1000 resultados para Psychosocials factors
Mouse models are important tools to decipher the molecular mechanisms of mammary carcinogenesis and to mimic the respective human disease. Despite sharing common phenotypic and genetic features, the proper translation of murine models to human breast cancer remains a challenging task. In a previous study we showed that in the SV40 transgenic WAP-T mice an active Met-pathway and epithelial-mesenchymal characteristics distinguish low- and high-grade mammary carcinoma. To assign these murine tumors to corresponding human tumors we here incorporated the analysis of expression of transcription factor (TF) coding genes and show that thereby a more accurate interspecies translation can be achieved. We describe a novel cross-species translation procedure and demonstrate that expression of unsupervised selected TFs, such as ELF5, HOXA5 and TFCP2L1, can clearly distinguish between the human molecular breast cancer subtypes-or as, for example, expression of TFAP2B between yet unclassified subgroups. By integrating different levels of information like histology, gene set enrichment, expression of differentiation markers and TFs we conclude that tumors in WAP-T mice exhibit similarities to both, human basal-like and non-basal-like subtypes. We furthermore suggest that the low- and high-grade WAP-T tumor phenotypes might arise from distinct cells of tumor origin. Our results underscore the importance of TFs as common cross-species denominators in the regulatory networks underlying mammary carcinogenesis.
Comparative national management accounting is the least developed aspect in the field of international accounting. Only during the second half of the 1990's some comparisons of national managementaccounting practice have appeared published but only at theregional level. In this paper a range of factors that give rise to variations in national management accounting practice are postulated. We support this list with examples from a range of analyses of national management accounting practices, drawing particularly on the work of Lizcano (1996) and Bhimani (1996).Finally, twelve key factors are identified as influencing an individual country's approach to management accounting.
The recent ACCORD and DIAD studies revealed results which could modify treatments and the screening of diabetes vascular complications. Indeed, ACCORD shows no benefit on the prevention of diabetes vascular complications by aggressive treatment of hypertension or the combined treatment of the dyslipidemia. The intensive treatment of the blood glucose, if associated with severe hypoglycemias, increases mortality. DIAD revealed 20% of silent myocardial ischaemia in diabetic patients but no beneficial effect on the cardiovascular mortality. A careful reading of these studies in the light of long term studies such as UKPDS and STENO reveals that these negative results are generated by a too short follow-up and too aggressive objectives. The long term studies reveal that more realistic objectives remain beneficial.
Rapport de synthèseApproche et objectifL'objectif de la recherche était de préciser les relations existant entre l'insuffisance rénale chronique, l'anémie et l'accident vasculaire cérébral parmi des patients hospitalisés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois (CHUV) pour un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC). Les auteurs ont déterminé la prévalence de l'anémie et de l'insuffisance rénale chronique parmi ces patients et examiné s'ils sont des facteurs de risque indépendants de la mortalité suite à un AVC.L'insuffisance rénale chronique est associée à un risque élevé de développer un AVC. L'anémie est une complication et une conséquence fréquente qui découle de l'insuffisance rénale chronique et est également un facteur de risque pour les maladies cérébro- et cardiovasculaires.MéthodeLa présente étude de cohorte rétrospective se base sur le registre des AVC du CHUV et inclut tous les patients traités suite à un premier AVC au service de neurologie du CHUV entre les années 2000 et 2003.Les variables utilisées pour l'analyse sont les caractéristiques démographiques, l'insuffisance rénale chronique, le débit de filtration glomérulaire.(GFR), l'anémie et d'autres facteurs de risque d'AVC. Ils ont été récoltés au moyen du système informatique du laboratoire du CHUV, d'entretiens téléphoniques (patients ou proches) et du registre des AVC du CHUV.L'insuffisance rénale chronique a été calculée sur base de la ,,Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI)-CKD Classification", laquelle est divisée en cinq stades. L'anémie a été définie par une hémoglobine de < 120g/L pour les femmes et < 130g/L pour les hommes.Les analyses statistiques réalisées sont des tests Chi-carré, des tests de Τ ainsi que des courbes de Kaplan-Meier et le modèle de régression de Cox.RésultatsParmi 890 patients adultes avec un AVC, le GFR moyen était de 64.3 ml/min/1.73 m2, 17% souffraient d'anémie et 10% sont décédés pendant la première année après la sortie de l'hôpital, suite à l'"AVC index". Parmi ceux-ci, 61% avaient une insuffisance rénale chronique de stade 3-5 et 39% de stade 1 ou 2 selon les critères de K/DOQI.D'autre part un taux d'hémoglobine élevé a pu être associé à un risque moins élevé de mortalité un an après la sortie de l'hôpital.Conclusion et perspectiveNous avons constaté que l'anémie ainsi que l'insuffisance rénale chronique sont fréquents parmi les patients souffrant d'un AVC et qu'ils sont des facteurs de risque d'un taux de mortalité élevé après un an. En conséquence, il pourrait être utile de traiter les patients souffrant d'anémie et d'insuffisance rénale dès que possible afin de diminuer les complications et comorbidités résultants de ces maladies.La perspective est de rendre les cliniciens attentif à l'importance de l'insuffisance rénale et de l'anémie parmi les patients ayants développé un AVC, ainsi que d'initier le traitement approprié afin de diminuer les complications, les comorbidités ainsi que les récidives d'un AVC. L'efficacité et l'économicité des interventions visant à améliorer le pronostic chez les patients présentant un AVC et souffrant d'une insuffisance rénale chronique et / ou d'une anémie doivent être évaluées par des études appropriées.
