977 resultados para Robust Stochastic Optimization


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Wind power, as an alternative to fossil fuels, is plentiful, renewable, widely distributed, clean, produces no greenhouse gas emissions during operation, and uses little land. In operation, the overall cost per unit of energy produced is similar to the cost for new coal and natural gas installations. However, the stochastic behaviour of wind speeds leads to significant disharmony between wind energy production and electricity demand. Wind generation suffers from an intermittent characteristics due to the own diurnal and seasonal patterns of the wind behaviour. Both reactive power and voltage control are important under varying operating conditions of wind farm. To optimize reactive power flow and to keep voltages in limit, an optimization method is proposed in this paper. The objective proposed is minimization of the voltage deviations of the load buses (Vdesired). The approach considers the reactive power limits of wind generators and co-ordinates the transformer taps. This algorithm has been tested under practically varying conditions simulated on a test system. The results are obtained on a system of 50-bus real life equivalent power network. The result shows the efficiency of the proposed method.


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Thermoacoustic refrigerator (TAR) converts acoustic waves into heat without any moving parts. The study presented here aims to optimize the parameters like frequency, stack position, stack length, and plate spacing involving in designing TAR using the Response Surface Methodology (RSM). A mathematical model is developed using the RSM based on the results obtained from DeltaEC software. For desired temperature difference of 40 K, optimized parameters suggested by the RSM are the frequency 254 Hz, stack position 0.108 m, stack length 0.08 m, and plate spacing 0.0005 m. The experiments were conducted with optimized parameters and simulations were performed using the Design Environment for Low-amplitude ThermoAcoustic Energy Conversion (DeltaEC) which showed similar results.


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Impact of global warming on daily rainfall is examined using atmospheric variables from five General Circulation Models (GCMs) and a stochastic downscaling model. Daily rainfall at eleven raingauges over Malaprabha catchment of India and National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) reanalysis data at grid points over the catchment for a continuous time period 1971-2000 (current climate) are used to calibrate the downscaling model. The downscaled rainfall simulations obtained using GCM atmospheric variables corresponding to the IPCC-SRES (Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change - Special Report on Emission Scenarios) A2 emission scenario for the same period are used to validate the results. Following this, future downscaled rainfall projections are constructed and examined for two 20 year time slices viz. 2055 (i.e. 2046-2065) and 2090 (i.e. 2081-2100). The model results show reasonable skill in simulating the rainfall over the study region for the current climate. The downscaled rainfall projections indicate no significant changes in the rainfall regime in this catchment in the future. More specifically, 2% decrease by 2055 and 5% decrease by 2090 in monsoon (HAS) rainfall compared to the current climate (1971-2000) under global warming conditions are noticed. Also, pre-monsoon (JFMAM) and post-monsoon (OND) rainfall is projected to increase respectively, by 2% in 2055 and 6% in 2090 and, 2% in 2055 and 12% in 2090, over the region. On annual basis slight decreases of 1% and 2% are noted for 2055 and 2090, respectively.


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Clustering has been the most popular method for data exploration. Clustering is partitioning the data set into sub-partitions based on some measures say the distance measure, each partition has its own significant information. There are a number of algorithms explored for this purpose, one such algorithm is the Particle Swarm Optimization(PSO) which is a population based heuristic search technique derived from swarm intelligence. In this paper we present an improved version of the Particle Swarm Optimization where, each feature of the data set is given significance accordingly by adding some random weights, which also minimizes the distortions in the dataset if any. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated using some benchmark datasets from Machine Learning Repository. The experimental results shows that our proposed methodology performs significantly better than the previously performed experiments.


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A new technique is proposed for multisensor image registration by matching the features using discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO). The feature points are first extracted from the reference and sensed image using improved Harris corner detector available in the literature. From the extracted corner points, DPSO finds the three corresponding points in the sensed and reference images using multiobjective optimization of distance and angle conditions through objective switching technique. By this, the global best matched points are obtained which are used to evaluate the affine transformation for the sensed image. The performance of the image registration is evaluated and concluded that the proposed approach is efficient.


