990 resultados para REVERSING SYMMETRY


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This report summarizes (I) annual purse seine landings of Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortia tyrannus, for 1972-84, (2) estimated numbers of fish caught by fishing area. (3) estimates of nominal fishing effort and catch-per-unit-effort, (4) mean fish length and weight, and (5) major changes in the fishery. During the 1970s stock size and recruitment increased and the age composition broadened. reversing trends witnessed during the fishery's decline in the 1960s. Landings steadily improved and by 1980 the total coast wide landings exceeded 400,000 metric tons. Nevertheless, the character of the fishery changed considerably. Eleven reduction plants processed fish at seven ports in 1972, but in 1984 only eight plants operated at live ports. Beginning in the mid-1960s the center of fishing aclivity shifted from the Middle Atlantic area to the Chesapeake Bay area, which has continued to dominate the fishery in landings and effort through the 1970s and 1980s. During this period the average size and age of fish in the catches declined. (PDF file contains 30 pages.)


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The uniqThe unique lamellar chips formed in turning–machining of a Vit 1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) are found to be due to repeated shearband formation in the primary shear zone (PSZ). A coupled thermomechanical orthogonal cutting model, taking into account force, free volume and energy balance in the PSZ, is developed to quantitatively characterize lamellar chip formation. Its onset criterion is revealed through a linear perturbation analysis. Lamellar chip formation is understood as a self-sustained limit-cycle phenomenon: there is autonomous feedback in stress, free volume and temperature in the PSZ. The underlying mechanism is the symmetry breaking of free volume flow and source, rather than thermal instability. These results are fundamentally useful for machining BMGs and even for understanding the physical nature of inhomogeneous flow in BMGs.ue lamellar chips formed in turning–machining of a Vit 1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) are found to be due to repeated shearband.


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The hydrodynamics of a free flapping foil is studied numerically. The foil undergoes a forced vertical oscillation and is free to move horizontally. The effect of chord-thickness ratio is investigated by varying this parameter while fixing other ones such as the Reynolds number, the density ratio, and the flapping amplitude. Three different flow regimes have been identified when we increase the chord-thickness ratio, i.e., left-right symmetry, back-and-forth chaotic motion, and unidirectional motion with staggered vortex street. It is observed that the chord-thickness ratio can affect the symmetry-breaking bifurcation, the arrangement of vortices in the wake, and the terminal velocity of the foil. The similarity in the symmetry-breaking bifurcation of the present problem to that of a flapping body under constraint is discussed. A comparison between the dynamic behaviors of an elliptic foil and a rectangular foil at various chord-thickness ratios is also presented.


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Two-step phase transition model, displacive to order-disorder, is proposed. The driving forces for these two transitions are fundamentally different. The displacive phase transition is one type of the structural phase transitions. We clearly define the structural phase transition as the symmetry broking of the unit cell and the electric dipole starts to form in the unit cell. Then the dipole-dipole interaction takes place as soon as the dipoles in unit cells are formed. We believe that the dipole-dipole interaction may cause an order-disorder phase transition following the displacive phase transition. Both structural and order-disorder phase transition can be first-order or second-order or in between. We found that the structural transition temperatures can be lower or equal or higher than the order-disorder transition temperature. The para-ferroelectric phase transition is the combination of the displacive and order-disorder phase transitions. It generates a variety of transition configurations along with confusions. In this paper, we discuss all these configurations using our displacive to order-disorder two-step phase transition model and clarified all the confusions.


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The preparation and direct observation of triplet 2,4-dimethylene-1,3- cyclobutanediyl (1), the non-Kekule isomer of benzene, is described. The biradical was generated by photolysis of 5,6-dimethylene-2,3- diazabicyclo[2.1.1]hex-2-ene (2) (which was synthesized in several steps from benzvalene) under cryogenic, matrix-isolation conditions. Biradical 1 was characterized by EPR spectroscopy (‌‌‌‌‌│D/hc│ =0.0204 cm^(-1), │E/hc│ =0.0028 cm^(-1)) and found to have a triplet ground state. The Δm_s= 2 transition displays hyperfine splitting attributed to a 7.3-G coupling to the ring methine and a 5.9-G coupling to the exocyclic methylene protons. Several experiments, including application of the magnetophotoselection (mps) technique in the generation of biradical 1, have allowed a determination of the zero-field triplet sublevels as x = -0.0040, y = +0.0136, and z = -0.0096 cm^(-1), where x and y are respectively the long and short in-plane axes and z the out-of-plane axis of 1.

