974 resultados para Resultado perinatal
In the present study we evaluated the toxic effects on the male adult rat prostate of DBP exposure during fetal and lactational periods, because although many studies have addressed the influence of phthalates on the male reproductive system, only a few have discussed their possible effects on prostate development. Pregnant females were distributed into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Treated (T). The females of the T group received DBP (100 mg/kg, by gavage) from gestation day 12 to postnatal day 21, while C rats received the vehicle (corn oil). In adulthood (90 days old), the animals were euthanized. The serum and testicular testosterone levels were measured. Ventral prostate was removed and weighed. Distal segment fragments of the ventral prostate were fixed and processed for histochemistry and immunohistochemistry to detect androgen receptor (AR) and Ki67 antigens. Protein extraction from ventral prostate fragments was performed for AR immunoblotting and Gelatin zymography for MMP-2 and MMP-9 (MMP, metalloproteinase). Stereological and histopathological analyses were also performed. Serum and testicular testosterone levels and prostate weight were comparable between groups. In the T group the relative proportions (%) of epithelial (C=32.86; T=42.04*) and stromal (C=21.61; T=27.88*) compartments were increased, while the luminal compartment was decreased (C=45.54; T=30.08*), *p < 0.05. In T, disseminated inflammatory infiltrate in the stroma, associated or not with epithelial dysplasia and PIN (Prostatic Intraepithelial Neoplasia), was observed. Increases in AR expression, proliferation index and metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) activity were noted in T animals. In some T animals, collagen fibrils accumulated adjacent to the epithelium. As far as we are aware, this is the first report in the literature showing that phthalates could play a role in proliferative and inflammatory disorders of the rat prostate. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Birthweight affects neonatal mortality and morbidity and has been used as a marker of foetal undernutrition in studies of prenatal effects on adult characteristics. It is potentially influenced by genetic and environmental influences on the mother, and effects of foetal genotype, which is partially derived from the maternal genotype. Interpretations of variation in birthweight and associated characteristics as being due to prenatal environment ignore other possible modes of materno-foetal transmission. Subjects were adult twins recruited through the Australian Twin Registry, aged 17 to 87 years, and the sample comprised 1820 men and 4048 women. Twins reported their own birthweight as part of a health questionnaire. Body Mass Index (BMI) was calculated from self-reports of height and weight. Correlations between co-twins' birthweights were high for both monozygotic (r = 0.77) and dizygotic (r = 0.67) pairs, leading to substantial estimates of shared environmental effects (56% of variance) with significant additive genetic (23%) and non-shared environmental (21%) components. Adult BMI was mainly influenced by genetic factors, both additive (36% of variance) and nonadditive (35%). The correlation between birthweight and BMI was positive, in that heavier babies became on average more obese adults. A bivariate model of birthweight and adult BMI showed significant positive genetic (rg = 0.16, p = 0.005) and environmental (re = 0.08, p = 0.000011) correlations. Intra-uterine environmental or perinatal influences shared by cotwins exercise a strong influence on birthweight, but the factors which affect both birthweight and adult BMI are partly genetic and partly non-shared environmental.
Events during perinatal and early life may influence the incidence of breast cancer in adult life, and some case-control studies suggest that having been breastfed may reduce breast cancer risk. The authors studied this association among premenopausal and postmenopausal women by using data from the two Nurses' Health Studies, the Nurses' Health Study (using data from 1992 to 1996) and the Nurses' Health Study II (using data from 1991 to 1997). A history of being breastfed was self-reported by the study participants. During a total of 695,655 person-years, 1,073 cases of invasive breast cancer were diagnosed. The authors did not observe any important overall association between having been breastfed and the development of breast cancer later in life among premenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 0.97, 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.78, 1.20) or postmenopausal women (covariate-adjusted relative risk = 1.12, 95% CI: 0.92, 1.37). No significant trend was observed with increasing duration of breastfeeding. The authors also used data on breastfeeding retrospectively collected from 2,103 mothers of participants of the two Nurses' Health Studies. With the mothers' reports, the covariate-adjusted odds ratio of breast cancer was 1.11 (95% CI: 0.88, 1.39) for women who were breastfed compared with those who were not. Data from these two large cohorts do not support the hypothesis that being breastfed confers protection against subsequent breast cancer.
