993 resultados para Reference Area


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After isolating three clones of Trypanasoma cruzi (Bolivia), we first characterized them according to parasitaemia, pleomorphism and virulence, and then histopathologically. The study's interest lies on the hypothesis that clonal evolution of T. cruzi has a major impact on biologically relevant properties of this parasite. Data obtained from the studies of parasitaemia, pleomorphism and virulence showed no differences between the groups studied. As a final point, the histopathological study shows us a muscular tissue tropism both in clones and in their mother strain (Bolivia). In this paper, we conclude that Bolivia strain and clones isolated from it, pertaining to the same major clone share similar biological properties.


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This study shows the efficiency of passive sampling to reveal industrial and agricultural pollution trends. Two practical applications for nonpolar and polar contaminants are presented. Low-density polyethylene (LDPE) samplers were deployed for one year in the Venoge River (VD) to monitor indicator PCBs (iPCBs, IUPAC nos. 28, 52, 101, 138, 153 and 180). The results showed that the impact of PCB emissions into the river is higher in summer than in other seasons due to the low flow rate of the river during this period. P,olar organic chemical integrative samplers (POCIS) were deployed for 4 months in the Sion-Riddes canal (VS) to investigate herbicides (terbuthylazine, diuron and linuron). Desisopropylatrazine-d5 (DIA-d5) was tested as a performance reference compound (PRC) to estimate aqueous concentration. The results showed an increase of water contamination due to the studied agricultural area. The maximal contamination was observed in April and corresponds to the period of herbicide application on the crops.


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El projecte ha tingut com a finalitat cobrir un buit en la formació dels estudiants pel que respecta a les seves limitacions en l’aprenentatge de les diferents estratègies i metodologies de treball. Aquest buit ens ha fet pensar en l’elaboració d’un sistema didàctic que possibiliti una comunicació fluida amb l’alumne i que pugui anar més enllà de l’àmbit específic de les aules. Es per això que la nostra proposta té com a referent un aprofitament més racional del temps de treball de l’estudiant. Per tal d’arribar a aquesta finalitat ens hem plantejat un grup d’objectius concrets ordenats segons els dos nivells d’assoliment següents: Nivell 1: - Definir un material didàctic que pugui transmetre de la manera més objectiva possible les eines necessàries per tal que l’alumne resolgui un conjunt de problemes concrets. - Proporcionar a l’estudiant un procediment didàctic basat en un grup de tasques amb un material de suport on ha de posar a prova l’aplicabilitat dels conceptes donats a les classes teòriques. - Partir d’un sistema que permeti a l’alumne tenir una referència constant de recolzament teòric fora de les aules quan està resolent les pràctiques assignades en el curs. - Definir unes característiques funcionals del material utilitzat en l’activitat pràctica de tal manera que sigui un instrument efectiu per al control del propi estudiant sobre el seu procés d’avaluació. Nivell 2: - Fer servir una metodologia d’activitats pràctiques on es puguin accentuar les capacitats de resposta creativa individual de l’estudiant. - Plantejar l’intercanvi d’experiències i propostes d’estratègies per a la resolució dels temes pràctics mitjançant sessions de seminaris prèvies a les pràctiques. - Promoure unes relacions transversals amb altres àrees de coneixement de tal manera que l’alumne pugui vincular la seva resposta a les activitats pràctiques proposades per altres assignatures, amb els coneixements adquirits a la nostra assignatura.


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Tota implementació d’un nou sistema de treball ha de ser revisada, avaluada i millorada perquè compleixi amb els seus objectius. Des que al curs 2004 (Ajut AGAUR 2004) varem dur a terme la implantació de la plataforma a les assignatures de la Facultat de Psicologia, estem treballant en les assignatures de l’àmbit de Psicologia social i, més concretament, Psicologia de les Organitzacions, amb uns materials originals, creatius i innovadors que no solament són fàcils d’utilitzar pel professor sinó que permeten la interacció entre docents de diferents facultats i estudiants, amb l’objectiu d’aprendre conjuntament. L’aplicació telemàtica per analitzar casos complexos va ser introduïda en una assignatura amb resultats significatius i és, a partir d’aquest projecte, que s’ha pogut treballar en altres assignatures amb iguals resultats d’èxit. L'informe que es presenta recull les millores establertes a partir de l’avaluació efectuada de l’experiència anterior i els resultats analitzats de la primera experiència. Les millores introduïdes no solament fan referència als materials (imatges, textos, relacions entre ells) sinó també a l’avaluació dels estudiants. Tenir uns criteris clars de què se li està demanant a l’estudiant que faci quan interactua amb la plataforma, l’amplitud del ventall de comportaments esperats (plantilla d’avaluació), i el feedback que ha de donar-se a cada estudiant, és una eina necessària per a poder avaluar amb garanties de qualitat. D’altra banda que el professor tingui un material elaborat en forma de graella, li facilita aquesta avaluació. Podem concloure amb aquest informe que la plataforma és capaç d’avaluar les competències que ens havíem proposat i, alhora, ser una bona eina per a treballar l’autonomia de l’estudiant i motivar-lo per a seguir aprofundint en l’àmbit dels RRHH en les organitzacions, objectiu que, des del principi, ens havíem proposat.


