981 resultados para Project goal


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Smart Grids are becoming a reality all over the world. Nowadays, the research efforts for the introduction and deployment of these grids are mainly focused on the development of the field of Smart Metering. This emerging application requires the use of technologies to access the significant number of points of supply (PoS) existing in the grid, covering the Low Voltage (LV) segment with the lowest possible costs. Power Line Communications (PLC) have been extensively used in electricity grids for a variety of purposes and, of late, have been the focus of renewed interest. PLC are really well suited for quick and inexpensive pervasive deployments. However, no LV grid is the same in any electricity company (utility), and the particularities of each grid evolution, architecture, circumstances and materials, makes it a challenge to deploy Smart Metering networks with PLC technologies, with the Smart Grid as an ultimate goal. This paper covers the evolution of Smart Metering networks, together with the evolution of PLC technologies until both worlds have converged to project PLC-enabled Smart Metering networks towards Smart Grid. This paper develops guidelines over a set of strategic aspects of PLC Smart Metering network deployment based on the knowledge gathered on real field; and introduces the future challenges of these networks in their evolution towards the Smart Grid.


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Adult salmon and sea trout rod catches in the River Wyre have been subject to considerable variability over the years. Annual rod catches ranging from 6 to 401 have been reported since records began in 1905. It has long been suspected that the physical nature of the catchment, combined with anthropogenic influences, has resulted in a deleterious effect on the Wyre fishery. Acidification problems in the head water streams (Marshaw Wyre and Tarnbrook Wyre) have been reported and are thought to threaten salmon juvenile survival. The construction of Abbeystead Reservoir and an increased tendency towards rapidly rising water levels during storms (flashiness) 1 are thought to have a significant impact on spawning gravel quality and quantity, both of which are thought to be deteriorating. As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, this project has been commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success, leading to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The primary objective is to establish whether the quantity and/or quality of available spawning gravels are limiting migratory salmonid productivity. The investigations undertaken confirm the general observation that useable spawning gravels appear to be in short supply in the River Wyre, and may be the limiting factor influencing returning adult stock.


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Due to changes in land use over the last century, the physical nature of many streams and rivers in the British Isles has probably changed. In some cases this change may be large for example as a result of flood defence schemes and is easily observed, whilst in other cases altered land use, farming, forestry or urbanization may have resulted in more subtle changes to river features. This working guide draws together a way of assessing habitat in any stream or river and determine sites or reaches on the assessed watercourse that may benefit from habitat improvement schemes. It will determine a method of measuring existing habitat in a broad sense, whilst referring to R and D studies currently being undertaken in this area. A method of prioritising any proposed habitat restoration work will be suggested. The limitations of fisheries improvement schemes in terms of cross functional acceptance (flood defence and conservation) will be examined along with suggested proposals for some example watercourses. The need for pre and post enhancement monitoring will be discussed as will the requirement for maintenance programs on schemes. Finally methods for determining the cost benefits of small schemes will be examined, compared to other currently used enhancement strategies. This will allow small scale revenue schemes to be used to back up pre project cost benefit analysis as required in future capital submissions.


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Fundacion Zain is developing new built heritage assessment protocols. The goal is to objectivize and standardize the analysis and decision process that leads to determining the degree of protection of built heritage in the Basque Country. The ultimate step in this objectivization and standardization effort will be the development of an information and communication technology (ICT) tool for the assessment of built heritage. This paper presents the ground work carried out to make this tool possible: the automatic, image-based delineation of stone masonry. This is a necessary first step in the development of the tool, as the built heritage that will be assessed consists of stone masonry construction, and many of the features analyzed can be characterized according to the geometry and arrangement of the stones. Much of the assessment is carried out through visual inspection. Thus, this process will be automated by applying image processing on digital images of the elements under inspection. The principal contribution of this paper is the automatic delineation the framework proposed. The other contribution is the performance evaluation of this delineation as the input to a classifier for a geometrically characterized feature of a built heritage object. The element chosen to perform this evaluation is the stone arrangement of masonry walls. The validity of the proposed framework is assessed on real images of masonry walls.