Hypovitaminosis D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for a diverse range of disorders apart from rickets and osteoporosis. Based on epidemiology, and on in vitro and animal experiment, vitamin D has been linked to multiple sclerosis, certain cancers (prostate, breast and colorectal), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and schizophrenia. I hypothesise that low pre- and perinatal vitamin D levels imprint on the functional characteristics of various tissues throughout the body, leaving the affected individual at increased risk of developing a range of adult-onset disorders. The hypothesis draws from recent advances in our understanding of the early origin of adult disease and proposes a 'critical window' during which vitamin D levels may have a persisting impact on adult health outcomes. Methods to test the hypothesis are outlined. If correct, the hypothesis has important implications for public health. Careful attention to maternal vitamin D status could translate into diverse improvements in health outcomes for the following generation. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
Objective. To examine the relationship between child maltreatment and cognitive development in extremely low birth weight infants, adjusting for perinatal and parental risk factors. Methods. A total of 352 infants with birth weight of
If the Internet could be used as a method of transmitting ultrasound images taken in the field quickly and effectively, it would bring tertiary consultation to even extremely remote centres. The aim of the study was to evaluate the maximum degree of compression of fetal ultrasound video-recordings that would not compromise signal quality. A digital fetal ultrasound videorecording of 90 s was produced, resulting in a file size of 512 MByte. The file was compressed to 2, 5 and 10 MByte. The recordings were viewed by a panel of four experienced observers who were blinded to the compression ratio used. Using a simple seven-point scoring system, the observers rated the quality of the clip on 17 items. The maximum compression ratio that was considered clinically acceptable was found to be 1:50-1:100. This produced final file sizes of 5-10 MByte, corresponding to a screen size of 320 x 240 pixels, running at 15 frames/s. This study expands the possibilities for providing tertiary perinatal services to the wider community.
Dr. Jules Cotard (1840-1889) was a Parisian neurologist who first described the delire des negations. Cotard's syndrome or Cotard's delusion comprises any one of a series of delusions ranging from the fixed and unshakable belief that one has lost organs, blood, or body parts to believing that one has lost one's soul or is dead. In its most profound form, the delusion takes the form of a professed belief that one does not exist. Encountered primarily in psychoses such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, Cotard's syndrome has also been described in organic lesions of the nondominant temporoparietal cortex as well as in migraine. Cotard's delusion is the only self-certifiable syndrome of delusional psychosis. Jules Cotard, a Parisian neurologist and psychiatrist and former military surgeon, was one of the first to induce cerebral atrophy by the experimental embolization of cerebral arteries in animals and a pioneer in studies of the clinicopathologic correlates of cerebral atrophy secondary to perinatal and postnatal pathologic changes. He was the first to record that unilateral cerebral atrophy in infancy does not necessarily lead to aphasia and was also the pioneer of studies of altered conscious states in diabetic hyperglycemia.
Back ground. Based on the well-described excess of schizophrenia births in winter and spring, we hypothesised that individuals with schizophrenia (a) would be more likely to be born during periods of decreased perinatal sunshine, and (b) those born during periods of less sunshine would have an earlier age of first registration. Methods. We undertook an ecological analysis of long-term trends in perinatal sunshine duration and schizophrenia birth rates based on two mental health registers (Queensland. Australia n = 6630; The Netherlands n = 24, 474). For each of the 480 months between 1931 and 1970, the agreement between slopes of the trends in psychosis and long-term sunshine duration series were assessed. Age at first registration was assessed by quartiles of long-term trends in perinatal sunshine duration, Males and females were assessed separately. Results. Both the Dutch and Australian data showed a statistically significant association between falling long-term trends in sunshine duration around the time of birth and rising schizophrenia birth rates for males only. In both the Dutch and Australian data there were significant associations between earlier age of first registration and reduced long-term trends in sunshine duration around the time of birth for both males and females, Conclusions. A measure of long-term trends in perinatal sunshine duration was associated with two epidemiological features of schizophrenia in two separate data sets. Exposures related to sunshine duration warrant further consideration in schizophrenia research. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
