998 resultados para RES-000-23-1240


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Collection : Journal officiel de la République française ; brochure 1039


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Background We analyzed the relationship between cholelithiasis and cancer risk in a network of case-control studies conducted in Italy and Switzerland in 1982-2009. Methods The analyses included 1997 oropharyngeal, 917 esophageal, 999 gastric, 23 small intestinal, 3726 colorectal, 684 liver, 688 pancreatic, 1240 laryngeal, 6447 breast, 1458 endometrial, 2002 ovarian, 1582 prostate, 1125 renal cell, 741 bladder cancers, and 21 284 controls. The odds ratios (ORs) were estimated by multiple logistic regression models. Results The ORs for subjects with history of cholelithiasis compared with those without were significantly elevated for small intestinal (OR = 3.96), prostate (OR = 1.36), and kidney cancers (OR = 1.57). These positive associations were observed ≥10 years after diagnosis of cholelithiasis and were consistent across strata of age, sex, and body mass index. No relation was found with the other selected cancers. A meta-analysis including this and three other studies on the relation of cholelithiasis with small intestinal cancer gave a pooled relative risk of 2.35 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.82-3.03]. Conclusion In subjects with cholelithiasis, we showed an appreciably increased risk of small intestinal cancer and suggested a moderate increased risk of prostate and kidney cancers. We found no material association with the other cancers considered.