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In this paper, we present a methodology for designing a compliant aircraft wing, which can morph from a given airfoil shape to another given shape under the actuation of internal forces and can offer sufficient stiffness in both configurations under the respective aerodynamic loads. The least square error in displacements, Fourier descriptors, geometric moments, and moment invariants are studied to compare candidate shapes and to pose the optimization problem. Their relative merits and demerits are discussed in this paper. The `frame finite element ground structure' approach is used for topology optimization and the resulting solutions are converted to continuum solutions. The introduction of a notch-like feature is the key to the success of the design. It not only gives a good match for the target morphed shape for the leading and trailing edges but also minimizes the extension of the flexible skin that is to be put on the airfoil frame. Even though linear small-displacement elastic analysis is used in optimization, the obtained designs are analysed for large displacement behavior. The methodology developed here is not restricted to aircraft wings; it can be used to solve any shape-morphing requirement in flexible structures and compliant mechanisms.


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Many studies investigating the effect of human social connectivity structures (networks) and human behavioral adaptations on the spread of infectious diseases have assumed either a static connectivity structure or a network which adapts itself in response to the epidemic (adaptive networks). However, human social connections are inherently dynamic or time varying. Furthermore, the spread of many infectious diseases occur on a time scale comparable to the time scale of the evolving network structure. Here we aim to quantify the effect of human behavioral adaptations on the spread of asymptomatic infectious diseases on time varying networks. We perform a full stochastic analysis using a continuous time Markov chain approach for calculating the outbreak probability, mean epidemic duration, epidemic reemergence probability, etc. Additionally, we use mean-field theory for calculating epidemic thresholds. Theoretical predictions are verified using extensive simulations. Our studies have uncovered the existence of an ``adaptive threshold,'' i.e., when the ratio of susceptibility (or infectivity) rate to recovery rate is below the threshold value, adaptive behavior can prevent the epidemic. However, if it is above the threshold, no amount of behavioral adaptations can prevent the epidemic. Our analyses suggest that the interaction patterns of the infected population play a major role in sustaining the epidemic. Our results have implications on epidemic containment policies, as awareness campaigns and human behavioral responses can be effective only if the interaction levels of the infected populace are kept in check.


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The random eigenvalue problem arises in frequency and mode shape determination for a linear system with uncertainties in structural properties. Among several methods of characterizing this random eigenvalue problem, one computationally fast method that gives good accuracy is a weak formulation using polynomial chaos expansion (PCE). In this method, the eigenvalues and eigenvectors are expanded in PCE, and the residual is minimized by a Galerkin projection. The goals of the current work are (i) to implement this PCE-characterized random eigenvalue problem in the dynamic response calculation under random loading and (ii) to explore the computational advantages and challenges. In the proposed method, the response quantities are also expressed in PCE followed by a Galerkin projection. A numerical comparison with a perturbation method and the Monte Carlo simulation shows that when the loading has a random amplitude but deterministic frequency content, the proposed method gives more accurate results than a first-order perturbation method and a comparable accuracy as the Monte Carlo simulation in a lower computational time. However, as the frequency content of the loading becomes random, or for general random process loadings, the method loses its accuracy and computational efficiency. Issues in implementation, limitations, and further challenges are also addressed.


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Multiobjective fuzzy methodology is applied to a case study of Khadakwasla complex irrigation project located near Pune city of Maharashtra State, India. Three objectives, namely, maximization of net benefits, crop production and labour employment are considered. Effect of reuse of wastewater on the planning scenario is also studied. Three membership functions, namely, nonlinear, hyperbolic and exponential are analyzed for multiobjective fuzzy optimization. In the present study, objective functions are considered as fuzzy in nature whereas inflows are considered as dependable. It is concluded that exponential and hyperbolic membership functions provided similar cropping pattern for most of the situations whereas nonlinear membership functions provided different cropping pattern. However, in all the three cases, irrigation intensities are more than the existing irrigation intensity.