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Nessa dissertação procede-se à análise das narrativas do jornal O Globo durante a ocupação da favela da Rocinha pelas forças oficiais, em novembro de 2011. Pretende-se identificar as representações veiculadas pela mídia nesse especial momento da vida da cidade, que convive com a implantação do projeto das Unidades de Polícia Pacificadora UPPs e a expectativa de recepcionar, nos próximos anos, dois megaeventos esportivos internacionais: a Copa do Mundo (2014) e as Olimpíadas (2016). O mote da pesquisa foi, através da análise das representações sobre o processo de ocupação, descobrir pistas que permitissem pensar o impacto dessa medida sobre a cidade e seus habitantes. Foi possível perceber que, diferentemente do que ocorria nas últimas décadas, a violência urbana não se apresentou como questão de grande interesse para o jornal, aparecendo apenas incidentalmente como eventos pontuais em um contexto predominantemente pacífico. Prevaleceu o discurso otimista em relação à cidade e seu futuro. Nesse sentido, diversas matérias registraram o sucesso da operação policial, comemorando a substituição da política policial de confronto pelas ações de inteligência, fator que teria permitido a retomada do morro sem que um tiro sequer fosse disparado. Ênfase especial foi dada às UPPs, sistematicamente representadas de forma positiva pelo jornal, moradores, empresários e especialistas, que apontariam o projeto como fator responsável pela onda de esperança e otimismo que envolve a cidade. As UPPs seriam, ainda, o elemento que permitiria, aos cariocas, ressignificar as favelas da cidade, afastando a aura de violência a elas associadas, fazendo desaparecer o medo que esses espaços da cidade historicamente causam na população em geral, integrando as favelas na cidade formal. O processo de pacificação das favelas do Rio de Janeiro, personificado nas UPPs, seria a ponte que permitiria, à cidade, se redescobrir, se reinventar, recuperando a alegria e a auto-estima, deixando para trás as décadas de pessimismo e desesperança. Observou-se, assim, que durante o período pesquisado, a dinâmica das narrativas rompeu com o padrão anterior de representação de cidade violenta, privilegiando o discurso da cidade pacificada, embora com episódios violentos pontuais.


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The document reports on the major findings from a definition study to appraise the options to develop fish tracking equipment, in particular tags and data logging systems, in order to improve the effeciency of the Agency tracking studies and to obtain a greater understanding of fish biology. The definition study was in two parts. The first, Phase 1, collated and evaluated all the known tracking systems that may be suitable for studies of fish which are either produced commercially or have been constructed for specific in-house studies. Phase 2 was an evaluation of all the tracking equipment considered to merit further investigation in Phase 1. The deficiencies between existing and required technologies to improve the efficiency of Agency's tracking studies and to obtain a greater understanding of fish biology are also identified.


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The document reports on Phase 1 of a definition study to appraise the options to develop fish tracking equipment, in particular tags and data logging systems in order to improve the efficiency of the Environment Agency's tracking studies and to obtain a greater understanding of fish biology. Covered in this report are radio telemetry, audio telemetry, High Resolution Position Fixing, data storage and archival tags and other fish tracking systems such as biosonics.


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Redd counting is an integral part of most Fishery Officers duties. The number and distribution of salmonid redds throughout salmonid catchments provides invaluable information on the range and extent of spawning by both salmon and sea trout. A project was initiated by the Fisheries Science and Management Team of Central Area, North West Region in England in liaison with the Flood Defence function. The main objective of this project was to assess redd count data for Central Area and attempt to quantify these data in order to produce a grading system that would highlight key salmonid spawning areas. By showing which were the main areas for salmon and sea trout spawning, better informed decisions could be made on whether or not in-stream Flood Defence works should be given the go-ahead. The main salmonid catchments in Central Area were broken into individual reaches, approximately 1 km in length. The number of redds in these individual reaches were then calculated and a density per lkm value was obtained for each reach. A grading system was devised which involved looking at the range of density per km values and dividing this by five to produce 5 classes, A - E. A sixth class (F) was used where the density per Ion value was 0.00. This grading system was calculated at two levels of detail. Grades for salmon and sea trout were produced for each individual catchment and also on an Area-wide level. Maps were produced using a range of colours to represent the grade for each reach. These maps provide a highly useful overview of the status of salmonid spawning for each catchment over individual years and highlight the key salmon and sea trout spawning areas in each catchment. These maps and the associated summary data should now provide Flood Defence and Fisheries staff with a fairly detailed overview of the status of spawning in any location within the. main salmonid catchments in Central Area. Although these maps are very useful they should only be used as a guide. The current practice of consulting with the local Fishery Officer should be continued to ensure that expert local knowledge is taken into account.