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El projecte dona resposta a un programa de residència col•lectiva de promoció pública, consistent en un màxim de 24 habitatges agrupats en un bloc plurifamiliar, amb les seves corresponents places d’aparcament.L’emplaçament del concurs promogut per l’Institut Català del Sol (INCASOL) és força peculiar. Es tracta d’un solar en el límit NE de la població de Molins de Rei, ubicat precisament en uns terrenys a cavall entre un sol rústic de bosc mediterrani amb una forta pendent i unes preexistències històriques molt puntuals (una masia i una ermita al cim de la muntanya), i un sol industrial de pendent suau, ocupat per grans naus, que s’obre a la plana del Llobregat. El solar es troba deprimit en la seva cara NE, és a dir, el seu nivell base està bastant per sota de la cota del camí que condueix cap el bosc. Per tant, el seu límit és el talús de terra que marca l’inici del terreny feréstec. En canvi, en la vessant SO, no existeix cap impediment a les vistes i a la ventilació, doncs la obertura a la plana del Llobregat és total.Enfront d’aquestes preexistències i atenent també els requeriments tècnics i funcionals presents tant en les bases del concurs com en les necessitats d’avui en dia, el projecte desenvolupat ofereix un conjunt de respostes innovadores als següents temes considerats crucials:1. El respecte al medi ambient i a la cultura del llocEnfront al repte topogràfic, el projecte proposa concentrar els habitatges i garatges en un sol bloc de PB + 3 plantes que no sobrepassa la cota del camí superior, però que se separa el suficient del talús natural posterior per garantir la ventilació creuada. D’aquesta manera es produeixen pocs moviments de terres i l’edifici final, d’ajustada fondària, respecta la muntanya del seu darrera i no manlleva terreny forestal.Vinculant-se també a la cultura del lloc, els acabats exteriors dels habitatges es proposen cromàtica i materialment semblants a la pedra existent en l’entorn, la mateixa que es visualitza en la masia i en l’ermita del bosc. Igualment, el bloc segueix la corbatura natural del carrer, ajustant-se a la alineació de vial per tal de no imposar-se a la morfologia traçada des de temps pretèrits.2. La relació amb l’exteriorLa resposta al lloc comporta també la configuració interna dels habitatges des del conjunt i des de la unitat habitable. Així, la cara NE, junt a la muntanya, es reserva per el corredor de distribució comunitari, al que s’obren de manera tamisada les cambres de rentat i, com a molt, un dormitori. En canvi, la cara SO, oberta a les vistes de la plana, al sol i a la llum més intensa, concentra les sales d’estar i la majoria de dormitoris. Aquestes cambres, a més a més, es perllonguen cap a l’exterior per mitjà duna terrassa coberta susceptible de tancar-se o obrir-se segons els requeriments climàtics de cada moment del dia o de l’època del any, convertint-se així en una estança més de la casa. Climàticament, la terrassa fa les funcions de cambra d’aire quiet al hivern, i de doble protecció solar al estiu.D’altra banda, tenint en compte el caràcter rural del lloc, i considerant que es tracta de l’última edificació de la població abans d’accedir al terreny boscós, es proposen uns habitatges que reforcen el caràcter veïnal del carrer, situats a 80-150 cm de la cota de vial, que gaudeixen d’un jardí privat.3. La innovació tipològica i la optimització del espaiInteriorment, la superfície dels habitatges s’optimitza de manera que en ells hi apareixen els mínims distribuïdors, per tal d’evitar passadissos i passos constrenyits. La relació de la sala i el menjador es produeix en diagonal, proposant-se la ubicació de la cuina en el centre de la casa. D’aquesta manera, es dona resposta a les necessitats de vida actuals, on els espais principals dels habitatges demanen una certa flexibilitat en les seves funcions.Igualment es proposa de manera innovadora la generació d’un distribuïdor amb un rentamans doble, que dona accés tant al bany de la casa com a la zona de rentat, tant necessària en qualsevol habitatge. Aquesta peça ventila a l’exterior a través d’una gelosia i garanteix les funcions d’estenedor. D’aquesta manera, la ‘pica exterior’ pot satisfer a través d’un sol element diverses funcions, estalviant així espai i flexibilitzant el seu ús. 4. L’accessibilitat i la mobilitat interiorTots els habitatges son visitables amb cadira de rodes a la sala, la cuina, el bany i, com a mínim, una habitació. La manca de passadissos i l’amplitud dels passos i portes així ho permet.De la mateixa manera, existeix un itinerari practicable que uneix la via pública amb l’entrada de cada habitatge, havent-se suprimit en ell totes les barreres arquitectòniques.5. La ecoeficiència i l’acompliment del Codi Tècnic de l’EdificacióLa sostenibilitat de la proposta satisfà diversos paràmetres i alhora aporta solucions novetoses:-minimització de moviments de terres-garatges en planta baixa oberts al pati posterior i, per tant, sense extractors-ventilació creuada en tots els habitatges-assoleiament garantit en tots els habitatges durant les 10 i les 14 hores durant el solstici d’hivern-protecció solar durant l’estiu-safareig ventilat per estendre la roba i per l’estalvi de l’aparell de secadora-façana prefabricada amb cambra interna: transmitància tèrmica idònia per la zona-forats de façana de menys del 40% de la superfície total, tal i com marca el CTE -finestres amb vidres dobles per aïllament del so aeri-utilització de sistemes pre-industrialitzats en un 80% de la superfície d’estructura i en un 80% dels tancaments exteriorsLes instal•lacions tenen en compte els requeriments mediambientals:-diferenciació de canyeries d’aigües negres i pluvials-aparells amb mecanismes d’estalvi d’aigua-tuberies de calefacció vistes que aporten calor suplementari als radiadors-producció d’aigua calenta sanitària amb energia solar-instal•lació d’un aljub de reaprofitament d’aigües pluvials per al rec del jardí-espai de recollida selectiva de residus a les cuines-circuit de pre-instal•lació domòtica


