981 resultados para RIVER ESTUARY


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ChurchTown Weir in the River Wyre, North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Fish trap at Garstang weir in the River Wyre, North West of England, UK. This photo shows pollution in River Lune in July 1949. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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Churchtown Weir in the River Wyre, North West of England, UK. This photo is part of a Photo Album that includes pictures from 1935 to 1954.


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This is the Wetland resource evaluation and the NRA's role in its conservation: Resource assessment report produced by North West Water in 1982. In this report data from a variety of sources in river Leven and Leven estuary have been examined to determine if there was any objective foundation for the allegations and for the assertion that poor fish catches were related to discharges of industrial effluent to the estuary. Catches of salmon and sea trout from the Leven did not appear to have suffered any long term declines and year to year fluctuations did not appear to be any more extreme than in other North West rivers. Fish surveys did not show any marked differences in the diversity or distribution of fish between the Kent and Leven estuaries but catches of flounders were consistently lower from the Leven estuary. Analysis of fisheries statistics of landings of fish and shellfish from Morecambe Bay did not show any evidence of localised declines in catches from the Leven estuary. Results of laboratory experiments suggested that populations of bivalve molluscs might be more at risk from the effects of discharges to the Leven estuary than resident or migratory fish.


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This is the report on the strategic fisheries stock assessment survey of the River Winster 1995 together with a coarse fish survey in 1994 and reference to the 1995 drought, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1996. Salmonid production within the Winster catchment was dominated by trout although good densities of salmon juveniles were found on some main river sites. Despite suffering drought conditions for much of 1995, only salmon fry production appeared to have been affected. Coarse fish populations once found in the lower reaches of the Winster appear to have declined to very low levels with no fish sampled. This may be partly due to broken tidal gates allowing saline intrusion. It seems that the lower river was suited to the development of a recreational coarse fishery, now that the gates have been repaired. This report completes the strategic stock assessment surveys planned for the period 1992-1995. It represents the last major catchment that was surveyed to determine the current status of fisheries in the South and South West Cumbria areas.


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This is the report on the River Ehen salmonid fishery - current status and a summary of fisheries work during the period 1993-1996, produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. This report draws together a number of investigations and surveys undertaken following the 1993 Strategic fisheries survey of the River Ehen. It specifically details the historic catch data available for this catchment for both salmon and sea trout and examines the current stock levels based on this data. Concerns over sea trout stock levels are raised and a detailed examination of the possible limiting factors involved is included. Information from surveys on the River Keekle is analysed with reference to its potential for sea trout production both currently and with the proposed clean up on Oatlands tip. Salmon production in the historically acidified River Liza sub catchment is examined along with ways of boosting production further following recent reductions in acidic episodes. Future and current issues and actions required in the catchment are listed along with the responsible party and estimated costs involved.


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This is the Brown trout habitat assessment on the River Bela catchment produced by the Environment Agency North West in 1997. The Environment Agency (EA) and its predecessor the National Rivers Authority undertook strategic fish stock assessments in 1992 and 1995 on the River Bela catchment. These surveys found low numbers of brown trout {Salmo trutta) at some sites. Following this, habitat evaluation assessments were undertaken on the eleven poorest sites Factors probably responsible for declining trout populations on the three main tributaries of the Bela catchment include: Overgrazing by farm stock; Lack of suitable cover for parr; the absence of suitable spawning areas; existing potential of certain areas within the catchment not being utilised, due to poor dispersal. Habitat Improvement Schemes (H.I.S) are discussed and prioritised.


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This is the River Leith fluvial audit: Final project report produced by Lancaster University in 1998. Freeze cores extracted from the upper and lower ends of River Leith illustrate that the bed is highly compacted in the downstream reach. Fine material is locally derived from bedrock at depths of only 32 cms into the bed and in one core fine material is 66% of the extracted core. Levels of fines that are believed to be detrimental to fish are put at 20 to 30%. Reduced flow and stream power from water abstraction may lead to a greater infiltration of fine material if gravels are not regularly flushed through with flood flows. Infiltration of fine material can lead to river bed compaction and concretion. A small abstraction may have no effect on the morphology of a river if the reduced discharge is within the normal range of flows experienced. However if the impact on flows is small it is still possible that fine sediment problems will develop progressively and the effects may not be noticed for several years.


