979 resultados para RAS mutations


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We describe a method to screen pools of DNA from multiple transposon lines for insertions in many genes simultaneously. We use thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR, a hemispecific PCR amplification protocol that combines nested, insertion-specific primers with degenerate primers, to amplify DNA flanking the transposons. In reconstruction experiments with previously characterized Arabidopsis lines carrying insertions of the maize Dissociation (Ds) transposon, we show that fluorescently labeled, transposon-flanking fragments overlapping ORFs hybridize to cognate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) on a DNA microarray. We further show that insertions can be detected in DNA pools from as many as 100 plants representing different transposon lines and that all of the tested, transposon-disrupted genes whose flanking fragments can be amplified individually also can be detected when amplified from the pool. The ability of a transposon-flanking fragment to hybridize declines rapidly with decreasing homology to the spotted DNA fragment, so that only ESTs with >90% homology to the transposon-disrupted gene exhibit significant cross-hybridization. Because thermal asymmetric interlaced–PCR fragments tend to be short, use of the present method favors recovery of insertions in and near genes. We apply the technique to screening pools of new Ds lines using cDNA microarrays containing ESTs for ≈1,000 stress-induced and -repressed Arabidopsis genes.


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Ullrich syndrome is a recessive congenital muscular dystrophy affecting connective tissue and muscle. The molecular basis is unknown. Reverse transcription–PCR amplification performed on RNA extracted from fibroblasts or muscle of three Ullrich patients followed by heteroduplex analysis displayed heteroduplexes in one of the three genes coding for collagen type VI (COL6). In patient A, we detected a homozygous insertion of a C leading to a premature termination codon in the triple-helical domain of COL6A2 mRNA. Both healthy consanguineous parents were carriers. In patient B, we found a deletion of 28 nucleotides because of an A → G substitution at nucleotide −2 of intron 17 causing the activation of a cryptic acceptor site inside exon 18. The second mutation was an exon skipping because of a G → A substitution at nucleotide −1 of intron 23. Both mutations are present in an affected brother. The first mutation is also present in the healthy mother, whereas the second mutation is carried by their healthy father. In patient C, we found only one mutation so far—the same deletion of 28 nucleotides found in patient B. In this case, it was a de novo mutation, as it is absent in her parents. mRNA and protein analysis of patient B showed very low amounts of COL6A2 mRNA and of COL6. A near total absence of COL6 was demonstrated by immunofluorescence in fibroblasts and muscle. Our results demonstrate that Ullrich syndrome is caused by recessive mutations leading to a severe reduction of COL6.


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We have developed an efficient reverse-genetics protocol that uses expedient pooling and hybridization strategies to identify individual transfer-DNA insertion lines from a collection of 6000 independently transformed lines in as few as 36 polymerase chain reactions. We have used this protocol to systematically isolate Arabidopsis lines containing insertional mutations in individual cytochrome P450 genes. In higher plants P450 genes encode enzymes that perform an exceptionally wide range of functions, including the biosynthesis of primary metabolites necessary for normal growth and development, the biosynthesis of secondary products, and the catabolism of xenobiotics. Despite their importance, progress in assigning enzymatic function to individual P450 gene products has been slow. Here we report the isolation of the first 12 such lines, including one (CYP83B1-1) that displays a runt phenotype (small plants with hooked leaves), and three insertions in abundantly expressed genes. The DNAs used in this study are publicly available and can be used to systematically isolate mutants in Arabidopsis.