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the seasonality of cardiovascular risk factors (CVRF) in a large set of population-based studies. METHODS: Cross-sectional data from 24 population-based studies from 15 countries, with a total sample size of 237 979 subjects. CVRFs included Body Mass Index (BMI) and waist circumference; systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure; total, high (HDL) and low (LDL) density lipoprotein cholesterol; triglycerides and glucose levels. Within each study, all data were adjusted for age, gender and current smoking. For blood pressure, lipids and glucose levels, further adjustments on BMI and drug treatment were performed. RESULTS: In the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, CVRFs levels tended to be higher in winter and lower in summer months. These patterns were observed for most studies. In the Northern Hemisphere, the estimated seasonal variations were 0.26 kg/m(2) for BMI, 0.6 cm for waist circumference, 2.9 mm Hg for SBP, 1.4 mm Hg for DBP, 0.02 mmol/L for triglycerides, 0.10 mmol/L for total cholesterol, 0.01 mmol/L for HDL cholesterol, 0.11 mmol/L for LDL cholesterol, and 0.07 mmol/L for glycaemia. Similar results were obtained when the analysis was restricted to studies collecting fasting blood samples. Similar seasonal variations were found for most CVRFs in the Southern Hemisphere, with the exception of waist circumference, HDL, and LDL cholesterol. CONCLUSIONS: CVRFs show a seasonal pattern characterised by higher levels in winter, and lower levels in summer. This pattern could contribute to the seasonality of CV mortality.


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The key reference on the labour market and the logics of squad formation in the five main European leagues. One hundred richly coloured pages, illustrated by graphics, maps, rankings, statistical models and analysis in French and English which... - inform managers about potential strategies to put their clubs on the road to success - help managers of federations and players' unions to understand current trends and to take decisions - suggest to journalists new lines of investigation likely to interest the general public - allow researchers and students to benefit from reliable and comparable sources, developed with the greatest possible rigour - give fans the possibility to understand in detail the dynamics at work in their favourite sport and club Demographic Study of Footballers in Europe The Demographic Study of European Footballers is an annual publication destined for anyone who wishes to acquire a scientific understanding of the European football players' labour market. It presents the dynamics at work in 36 first division leagues in UEFA member countries. This edition covers our biggest ever survey comprising more than 520 clubs and 13,000 footballers. Statistical indicators relative to nine thematics (morphology, age, experience training, origin, etc.) allow the comparison of player profiles and squad compositions at league and club level. Through easily-understable regression analyses, the Study brings to light the principle differences between clubs and leagues according to economic and sporting level of championships. The final part presents the list of the most promising players under 23 years of age by league and position


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Inhibition of cholesterol export from late endosomes causes cellular cholesterol imbalance, including cholesterol depletion in the trans-Golgi network (TGN). Here, using Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) Niemann-Pick type C1 (NPC1) mutant cell lines and human NPC1 mutant fibroblasts, we show that altered cholesterol levels at the TGN/endosome boundaries trigger Syntaxin 6 (Stx6) accumulation into VAMP3, transferrin, and Rab11-positive recycling endosomes (REs). This increases Stx6/VAMP3 interaction and interferes with the recycling of αVβ3 and α5β1 integrins and cell migration, possibly in a Stx6-dependent manner. In NPC1 mutant cells, restoration of cholesterol levels in the TGN, but not inhibition of VAMP3, restores the steady-state localization of Stx6 in the TGN. Furthermore, elevation of RE cholesterol is associated with increased amounts of Stx6 in RE. Hence, the fine-tuning of cholesterol levels at the TGN-RE boundaries together with a subset of cholesterol-sensitive SNARE proteins may play a regulatory role in cell migration and invasion.