Triplet 1 is yellow-orange and displays highly structured absorption (λ_(max)= 506 nm) and fluorescence (λ_(max) = 510 nm) spectra, with vibronic spacings of 1520 and 620 cm^(-1) for absorption and 1570 and 620 cm^(-1) for emission. The spectra were unequivocally assigned to triplet 1 by the use of a novel technique that takes advantage of the biradical's photolability. The absorption є = 7200 M^(-1) cm^(-1) and f = 0.022, establishing that the transition is spin-allowed. Further use of the mps technique has demonstrated that the transition is x-polarized, and the excited state 1s therefore of B_(1g) symmetry, in accord with theoretical predictions.

Thermolysis or direct photolysis of diazene 2 in fluid solution produces 2,4- dimethylenebicyclo[l.l.0]butane (3), whose ^(l)H NMR spectrum (-80°C, CD_(2)Cl_(2)) consists of singlets at δ 4.22 and 3.18 in a 2:1 ratio. Compound 3 is thermally unstable and dimerizes with second-order kinetics between -80 and -25°C (∆H^(‡) = 6.8 kcal mol^(-1), (∆s^(‡) = -28 eu) by a mechanism involving direct combination of two molecules of 3 in the rate-determining step. This singlet-manifold reaction ultimately produces a mixture of two dimers, 3,8,9- trimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]non-4-ene (75) and trans-3,10-dimethylenetricyclo[^(2,5)]deca-4,8-diene (76t), with the former predominating. In contrast, triplet-sensitized photolysis of 2, which leads to triplet 1, provides, in addition to 75 and 76t, a substantial amount of trans-5,10- dimethylenetricyclo[^(3,6)]deca-3,8-diene (77t) and small amounts of two unidentified dimers.

In addition, triplet biradical 1 ring-closes to 3 in rigid media both thermally (77-140 K) and photochemically. In solution 3 forms triplet 1 upon energy transfer from sensitizers having relatively low triplet energies. The implications of the thermal chemistry for the energy surfaces of the system are discussed.


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Various families of exact solutions to the Einstein and Einstein-Maxwell field equations of General Relativity are treated for situations of sufficient symmetry that only two independent variables arise. The mathematical problem then reduces to consideration of sets of two coupled nonlinear differential equations.

The physical situations in which such equations arise include: a) the external gravitational field of an axisymmetric, uncharged steadily rotating body, b) cylindrical gravitational waves with two degrees of freedom, c) colliding plane gravitational waves, d) the external gravitational and electromagnetic fields of a static, charged axisymmetric body, and e) colliding plane electromagnetic and gravitational waves. Through the introduction of suitable potentials and coordinate transformations, a formalism is presented which treats all these problems simultaneously. These transformations and potentials may be used to generate new solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell equations from solutions to the vacuum Einstein equations, and vice-versa.

The calculus of differential forms is used as a tool for generation of similarity solutions and generalized similarity solutions. It is further used to find the invariance group of the equations; this in turn leads to various finite transformations that give new, physically distinct solutions from old. Some of the above results are then generalized to the case of three independent variables.


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The density distribution of inhomogeneous dense deuterium-tritium plasmas in laser fusion is revealed by the energy loss of fast protons going through the plasma. In our simulation of a plasma density diagnostics, the fast protons used for the diagnostics may be generated in the laser-plasma interaction. Dividing a two-dimensional area into grids and knowing the initial and final energies of the protons, we can obtain a large linear and ill-posed equation set. for the densities of all grids, which is solved with the Tikhonov regularization method. We find that the accuracy of the set plan with four proton sources is better than those of the set plans with less than four proton sources. Also we have done the density reconstruction especially. for four proton sources with and without assuming circularly symmetrical density distribution, and find that the accuracy is better for the reconstruction assuming circular symmetry. The error is about 9% when no noise is added to the final energy for the reconstruction of four proton sources assuming circular symmetry. The accuracies for different random noises to final proton energies with four proton sources are also calculated.


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A new geometry-independent state - a traveling-wave wall state - is proposed as the mechanism whereby which the experimentally observed wall-localized states in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection systems preempt the bulk state at large rotation rates. Its properties are calculated for the illustrative case of free-slip top and bottom boundary conditions. At small rotation rates, this new wall state is found to disappear. A detailed study of the dynamics of the wall state and the bulk state in the transition region where this disappearance occurs is conducted using a Swift-Hohenberg model system. The Swift-Hohenberg model, with appropriate reflection-symmetry- breaking boundary conditions, is also shown to exhibit traveling-wave wall states, further demonstrating that traveling-wave wall states are a generic feature of nonequilibrium pattern-forming systems. A numerical code for the Swift-Hohenberg model in an annular geometry was written and used to investigate the dynamics of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection systems.


