986 resultados para Road construction contracts.
The crack and seat (C & S) method of rehabilitating concrete pavements has been proposed to reduce the incidence of reflective cracking in asphalt overlays. These cracked pieces help reduce the thermal effects on lateral joint movement while the seating of slab pieces reduces vertical movement. This 1986 project demonstrated that a 0.6 m x 0.9 m (2 ft x 3 ft) cracking pattern was optimal to retard reflective cracking in an asphalt overlay. The best performance among three C & S test sections was section 4 with a 0.6 m x 0.9 m (2 ft x 3 ft) cracking pattern and 7.6 cm (3 in) overlay. Structural ratings determined from the Road Rater™ indicated little difference between each C & S section with varying AC thicknesses and crack spacings. Although reflection cracking is reduced in the early years after construction, the effectiveness of the C & S method diminishes over time.
Objectives: This qualitative study aims at understanding the consequences of body deconstruction through mastectomy on corporality and identity in women with breast cancer. Design: Nineteen women were contacted through the hospital. All had to undergo mastectomy. Some were offered immediate breast reconstruction, others, because of cancer treatments, had no planned reconstruction. A qualitative reflexive methodological background was chosen. Method: Women were invited to participate in three semi-structured interviews, one shortly before or after mastectomy, and the other interviews later in their illness courses, after surgery. All interviews were transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis was performed. The analysis of the first interview of each woman is presented in this article. Results: Mastectomy provokes a painful experience of body deconstruction. Even when immediate reconstruction is proposed, contrasted feelings and dissonance are expressed when comparing the former healthy body to the present challenged body entity. Body transformations are accompanied with experiences of mutilation, strangeness, and modify the physical, emotional social, symbolic and relational dimensions of the woman's gendered identity. Although the opportunity of breast reconstruction is seen as a possible recovery of a lost physical symmetry and body integrity, grieving the past body and integrating a new corporality leads to a painful identity crisis. Conclusion: With mastectomy, the roots of the woman's identity are challenged, leading to a re-evaluation of her existential values. The consequences of mastectomy transform the woman's corporality and embodiment, and question her identity. Psychological support is discussed in the perspective of our results.
Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0, an effective biological control agent of soilborne plant diseases, is naturally non-mucoid. We have isolated a highly mucoid Tn5 insertion mutant of strain CHA0. The mucoid phenotype was found to be due to the overproduction of exopolysaccharide (EPS), as a result of a mutation in the mucA gene. The wild-type mucA gene was cloned by a two-step, Tn5-dependent cloning procedure previously described and the deduced amino acid sequence showed 71% identity with MucA of P. aeruginosa, a negative regulator of the alternative sigma factor AlgU (=s22, sE). As in P. aeruginosa, mucA is preceded by the algU gene encoding s22 (91% identity at the amino acid sequence level). A mucA in-frame deletion mutant of CHA0 overproduced EPS and formed mucoid colonies, whereas an algU in-frame deletion mutant showed a non-mucoid phenotype. Pyoluteorin, an antibiotic produced by P. fluorescens, was found to be entrapped in EPS of a mucoid mutant. In natural soil, mucoidy negatively affected survival of the bacteria, suggesting that under these conditions the potential to produce abundant EPS does not confer a selective advantage on the bacteria.
TPMS is proposed as a distributed, PC-based system for automating two processes required for road improvements in Iowa: a) the annual preparation, submission, and approval of road improvement programs. b) the ongoing process of developing plans and obtaining approval for projects to be let for bids.
Les textes inédits traduits et présentés dans ce volume constituent un témoignage exceptionnel quant à l'évolution de la pensée de Carnap, l'un des fondateurs de la philosophie analytique. Des premières ébauches d'une construction logique du monde à l'analyse logique des propositions du langage, ils nous font en effet assister aux différents moments d'un programme philosophique inscrit dans le débat du physicalisme et de l'unité de la science. La réductibilité des termes de la psychologie puis de la biologie aux termes de la physique implique-t-elle la dérivabilité de leurs lois aux siennes ? Y a-t-il bonne conséquence d'une épistémologie de la réduction à une réduction ontologique ? Le monde, en somme, est-il entièrement explicable par le langage, et si oui, lequel ?
