1000 resultados para RS


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A presente dissertação de Mestrado visa à investigação, observação e o estudo de ações de Educação para a Sustentabilidade (nos âmbitos da educação formal e não formal) que vêm sendo desenvolvidas, através de levantamento histórico e de um Estudo de Caso. O objetivo é refletir sobre aspectos das relações existentes entre ONGs socioambientalistas e escolas públicas e seu respectivo impacto nas localidades onde estão sendo implementadas, bem como, nos indivíduos nelas inseridos. Pretende-se analisar estas relações, as metodologias utilizadas, bem como, refletir sobre políticas públicas que apóiam estas ações.


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A novel laser electrodispersion (LE) technique was employed to deposit gold nanoparticles onto Si and SiOx surfaces. The LE technique combines laser ablation with cascade fission of liquid metal micro-drops, which results in the formation of nanoparticles upon rapid cooling. The shape and the size distribution of the Au nanoparticles prepared by LE depend on the nature of the support. Gold nanoparticles were also deposited in the channels of microreactors fabricated by wet etching of Si and used as SE(R)RS sensors. The influence of the nanoparticle surface density as well as of the nature of the substrate on the Raman response was studied. At an appropriate surface density of the deposited nanoparticles a significant enhancement of Raman signal was observed showing the possibility to create efficient SERS substrates. Application of microfluidic devices in surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) in continuous-flow mode with sensor regeneration is described. © 2011 The Royal Society of Chemistry.


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We present a semi-analytical method for dimensioning Reed-Solomon codes for coherent DQPSK systems with laser phase noise and cycle slips. We evaluate the accuracy of our method for a 28 Gbaud system using numerical simulations.


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Many changes have taken place in contemporary society causing impacts in its different sectors, making it much more complex and insecure than in past times. The alteration on the decision-making system of the Brazilian society is among the main changes today. The post-modern context contributed to the occurrence of the transfer of state power of the Legislative and Executive Powers to the Judiciary Power, specifically to the Federal Court of Justice, leading to an expansion on the actuation range of this institution mainly through the exercise of the constitutional jurisdiction. This has caused a crisis of legitimacy in society once the Court will now decide the political and social fundamental issues. In this scenario, the Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS are highlighted and both are being tried by the Supreme Court. Such emphasis is given, since it is a matter of high complexity and social repercussion that will be decided by a legal institution and not a political one. Thus, this work aims to analyze the role of the Supreme Court in the context of contemporary society on the trial of complex and controversial cases, particularly on the trial of Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n° 3937/SP and n° 3357/RS. This study has noticed that due to the post-modern context the majority of the Supreme Court Ministers tend to base their votes in constitutional principles and no longer limit themselves to a formal review of the constitutionality of laws, which indicates a substantialist approach. Moreover, it can be noticed the deliberative potential of the Court as well as the influence of the post-modern features, such as risk, uncertainty and insecurity on the elaboration of the Minister‟s votes. Therefore, sometimes, such as the case in study, the Supreme Court has acted as a technocratic agent in Brazilian society once fundamental political and social decisions for society especially when it comes to complex and controversial cases are being taken by the Supreme Court, which is composed by “Law technicians” and such decisions are mainly based in technical data and scientific studies. For the accomplishment of this work, it has been adopted the inductive approach and monographic procedure method and the bibliographical and documentary research technique.


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El documento que se presenta a continuación combina la revisión de literatura existente en el campo de la enseñanza de la ética y la responsabilidad social con un estudio de caso. A través de este estudio se analizará la integración de las materias de la responsabilidad social en las mallas curriculares de las carreras que, a nivel de pregrado, ofrece una universidad peruana especializada en economía y negocios. Previa a la revisión de 215 cursos se diseñó un método que utiliza el concepto de responsabilidad social presentado en la norma ISO 26000. Dicho concepto se desagrega en siete materias que a su vez se descomponen en dimensiones. Del estudio en profundidad de esas dimensiones se desprenden distintos ítems que son empleados para, usando el juicio de cuatro expertos, determinar si la responsabilidad social es abordada explícita y gradualmente en los cursos que conforman las mallas curriculares. Por tanto, el primer aporte de esta investigación consiste en el diseño de un método transferible y replicable que permite mapear si una competencia genérica, como es la responsabilidad social, se desarrolla de forma gradual a lo largo de todo el proceso formativo. Por otro lado, del estudio de caso se desprende un grupo de conclusiones a ser validadas en investigaciones posteriores. Los resultados señalan que el 21% de los cursos ofrecidos abordan alguna de las materias de responsabilidad social.


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A primeira indústria do Rio Grande do Sul teve origem na cidade do Rio Grande em 1873, sob o nome de Fábrica Nacional de Tecidos e Panos de Rheingantz e Vater. Situada na principal avenida de acesso ao centro da cidade, chegou a empregar 2.000 funcionários. Seu complexo é formado pela planta industrial, vila operária, casas de mestres, grupo escolar, creche e outros. Esse conjunto de edificações permanece erguido, apesar da degradação ambiental e econômica que vem sofrendo, desde que a atividade entrou em declínio no fim da década de 1960. Conjuntamente com a memória construída ao longo de gerações, esse complexo representa um patrimônio cultural do país. Entretanto, todos os esforços já empreendidos nesse sentido fracassaram. Em função disto, o presente artigo buscou fazer uma análise dos aspectos jurídicos da proteção do patrimônio cultural, tendo como base a Constituição brasileira de 1988. Da mesma forma, é considerada a possibilidade da atuação integrada dos três entes federados na execução do tombamento da Rheingantz que, até o momento, não foi efetivado.