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This thesis details the investigations of the unconventional low-energy quasiparticle excitations in electron-type cuprate superconductors and electron-type ferrous superconductors as well as the electronic properties of Dirac fermions in graphene and three-dimensional strong topological insulators through experimental studies using spatially resolved scanning tunneling spectroscopy (STS) experiments.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type cuprate La0.1Sr0.9CuO2 (La-112) TC = 43 K, are investigated experimentally. For temperature (T) less than the superconducting transition temperature (TC), and in zero field, the quasiparticle spectra of La-112 exhibits gapped behavior with two coherence peaks and no satellite features. For magnetic field measurements at T < TC, first ever observation of vortices in La-112 are reported. Moreover, pseudogap-like spectra are revealed inside the core of vortices, where superconductivity is suppressed. The intra-vortex pseudogap-like spectra are characterized by an energy gap of VPG = 8.5 ± 0.6 meV, while the inter-vortex quasiparticle spectra shows larger peak-to-peak gap values characterized by Δpk-pk(H) >VPG, and Δpk-pk (0)=12.2 ± 0.8 meV > Δpk-pk (H > 0). The quasiparticle spectra are found to be gapped at all locations up to the highest magnetic field examined (H = 6T) and reveal an apparent low-energy cutoff at the VPG energy scale.

Magnetic-field- and temperature-dependent evolution of the spatially resolved quasiparticle spectra in the electron-type "122" iron-based Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 are investigated for multiple doping levels (x = 0.06, 0.08, 0.12 with TC= 14 K, 24 K, and 20 K). For all doping levels and the T < TC, two-gap superconductivity is observed. Both superconducting gaps decrease monotonically in size with increasing temperature and disappear for temperatures above the superconducting transition temperature, TC. Magnetic resonant modes that follow the temperature dependence of the superconducting gaps have been identified in the tunneling quasiparticle spectra. Together with quasiparticle interference (QPI) analysis and magnetic field studies, this provides strong evidence for two-gap sign-changing s-wave superconductivity.

Additionally spatial scanning tunneling spectroscopic studies are performed on mechanically exfoliated graphene and chemical vapor deposition grown graphene. In all cases lattice strain exerts a strong influence on the electronic properties of the sample. In particular topological defects give rise to pseudomagnetic fields (B ~ 50 Tesla) and charging effects resulting in quantized conductance peaks associated with the integer and fractional Quantum Hall States.

Finally, spectroscopic studies on the 3D-STI, Bi2Se3 found evidence of impurity resonance in the surface state. The impurities are in the unitary limit and the spectral resonances are localized spatially to within ~ 0.2 nm of the impurity. The spectral weight of the impurity resonance diverges as the Fermi energy approaches the Dirac point and the rapid recovery of the surface state suggests robust topological protection against perturbations that preserve time reversal symmetry.


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This thesis addresses whether it is possible to build a robust memory device for quantum information. Many schemes for fault-tolerant quantum information processing have been developed so far, one of which, called topological quantum computation, makes use of degrees of freedom that are inherently insensitive to local errors. However, this scheme is not so reliable against thermal errors. Other fault-tolerant schemes achieve better reliability through active error correction, but incur a substantial overhead cost. Thus, it is of practical importance and theoretical interest to design and assess fault-tolerant schemes that work well at finite temperature without active error correction.

In this thesis, a three-dimensional gapped lattice spin model is found which demonstrates for the first time that a reliable quantum memory at finite temperature is possible, at least to some extent. When quantum information is encoded into a highly entangled ground state of this model and subjected to thermal errors, the errors remain easily correctable for a long time without any active intervention, because a macroscopic energy barrier keeps the errors well localized. As a result, stored quantum information can be retrieved faithfully for a memory time which grows exponentially with the square of the inverse temperature. In contrast, for previously known types of topological quantum storage in three or fewer spatial dimensions the memory time scales exponentially with the inverse temperature, rather than its square.

This spin model exhibits a previously unexpected topological quantum order, in which ground states are locally indistinguishable, pointlike excitations are immobile, and the immobility is not affected by small perturbations of the Hamiltonian. The degeneracy of the ground state, though also insensitive to perturbations, is a complicated number-theoretic function of the system size, and the system bifurcates into multiple noninteracting copies of itself under real-space renormalization group transformations. The degeneracy, the excitations, and the renormalization group flow can be analyzed using a framework that exploits the spin model's symmetry and some associated free resolutions of modules over polynomial algebras.