There is an urgent need to complete projects in high traffic urban areas in the shortest possible time. These road user benefits resulting from faster construction will minimize public inconvenience, safety hazards and a total cost to the public. The incentive - disincentive clause in the contract will encourage the contractor to expedite all phases in the contract. A copy of this special provision is part of this work plan and other details of construction are included in the plan and specification of Project F-65-4(34)--20-77.
The report compares and contrasts the automated PASCO method of pavement evaluation to the manual procedures used by the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) to evaluate pavement condition. Iowa DOT's use of IJK and BPR roadmeters and manual crack and patch surveys are compared to PASCO's use of 35-mm photography, artificial lighting and hairline projection, tracking wheels and lasers to measure ride, cracking and patching, rut depths, and roughness. The Iowa DOT method provides a Present Serviceability Index (PSI) value and PASCO provides a Maintenance Control Index (MCI). Seven sections of Interstate Highway, county roads and city streets, and one shoulder section were tested with different speeds of data collection, surface types and textures, and stop and start conditions. High correlation of results between the two methods in the measurement of roughness (0.93 for the tracking wheel and 0.84 for the laser method) were recorded. Rut depth correlations of 0.61 and cracking of 0.32 are attributed to PASCO's more comprehensive measurement techniques. A cost analysis of the data provided by both systems indicates that PASCO is capable of providing a comparable result with improved accuracy at a cost of $125-$150 or less per two-lane mile depending on survey mileage. Improved data collection speed, accuracy, and reliability, and a visible record of pavement condition for comparable costs are available. The PASCO system's ability to provide the data required in the Highway Pavement Distress Identification Manual, the Pavement Condition Rating Guide, and the Strategic Highway Research Program Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) Studies, is also outlined in the report.
The Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) evaluated the PAS I Road Survey System from PAVEDEX, Inc. of Spokane, Washington. This system uses video photograph to identify and quantify pavement cracking and patching distresses. Comparisons were made to procedures currently used in the State. Interstate highway, county roads and city streets, and two shoulder sections were evaluated. Variables included travel speeds, surface type and texture, and traffic control conditions. Repeatability and distress identification were excellent on rigid pavements. Differences in distress identification and the effect of surface textures in the flexible test sections limited the repeatability and correlation of data to that of the Iowa DOT method. Cost data indicates that PAVEDEX is capable of providing comparable results with improved accuracy at a reasonable cost, but in excess of that experienced currently by the Iowa DOT. PAVEDEX is capable of providing network level pavement condition data at highway speeds and analysis of the data to identify 1/8-inch cracks at approximately 2-3 lane miles per hour with manual evaluation. Photo-logging capability is also included in the unit.
