980 resultados para Rantzau, Henrik, 1526-1598.
Experimental investigations of visible Smith-Purcell-radiation with a micro-focused high relativistic electron beam (E=855 MeV) are presented in the near region, in which the electron beam grazes the surface of the grating. The radiation intensity was measured as a function of the angle of observation and of the distance between electron beam axis and the surface of the grating simultaneously for two different wavelengths (360 nm, 546 nm).In the experiments Smith-Purcell-radiation was identified by the measured angular distribution fulfilling the characteristic coherence condition. By the observed distance dependence of the intensity two components of Smith-Purcell-radiation could be separated: one component with the theoretical predicted interaction length hint, which is produced by electrons passing over the surface of the grating, and an additional component in the near region leading to a strong enhancement of the intensity, which is produced by electrons hitting the surface. To describe the intensity of the observed additional radiation component a simple model for optical grating transition radiation, caused by the electrons passing through the grating structure, is presented. Taking into account the simple scalar model, the results of a Monte-Carlo calculation show that the additional radiation component could be explained by optical grating transition radiation.
Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war die Untersuchung der Liefergebiete und Ablagerungsräume sedimentärer Gesteine aus ausgewählten Gebieten der inneren Helleniden Griechenlands. Die untersuchten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zu den Pirgadikia und Vertiskos Einheiten des Serbo-Makedonische Massifs, zu den Examili, Melissochori und Prinochori Formationen der östlichen Vardar Zone und zur Makri Einheit und Melia Formation des östlichen Zirkum-Rhodope-Gürtels in Thrakien. In der östlichen Ägäis lag der Schwerpunkt bei den Sedimenten der Insel Chios. Der Metamorphosegrad der untersuchten Gesteine variiert von der untersten Grünschieferfazies bis hin zur Amphibolitfazies. Das stratigraphische Alter reicht vom Ordovizium bis zur Kreide. Zur Charakterisierung der Gesteine und ihrer Liefgebiete wurden Haupt- und Spurenelementgehalte der Gesamtgesteine bestimmt, mineralchemische Analysen durchgeführt und detritische Zirkone mit U–Pb datiert. An ausgewählten Proben wurden außerdem biostratigraphische Untersuchungen zur Bestimmung des Sedimentationsalters durchgeführt. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse dieser Arbeit sind von großer Bedeutung für paläogeographische Rekonstruktionen der Tethys. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse lassen sich wie folgt zusammenfassen: Die ältesten Sedimente Nordgriechenlands gehören zur Pirgadikia Einheit des Serbo-Makedonischen Massifs. Es sind sehr reife, quarzreiche, siliziklastische Metasedimente, die auf Grund ihrer Maturität und ihrer detritischen Zirkone mit ordovizischen overlap-Sequenzen vom Nordrand Gondwanas korreliert werden können. Die Metasedimente der Vertiskos Einheit besitzen ein ähnliches stratigraphisches Alter, haben aber einen anderen Ablagerungsraum. Das Altersspektrum detritischer Zirkone lässt auf ein Liefergebiet im Raum NW Afrikas (Hun Superterrane) schließen. Die Gesteinsassoziation der Vertiskos Einheit wird als Teil einer aktiven Kontinentalrandabfolge gesehen. Die ältesten biostratigraphisch datierten Sedimente Griechenlands sind silurische bis karbonische Olistolithe aus einer spätpaläozoischen Turbidit-Olistostrom Einheit auf der Insel Chios. Die Alter detritischer Zirkone und die Liefergebietsanalyse der fossilführenden Olistolithe lassen den Schluss zu, dass die klastischen Sedimente von Chios Material vom Sakarya Mikrokontinent in der West-Türkei und faziellen Äquivalenten zu paläozoischen Gesteinen der Istanbul Zone in der Nord-Türkei und der Balkan Region erhalten haben. Während der Permotrias wurde die Examili Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone in einem intrakontinentalen, sedimentären Becken, nahe der Vertiskos Einheit abgelagert. Untergeordnet wurde auch karbonisches Grundgebirgsmaterial eingetragen. Im frühen bis mittleren Jura wurde die Melissochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone am Abhang eines karbonatführenden Kontinentalrandes abgelagert. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials kam von permokarbonischem Grundgebirge vulkanischen Ursprungs, vermutlich von der Pelagonischen Zone und/oder der unteren tektonischen Einheit des Rhodope Massifs. Die Makri Einheit in Thrakien besitzt vermutlich ein ähnliches Alter wie die Melissochori Formation. Beide sedimentären Abfolgen ähneln sich sehr. Der Großteil des detritischen Materials für die Makri Einheit kam vom Grundgebirge der Pelagonischen Zone oder äquivalenten Gesteinen. Während der frühen Kreide wurde die Prinochori Formation der östlichen Vardar Zone im Vorfeld eines heterogenen Deckenstapels abgelagert, der ophiolitisches Material sowie Grundgebirge ähnlich zu dem der Vertiskos Einheit enthielt. Ebenfalls während der Kreidezeit wurde in Thrakien, vermutlich im Vorfeld eines metamorphen Deckenstapels mit Affinitäten zum Grundgebirge der Rhodopen die Melia Formation abgelagert. Zusammenfassend kann festgehalten werden, dass die Subduktion eines Teiles der Paläotethys und die anschließende Akkretion vom Nordrand Gondwanas stammender Mikrokontinente (Terranes) nahe dem südlichen aktiven Kontinentalrand Eurasiens den geodynamischen Rahmen für die Schüttung des detritischen Materials der Sedimente der inneren Helleniden im späten Paläozoikum bildeten. Die darauf folgenden frühmesozoischen Riftprozesse leiteten die Bildung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys ein. Intraozeanische Subduktion und die Obduzierung von Ophioliten prägten die Zeit des Jura. Die spätjurassische und frühkretazische tektonische Phase wurde durch die Ablagerung von mittelkretazischen Kalksteinen besiegelt. Die endgültige Schließung von Ozeanbecken der Neotethys im Bereich der inneren Helleniden erfolgte schließlich in der späten Kreide und im Tertiär.
The aim of this work is to measure the stress inside a hard micro object under extreme compression. To measure the internal stress, we compressed ruby spheres (a-Al2O3: Cr3+, 150 µm diameter) between two sapphire plates. Ruby fluorescence spectrum shifts to longer wavelengths under compression and can be related to the internal stress by a conversion coefficient. A confocal laser scanning microscope was used to excite and collect fluorescence at desired local spots inside the ruby sphere with spatial resolution of about 1 µm3. Under static external loads, the stress distribution within the center plane of the ruby sphere was measured directly for the first time. The result agreed to Hertz’s law. The stress across the contact area showed a hemispherical profile. The measured contact radius was in accord with the calculation by Hertz’s equation. Stress-load curves showed spike-like decrease after entering non-elastic phase, indicating the formation and coalescence of microcracks, which led to relaxing of stress. In the vicinity of the contact area luminescence spectra with multiple peaks were observed. This indicated the presence of domains of different stress, which were mechanically decoupled. Repeated loading cycles were applied to study the fatigue of ruby at the contact region. Progressive fatigue was observed when the load exceeded 1 N. As long as the load did not exceed 2 N stress-load curves were still continuous and could be described by Hertz’s law with a reduced Young’s modulus. Once the load exceeded 2 N, periodical spike-like decreases of the stress could be observed, implying a “memory effect” under repeated loading cycles. Vibration loading with higher frequencies was applied by a piezo. Redistributions of intensity on the fluorescence spectra were observed and it was attributed to the repopulation of the micro domains of different elasticity. Two stages of under vibration loading were suggested. In the first stage continuous damage carried on until certain limit, by which the second stage, e.g. breakage, followed in a discontinuous manner.
Questo lavoro si concentra su un particolare aspetto della sfaccettata ricerca scientifica di Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), ossia quello teorico-musicale. I pensieri dell’astronomo tedesco riguardanti tale campo sono concentrati – oltre che in alcuni capitoli del Mysterium cosmographicum (1596) ed in alcune sue lettere – nel Libro III dell’Harmonices mundi libri quinque (1619), che, per la sua posizione mediana all’interno dell’opera, tra i primi due libri geometrici e gli ultimi due astronomici, e per la sua funzione di raccordo tra la «speculazione astratta» della geometria e la concretizzazione degli archetipi geometrici nel mondo fisico, assume la struttura di un vero e proprio trattato musicale sul modello di quelli rinascimentali, nel quale la «musica speculativa», dedicata alla teoria delle consonanze e alla loro deduzione geometrica precede la «musica activa», dedicata alla pratica del canto dell’uomo nelle sue differenze, generi e modi. La tesi contiene la traduzione italiana, con testo latino a fronte, del Libro III dell’Harmonice, e un’ampia introduzione che percorre le tappe fondamentali del percorso biografico e scientifico che hanno portato alla concezione di quest’opera – soffermandosi in particolare sulla formazione musicale ricevuta da Keplero, sulle pagine di argomento musicale del Mysterium e delle lettere, e sulle riflessioni filosofico-armoniche sviluppate negli anni di ricerca – e offre gli elementi fondamentali per poter comprendere l’Harmonice mundi in generale e il Libro III in particolare. A ciò si aggiunge, in Appendice, la traduzione, anch’essa con testo latino a fronte, della Sectio V, dedicata alla musica, del Liber IX dell’Almagestum novum (1651) di Giovanni Battista Riccioli (1598-1671), interessante sia dal punto di vista della recezione delle teorie di Keplero che dal punto di vista della storia delle idee musicali.