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This thesis addresses the fine structure, both radial and lateral, of compressional wave velocity and attenuation of the Earth's core and the lowermost mantle using waveforms, differential travel times and amplitudes of PKP waves, which penetrate the Earth's core.

The structure near the inner core boundary (ICB) is studied by analyzing waveforms of a regional sample. The waveform modeling approach is demonstrated to be an effective tool for constrainning the ICB structure. The best model features a sharp velocity jump of 0.78km/s at the ICB and a low velocity gradient at the lowermost outer core (indicating possible inhomogeneity) and high attenuation at the top of the inner core.

A spherically symmetric P-wave model of the core, is proposed from PKP differential times, waveforms and amplitudes. The ICB remains sharp with a velocity jump of 0. 78km/ s. A very low velocity gradient at the base of the fluid core is demonstrated to be a robust feature, indicating inhomogeneity is practically inevitable. The model also indicates that the attenuation in the inner core decreases with depth. The velocity at D" is smaller than PREM.

The inner core is confirmed to be very anisotropic, possessing a cylindrical symmetry around the Earth spin axis with the N-S direction 3% faster than the E-W direction. All of the N-S rays through the inner core were found to be faster than the E-W rays by 1.5 to 3.5s. Exhaustive data selection and efforts in insolating contributions from the region above ensure that this is an inner core feature.

The anisotropy at the very top of the inner core is found to be distinctly different from the deeper part. The top 60km of the inner core is not anisotropic. From 60km to 150km, there appears to be a transition from isotropy to anisotropy.

PKP differential travel times are used to study the P velocity structure in D". Systematic regional variations of up to 2s in AB-DF times were observed, attributed primarily to heterogeneities in the lower 500km of the mantle. However, direct comparisons with tomographic models are not successful.


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The interpretation of extracellular cues leading to the polarization of intracellular components and asymmetric cell divisions is a fundamental part of metazoan organogenesis. The C. elegans vulva, with its invariant cell lineage and interaction of multiple cell signaling pathways, provides an excellent model for the study of cell polarity within an organized epithelial tissue. Herein I discuss the interaction of Wnt and FGF signaling in controlling vulval cell lineage polarity with emphasis on the posterior-most cell that forms the vulva, P7.p.

The mirror symmetry of the C. elegans vulva is achieved by the opposite division orientation of the vulval precursor cells (VPCs) flanking the axis of symmetry. Opposing Wnt signals control the division patterns of the VPCs by controlling the localization of SYS-1/ β-catenin toward the direction of the Wnt gradient. Multiple Wnt signals, expressed at the axis of symmetry, promote the wild-type, anterior-facing, P7.p orientation, whereas Wnts EGL-20 and CWN-1 from the tail and posterior body wall muscle, respectively, promote the daughter cells of P7.p to face the posterior. EGL-20 acts through a member of the LDL receptor superfamily, LRP-2, along with Ror/CAM-1 and Van Gogh/VANG-1. All three transmembrane proteins control orientation through the localization of the SYS-1.

The Fibroblast Growth Factor (FGF) pathway acts in concert with LIN-17/Frizzled to regulate the localization of SYS-1. The source of the FGF ligand is the 1° VPC, P6.p, which controls the polarity of the neighboring 2° VPC, P7.p, by signaling through the sex myoblasts (SMs), activating the FGF pathway. The Wnt, cwn-1, is expressed in the posterior body wall muscle of the worm as well as the SMs, making it the only Wnt expressed on the posterior and anterior sides of P7.p at the time of the polarity decision. Both sources of cwn-1 act instructively to influence P7.p polarity in the direction of the Wnt gradient. The FGF pathway leads to the regulation of cwn-1 transcripts in the SMs. These results illustrate the first evidence of the interaction between FGF and Wnt in C. elegans development and vulval cell lineage polarity as well as highlight the promiscuous nature of Wnt signaling within C. elegans.


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We theoretically study the influence of Coulomb potential for photoionization of hydrogen atoms in an intense laser field with elliptical polarization. The total ionization rates, photoelectron energy spectra, and photoelectron angular distributions are calculated with the Coulomb-Volkov wave functions in the velocity gauge and compared with those calculated in the length gauge as well as those calculated with the Volkov wave functions. By comparing the results obtained by the Coulomb-Volkov and Volkov wave functions, we find that for linear polarization the influence of Coulomb potential is obvious for low-energy photoelectrons, and as the photoelectron energy and/or the laser intensity increase, its influence becomes smaller. This trend, however, is not so clear for the case of elliptical polarization. We also find that the twofold symmetry in the photoelectron angular distributions for elliptical polarization is caused by the cooperation of Coulomb potential and interference of multiple transition channels. About the gauge issue, we show that the difference in the photoelectron angular distributions obtained by the velocity and length gauges becomes rather obvious for elliptical polarization, while the difference is generally smaller for linear polarization.


