992 resultados para Railroads--New Jersey--Maps.


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This paper describes and illustrates early to middle Eocene benthic foraminifers from northwest Atlantic Site 605, on the continental rise off New Jersey. Benthic foraminiferal faunas are dominated by Bulitnina spp., Nuttallides truempyi, Lenticulina spp., and Cibicidoides spp. Other common taxa include Oridorsalis spp., Gyroidinoides spp., uniserial taxa, arenaceous taxa, and Globocassidulina subglobosa. Together, these taxa usually make up 70% or more of the total fauna. The assemblages are interpreted as indicating a lower bathyal environment of deposition during the Eocene at Site 605. This is corroborated by an independent water depth estimate through backstripping, indicating a water depth for the beginning of the Eocene to late middle Eocene of approximately 2300 to 2000 m.


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The flux of sediment and organic carbon from continents to the coastal ocean is an important factor governing organic burial in coastal sediments, and these systems preserve important records of environmental and biogeochemical conditions during past global change events. Burial of organic materials in coastal systems can be promoted by chemical resilience or through protection by association with mineral surfaces, but the role and influence of these processes on organic records from ancient sediments is poorly known. We studied sediment and organic matter burial as particulate organic matter (POM) and mineral-bound organic matter (MOM) in near-shore marine sediments from the Wilson Lake core (New Jersey, USA) that span the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM), a climatic perturbation 55.9 Myr ago. Our results show that distinct POM and MOM fractions can be isolated from sediments. Both fractions appear to be dominated by terrestrial material, but POM consisted primarily of recently synthesized material whereas MOM included a significant fraction of pre-aged organic matter from soils or ancient sediments. Variation in organic burial through the PETM is associated with changes in inorganic nitrogen burial, clay mineralogy, and clastic grain size that we associate with enhanced continental weathering, erosion and redeposition of ancient kaolinites, and eustatic sea level variation, respectively. These results provide a new perspective on factors governing carbon burial and carbon isotope records in ancient marine margin settings and offer information on rate and phasing of late Paleocene/early Eocene Earth system changes that may constrain interpretations of the cause of the PETM climate change event.


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The organic matter contents of sediments and rocks sampled during DSDP Leg 93 have been characterized by CHN and Rock-Eval analyses. Most samples from Sites 604 and 605 on the New Jersey continental slope and from Site 603 on the Hatteras outer continental rise contained less than 0.5% organic carbon. Some Neogene samples from the slope contained 1 to 2% organic carbon, and Cretaceous samples from the outer rise were as rich as 13.6% organic carbon by weight. Thin layers of black claystones of Santonian, Cenomanian, and Albian age were found interbedded in organiccarbon- lean, bioturbated, turbiditic claystones. Similar layers of turbiditic black marlstones were interspersed among Neocomian limestones and sandstones. Although the organic matter in many of the samples appeared to be detrital continental material, according to Rock-Eval and C/N values, Cenomanian black shales, in particular, contained substantial proportions of marine-derived organic matter.


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The standard paradigm that the Paleocene/Eocene thermal maximum (PETM) represents a threshold event intrinsic to Earth's climate and connected in some way with long-term warming has influenced interpretations of the geochemical, climate, and biological perturbations that occurred at this event. As recent high-resolution data have demonstrated that the onset of the event was geologically instantaneous, attempts to account for the event solely through endogenous mechanisms have become increasingly strained. The rapid onset of the event indicates that it was triggered by a catastrophic event which we suggest was most likely a bolide impact. We discuss features of the PETM that require explanation and argue that mechanisms that have previously been proposed either cannot explain all of these features or would require some sort of high-energy trigger. A bolide impact could provide such a trigger and, in the event of a comet impact, could contribute directly to the shape of the carbon isotope curve. We introduce a carbon cycle model that would explain the PETM by global warming following a bolide impact, leading to the oxidation of terrestrial organic carbon stores built up during the late Paleocene. Our intention is to encourage other researchers to seriously consider an impact trigger for the PETM, especially in the absence of plausible alternative mechanisms.


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Previous workers identified a magnetically anomalous clay layer deposited on the northern United States Atlantic Coastal Plain during the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum (PETM). The finding inspired the highly controversial hypothesis that a cometary impact triggered the PETM. Here we present ferromagnetic resonance (FMR), isothermal and anhysteretic remanent magnetization, first-order reversal curve, and transmission electron microscopy analyses of late Paleocene and early Eocene sediments in drill core from Ancora, New Jersey. A novel paleogeographic analysis applying a recent paleomagnetic pole from the Faeroe Islands indicates that New Jersey during the initial Eocene had a ~6°-9° lower paleolatitude (~27.3° for Ancora) and a more zonal shoreline trace than in conventional reconstructions. Our investigations of the PETM clay from Ancora reveal abundant magnetite nanoparticles bearing signature traits of crystals produced by magnetotactic bacteria. This result, the first identification of ancient biogenic magnetite using FMR, argues that the anomalous magnetic properties of the PETM sediments are not produced by an impact. They instead reflect environmental changes along the eastern margin of North America during the PETM that led to enhanced production and/or preservation of magnetofossils.


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A thick, apparently continuous section recording events of the latest Paleocene thermal maximum in a neritic setting was drilled at Bass River State Forest, New Jersey as part of ODP Leg 174AX [Miller, Sugarman, Browning et al., 1998]. Integrated nannofossil and magneto-stratigraphy provides a firm chronology supplemented by planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy. This chronologic study indicates that this neritic section rivals the best deep-sea sections in providing a complete record of late Paleocene climatic events. Carbon and oxygen isotopes measured on benthic foraminifera show a major (4.0% in carbon, 2.3% in oxygen) negative shift correlative with the global latest Paleocene carbon isotope excursion (CIE). A sharp increase in kaolinite content coincides with the isotope shift in the Bass River section, analogous to increases found in several other records. Carbon and oxygen isotopes remain low and kaolinite content remains high for the remainder of the depositional sequence above the CIE (32.5 ft, 9.9 m), which we estimate to represent 300-500 k.y. We interpret these data as indicative of an abrupt shift to a warmer and wetter climate along the North American mid-Atlantic coast, in concert with global events associated with the CIE.


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