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The green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant 76–5EN lacks photosynthesis because of a nuclear-gene mutation that specifically inhibits expression of the chloroplast gene encoding the large subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (Rubisco; EC Photosynthesis-competent revertants were selected from mutant 76–5EN to explore the possibility of increasing Rubisco expression. Genetic analysis of 10 revertants revealed that most arose from suppressor mutations in nuclear genes distinct from the original 76–5EN mutant gene. The revertant strains have regained various levels of Rubisco holoenzyme, but none of the suppressor mutations increased Rubisco expression above the wild-type level in either the presence or absence of the 76–5EN mutation. One suppressor mutation, S107–4B, caused a temperature-conditional, photosynthesis-deficient phenotype in the absence of the original 76–5EN mutation. The S107–4B strain was unable to grow photosynthetically at 35°C, but it expressed a substantial level of Rubisco holoenzyme. Whereas the 76–5EN gene encodes a nuclear factor that appears to be required for the transcription of the Rubisco large-subunit gene, the S107–4B nuclear gene may be required for the expression of other chloroplast genes.


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We have begun to take a genetic approach to study chloroplast protein import in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii by creating deletions in the transit peptide of the γ-subunit of chloroplast ATPase-coupling factor 1 (CF1-γ, encoded by AtpC) and testing their effects in vivo by transforming the altered genes into an atpC mutant, and in vitro by importing mutant precursors into isolated C. reinhardtii chloroplasts. Deletions that removed 20 or 23 amino acid residues from the center of the transit peptide reduced in vitro import to an undetectable level but did not affect CF1-γ accumulation in vivo. The CF1-γ transit peptide does have an in vivo stroma-targeting function, since chimeric genes in which the stroma-targeting domain of the plastocyanin transit peptide was replaced by the AtpC transit peptide-coding region allowed plastocyanin to accumulate in vivo. To determine whether the transit peptide deletions were impaired in in vivo stroma targeting, mutant and wild-type AtpC transit peptide-coding regions were fused to the bacterial ble gene, which confers bleomycin resistance. Although 25% of the wild-type fusion protein was associated with chloroplasts, proteins with transit peptide deletions remained almost entirely cytosolic. These results suggest that even severely impaired in vivo chloroplast protein import probably does not limit the accumulation of CF1-γ.


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The molecular reaction mechanism of the GTPase-activating protein (GAP)-catalyzed GTP hydrolysis by Ras was investigated by time resolved Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) difference spectroscopy using caged GTP (P3-1-(2-nitro)phenylethyl guanosine 5′-O-triphosphate) as photolabile trigger. This approach provides the complete GTPase reaction pathway with time resolution of milliseconds at the atomic level. Up to now, one structural model of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GDP⋅AlFx transition state analog is known, which represents a “snap shot” along the reaction-pathway. As now revealed, binding of GAP to Ras⋅GTP shifts negative charge from the γ to β phosphate. Such a shift was already identified by FTIR in GTP because of Ras binding and is now shown to be enhanced by GAP binding. Because the charge distribution of the GAP⋅Ras⋅GTP complex thus resembles a more dissociative-like transition state and is more like that in GDP, the activation free energy is reduced. An intermediate is observed on the reaction pathway that appears when the bond between β and γ phosphate is cleaved. In the intermediate, the released Pi is strongly bound to the protein and surprisingly shows bands typical of those seen for phosphorylated enzyme intermediates. All these results provide a mechanistic picture that is different from the intrinsic GTPase reaction of Ras. FTIR analysis reveals the release of Pi from the protein complex as the rate-limiting step for the GAP-catalyzed reaction. The approach presented allows the study not only of single proteins but of protein–protein interactions without intrinsic chromophores, in the non-crystalline state, in real time at the atomic level.


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We investigated the production of hyaluronan (HA) and its effect on cell motility in cells expressing the v-src mutants. Transformation of 3Y1 by v-src virtually activated HA secretion, whereas G2A v-src, a nonmyristoylated form of v-src defective in cell transformation, had no effect. In cells expressing the temperature-sensitive mutant of v-Src, HA secretion was temperature dependent. In addition, HA as small as 1 nM, on the other side, activated cell motility in a tumor-specific manner. HA treatment strongly activated the motility of v-Src–transformed 3Y1, whereas it showed no effect on 3Y1- and 3Y1-expressing G2A v-src. HA-dependent cell locomotion was strongly blocked by either expression of dominant-negative Ras or treatment with a Ras farnesyltransferase inhibitor. Similarly, both the MEK1 inhibitor and the kinase inhibitor clearly inhibited HA-dependent cell locomotion. In contrast, cells transformed with an active MEK1 did not respond to the HA. Finally, an anti-CD44–neutralizing antibody could block the activation of cell motility by HA as well as the HA-dependent phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinase and Akt. Taken together, these results suggest that simultaneous activation of the Ras-mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway and the phosphoinositide 3-kinase pathway by the HA-CD44 interaction is required for the activation of HA-dependent cell locomotion in v-Src–transformed cells.