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Two major topics are covered: the first chapter is focused on the development of post-metallocene complexes for propylene polymerization. The second and third chapters investigate the consequences of diisobutylaluminum hydride (HAliBu2) additives in zirconocene based polymerization systems.

The synthesis, structure, and solution behavior of early metal complexes with a new tridentate LX2 type ligand, bis(thiophenolate)pyridine ((SNS) = (2-C6H4S)2-2,6-C5H3N) are investigated. SNS complexes of Ti, Zr, and Ta having dialkylamido coligands were synthesized and structurally characterized. The zirconium complex, (SNS)Zr(NMe2)2, displays C2 symmetry in the solid state. Solid-state structures of tantalum complexes (SNS)Ta(NMe2)3 and (SNS)TaCl(NEt2)2 also display pronounced C2 twisting of the SNS ligand. 1D and 2D NMR experiments show that (SNS)Ta(NMe2)3 is fluxional with rotation about the Ta N(amide) bonds occurring on the NMR timescale. The fluxional behavior of (SNS)TaCl(NEt2)2 in solution was also studied by variable temperature 1H NMR. Observation of separate signals for the diastereotopic protons of the methylene unit of the diethylamide indicates that the complex remains locked on the NMR timescale in one diastereomeric conformation at temperatures below -50 °C.

Reduction of Zr(IV) metallocenium cations with sodium amalgam (NaHg) produces EPR signals assignable to Zr(III) metallocene complexes. Thus, chloro-bridged heterobinuclear ansa-zirconocenium cation [((SBI))Zr(μ-Cl)2AlMe2]+B(C6F5) (SBI = rac-dimethylsilylbis(1-indenyl)), gives rise to an EPR signal assignable to the complex (SBI)ZrIII(μ-Cl)2AlMe2, while (SBI)ZrIII-Me and (SBI)ZrIII(-H)2AliBu2 are formed by reduction of [(SBI)Zr(μ-Me)2AlMe2]+B(C6F5) and [(SBI)Zr(μ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+B(C6F5)4¯, respectively. These products are also formed, along with (SBI)ZrIII-iBu and [(SBI)ZrIII]+ AlR4¯ when (SBI)ZrMe2 reacts with HAliBu2, eliminating isobutane en route to the Zr(III) complex. Studies concerning the interconversion reactions between these and other (SBI)Zr(III) complexes and reaction mechanisms involved in their formation are also reported.

The addition of HAliBu2 to precatalyst [(SBI)Zr(µ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+ significantly slows the polymerization of propylene and changes the kinetics of polymerization from 1st to 2nd order with respect to propylene. This is likely due to competitive inhibition by HAliBu2. When the same reaction is investigated using [(nBuCp)2Zr(μ-H)3(AliBu2)2]+, hydroalumination between propylene and HAliBu2 is observed instead of propylene polymerization.


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Many engineering applications face the problem of bounding the expected value of a quantity of interest (performance, risk, cost, etc.) that depends on stochastic uncertainties whose probability distribution is not known exactly. Optimal uncertainty quantification (OUQ) is a framework that aims at obtaining the best bound in these situations by explicitly incorporating available information about the distribution. Unfortunately, this often leads to non-convex optimization problems that are numerically expensive to solve.

This thesis emphasizes on efficient numerical algorithms for OUQ problems. It begins by investigating several classes of OUQ problems that can be reformulated as convex optimization problems. Conditions on the objective function and information constraints under which a convex formulation exists are presented. Since the size of the optimization problem can become quite large, solutions for scaling up are also discussed. Finally, the capability of analyzing a practical system through such convex formulations is demonstrated by a numerical example of energy storage placement in power grids.

When an equivalent convex formulation is unavailable, it is possible to find a convex problem that provides a meaningful bound for the original problem, also known as a convex relaxation. As an example, the thesis investigates the setting used in Hoeffding's inequality. The naive formulation requires solving a collection of non-convex polynomial optimization problems whose number grows doubly exponentially. After structures such as symmetry are exploited, it is shown that both the number and the size of the polynomial optimization problems can be reduced significantly. Each polynomial optimization problem is then bounded by its convex relaxation using sums-of-squares. These bounds are found to be tight in all the numerical examples tested in the thesis and are significantly better than Hoeffding's bounds.