Scopo della tesi è illustrare l'origine della nozione di logaritmo nei suoi primi decenni dalla nascita, partendo dalle opere di J. Napier (Nepero, 1550-1617) fino a B. Cavalieri (1598-1647), che insieme a J. Keplero (1571-1630) concludono la cosiddetta età pioneristica. Nel primo capitolo sono esposti alcuni mezzi di calcolo usati nel XVI secolo, come i "bastoncini di Nepero"; e il confronto della progressione geometrica con quella aritmetica, che con la conoscenza delle leggi esponenziali, porterà all'invenzione dei logaritmi. Il secondo capitolo è dedicato interamente a Napier (fatto salvo un cenno all'opera di Burgi), con lo scopo di illustrare i suoi due maggiori trattati sui logaritmi: il primo fu sostanzialmente una tavola di numeri da lui inizialmente chiamati "numeri artificiali" e successivamente definiti "logaritmi"; il secondo, curato e pubblicato dal figlio, è un trattato nel quale giustifica il nuovo concetto da lui ottenuto ed i metodi usati per il calcolo delle tavole. Con Henry Briggs (capitolo III) la teoria del logaritmo giunge a maturazione. Egli stesso definì una propria funzione logaritmica Bl_1 che, in seguito, mutò dopo un paio di incontri con Napier. Nelle tavole di Briggs il logaritmo da lui introdotto avrà base 10 e il logaritmo di 1 sarà nullo, definendo così il nostro usuale logaritmo decimale. Nel quarto capitolo mi occupo della diffusione in Italia e in Germania delle nozioni di logaritmo, da parte, rispettivamente di B. Cavalieri e J. Keplero. Cavalieri scrisse parecchio sui logaritmi, pubblicando anche proprie tavole, ma non sembra che abbia raggiunto risultati di grande rilevanza nel campo, tuttavia seppe usare la teoria dei logaritmi in campo geometrico giungendo a formule interessanti. La parte storica della tesi si conclude con alcune notizie sul contributo di Keplero e la diffusione della nozione dei logaritmi neperiani in Germania. La mia esposizione si conclude con qualche notizia sull'uso dei logaritmi e sul regolo calcolatore dalla fine del XIX secolo fin verso gli anni ’70 del secolo scorso.
There is increasing interest in the study of fractals in medicine. In this review, we provide an overview of fractals, of techniques available to describe fractals in physiological data, and we propose some reasons why a physician might benefit from an understanding of fractals and fractal analysis, with an emphasis on paediatric respiratory medicine where possible. Among these reasons are the ubiquity of fractal organisation in nature and in the body, and how changes in this organisation over the lifespan provide insight into development and senescence. Fractal properties have also been shown to be altered in disease and even to predict the risk of worsening of disease. Finally, implications of a fractal organisation include robustness to errors during development, ability to adapt to surroundings, and the restoration of such organisation as targets for intervention and treatment.
Vascular access patency is of vital importance for patients requiring haemodialysis. This analysis validates potential risk factors and benefits in patients undergoing vascular access procedures.
Purpose: To report an angiographic investigation of midterm atherosclerotic disease progression in below-the-knee (BTK) arteries of claudicants. Methods: Angiograms were performed in 58 consecutive claudicants (35 men; mean age 68.3±8.7 years) with endovascular treatment of femoropopliteal arteries in 58 limbs after a mean follow-up of 3.6±1.2 years. Angiograms were reviewed in consensus by 2 experienced readers blinded to clinical data. Progression of atherosclerosis in 4 BTK arterial segments (tibioperoneal trunk, anterior and posterior tibial arteries, and peroneal artery) was assessed according to the Bollinger score. The composite per calf Bollinger score represented the average of the 4 BTK arterial segment scores. The association of the Bollinger score with cardiovascular risk factors and gender was scrutinized. Results: A statistically significant increase in atherosclerotic burden was observed for the mean composite per calf Bollinger score (5.7±8.3 increase, 95% CI 3.5 to 7.9, p<0.0001), as well as for each single arterial segment analyzed. In multivariate linear regression analysis, diabetes mellitus was associated with a more pronounced progression of atherosclerotic burden in crural arteries (β: 5.6, p=0.035, 95% CI 0.398 to 10.806). Conclusion: Progression of infrapopliteal atherosclerotic lesions is common in claudicants during midterm follow-up. Presence of diabetes mellitus was confirmed as a major risk factor for more pronounced atherosclerotic BTK disease progression.