Bien que de nombreuses études suggèrent des liens entre les troubles psychiatriques et les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV), peu ont utilisé des investigations somatique, biologique et psychiatrique adéquates. Pour déterminer les potentiels mécanismes impliqués dans ces associations, plusieurs études ont investigué le lien entre les troubles psychiatriques et les facteurs de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires (FRCV) (surpoids, diabète, dyslipidémie, hypertension artérielle, inactivité, consommation de cigarettes). De plus, des biomarqueurs (régulateurs du métabolisme, marqueurs hépatiques et inflammatoires) pouvant être associés à la fois aux troubles psychiatriques et aux FRCV ont été étudiés mais avec des résultats contradictoires. Basée sur un large échantillon de la population générale de la Ville de Lausanne et des investigations somatique et psychiatrique adéquates, cette thèse comporte deux articles: le premier étudie l'association entre les troubles psychiatriques majeurs et les FRCV; le second établit les liens entre certains biomarqueurs et le développement du diabète de type 2. Appliquant une méthodologie rigoureuse sur un échantillon de 3716 sujets de la population lausannoise âgés de 35 à 66 ans, les résultats du premier article ont montré que 1) le sous-type atypique de la dépression était associé à une augmentation du risque de souffrir de plusieurs FRCV (surpoids, diabète et syndrome métabolique), contrairement à d'autres sous-types de dépression, 2) les problèmes d'alcool étaient associés à un risque accru de souffrir de diabète et de dyslipidémie, 3) presque tous les troubles psychiatriques étaient associés à une consommation régulière de cigarettes. Quant au deuxième article, parmi les différents biomarqueurs testés, seul un niveau bas d'adiponectine (une hormone produite par le tissu adipeux qui affecte la sensibilité à l'insuline) était associé à un risque accru de souffrir de diabète par la suite. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité pour les spécialistes de distinguer les sous-types de dépression pour le risque cardiovasculaire et de donner une attention particulière au sous-type atypique. Un problème d'alcool comorbide pourrait accroître le risque cardiovasculaire. De plus, des efforts pour diminuer la cigarette chez les sujets souffrant de troubles psychiatriques seraient une mesure préventive importante contre le développement des MCV. Le rôle de l'adiponectine dans l'association entre les troubles psychiatriques et les FRCV restant incertain, une prochaine analyse devrait déterminer le lien entre ce biomarqueur et la dépression atypique. - Despite the fact that several studies have highlighted associations between psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular diseases (CVD), few have used adequate somatic, biological and psychiatric measures. To determine potential mechanisms implicated in these associations, several studies have assessed the relationship between psychiatric disorders and cardiovascular risk factors (CVRFs), such as overweight, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension, physical inactivity and smoking. Moreover, biomarkers such as metabolic regulators, hepatic and inflammatory markers, which could be associated with both psychiatric disorders and CVRFs, have been studied yielding contradictory results. Based on a population-based sample from the city of Lausanne and using adequate somatic and psychiatric investigations, this dissertation encompasses two articles: the first studies the associations between major psychiatric disorders established for lifetime and CVRFs; the second studies the associations between certain biomarkers and the development of type 2 diabetes. Using standardized contemporary methodology in a sample composed of 3716 individuals aged from 35 to 66 years, the first article revealed associations between 1) the atypical depression subtype and an increased risk of several CVRFs (overweight, diabetes and the metabolic syndrome) in contrast to other depression subtypes; 2) alcohol disorders and an increased risk of diabetes and dyslipidemia; 3) almost all psychiatric disorders and a lifetime history of regular cigarette smoking. The second article showed, among the various biomarkers tested, that only lower levels of adiponectin (a hormone produced by adiposity which affects sensitivity to insulin) were associated with an increased risk of subsequent type 2 diabetes. Our results highlight the need for specialists to subtype depression when studying the cardiovascular risk and to pay particular attention to the atypical subtype. A comorbid alcohol misuse may further increase the cardiovascular risk. Moreover, efforts to diminish smoking in subjects suffering from psychiatric disorders could be an important tool for preventing subsequent CVD. The role of adiponectin in the association between psychiatric disorders and CVRFs should still be elucidated, and future analyses should focus in particular on the relationship between this biomarker and atypical depression.