SummarySecondary lymphoid organs, such as lymph nodes or spleen, are the only places in our body where primary adaptive immune responses are efficiently elicited. These organs have distinct Β and Τ cell rich zones and Τ lymphocytes constantly migrate from the bloodstream into Τ zones to scan dendritic cells (DCs) for antigens they present. Specialized fibroblasts, the Τ zone reticular cells (HR.Cs), span the Τ zone in the form a three-dimensional network. lK.Cs guide incoming Τ cells in their migration, both chemically, by the secretion of the chemokines CCL19 and CCL21, and physically, by construction of a road system to which also DCs adhere. In this way TRCs are thought to facilitate encounters of Τ cells with antigen-bearing DCs and thereby accelerate the selection of rare antigen-specific Τ cells. The resulting Τ cell activation, proliferation and differentiation all take place within the TRC network. However, the influence of TRCs on Τ cell activation has so fer not been elucidated with the possible reasons being that TRCs represent a relative rare cell population and that mice devoid of TRCs have not been described.To circumvent these technical limitations, we established TRC clones and lines to have an abundant source to functionally characterize TRCs. Both the clones and lines show a fibroblastic phenotype, express a surface marker profile comparable to ex vivo TRCs and produce extracellular matrix molecules. However, expression of Ccl19, Ccl21 and ZL-7 is lost and could not be restored by cytokine stimulation. When these TRC clones or lines were cultured in a three-dimensional cell culture system, their morphology changed and resembled that of in vivo TRCs as they formed networks. By adding Τ cells and antigen-loaded DCs to these cultures we successfully reconstructed lymphoid Τ zones that allowed antigen-specific Τ cell activation.To characterize the role of TRCs in Τ cell priming, TRCs were co-cultured with antigen-specific Τ cells in the presence antigen-loaded DCs. Surprisingly, the presence of TRC lines and ex vivo TRCs inhibited rather than enhanced CD8+ Τ cell activation, proliferation and effector cell differentiation. TRCs shared this feature with fibroblasts from non-lymphoid tissues as well as mesenchymal stromal cells. TRCs were identified as a strong source of nitric oxide (NO) thereby directly dampening Τ cell expansion as well as reducing the Τ cell priming capacity of DCs. The expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) was up- regulated in a subset of TRCs by both DC-signals as well as interferon-γ produced by primed CD8+ Τ cells. Importantly, iNOS expression was induced during viral infection in vivo in both lymph node TRCs and DCs. Consistent with a role for NO as a negative regulator, the primary Τ cell response was exaggerated in iNOS-/- mice. Our findings highlight that in addition to their established positive roles in Τ cell responses TRCs and DCs cooperate in a negative feedback loop to attenuate Τ cell expansion during acute inflammation.RésuméLes organes lymphoïdes secondaires, comme les ganglions lymphoïdes ou la rate, sont les seuls sites dans notre corps où la réponse primaire des lymphocytes Β et Τ est initiée efficacement. Ces organes ont des zones différentes, riches en cellules Β ou T. Des lymphocytes Τ circulent constamment du sang vers les zones T, où ils échantillonent la surface des cellules dendritiques (DCs) pour identifier les antigènes qu'ils présentent. Des fibroblastes spécialisés - nommés Τ zone reticular cells (TRCs)' forment un réseau tridimensionnel dans la zone T. Les TRCs guident la migration des cellules Τ par deux moyens: chimiquement, par la sécrétion des chimiokines CCL19 et CCL21 et physiquement, par la construction d'un réseau routier en trois dimensions, auquel adhèrent aussi des DCs. Dans ce? cas, on pense que la présence des TRCs facilite les rencontres entre les cellules Τ et les DCs chargées de l'antigène et accélère la sélection des rares cellules Τ spécifiques. Ensuite, l'activation de cellules T, ainsi que la prolifération et la différenciation se produisent toutes à l'intérieur du réseau des TRCs. L'influence des TRCs sur l'activation des cellules T n'est que très peu caractérisée, en partie parce que les TRCs représentent une population rare et que les souris déficientes dans les TRCs n'ont pas encore été découvertes.Pour contourner ces limitations techniques, nous avons établi des clones et des lignées cellulaires de TRC pour obtenir une source indéfinie de ces cellules permettant leur caractérisation fonctionnelle. Les clones et lignées établis ont un phénotype de fibroblaste, ils expriment des molécules de surface similaires aux TRCs ex vivo et produisent de la matrice extracellulaire. Mais l'expression de Ccl19, Ccl21 et 11-7 est perdue et ne peut pas être rétablie par stimulation avec différentes cytokines. Les clones TRC ou les lignées cultivées en un système tridimensionnel de culture cellulaire, montrent une morphologie changée, qui ressemble à celle de TRC ex vivo inclus la construction de réseaux tridimensionnels.Pour caractériser le rôle des TRC dans l'activation des cellules T, nous avons cultivé des TRCs avec des cellules T spécifiques et des DCs chargées avec l'antigène. Etonnamment, la présence des TRC (lignées et ex vivo) inhibait plutôt qu'elle améliorait l'activation, la prolifération et la différenciation des lymphocytes T CDS+. Les TRCs partageaient cette fonction avec des fibr-oblastes des organes non lymphoïdes et des cellules souches du type mésenchymateux. Dans ces conditions, les TRCs sont une source importante d'oxyde nitrique (NO) et par ce fait limitent directement l'expansion des cellules T et réduisent aussi la capacité des DCs à activer les cellules T. L'expression de l'enzyme NO synthase inductible (ïNOS) est régulée à la hausse par des signaux dérivés des DCs et par l'interféron-γ produit par des cellules T de type CD8+ activées. Plus important, l'expression d'iNOS est induite pendant une infection virale in vivo, dans les TRCs et dans les DCs. Par conséquent, la réponse primaire de cellules T est exagérée dans des souris iNOS-/-. Nos résultats mettent en évidence qu'en plus de leur rôle positif bien établi dans la réponse immunitaire, les TRCs et les DCs coopèrent dans une boucle de rétroaction négative pour atténuer l'expansion des cellules T pendant l'inflammation aigiie pour protéger l'intégrité et la fonctionnalité des organes lymphoïdes secondaires.