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As part of an overall desire to maintain and improve the migratory salmonid population in the River Wyre, a project was commissioned to investigate remedial action which may improve and enhance spawning success and lead to an eventual improvement in the status of adult stocks. The report, titled "River Wyre Salmon and Sea Trout Spawning Habitat Restoration/Creation Project", concluded that usable spawning gravels appeared to be in short supply in the River Wyre catchment and may be the limiting factor influencing the returning adult stock, as juvenile nursery habitat was not found to be limiting. This report looks at gravel enhancement schemes to improve River Wyre salmon and sea trout spawning habitat restoration. It examines methods for gravel enhancement schemes: mechanical cleaning and construction of gravel addition structures. Includes sites figures of sites identified for enhancement.


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[eus] Burututako ikerketa honen bidez, Ikas Komunitateen proiektuak, Elejabarri eskolan izan duen eragina ikustea bilatu da, eskolan sortu den aldaketa prozesua aztertuz. Horretarako, metodologia kualitatiboa erabili da, elkarrizketa erabiliz, beharrezko datu eta informazio guztiak lortzeko asmoz. Egindako elkarrizketa hauen bidez, ikusi da, Ikas Komunitateen proiektuari esker, aldaketa nabaria egon dela eskolan, aztertutako aspektu edo kategoria guztietan (absentismo maila; ikasle kopurua eta hauen ezaugarriak; ikasleen jarrerak; ikasleen, irakasleen eta familien arteko harremanak eta ikasleek lortutako emaitzak). Hori dela eta, Ikas Komunitateen proiektuak, eskolan eragin handia izan duela ondorioztatu da.


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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo documentar o processo de redução de riscos e incertezas de um jogo eletrônico em desenvolvimento por meio da aplicação de métodos de avaliação de Usabilidade. Foi realizado um estudo de caso da utilização de métodos e técnicas de avaliação de Usabilidade durante a produção do jogo eletrônico Dungeonland, conduzido entre 2010 a 2013 ao longo de diversas iterações do produto, da pré-produção ao lançamento. Foram utilizados os métodos de observação direta baseada em problemas, avaliação cooperativa, questionário e entrevista semi-estruturada. Os dados coletados demonstram a evolução do design do jogo, as diferentes metodologias empregadas em cada estágio de desenvolvimento, e o impacto da avaliação no projeto. Apesar de problemas e limitações no emprego dos testes de Usabilidade no produto em questão, o impacto da avaliação foi visto como muito grande e muito positivo pelos desenvolvedores - através de dados qualitativos como protocolos verbais e de gameplay de usuários, e de dados quantitativos sobre suas experiências com o produto que possam ser comparados estatisticamente, os desenvolvedores de jogos têm à sua disposição poderosas ferramentas para estabelecer processos de Design claros, centrados no usuário, e que ofereçam um ambiente onde problemas são rapidamente identificados e soluções são validadas com usuários reais.


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Nivel educativo: Grado. Duración (en horas): De 31 a 40 horas


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Os painéis de gráficos estatísticos conhecidos como dashboards são utilizados comumente naárea de Business Intelligence (BI) para a visualização de grandes sistemas organizados de dados. A presente dissertação propõe embasar o projeto de dashboards pelas teorias de Jacques Bertin, formuladas nas obras Sémiologie Graphique e La Graphique et le Traitement Graphique de linformation. Considerando este referencial, e ainda parâmetros do design de informação e da visualização de dados, foram desenvolvidos dashboards que apresentam dados sobre a política de reserva de vagas da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sistematizados pelo projeto de BI dessa instituição. O objetivo foi não apenas o de atender aos requisitos convencionais de um dashboard, mas sobretudo o de apresentar outras perspectivas informativas. Nesse sentido, investigam-se as especificidades dos métodos de Bertin e sua expansão para o domínio dos sistemas interativos.


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A brief description of the NMFS/ORSTOM/ILCARM climate and Eastern Ocean systems (CEOS) project is given. CEOS will study the four major eastern boundary current regions (Peru/Chile, California, Northwest and Southwest Africa) and attempt to separate local short term changes of their resources and/or dynamics from long-term, climatic global changes. Expected products range from a large, widely accessible oceanographic / atmospheric database to various documents that will present key results as well as improved contacts and stronger analytical capabilities in cooperating national institutions.