Objectifs - Identifier les facteurs de vulnérabilité sociaux et médicaux associés au recours multiple aux consultations des urgences. - Déterminer si les patients à recours multiple sont plus à même de combiner ces facteurs dans un système d'assurance universelle. Méthode Il s'agit d'une étude cas-contrôle rétrospective basée sur l'étude de dossiers médico-administratifs comparant des échantillons randomisés de patients à recours multiple à des patients n'appartenant pas à cette catégorie, au sein des urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne. Les auteurs ont défini les patients à recours multiple comme comptabilisant au moins quatre consultations aux urgences durant les douze mois précédents. Les patients adultes (>18 ans) ayant consulté les urgences entre avril 2008 et mars 2009 (période d'étude) étaient inclus ; ceux quittant les urgences sans décharge médicale étaient exclus. Pour chaque patient, le premier dossier d'urgence informatisé inclus dans la période d'étude était sélectionné pour l'extraction des données. Outre les variables démographiques de base, les variables d'intérêt comprennent des caractéristiques sociales (emploi, type de résidence) et médicales (diagnostic principal aux urgences). Les facteurs sociaux et médicaux significatifs ont été utilisés dans la construction d'un modèle de régression logistique, afin de déterminer les facteurs associés avec le recours multiple aux urgences. De plus, la combinaison des facteurs sociaux et médicaux a été étudiée. Résultats Au total, 359/Γ591 patients à recours multiple et 360/34'263 contrôles ont été sélectionnés. Les patients à recours multiple représentaient moins d'un vingtième de tous les patients des urgences (4.4%), mais engendraient 12.1% de toutes les consultations (5'813/48'117), avec un record de 73 consultations. Aucune différence en termes d'âge ou de genre n'est apparue, mais davantage de patients à recours multiples étaient d'une nationalité autre que suisse ou européenne (n=117 [32.6%] vs n=83 [23.1%], p=0.003). L'analyse multivariée a montré que les facteurs de vulnérabilité sociaux et médicaux les plus fortement associés au recours multiple aux urgences étaient : être sous tutelle (Odds ratio [OR] ajusté = 15.8; intervalle de confiance [IC] à 95% = 1.7 à 147.3), habiter plus proche des urgences (OR ajusté = 4.6; IC95% = 2.8 à 7.6), être non assuré (OR ajusté = 2.5; IC95% = 1.1 à 5.8), être sans emploi ou dépendant de l'aide sociale (OR ajusté = 2.1; IC95% = 1.3 à 3.4), le nombre d'hospitalisations psychiatriques (OR ajusté = 4.6; IC95% = 1.5 à 14.1), ainsi que le recours à au moins cinq départements cliniques différents durant une période de douze mois (OR ajusté = 4.5; IC95% = 2.5 à 8.1). Le fait de comptabiliser deux sur quatre facteurs sociaux augmente la vraisemblance du recours multiple aux urgences (OR ajusté = 5.4; IC95% = 2.9 à 9.9) ; des résultats similaires ont été trouvés pour les facteurs médicaux (OR ajusté = 7.9; IC95% = 4.6 à 13.4). La combinaison de facteurs sociaux et médicaux est fortement associée au recours multiple aux urgences, puisque les patients à recours multiple étaient dix fois plus à même d'en comptabiliser trois d'entre eux (sur un total de huit facteurs, IC95% = 5.1 à 19.6). Conclusion Les patients à recours multiple aux urgences représentent une proportion modérée des consultations aux urgences du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois et de la Policlinique Médicale Universitaire de Lausanne. Les facteurs de vulnérabilité sociaux et médicaux sont associés au recours multiple aux urgences. En outre, les patients à recours multiple sont plus à même de combiner les vulnérabilités sociale et médicale que les autres. Des stratégies basées sur le case management pourraient améliorer la prise en charge des patients à recours multiple avec leurs vulnérabilités afin de prévenir les inégalités dans le système de soins ainsi que les coûts relatifs.