O Compromisso Nacional para Aperfei??oar as Condi????es de Trabalho na Cana-de-A????car, firmado pelo Governo Federal e entidades de trabalhadores e empres??rios do setor sucroenerg??tico, ?? resultado de uma experi??ncia in??dita no pa??s de negocia????o tripartite para enfrentar o desafio de melhorar as condi????es de vida e trabalho no cultivo manual da cana-de-a????car. Por meio de uma Mesa de Di??logo, sob a coordena????o da Secretaria-Geral da Presid??ncia da Rep??blica, foi constru??do um acordo hist??rico para valorizar e disseminar as melhores pr??ticas trabalhistas na lavoura da cana, evidenciando a import??ncia do di??logo social na elabora????o das Pol??ticas P??blicas. Atrav??s da ades??o volunt??ria das empresas ao Compromisso, da divulga????o das boas pr??ticas empresariais e do cadastro positivo formado pelo selo ???Empresa Compromissada???, conferido ap??s verifica????o in loco de auditoria independente, a iniciativa induz os demais atores do setor a aderir ao Compromisso e adotar as boas pr??ticas trabalhistas
O Termo de Ajuste Sanit??rio, regulamentado no ??mbito do Minist??rio da Sa??de pela Portaria GM/MS n?? 2.046, de 3 de setembro de 2009, ?? o instrumento de compromisso que pode ser formalizado entre gestores do Sistema ??nico de Sa??de (SUS) das tr??s esferas de governo. Consiste na necessidade de conferir efic??cia e qualidade ao processo de descentraliza????o, organiza????o e gest??o das a????es e servi??os de sa??de do SUS, assim como de consolidar os compromissos e as responsabilidades sanit??rias dos gestores das tr??s esferas de governo, em especial sobre a otimiza????o dos recursos destinados ao SUS. O resultado esperado ?? a corre????o de impropriedades decorrentes do descumprimento de obriga????es previstas em normativas do Minist??rio da Sa??de relativas ?? gest??o do Sistema P??blico de Sa??de
Esta iniciativa trata do acompanhamento da frequ??ncia escolar de crian??as e adolescentes em vulnerabilidade social, de fam??lias benefici??rias do Programa Bolsa Fam??lia. Atualmente, o universo de acompanhamento da frequ??ncia escolar ?? de aproximadamente 17 milh??es de crian??as e adolescentes de 6 a 17 anos. No ??ltimo per??odo, alcan??ou-se 97,85% de resultado l??quido de retorno da frequ??ncia, recorde da s??rie hist??rica. A iniciativa consegue resultados expressivos de acompanhamento da frequ??ncia escolar, em uma rede formada por 168 mil escolas que disponibilizam informa????es de aproximadamente 17 milh??es de crian??as e adolescentes de fam??lias pobres ou extremamente pobres, com a participa????o efetiva de todos os munic??pios (5.563 operadores municipais m??ster atuantes) e de operadores estaduais em todas as unidades da federa????o, apoiados por um sistema que possui 22 mil usu??rios
Este projeto nasceu de uma parceria entre o Departamento Penitenci??rio Nacional e a Defensoria P??blica da Uni??o (DPU). Apresenta duas importantes vertentes no ??mbito da execu????o penal. A primeira relaciona-se ao direito de manuten????o dos v??nculos afetivos dos presidi??rios, possibilitando o contato deles com seus familiares e amigos; e a segunda refere-se ?? realiza????o de audi??ncias judiciais por videoconfer??ncia. Desde a implanta????o do Projeto Visita Virtual e Videoconfer??ncia Judicial, em maio de 2010, 509 presos participaram da visita virtual e puderam conversar e visualizar seus familiares e amigos por meio desse recurso, conferindo, assim, um resultado extremamente satisfat??rio, visto que h?? pelo menos um ano n??o recebiam visitas. De mar??o de 2011 at?? julho deste ano, foram realizadas 160 videoconfer??ncias
Com a iminente conclus??o das obras remanescentes da Itaipu Binacional, e atendendo a orienta????es da nova administra????o, foram realizadas mudan??as em pr??ticas e procedimentos internos da gest??o de estoques, que possibilitaram a redu????o do valor do estoque em 15,7% (redu????o de US$8 milh??es) em dois anos, sem preju??zo do n??vel de atendimento aos clientes internos (atendimento de 99% para materiais sobressalentes e 95% para materiais de uso geral). Tais altera????es aliadas a outras medidas administrativas resultaram na diminui????o da ??rea de p??tio em aproximadamente 90% (redu????o de 100.780m2) e da ??rea constru??da em 6% (redu????o de 2.000m2) e na diminui????o do tempo de invent??rio em 39%. O resultado global das a????es tomadas gerou uma economia da ordem de US$1,4 milh??es ao ano, relativo ao custo de n??o manter o carregamento do estoque
O Centro Cir??rgico do Hospital de Cl??nicas de Porto Alegre realiza em torno de 46 cirurgias di??rias de m??dia e alta complexidade. O cancelamento de cirurgias gerava insatisfa????o e preju??zo direto ao paciente. O processo assistencial cir??rgico n??o era informatizado, o que dificultava a tomada de decis??o, por n??o dispor de dados fidedignos e abrangentes que mapeassem todos os eventos desse processo. Um trabalho rigoroso e detalhado de identifica????o das atividades, desde o atendimento ambulatorial do paciente cir??rgico at?? a realiza????o da cirurgia, proporcionou a informatiza????o do processo cr??tico, prevendo o registro das informa????es por quem realmente executa cada tarefa. O objetivo de subsidiar a tomada de decis??o foi alcan??ado. O resultado principal esperado ??? reduzir a taxa de cancelamento de cirurgias ??? foi obtido. A solu????o desse desafio simplificou e agilizou os procedimentos, qualificou a assist??ncia e humanizou o atendimento, refletindo diretamente na satisfa????o do paciente