To report the use of the second-generation Amplatzer Vascular Plug II (AVP II) for the treatment of a posttraumatic type A carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF).
Endovascular treatment is an increasingly used therapeutic option in patients with chronic atherosclerotic occlusive mesenteric disease. Purpose of this study was evaluation of patency and mortality in patients treated with visceral artery percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) or stenting including follow-up.
OBJECTIVE: The primary aim of the present study was to investigate whether there is a relationship between central hypersensitivity (assessed by pressure pain thresholds of uninjured tissues) and intradiscal pain threshold during discography. The secondary aim was to test the hypothesis that peripheral noxious stimulation dynamically modulates central hypersensitivity. PATIENTS: Twenty-four patients with positive provocation discography were tested for central hypersensitivity by pressure algometry before and after the intervention with assessments of pressure pain detection and tolerance thresholds. Intradiscal pain threshold was assessed by measuring intradiscal pressure at the moment of pain provocation during discography. Correlation analyses between intradiscal pain threshold and pressure algometry were made. For the secondary aim, pressure algometry data before and after discography were compared. RESULTS: Significant correlation with intradiscal pain threshold was found for pressure pain detection threshold at the toe (regression coefficient: 0.03, P = 0.05) and pressure pain tolerance thresholds at the nonpainful point at the back (0.02, P = 0.024). Tolerance threshold at the toe was a significant predictor for intradiscal pain threshold only in multiple linear regression (0.036, P = 0.027). Detection as well as tolerance thresholds significantly decreased after discography at the painful and the nonpainful point at the back, but not at the toe. CONCLUSIONS: Central hypersensitivity may influence intradiscal pain threshold, but with a modest quantitative impact. The diagnostic value of provocation discography is therefore not substantially impaired. Regional, but not generalized central hypersensitivity is dynamically modulated by ongoing peripheral nociceptive input.
Opposing effects of ondansetron and tramadol on the serotonin pathway have been suggested which possibly increase tramadol consumption and emesis when co-administered. In a randomized, double-blinded study, 179 patients received intravenous ondansetron, metoclopramide, or placebo for emesis prophylaxis. Analgesic regimen consisted of tramadol intraoperative loading and subsequent patient-controlled analgesia. Tramadol consumption and response to antiemetic treatment were compared. Additionally, plasma concentrations of ondansetron and (+)O-demethyltramadol and CYP2D6 genetic variants were analyzed as possible confounders influencing analgesic and antiemetic efficacy. Tramadol consumption did not differ between the groups. Response rate to antiemetic prophylaxis was superior in patients receiving ondansetron (85.0%) compared with placebo (66.7%, P = .046), with no difference to metoclopramide (69.5%). Less vomiting was reported in the immediate postoperative hours in the verum groups (ondansetron 5.0%, metoclopramide 5.1%) compared with placebo (18.6%; P = .01). Whereas plasma concentrations of (+)O-demethyltramadol were significantly correlated to CYP2D6 genotype, no influence was detected for ondansetron. Co-administration of ondansetron neither increased tramadol consumption nor frequency of PONV in this postoperative setting. PERSPECTIVE: Controversial findings were reported for efficacy of tramadol and ondansetron when co-administered due to their opposing serotonergic effects. Co-medication of these drugs neither increased postoperative analgesic consumption nor frequency of emesis in this study enrolling patients recovering from major surgery.
Eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) is a chronic inflammatory disease of the esophagus characterized by dense tissue eosinophilia; it is refractory to proton pump inhibitor therapy. EoE affects all age groups but most frequently individuals between 20 and 50 years of age. Topical corticosteroids are effective in pediatric patients with EoE, but no controlled studies of corticosteroids have been reported in adult patients.
Dementia caregivers have an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, and it is possible that metabolic disturbances contribute to this risk. Regular physical exercise reduces cardiometabolic risk, but caregivers may have less opportunity to engage in such activity. We hypothesized that regular physical activity would moderate cardiometabolic risk in dementia caregivers.