This document describes planned investments in Iowa’s multimodal transportation system including aviation, transit, railroads, trails, and highways. This five-year program documents $3.2 billion of highway and bridge construction projects on the primary road system using federal and state funding. Of that funding, a little over $500 million is available due to the passage of Senate File 257 in February 2015. As required by Senate File 257, this program includes a list of the critical highway and bridge projects funded with the additional revenue. As with other recent programs, there continues to be uncertainty in federal funding for roads and bridges. The most recent federal authorization, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21), will expire July 31, 2015. At the same time that MAP-21 expires and absent Congressional action, the federal Highway Trust Fund will no longer be able to provide funding at current levels. This could result in reduced federal funding reimbursement for projects already underway and/or full elimination of federal highway funding for new projects in federal fiscal year 2016. These two issues provide funding uncertainty with this program in fiscal year 2016 and beyond.
In 1982 the Iowa DOT allowed a successful bidder the option of submitting materials and proportions using fly ash to produce a portland cement concrete (PCC) paving mixture to meet a specified compressive strength. The contractor, Irving F. Jensen, received approval for the use of a concrete mixture utilizing 500 lbs. of portland cement and 88 lbs. of fly ash as a replacement of 88 lbs. of portland cement. The PCC mixture was utilized on the Muscatine County US 61 relocation bypass paved as project F-61-4(32)--20-70. A Class "C" fly ash obtained from the Chillicothe electric generating plant approximately 100 miles away was used in the project. This use of fly ash in lieu of portland cement resulted in a cost savings of $64,500 and an energy savings of approximately 16 billion BTU. The compressive strength of this PCC mixture option was very comparable to concrete mixtures produced without the use of fly ash. The pavement has been performing very well. The substitution of fly ash for 15% of the cement has been allowed as a contractor's option since 1984. Due to the cost savings, it has been used in almost all Iowa PCC paving since that time.
Transverse joints are placed in portland cement concrete pavements to control the development of random cracking due to stresses induced by moisture and thermal gradients and restrained slab movement. These joints are strengthened through the use of load transfer devices, typically dowel bars, designed to transfer load across the joint from one pavement slab to the next. Epoxy coated steel bars are the materials of choice at the present time, but have experienced some difficulties with resistance to corrosion from deicing salts. The research project investigated the use of alternative materials, dowel size and spacing to determine the benefits and limitations of each material. In this project two types of fiber composite materials, stainless steel solid dowels and epoxy coated dowels were tested for five years in side by side installation in a portion of U.S. 65 near Des Moines, Iowa, between 1997 and 2002. The work was directed at analyzing the load transfer characteristics of 8-in. vs. 12-in. spacing of the dowels and the alternative dowel materials, fiber composite (1.5- and 1.88-in. diameter) and stainless steel (1.5-in. diameter), compared to typical 1.5-in. diameter epoxy-coated steel dowels placed on 12-in. spacing. Data were collected biannually within each series of joints and variables in terms of load transfer in each lane (outer wheel path), visual distress, joint openings, and faulting in each wheel path. After five years of performance the following observations were made from the data collected. Each of the dowel materials is performing equally in terms of load transfer, joint movement and faulting. Stainless steel dowels are providing load transfer performance equal to or greater than epoxy-coated steel dowels at the end of five years. Fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) dowels of the sizes and materials tested should be spaced no greater than 8 in. apart to achieve comparable performance to epoxy coated dowels. No evidence of deterioration due to road salts was identified on any of the products tested. The relatively high cost of stainless steel solid and FRP dowels was a limitation at the time of this study conclusion. Work is continuing with the subject materials in laboratory studies to determine the proper shape, spacing, chemical composition and testing specification to make the FRP and stainless (clad or solid) dowels a viable alternative joint load transfer material for long lasting portland cement concrete pavements.