BACKGROUND: The prevalence of hyperuricemia has rarely been investigated in developing countries. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the prevalence of hyperuricemia and the association between uric acid levels and the various cardiovascular risk factors in a developing country with high average blood pressures (the Seychelles, Indian Ocean, population mainly of African origin). METHODS: This cross-sectional health examination survey was based on a population random sample from the Seychelles. It included 1011 subjects aged 25 to 64 years. Blood pressure (BP), body mass index (BMI), waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, total and HDL cholesterol, serum triglycerides and serum uric acid were measured. Data were analyzed using scatterplot smoothing techniques and gender-specific linear regression models. RESULTS: The prevalence of a serum uric acid level >420 micromol/L in men was 35.2% and the prevalence of a serum uric acid level >360 micromol/L was 8.7% in women. Serum uric acid was strongly related to serum triglycerides in men as well as in women (r = 0.73 in men and r = 0.59 in women, p < 0.001). Uric acid levels were also significantly associated but to a lesser degree with age, BMI, blood pressure, alcohol and the use of antihypertensive therapy. In a regression model, triglycerides, age, BMI, antihypertensive therapy and alcohol consumption accounted for about 50% (R2) of the serum uric acid variations in men as well as in women. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the prevalence of hyperuricemia can be high in a developing country such as the Seychelles. Besides alcohol consumption and the use of antihypertensive therapy, mainly diuretics, serum uric acid is markedly associated with parameters of the metabolic syndrome, in particular serum triglycerides. Considering the growing incidence of obesity and metabolic syndrome worldwide and the potential link between hyperuricemia and cardiovascular complications, more emphasis should be put on the evolving prevalence of hyperuricemia in developing countries.
BACKGROUND: Associations of serum calcium levels with the metabolic syndrome and other novel cardio-metabolic risk factors not classically included in the metabolic syndrome, such as those involved in oxidative stress, are largely unexplored. We analyzed the association of albumin-corrected serum calcium levels with conventional and non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors in a general adult population. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: The CoLaus study is a population-based study including Caucasians from Lausanne, Switzerland. The metabolic syndrome was defined using the Adult Treatment Panel III criteria. Non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors considered included: fat mass, leptin, LDL particle size, apolipoprotein B, fasting insulin, adiponectin, ultrasensitive CRP, serum uric acid, homocysteine, and gamma-glutamyltransferase. We used adjusted standardized multivariable regression to compare the association of each cardio-metabolic risk factor with albumin-corrected serum calcium. We assessed associations of albumin-corrected serum calcium with the cumulative number of non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors. We analyzed 4,231 subjects aged 35 to 75 years. Corrected serum calcium increased with both the number of the metabolic syndrome components and the number of non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors, independently of the metabolic syndrome and BMI. Among conventional and non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors, the strongest positive associations were found for factors related to oxidative stress (uric acid, homocysteine and gamma-glutamyltransferase). Adiponectin had the strongest negative association with corrected serum calcium. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Serum calcium was associated with the metabolic syndrome and with non-conventional cardio-metabolic risk factors independently of the metabolic syndrome. Associations with uric acid, homocysteine and gamma-glutamyltransferase were the strongest. These novel findings suggest that serum calcium levels may be associated with cardiovascular risk via oxidative stress.
AIMS: To assess the cumulative impact of environmental and individual factors associated with adolescent alcohol misuse and their correlation with self-reported consequences of drinking. METHOD: Cross-sectional school-based survey of a nationally representative sample of 7548 post-mandatory school students and apprentices aged 16-20 years, Switzerland 2002. Alcohol misuse defined by frequency of alcohol use, episodes of drunkenness and driving while drunk. RESULTS: Fifteen significant risk factors were identified among both boys, and girls. An individual score of cumulated risk factors was created by adding the risk factors. The association between the score and the likelihood of being engaged in alcohol misuse was highly significant and dose-dependent (p<.001). A significant proportion of adolescents report perceived adverse consequences of their alcohol consumption. A linear trend (p<.001) was found between the score of risk factors and the proportion of respondents reporting problems related to drinking such as diminished school performance, physical hazard, relational problems and current risky sexual behavior. CONCLUSION: Risk factors for adolescent alcohol misuse are cumulative and can be synthesized into an individual score correlated with the likeliness of misuse. A further indication of the validity of this score is its linear relationship with self-reported problems related to drinking.