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Recombinational repair of replication forks can occur either to a crossover (XO) or noncrossover (non-XO) depending on Holliday junction resolution. Once the fork is repaired by recombination, PriA is important for restarting these forks in Escherichia coli. PriA mutants are Rec− and UV sensitive and have poor viability and 10-fold elevated basal levels of SOS expression. PriA sulB mutant cells and their nucleoids were studied by differential interference contrast and fluorescence microscopy of 4′,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole-stained log phase cells. Two populations of cells were seen. Eighty four percent appeared like wild type, and 16% of the cells were filamented and had poorly partitioned chromosomes (Par−). To probe potential mechanisms leading to the two populations of cells, mutations were added to the priA sulB mutant. Mutating sulA or introducing lexA3 decreased, but did not eliminate filamentation or defects in partitioning. Mutating either recA or recB virtually eliminated the Par− phenotype. Filamentation in the recB mutant decreased to 3%, but increased to 28% in the recA mutant. The ability to resolve and/or branch migrate Holliday junctions also appeared crucial in the priA mutant because removing either recG or ruvC was lethal. Lastly, it was tested whether the ability to resolve chromosome dimers caused by XOs was important in a priA mutant by mutating dif and the C-terminal portion of ftsK. Mutation of dif showed no change in phenotype whereas ftsK1∷cat was lethal with priA2∷kan. A model is proposed where the PriA-independent pathway of replication restart functions at forks that have been repaired to non-XOs.


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A series of mutant human and yeast copper-zinc superoxide dismutases has been prepared, with mutations corresponding to those found in familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS; also known as Lou Gehrig's disease). These proteins have been characterized with respect to their metal-binding characteristics and their redox reactivities. Replacement of Zn2+ ion in the zinc sites of several of these proteins with either Cu2+ or Co2+ gave metal-substituted derivatives with spectroscopic properties different from those of the analogous derivative of the wild-type proteins, indicating that the geometries of binding of these metal ions to the zinc site were affected by the mutations. Several of the ALS-associated mutant copper-zinc superoxide dismutases were also found to be reduced by ascorbate at significantly greater rate than the wild-type proteins. We conclude that similar alterations in the properties of the zinc binding site can be caused by mutations scattered throughout the protein structure. This finding may help to explain what is perhaps the most perplexing question in copper-zinc superoxide dismutase-associated familial ALS-i.e., how such a diverse set of mutations can result in the same gain of function that causes the disease.


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A number of aberrant morphological phenotypes were noted during propagation of the Arabidopsis thaliana DNA hypomethylation mutant, ddm1, by repeated self-pollination. Onset of a spectrum of morphological abnormalities, including defects in leaf structure, flowering time, and flower structure, was strictly associated with the ddm1 mutations. The morphological phenotypes arose at a high frequency in selfed ddm1 mutant lines and some phenotypes became progressively more severe in advancing generations. The transmission of two common morphological trait syndromes in genetic crosses demonstrated that the phenotypes are caused by heritable lesions that develop in ddm1 mutant backgrounds. Loss of cytosine methylation in specific genomic sequences during the selfing regime was noted in the ddm1 mutants. Potential mechanisms for formation of the lesions underlying the morphological abnormalities are discussed.