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In an attempt to isolate Paracoccidioides brasiliensis from nature 887 samples of soil from Botucatu, SP, Brazil, were collected cultured in brain heart infusion agar supplemented with dextrose, in potato dextrose agar and in yeast extract starch dextrose agar, all with antibiotics, at 25º and 37ºC. Five thermo-dependent dimorphic fungi morphologically resembling P. brasiliensis were isolated; two from armadillo holes; further studies of the biology, antigenicity and genetic features of the five dimorphic fungi are necessary to clarify their taxonomy and their possible relation to P. brasiliensis. In addition, 98 dematiaceous fungi and 581 different species of Aspergillus spp. were also isolated. Our findings emphasize that armadillos and their environment are associated with thermo-dimorphic fungi and confirm the ubiquity of pathogenic dematiaceous fungi and Aspergillus spp.


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A study on tick-borne rickettsiosis was developed in the county of Santa Cruz do Escalvado, State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, where a clinical case of the disease, confirmed by necropsy, had been reported. Of the 1,254 ticks collected, 1,061 belonged to the Amblyomma genus, 57 to the Rhipicephalus sanguineus species, 81 to Boophilus microplus, and 46 to Anocentor nitens. The hemolymph test associated with Giménez staining showed that 18 of the 221 A. cajennense specimens, 1 of the 16 R. sanguineus, 1 of the 22 B. microplus, 3 of the A. nitens, and 1 of the A. ovale contained rickettsia-like microorganisms. Only 3 A. cajennense ticks were positive under direct immunofluorescence. A. cajennense was the only species found on humans


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A field study of the immune response to the shed acute phase antigen (SAPA) of Trypanosoma cruzi was carried out in the locality of Mizque, Cochabamba department, Bolivia. Schoolchildren (266), with an average of 8.6 ± 3.6 years, were surveyed for parasitological and serological diagnosis, as well as antibodies directed against SAPA using the corresponding recombinant protein in ELISA. The antibodies against SAPA were shown in 82% of patients presenting positive serological diagnosis (IgG specific antibodies). The positive and negative predictive values were 0.88. Antibodies anti-SAPA were shown in 80.8% of the chagasic patients in the initial stage of the infection (positive IgM serology and/or positive buffy coat (BC) test) and in 81.4% of the patients in the indeterminate stage of the infection (positive IgG serology with negative BC and IgM tests). These results show that the anti-SAPA response is not only present during the initial stage of the infection (few months) but extends some years after infection


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Following the positive results obtained regarding the molluscicidal properties of the latex of Euphorbia splendens that were corroborated in laboratory and field tests under restricted conditions, a field study was conducted in experimental streams located in an endemic area. After recording the average annual fluctuations of vectors in three streams, a solution of E. splendens latex at 12 ppm was applied in stream A, a solution of niclosamide at 3 ppm that was applied in stream B and a third stream (C) remained untreated for negative control. Applications of E. splendens and niclosamide resulted in a mortality of 100% among the snails collected in the streams A and B. No dead snails were found in the negative control stream. A monthly follow-up survey conducted during three consecutive months confirmed the return of vectors to both experimental streams treated with latex and niclosamide. This fact has called for a need to repeat application in order to reach the snails that remained buried in the mud substrate or escaped to the water edge, as well as, newly hatched snails that did not respond to the concentration of these molluscicides. Adults snails collected a month following treatment led us to believe that they had migrate from untreated areas of the streams to those previously treated