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Hafnium dioxide (HfO2) films, deposited using electron beam evaporation, are optimized for high performance back-gated graphene transistors. Bilayer graphene is identified on HfO2/Si substrate using optical microscope and subsequently confirmed with Raman spectroscopy. Back-gated graphene transistor, with 32 nm thick HfO2 gate dielectric, has been fabricated with very high transconductance value of 60 mu S. From the hysteresis of the current-voltage characteristics, we estimate the trap density in HfO2 to be in the mid 10(11)/cm(2) range, comparable to SiO2.


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Biological nanopores provide optimum dimensions and an optimal environment to study early aggregation kinetics of charged polyaromatic molecules in the nano-confined regime. It is expected that probing early stages of nucleation will enable us to design a strategy for supramolecular assembly and biocrystallization processes. Specifically, we have studied translocation dynamics of coronene and perylene based salts, through the alpha-hemolysin (alpha-HL) protein nanopore. The characteristic blocking events in the time-series signal are a function of concentration and bias voltage. We argue that different blocking events arise due to different aggregation processes as captured by all atomistic molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. These confinement induced aggregations of polyaromatic chromophores during the different stages of translocation are correlated with the spatial symmetry and charge distribution of the molecules.


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We consider the problem of developing privacy-preserving machine learning algorithms in a dis-tributed multiparty setting. Here different parties own different parts of a data set, and the goal is to learn a classifier from the entire data set with-out any party revealing any information about the individual data points it owns. Pathak et al [7]recently proposed a solution to this problem in which each party learns a local classifier from its own data, and a third party then aggregates these classifiers in a privacy-preserving manner using a cryptographic scheme. The generaliza-tion performance of their algorithm is sensitive to the number of parties and the relative frac-tions of data owned by the different parties. In this paper, we describe a new differentially pri-vate algorithm for the multiparty setting that uses a stochastic gradient descent based procedure to directly optimize the overall multiparty ob-jective rather than combining classifiers learned from optimizing local objectives. The algorithm achieves a slightly weaker form of differential privacy than that of [7], but provides improved generalization guarantees that do not depend on the number of parties or the relative sizes of the individual data sets. Experimental results corrob-orate our theoretical findings.


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Data clustering is a common technique for statistical data analysis, which is used in many fields, including machine learning and data mining. Clustering is grouping of a data set or more precisely, the partitioning of a data set into subsets (clusters), so that the data in each subset (ideally) share some common trait according to some defined distance measure. In this paper we present the genetically improved version of particle swarm optimization algorithm which is a population based heuristic search technique derived from the analysis of the particle swarm intelligence and the concepts of genetic algorithms (GA). The algorithm combines the concepts of PSO such as velocity and position update rules together with the concepts of GA such as selection, crossover and mutation. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated using some benchmark datasets from Machine Learning Repository. The performance of our method is better than k-means and PSO algorithm.


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Data clustering groups data so that data which are similar to each other are in the same group and data which are dissimilar to each other are in different groups. Since generally clustering is a subjective activity, it is possible to get different clusterings of the same data depending on the need. This paper attempts to find the best clustering of the data by first carrying out feature selection and using only the selected features, for clustering. A PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization)has been used for clustering but feature selection has also been carried out simultaneously. The performance of the above proposed algorithm is evaluated on some benchmark data sets. The experimental results shows the proposed methodology outperforms the previous approaches such as basic PSO and Kmeans for the clustering problem.


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In this paper, we propose a cooperative particle swarm optimization (CPSO) based channel estimation/equalization scheme for multiple-input multiple-output zero-padded single-carrier (MIMO-ZPSC) systems with large dimensions in frequency selective channels. We estimate the channel state information at the receiver in time domain using a PSO based algorithm during training phase. Using the estimated channel, we perform information symbol detection in the frequency domain using FFT based processing. For this detection, we use a low complexity OLA (OverLap Add) likelihood ascent search equalizer which uses minimum mean square (MMSE) equalizer solution as the initial solution. Multiple iterations between channel estimation and data detection are carried out which significantly improves the mean square error and bit error rate performance of the receiver.