During the harvest season in Iowa, it is common to have single axle loads on secondary roads and bridges that are excessive (typical examples are grain carts) and well beyond normal load limits. Even though these excessive loads occur only during a short time of the year, they may do significant damage to pavements and bridges. In addition, the safety of some bridges may be compromised because of the excessive loads, and sometimes there may be little indication to the users that damage may be imminent. At this time there are no Iowa laws regulating axle loads allowed for agricultural equipment. This study looks at the potential problems this may cause on secondary roads and timber stringer bridges. Both highway pavement and timber bridges are evaluated in this report. A section (panel) of Iowa PCC paved county road was chosen to study the effects of heavy agricultural loads on pavements. Instrumentation was applied to the panel and a heavily loaded grain cart was rolled across. The collected data were analyzed for any indication of excessive stresses of the concrete. The second study, concerning excessive loads on timber stringer bridges, was conducted in the laboratory. Four bridge sections were constructed and tested. Two of the sections contained five stringers and two sections had three stringers. Timber for the bridges came from a dismantled bridge, and deck panels were cut from new stock. All timber was treated with creosote. A hydraulic load was applied at the deck mid-span using a foot print representing a tire from a typical grain cart. Force was applied until failure of the system resulted. The collected data were evaluated to provide indications of load distribution and for comparison with expected wheel loads for a typical heavily loaded single axle grain cart. Results of the pavement tests showed that the potential of over-stressing the pavement is a possibility. Even though most of the tension stress levels recorded were below the rupture strength of the concrete, there were a few instances where the indicated tension stress level exceeded the concrete rupture strength. Results of the bridge tests showed that when the static ultimate load capacity of the timber stringer bridge sections was reached, there was sudden loss of capacity. Prior to reaching this ultimate capacity, the load sharing between the stringers was very uniform. The failure was characterized by loss of flexural capacity of the stringers. In all tests, the ultimate test load exceeded the wheel load that would be applied by an 875 bushel single axle grain cart.
Reconstruction of bridge approach slabs which have failed due to a loss of support from embankment fill consolidation or erosion can be particularly challenging in urban areas where lane closures must be minimized. Precast prestressed concrete pavement is a potential solution for rapid bridge approach slab reconstruction which uses prefabricated pavement panels that can be installed and opened to traffic quickly. To evaluate this solution, the Iowa Department of Transportation constructed a precast prestressed approach slab demonstration project on Highway 60 near Sheldon, Iowa in August/September 2006. Two approach slabs at either end of a new bridge were constructed using precast prestressed concrete panels. This report documents the successful development, design, and construction of the precast prestressed concrete bridge approach slabs on Highway 60. The report discusses the challenges and issues that were faced during the project and presents recommendations for future implementation of this innovative construction technique.
The road paving cost continues to increase and the backlog of projects waiting for funding is growing. Finding a more cost-effective way to use the available money to pave roads will result in more miles of road being paved with the same amount of money. This project is in Cass County on G35 between US 71 and Norway-Center. It consists of a thin layer of asphalt over a base designed to achieve stability while having some permeability. This project was paved in 1996. An asphalt cement concrete pavement was chosen for the project based on cost, convenience, and historic portland cement concrete problems in Cass County. The new pavement gives quicker access time to farms and residences.