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Introduction: Trastuzumab (T) is a cornerstone in the treatment of patients with HER2-overexpressing advanced breast cancer and development of resistance to T is a major therapeutic problem. HER-2 is part of a highly interactive signaling network that may impair efficacy of endocrine therapy. A sequential treatment design was chosen in this trial to ensure complete resistance to single agent therapy before receiving both a non-steroidal aromatase inhibitor (AI) and T. Any kind of clinical activity with combined treatment of AI and T after progression of single agent treatments could indicate restoration of sensitivity as a consequence of cross-talking and networking between both pathways. Methods: Key eligibility criteria included postmenopausal patients (pts.) with advanced, measurable, HER-2 positive (assessed by FISH, ratio (≥2)), HR positive disease and progression on prior treatment with a non-steroidal AI, e.g. letrozole or anastrozole, either in an adjuvant or advanced setting. Pts. received standard dose T monotherapy either weekly or three-weekly in step 1 and upon disease progression, continued T in combination with letrozole in step 2. The primary endpoint was clinical benefit response (CBR: CR, PR or SD for at least 24 weeks (+/- 1 week) according to RECIST) in step 2. Results: Thirteen pts. were enrolled in five centers in Switzerland. In step 1, six pts. (46%) achieved CBR. Median time to progression (TTP) was 161 days (Range: 50 - 627). Based on data collected until the end of May 2010, CBR was observed in seven out of the eleven evaluable pts. (64%) in step 2, including one pt. with partial response. Four of the seven pts. within step 2 that achieved CBR also had CBR in step 1. Seven out of eleven pts. have documented tumor progression during step 2 treatment. Median TTP for all eleven pts. was 184 days (range 61 - 471). Mean time on study treatment (TTP in step 1 plus TTP in step 2) for pts. reaching step 2 was 380 days (range 174 - 864). Adverse events were generally mild. Conclusion: Results of this proof-of-principle trial suggest that complete resistance to both AI and T can be overcome in a proportion of pts. by combined treatment of AI and T, as all pts. served as their own control. Our results appear promising for a new treatment strategy which offers a chemotherapy-free and well-tolerated option for at least a subset of the pts. with HR positive, HER-2 positive breast cancer. Further trials will need to corroborate this finding.


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O presente trabalho teve por objetivo determinar os melhores estágios do desenvolvimento das flores de laranja-doce para o controle da Podridão Floral dos Citros (PFC), avaliando-se diversas épocas de aplicação e doses de fungicidas. Os estudos foram realizados em pomares de laranjas-'Natal' e 'Pêra' (Citrus sinensis [L.] Osbeck), onde foram marcados aleatoriamente ramos florais pertencentes à florada temporã (janeiro de 1994), caracterizando as fases de desenvolvimento de cada botão floral. Em um primeiro ensaio, avaliou-se o controle da doença através de pulverizações manuais, onde foram aplicados os seguintes tratamentos (doses por 1 L): a) testemunha; b) benomyl 0,5 g, no dia de marcação dos ramos (aplicação normal); c) benomyl 0,5 g, 3 a 4 dias depois da marcação (aplicação tardia); e d) benomyl 0,5 g em 2 aplicações, uma na marcação dos botões e outra uma semana depois. As aplicações foram feitas com pulverizadores manuais, molhando-se apenas os ramos com flores marcados. Em um segundo ensaio, avaliou-se o controle da doença através de pulverizações tratorizadas. Na laranja-'Natal', estudaram-se os seguintes tratamentos (doses por 2.000 L): a) testemunha; b) benomyl 1 kg em 4/jan; c) benomyl 1 kg em 4 e 11/jan; e d) benomyl 1 kg em 8/jan. Na laranja-'Pêra', os seguintes tratamentos foram aplicados (doses por 2.000 L): a) testemunha; b) benomyl 1 kg, 4/jan; c) benomyl 1 kg, 4 e 10/jan; d) benomyl 1 kg + captan 3,5 kg, 4/jan; e) benomyl 0,75 kg + captan 2,5 kg, 4/jan; f) benomyl 1 kg + captan 2,5 kg, 4/jan; g) benomyl 1 kg + captan 2,5 kg, 4/jan + benomyl 1 kg, 10/jan; h) benomyl 1,5 kg, 4/jan; e i) benomyl 1,5 kg, 4 e 10/jan. Avaliaram-se, em intervalos de dois dias, a freqüência e a época de ocorrência das lesões nas pétalas dos botões florais, a porcentagem de pegamento e o índice de cálices retidos de cada parcela. Pelos resultados, pôde-se concluir que o benomyl é eficiente no controle da PFC em doses de 0,5-0,75 g.L-1, e sua resposta podem ser obtida em floradas temporãs tratadas nos estágios de predominância de botões redondos brancos até o período anterior à antese.