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Clone CL Brener is the reference organism used in the Trypanosoma cruzi Genome Project. Some biological parameters of CL Brener were determined: (a) the doubling time of epimastigote forms cultured in liver infusion-tryptose (LIT) medium at 28oC is 58±13 hr; (b) differentiation of epimastigotes to metacyclic trypomastigotes is obtained by incubation in LIT-20% Grace´s medium; (c) trypomastigotes infect mammalian cultured cells and perform the complete intracellular cycle at 33 and 37oC; (d) blood forms are highly infective to mice; (e) blood forms are susceptible to nifurtimox and benznidazole. The molecular typing of CL Brener has been determined: (a) isoenzymatic profiles are characteristic of zymodeme ZB; (b) PCR amplification of a 24Sa ribosomal RNA sequence indicates it belongs to T. cruzi lineage 1; (c) schizodeme, randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and DNA fingerprinting analyses were performed


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Strategies to construct the physical map of the Trypanosoma cruzi nuclear genome have to capitalize on three main advantages of the parasite genome, namely (a) its small size, (b) the fact that all chromosomes can be defined, and many of them can be isolated by pulse field gel electrophoresis, and (c) the fact that simple Southern blots of electrophoretic karyotypes can be used to map sequence tagged sites and expressed sequence tags to chromosomal bands. A major drawback to cope with is the complexity of T. cruzi genetics, that hinders the construction of a comprehensive genetic map. As a first step towards physical mapping, we report the construction and partial characterization of a T. cruzi CL-Brener genomic library in yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) that consists of 2,770 individual YACs with a mean insert size of 365 kb encompassing around 10 genomic equivalents. Two libraries in bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) have been constructed, BACI and BACII. Both libraries represent about three genome equivalents. A third BAC library (BAC III) is being constructed. YACs and BACs are invaluable tools for physical mapping. More generally, they have to be considered as a common resource for research in Chagas disease


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Heartworm, a chronic fatal mosquito-borne canine disease, is frequently diagnosed in dogs from the State of Rio de Janeiro, where its prevalence is 29.7% in the city of Niterói. Nevertheless it is rarely detected in cats (0.8%) from the same state. Dogs are the primary source of infection to mosquitoes, because cats either do not demonstrate microfilaremia or it is too low and transient for transmission. A mosquito survey was conducted in Itacoatiara, Niterói, from March 1995 to February 1996, using canine, feline and human baits. A total of 21 mosquito species (3,888 females) was collected and biting frequency was highest at dusk. The four species collected most frequently (88.9%) were: Aedes taeniorhynchus (30% of the total catch; with the peak in May/June); Culex quinquefasciatus (22.5%; August/October); Aedes scapularis (19.4%; August, October/November and January) and Culex declarator (17%; November/January). Human baits were attractive to these species and dogs were significantly more attractive to them than cats. Ae. taeniorhynchus, Cx. quinquefasciatus, Ae. scapularis, Cx. declarator and Cx. nigripalpus are the most likely mosquito species to transmit Dirofilaria immitis parasites to dogs and may transmit the parasite to humans. It is also suggested that the vector to cats belongs to the genus Culex


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The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection was evaluated by ELISA in 40 children and teenagers and in 164 adults from a rural area of the State of Mato Grosso, Brazil. Antibodies to H. pylori were detected in the serum of 31 (77.5%) children and teenagers and in 139 (84.7%) adults. The prevalence of infection increased with age (c2 for trend, p < 0.01) even though no variations occurred in the region in the present century in terms of living conditions or sanitation, economical development and migratory influx supporting the hypothesis that the infection is also acquired during later life in developing countries. An inverse correlation was observed between the prevalence of infection and annual family income (c2 for trend, p < 0.013). There was no correlation between type of system for sewage disposal and prevalence of infection (p = 0.8). In conclusion, the prevalence of H. pylori infection in Nossa Senhora do Livramento, a rural area from Brazil, is very high and similar to that observed in other developing countries. Furthermore, the increase in the prevalence of infection with age observed in this population seems to be due to both, cohort effect and acquisition of the infection during later life


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The occurrence of HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 coinfections have been shown to be frequent, probably in consequence of their similar modes of transmission. This paper presents the prevalence of coinfection of HTLV among HIV-1 infected and AIDS patients in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. A group of 149 patients attending the AIDS Reference Unit of the State Department of Health was tested for the presence of antibodies to HTLV-I/II using an enzyme immunoassay and the positive reactions were confirmed with a Western blot that discriminates between HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections. Four patients (2.7%) were positive to HTLV-I, seven (4.7%) to HTLV-II and one (0.7%) showed an indeterminate pattern of reaction. The present results show for the first time in Belém not only the occurrence of HTLV-II/HIV-1 coinfections but also a higher prevalence of HTLV-II in relation to HTLV-I. Furthermore, it also enlarges the geographical limits of the endemic area for HTLV-II in the Amazon region of Brazil.