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Genetic screens in Drosophila have lead to the discovery of many genes important for patterning and signal transduction in diverse organisms. Traditionally, the phenotypic effects of loss-of-function mutations are analyzed. As an alternative way to link genes and function, I have developed a versatile misexpression screen in Drosophila, the first such screen in higher eukaryotes. The screen identifies genes that, when over- or misexpressed in a pattern of interest, give a specific phenotype or modulate an existing mutant phenotype. It is based on Gal4 transactivation of a mobile enhancer and promoter that "targets" random endogenous genes for expression. The modular design of the screen allows directed expression in any temporal or spatial pattern. When activated in the developing eye, 4% of target inserts gave dominant phenotypes. One insertion was in the gene encoding Ras GTPase-activating protein; its overexpression phenotype was strongly enhanced by a mutation in Ras1. Thus, biologically relevant phenotypes and genetic interactions are identified using this method. The screen is a powerful new tool for developmental genetics; similar approaches can also be developed for other organisms.


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Escherichia coli DnaK acts as a molecular chaperone through its ATP-regulated binding and release of polypeptide substrates. Overexpressing a C-terminal fragment (CTF) of DnaK (Gly-384 to Lys-638) containing the polypeptide substrate binding domain is lethal in wild-type E. coli. This dominant-negative phenotype may result from the nonproductive binding of CTF to cellular polypeptide targets of DnaK. Mutations affecting DnaK substrate binding were identified by selecting noncytotoxic CTF mutants followed by in vitro screening. The clustering of such mutations in the three-dimensional structure of CTF suggests the model that loops L1,2 and L4,5 form a rigid core structure critical for interactions with substrate.


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Escape of cancer cells from the circulation (extravasation) is thought to be a major rate-limiting step in metastasis, with few cells being able to extravasate. Furthermore, highly metastatic cells are believed to extravasate more readily than poorly metastatic cells. We assessed in vivo the extravasation ability of highly metastatic ras-transformed NIH 3T3 cells (PAP2) versus control nontumorigenic nontransformed NIH 3T3 cells and primary mouse embryo fibroblasts. Fluorescently labeled cells were injected intravenously into chicken embryo chorioallantoic membrane and analyzed by intravital videomicroscopy. The chorioallantoic membrane is an appropriate model for studying extravasation, since, at the embryonic stage used, the microvasculature exhibits a continuous basement membrane and adult permeability properties. The kinetics of extravasation were assessed by determining whether individual cells (n = 1481) were intravascular, extravascular, or in the process of extravasation, at 3, 6, and 24 h after injection. Contrary to expectations, our results showed that all three cell types extravasated with the same kinetics. By 24 h after injection > 89% of observed cells had completed extravasation from the capillary plexus. After extravasation, individual fibroblasts of all cell types demonstrated preferential migration within the mesenchymal layer toward arterioles, not to venules or lymphatics. Thus in this model and for these cells, extravasation is independent of metastatic ability. This suggests that the ability to extravasate in vivo is not necessarily predictive of subsequent metastasis formation, and that postextravasation events may be key determinants in metastasis.


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p53 is a multifunctional tumor suppressor protein involved in the negative control of cell growth. Mutations in p53 cause alterations in cellular phenotype, including immortalization, neoplastic transformation, and resistance to DNA-damaging drugs. To help dissect distinct functions of p53, a set of genetic suppressor elements (GSEs) capable of inducing different p53-related phenotypes in rodent embryo fibroblasts was isolated from a retroviral library of random rat p53 cDNA fragments. All the GSEs were 100-300 nucleotides long and were in the sense orientation. They fell into four classes, corresponding to the transactivator (class I), DNA-binding (class II), and C-terminal (class III) domains of the protein and the 3'-untranslated region of the mRNA (class IV). GSEs in all four classes promoted immortalization of primary cells, but only members of classes I and III cooperated with activated ras to transform cells, and only members of class III conferred resistance to etoposide and strongly inhibited transcriptional transactivation by p53. These observations suggest that processes related to control of senescence, response to DNA damage, and transformation involve different functions of the p53 protein and furthermore indicate a regulatory role for the 3'-untranslated region of p53 mRNA.