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No Brasil têm-se usado densidades de plantio relativamente baixas para a obtenção de frutos grandes, com reflexos negativos na produtividade da cultura do abacaxi. No entanto, frutos cada vez menores têm sido comercializados no mercado internacional, o que poderá também ocorrer no mercado nacional. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de avaliar o efeito de altas densidades em sistemas de plantio em filas duplas sobre a produção quantitativa e qualitativa de abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne, sob condições de sequeiro. Densidades de plantio, variando de 51.280 plantas/ha a 100.000 plantas/ha, foram estudadas em delineamento experimental de blocos casualizados, com cinco repetições e doze tratamentos, distribuídos em esquema fatorial 4 x 3, correspondendo a quatro combinações de espaçamentos entre linhas duplas e entre linhas simples na fila dupla (90cm x 40 cm, 90 cm x 30 cm, 80 cm x 30 cm , 70 cm x 30 cm) e três espaçamentos entre plantas nas linhas de plantio (30 cm, 25 cm, 20 cm). A análise de variância determinou diferença estatística apenas para a produtividade, em função do espaçamento entre plantas na linha de plantio, sendo mais elevada para o espaçamento de 20 cm. O peso do fruto, as suas dimensões e a sua qualidade (açucares, acidez, teor de suco, relação açúcares/acidez) não foram significativamente influenciados pelas densidades de plantio estudadas, mantendo-se dentro dos padrões da cultivar. Para cada aumento de 10.000 plantas por hectare, a produtividade cresceu em 8,27 t/ha e o peso médio do fruto caiu 102 g. Nas condições ambientais dos Tabuleiros Costeiros do Norte da Bahia, a cultura do abacaxi cv. Smooth Cayenne apresenta potencial para uso em altas densidades de plantio, mesmo em cultivo de sequeiro, podendo-se atingir produtividade acima de 80t/ha e peso médio do fruto superior a 1,0 kg.


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This study aimed to develop a hip screening tool that combines relevant clinical risk factors (CRFs) and quantitative ultrasound (QUS) at the heel to determine the 10-yr probability of hip fractures in elderly women. The EPISEM database, comprised of approximately 13,000 women 70 yr of age, was derived from two population-based white European cohorts in France and Switzerland. All women had baseline data on CRFs and a baseline measurement of the stiffness index (SI) derived from QUS at the heel. Women were followed prospectively to identify incident fractures. Multivariate analysis was performed to determine the CRFs that contributed significantly to hip fracture risk, and these were used to generate a CRF score. Gradients of risk (GR; RR/SD change) and areas under receiver operating characteristic curves (AUC) were calculated for the CRF score, SI, and a score combining both. The 10-yr probability of hip fracture was computed for the combined model. Three hundred seven hip fractures were observed over a mean follow-up of 3.2 yr. In addition to SI, significant CRFs for hip fracture were body mass index (BMI), history of fracture, an impaired chair test, history of a recent fall, current cigarette smoking, and diabetes mellitus. The average GR for hip fracture was 2.10 per SD with the combined SI + CRF score compared with a GR of 1.77 with SI alone and of 1.52 with the CRF score alone. Thus, the use of CRFs enhanced the predictive value of SI alone. For example, in a woman 80 yr of age, the presence of two to four CRFs increased the probability of hip fracture from 16.9% to 26.6% and from 52.6% to 70.5% for SI Z-scores of +2 and -3, respectively. The combined use of CRFs and QUS SI is a promising tool to assess hip fracture probability in elderly women, especially when access to DXA is limited.