E(2) significantly stimulates MIF promoter activity. Interestingly, our data further revealed that MIF reciprocally stimulates aromatase protein and mRNA expression via a posttranscriptional mRNA stabilization mechanism, that E(2) itself can upregulate aromatase expression, and that inhibition of endogenous MIF, using MIF specific siRNA, significantly inhibits E(2)-induced aromatase. Thus, the present study revealed the existence of a local positive feedback loop by which estrogen acts directly on ectopic endometrial cells to upregulate the expression of MIF, which, in turn, displays the capability of inducing the expression of aromatase, the key and rate-limiting enzyme for estrogen synthesis. Such interplay may have a considerable impact on the development of endometriosis.


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I. Résumé large publicIRF6 est un médiateur de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et dans sa fonction de suppresseur de tumeursLa peau est l'organe le plus important du corps humain, elle représente chez l'adulte une surface d'environ 1,5 m2 et elle est composée de 2000 milliards de cellules. La peau est composée de plusieurs types cellulaires dont les kératinocvtes. Ces cellules, qui se trouvent dans la couche la plus externe de la peau (Pépiderme), nous protègent de la déshydratation et des agressions externes telles que les infections et rayons ultraviolets. Cette fonction de « barrière » est mise en place grâce à un processus appelé différenciation des kératinocvtes durant lequel les kératinocytes deviennent matures et finalement meurent pour former la couche cornée la plus externe difficilement pénétrable. L'homéostasie tissulaire est un mécanisme qui régule l'équilibre entre prolifération, différentiation et mort cellulaire. Une perturbation de cet équilibre peut mener à la formation d'une tumeur. Il existe différents types de tumeurs de la peau. Nous nous sommes intéressés aux «carcinomes spino-cellulaires» (SCC) qui se développent à partir des keratinocytes en différenciation. Notch est une molécule impliquée positivement dans la différenciation des kératinocytes et joue un rôle prépondérant dans la suppression des tumeurs kératinocytaires comme les SCC dans lesquelles Notch est faiblement exprimé. L'implication de Notch dans la différenciation et dans la carcinogenèse kératinocytaire n'est plus controversée, mais les mécanismes qui sont à la base de ces fonctions restent encore à élucider. IRfF6 est une protéine qui, d'après sa structure, a été classée parmi une famille de régulateurs de la défense de l'organisme (IRFs). Des études ultérieures ont montré qu'IRf 6 n'a pas de rôle dans la réponse immunitaire mais qu'il est plutôt impliqué dans le développement de l'épiderme. Dans ce travail, nous avons établi que, dans les kératinocytes, l'expression d'IPJF6 est contrôlé par Notch et que, comme pour ce dernier, elle est réduite dans les SCCs. De plus, nous avons observé qu'IRF6 régule les mêmes gènes que Notch, et qu'il est en effet un médiateur de la fonction de Notch dans la différenciation des kératinocytes. Parmi les gènes contrôlés par l'axe Notch-IRF6 il y en a trois qui sont sur-exprimés dans les SCCs et qui sont réprimés par cet axe. Il s'agit d'une part d'IRF3 et IRF7, deux autres membres de la famille IRF, et du récepteur EGFR (Epidermal growth factor receptor), un oncogène (un gène impliqué dans l'accélération de la formation de tumeurs). Dans leur ensemble, ces découvertes nous informent sur les mécanismes impliqués dans les fonctions pro-differentiatrice et tumeur suppressive de Notch. Plus encore, elles ouvrent des perspectives intéressantes quant au développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques dans le traitement des cancers.II. RésuméLa voie de signalisation de Notch joue un rôle très important dans la différenciation cellulaire et dans la carcinogenèse de nombreux tissus. Dans les kératinocytes, elle agit comme suppresseur de tumeurs, fonction altérée dans les cancers spino cellulaires SCC (tumeurs kératinocytaires) de part la perte d'expression de Notch.Bien que les fonctions pro-différenciatrice et tumeur-suppressive de la voie de signalisation de Notch soient aujourd'hui reconnues, les mécanismes sous-jacents restent à explorer.Dans ce travail, nous montrons qu'IRF6, un membre de la famille des régulateurs de la voie de l'interféron (IRF), ne possédant pas de rôles dans la réponse immunitaire mais essentiel dans le développement de l'épiderme, est d'autant plus exprimé que le kératinocytes sont différenciées alors que son expression est drastiquement diminuée dans les SCC. De façon intéressante, l'expression d'IRF6 durant la différenciation kératinocytaire est directement contrôlée par Notch.Dans les kératinocytes l'expression accrue d'IRP6 a les mêmes effets que 1'activation de la voie de Notch induisant les marqueurs de différentiation des couches supra-basales de l'épiderme et inhibant ceux de la couche basale impliqués dans la prolifération cellulaire. Cependant IRF6 n'est pas impliqué dans la régulation d'autres cibles de Notch, comme p21WAFI/CiP' et Hesl. Comme Notch, IRF6 contrôle négativement l'expression de EGFR et IRF3/7. De ce fait EGFR et IRF3 et IRF7 sont fortement exprimés dans les SCCs humaines où l'expression de Notch et IRF6 est fortement réduite.En conclusion, nous avons démontré qu'IRF6 est une cible directe de Notch/CSL dans les keratinocytes qui medie les effets "non-canonique" de cette voie de signalisation dans la différentiation et dans la suppression tumorale.III. SummaryThe Notch pathway is an important regulator of differentiation and carcinogenesis. In keratinocytes it acts as tumour suppressor and the Notch gene is markedly reduced in keratinocyte-derived squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). While the pro-differentiation and tumour suppressive functions of Notch signalling in keratinocytes are well established, the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood, We report here that Interferon Regulatory Factor 6 (IRF6), an IRF family member with an essential role in epidermal development, is downmodulated in SCC and is induced in differentiating cells. We observed that the induction of IRF6 in differentiating keratinocytes is suppressed by Notch inhibition. IRF6 expression is also decreased in mice with keratinocyte-specific deletion of the Notch 1/2.Moreover we show that the expression of this gene is induced by Notch activation through a CSL-dependent mechanism even under conditions of protein synthesis inhibition, with endogenous Notch 1 binding to the IRF6 promoter.Increased IRJF6 expression is necessary for the impact of Notch activation on differentiation markers K1 and Involucrin, and proliferation markers integrins and p63, but not on other "canonical" Notch targets like p21WAF1/Cipl, Hes1 and Hey1. Like Notch 1, IRF6 down-modulates expression of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) as well as two other IRF family members, IRF3 and 7, which we previously linked to positive control of p63 expression. Expression of IRF3, IRF7 and EGFR is enhanced in cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas, illustrating a strikingly opposite pattern compared to Notch and IRF6.Thus, IRF6 is a primary Notch target in keratinocytes, which mediates the effects of this pathway on differentiation and contributes to tumor suppression.