PURPOSE: Factors associated with maternal satisfaction of anesthetic management during labour and delivery are poorly known. The purpose of this study was to assess these factors. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study on parturients admitted between January 2004 and December 2008. Data on patients' demographics, comorbidities, procedures performed and various aspects of their anesthetic experience were retrieved from the anesthetic records. Maternal satisfaction was measured using a numerical scale from 0 to 10 (0 = not satisfied at all, 10 = very satisfied). A cutoff of ≤ 6 was taken as poor satisfaction. We performed a multivariate analysis to identify the different predictors of maternal satisfaction and more specifically those related to pain, overall experience with the technique, delays, and presence of anesthetic, obstetrical and neonatal complications. RESULTS: There were 15,386 parturients admitted during the study period. Of these, 10,034 had complete information in the chart and 761 (7.6%) parturients were dissatisfied with their anesthetic care. Factors decreasing patient satisfaction were high risk pregnancy [odds ratio (OR) 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.59 (0.34-1.02)] and difficult delivery [OR (95% CI) 0.62 (0.52-0.74)]. Pain, a negative experience of the procedure, delays, poor coordination in management, and the presence of complications decreased patient satisfaction [OR (95% CI) 0.07 to 0.71]; P < 0.001. CONCLUSION: Maternal satisfaction with anesthesia care is largely determined by the effectiveness and correct performance of the procedure carried from the technical and human point of view. However, other factors such as a good coordination in patient management and the absence of complications also influence maternal satisfaction.
OBJECTIVE: When we examined a previously published prospective multi-center clinical trial in which complete denture-wearers were followed over a period of 2 years, we found that about 30% of the variability in the clinical wear data of denture teeth was due to unknown characteristics of the subjects. In the second part of the study, we try to identify which patient- and therapy-related factors may explain some of this variability. METHODS: The clinical wear data of denture teeth at different recall times (6, 12, 18, 24 months) in 89 subjects (at baseline) were correlated with the following parameters, which may all have an influence on the wear of denture teeth: age, gender, bruxism as reported by the subjects, number of prostheses used so far, time since last extraction, smoking, fit of dentures as judged by the subject and the clinician, average denture wearing time and wearing of denture during the night. To evaluate the influence of the different patient- and therapy-related variables, both a univariate analysis (one extra factor to the model) and a multivariate analysis were carried out using linear mixed models with the variable Log mean as the outcome. RESULTS: None of the patient- and therapy-related parameters showed a statistically significant effect on the wear of denture teeth. There was, however, a trend for women to show less wear compared to men and a trend of decreasing wear with increasing age. SIGNIFICANCE: Further research is required to identify the factors which are responsible for the high variability observed between the subjects regarding clinical wear data.
Background: Surgery has been previously reported to be necessary in up to 80% of Crohn's disease (CD) patients, and up to 65% of patients needed reoperation after 10 years. Prevention of surgery is therefore a particularly important issue for these patients. Treatment options are controversial and data on them are scarce. This study reports medical treatments and main clinical risk factors in CD patients having undergone one or several surgeries. Risks for being free from surgery were also assessed. Methods: Retrospective cohort study, using data from patients included in the Swiss IBD cohort study from November 2006 to July 2011. History of resective surgeries, clinical characteristics and drug regimens were collected through detailed medical records. Univariate and multivariate analyses for clinical and therapeutic factors were performed. Cox regression was made to estimate free-of-surgery risks for different phenotypes and drugs. Results: Out of 1138 CD patients in the cohort, 721 (63.4%) were free of surgery at inclusion; 203 (17.8%) had 1 surgery and 214 (18.8%) >1 surgery. Main risk factors for surgery were disease duration 5-10 years (OR=2.92; p<0.001) and >10 years (OR=10.45; p<0.001), as well as stricturing (OR=8.33; p<0.001) or fistulizing disease (OR=7.34; p<0.001). Risk factors for repeated surgery was disease duration >10 years (OR=2.55; p=0.006) or fistulizing disease (OR=3.79; p<0.001). At inclusion, 107 patients (25.7%) had at least one anti-TNF alpha, 168 (40.3%) at least one immunosuppressive agent, and 41 (9.8%) at least 5-ASA or antibiotics. 64 (15.3%) were not exposed to any medical treatment. Kaplan-Meier curves showed that the risk of being free of surgery was 65% after 10 years, 42% after 20 years and 23% after 40 years. Surgical risks were four resp. five time higher for fistulizing and stricturing phenotypes (Hazard ratio (HR) =4.2; p<0.001; resp. HR=4.7; p<0.001) compared to inflammatory phenotype. Surgical risk was 4 times lower (HR=0.27; p=0.063) in CD patients under anti-TNF alpha compared to those under other or no drugs. Conclusion: The risk of having resective surgery was confirmed to be very high for CD in our cohort. Duration of disease, fistulizing and stricturing disease pattern enhance the risk of surgery. Anti-TNF alpha tends to lower this risk.