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This is the River Eden RHS and geomorphology evaluation: Final report October 2001 produced by the Environment Agency North West in 2001. This report analysed the River Habitat Survey (RHS) and geomorphology data to evaluate the level of habitat quality and the geomorphological characteristics of the River Eden and sub-catchments. RHS data and geomorphological assessment data was collected within the study areas by CEH and Fluvial Environmental Services Ltd. The River Eden and its sub-catchments are being considered as a Special Area for Conservation (SAC) due to the presence of habitat types and species, which are rare or threatened within Europe. The purpose of the project is to provide an overview of the state of the catchment in terms of river habitats and geomorphological processes in order to aid the derivation of sound management for this proposed SAC.The aim of this report was to determine the state of the environment within the Eden and sub-catchments and identify the main pressures on the system in order to derive sound management options.


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This is the Kent estuary survey 8th July 1980 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1980. This survey was carried out on the Kent Estuary on the 8th July, 1980 during the period 3h hours before to 1.5 hours after low water. The chemical water quality in the vicinity of Arnside was found, in general, to be good. The E. coli counts were found to be at or below the E E C mandatory value for bathing waters. Downstream of the Arnside outfall the E coli counts were generally above the E E C mandatory value, the counts getting higher at and after low water. B O D values also increased at low water though ammonia and phosphate (except for 1 sample) concentrations were low. The total coliform counts both at Arnside and below the outfall were always above the E E C mandatory level (except for 2 samples).


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This is the Kent estuary survey 18th July 1981 produced by the North West Water Authority in 1981. The report focuses on a tidal cycle survey carried out on the Kent estuary on the 18th August, 1981. The chemical water quality at Arnside Pier and at New Barns was, on the whole, acceptable. However, samples taken downstream of the outfall at low water for total coliforms and E. coli were all above the EEC mandatory level whilst those for faecal streptococci were all above the guideline value. This document shows chemical and bacteriological data analysed at Kent estuary such chloride, dissolved oxygen, BOD, ammonia, nitrate, phosphate, total coliforms, E. coli and Faecal streptococci.


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This is the Kent estuary 1992 surveys: Summary of results produced by the National Rivers Authority in 1993. The report summarises routine and baseline water quality surveys carried out on the Kent estuary during 1992. Baseline surveys are designed to respond to regional, national, and European requirements. During 1992 baseline surveys were carried out in June and December. Unfortunately, in June, samples could only be taken from stations 3, 7 and 8. For ease of interpretation the results have been presented in graph form, including the maximum and minimum parameter concentration and the appropriate Environmental Quality Standards (EQS). The parameters measured in this survey were physical parameters (temperature, BOD, dissolved oxygen, Ph, salinity, conductivity); nutrients (ammonia, phosphate, and nitrate); metals (Mercury, Nickel, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium, Cooper, Boron, and Zinc) and organic compounds.


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This is the River Camel Salmon Action Plan produced by the Environment Agency in 2002. The report focuses on the River Camel Salmon Action Plan (SAP). The River Camel SAP follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Tamar, Lynher and Tavy. It is the 4th of 7 action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers managed by the Cornwall Area Fisheries, Recreation and Biodiversity Team. This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. In addition, for the first time, Salmon Action Plans have attempted to evaluate in economic terms, all of the contributory components of the salmon fishery. The River Camel Salmon Action Plan contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and associated fishery.


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This is the River Camel Salmon Action Plan Final document produced by the Environment Agency in 2002. This final Salmon Action Plan (SAP) for the River Camel catchment has been produced after consideration of feedback from external consultation. It provides a list of the agreed issues and actions for the next five years to maintain and improve the River Camel salmon stock. The actions presented within this Salmon Action Plan clarify the important issues and factors currently limiting the salmon stock on the river. The resolution of these issues should ensure that a sustainable salmon population will be maintained for future generations. An attempt has been made to cost these actions, identify possible sources of funding and to provide a timescale for action. This Action Plan aims to promote long term collaboration and co-operation between the Agency and other interested parties to effectively and efficiently manage the stock of salmon on the River Camel.


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This is the River Fowey Salmon Action Plan Consultation document produced by the Environment Agency in 2003. The report pays attention on the external consultation of the River Fowey Salmon Action Plan (SAP). The River Fowey SAP follows the format of those completed for the Rivers Tamar, Lynher, Tavy and Camel. It is the 5th of 7 action plans that will be produced for salmon rivers managed by the Cornwall Area Fisheries, Recreation and Biodiversity Team. This strategy represents an entirely new approach to salmon management within the UK and introduces the concept of river-specific salmon spawning targets as a salmon management tool. The River Fowey SAP contains a description of the river catchment and highlights particular features that are relevant to the salmon population and the associated fishery. Notably, there are historic workings for copper and china clay and two significant potable supply reservoirs (Siblyback and Colliford) which have been constructed within the catchment during the past 35 years. The whole of the Fowey catchment is set at the highest water quality grading of RE1 and this standard is met in all reaches of the River Fowey and its tributaries.