Résumé Objectifs: Cette étude relève la prévalence des principaux facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire dans les coronaropathies précoces (P-CAD) familiales, survenant chez au moins deux frères et/ou soeurs d'une même fratrie. Méthodes: Nous avons recruté 213 survivants atteints de P-CAD, issus de 103 fratries, diagnostiqués avant l'âge de 50 ans chez les hommes et 55 ans chez les femmes. La présence ou non d'hypertension, d'hypercholestérolémie, d'obésité et de tabagisme a été documentée au moment de l'événement chez 163 de ces patients (145 hommes et 18 femmes). Chaque patient a été comparé à deux individus de même âge et sexe, chez qui un diagnostic de P-CAD «sporadique» (non familiale) était posé, et à trois individus choisis au hasard parmi la population générale. Résultats: En comparaison de la population générale, les patients atteints de P-CAD sporadique avaient une prévalence supérieure pour l 'hypertension (29% vs. 14%, p<0.001), le cholestérol (54% vs. 33%, p<0.001), l'obésité (20% vs. 13%, p<0.001) et le tabagisme (76% vs. 39%, p<0.001). Ces facteurs de risque étaient de prévalences similaires, voire supérieures chez les patients atteints de P-CAD familiale (43% [p0.05 vs. P-CAD sporadiques], 58% [p=0.07], 21% et 72% respectivement). Seulement 7 (4%) des 163 patients atteints de P-CAD familiale et 22 (7%) des 326 patients atteints de P-CAD sporadique, ne présentaient aucun facteur de risque cardiovasculaire, comparés à 167 (34%) des 489 patients issus de la population générale. Conclusions: Les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaire classiques et réversibles ont une haute prévalence chez les patients atteints de P-CAD familiale. Ce fait rend improbable une contribution génétique prédominante, agissant en l'absence de facteurs de risque. Summary Objectives: This study was designed to assess the prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factors in familial premature coronary artery disease (P-CAD), affecting two or more siblings within one sibship. Background: Premature CAD has a genetic component. It remains to be established whether familial P-CAD is due to genes acting independently from major cardiovascular risk factors. Methods: We recruited 213 P-CAD survivors from 103 sibships diagnosed before age ?50 (men) or ?55 (women) years old. Hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity, and smoking were documented at the time of the event in 163 patients (145 men and 18 women). Each patient was compared with two individuals of the same age and gender, diagnosed with sporadic (nonfamilial) P-CAD, and three individuals randomly sampled from the general population. Result: Compared with the general population, patients with sporadic P-CAD had a higher prevalence of hypertension (29% vs. 14%, p < 0.001), hypercholesterolemia (54% vs. 33%, p < 0.001), obesity (20% vs. 13%, p < 0.01), and smoking (76% vs. 39%, p < 0.001). These risk factors were equally or even more prevalent in patients with familial P-CAD (43% [p < 0.05 vs. sporadic P-CAD], 58% [p = 0.07], 21% and 72%, respectively). Overall, only 7 (4%) of 163 of patients with familial P-CAD and 22 (7%) of 326 of patients with sporadic P-CAD had none of these conditions, as compared with 167 (34%) of 489 patients in the general population. Conclusions: Classic, remediable risk factors are highly prevalent in patients with familial P-CAD. Accordingly, a major contribution of genes acting in the absence of these risk factors is unlikely.