976 resultados para Professor Hannu Manner
geh. von Ad. Jellinek
by Boaz Cohen
1.Leaf-herbivore attack often triggers induced resistance in plants. However, certain specialist herbivores can also take advantage of the induced metabolic changes. In some cases, they even manipulate plant resistance, leading to a phenomenon called induced susceptibility. Compared to above-ground plant-insect interactions, little is known about the prevalence and consequences of induced responses below-ground. 2.A recent study suggested that feeding by the specialist root herbivore Diabrotica virgifera virgifera makes maize roots more susceptible to conspecifics. To better understand this phenomenon, we conducted a series of experiments to study the behavioural responses and elucidate the underlying biochemical mechanisms. 3.We found that D. virgifera benefitted from feeding on a root system in groups of intermediate size (3–9 larvae/plant in the laboratory), whereas its performance was reduced in large groups (12 larvae/plant). Interestingly, the herbivore was able to select host plants with a suitable density of conspecifics by using the induced plant volatile (E)-β-caryophyllene in a dose-dependent manner. Using a split root experiment, we show that the plant-induced susceptibility is systemic and, therefore, plant mediated. Chemical analyses on plant resource reallocation and defences upon herbivory showed that the systemic induced-susceptibility is likely to stem from a combination of (i) increased free amino acid concentrations and (ii) relaxation of defence inducibility. 4.These findings show that herbivores can use induced plant volatiles in a density-dependent manner to aggregate on a host plant and change its metabolism to their own benefit. Our study furthermore helps to explain the remarkable ecological success of D. virgifera in maize fields around the world.
M. Okin
S. Levi
Boberach: Die Trennung der Kirche vom Staat nach [dem] Vorbild Belgiens bedeutet keine Gefahr für den Protestantismus, auch wenn sie [die Trennung] im Interesse der katholischen Kirche liegt
Boberach: Da Baden die Reichsverfassung anerkannt hat, wird sich das Verhältnis von Staat und Kirche ändern. Die Kritik Hirschers an den katholischen Vereinen wird zurückgewiesen
Mitbürger! In einer von 12 Männern unterzeichneten Flugschrift ist euch der Professor Hildebrand ...
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Empfehlung, anstelle des Geschichtsprofessors Friedrich Bruno Hildebrand den Philosophieprofessor Karl Theodor Bayrhoffer als Vertreter Marburgs in die konstituierende Nationalversammlung zu Frankfurt/Main zu entsenden
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Übergabe der Untersuchung des Falles Hye an die zuständige Gerichtsbehörde, Abzug der Wachen vor der Wohnung des Angeklagten. Hintergrund: Verhaftung Hyes durch den Volkssicherheitsausschuß am 26. Mai 1848 und Anklage wegen 'Hochverrats an der Souveränität des Volkes'. Hye war treibende Kraft des Ministerratsbeschlusses über die Auflösung der Akademischen Legion sowie die Entfernung aller nicht an die Universität Wien gehörigen Studenten (25. Mai 1848)
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Überschwengliche Lobeshymne auf den Feldkaplan der Akademischen Legion und Professor für Religion und Pädagogik Füster, der sich die Freiheit zur Frau erwählt und die Wiener Universität an Kindes Statt angenommen hat
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Karikaturen auf die anläßlich des Wahlkampfes zum österreichischen Reichstag zum Ausdruck kommenden reaktionären politischen Auffassungen
Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Karikaturen auf die politische Übereinstimmung zwischen böhmischen Exilanten und Vertretern der alten Autoritäten in Wien sowie auf die vorherrschend 'schwarz-gelbe' Gesinnung im Wiener Gemeindeausschuß
It is still controversial which mediators regulate energy provision to activated neural cells, as insulin does in peripheral tissues. Interleukin-1β (IL-1β) may mediate this effect as it can affect glucoregulation, it is overexpressed in the 'healthy' brain during increased neuronal activity, and it supports high-energy demanding processes such as long-term potentiation, memory and learning. Furthermore, the absence of sustained neuroendocrine and behavioral counterregulation suggests that brain glucose-sensing neurons do not perceive IL-1β-induced hypoglycemia. Here, we show that IL-1β adjusts glucoregulation by inducing its own production in the brain, and that IL-1β-induced hypoglycemia is myeloid differentiation primary response 88 protein (MyD88)-dependent and only partially counteracted by Kir6.2-mediated sensing signaling. Furthermore, we found that, opposite to insulin, IL-1β stimulates brain metabolism. This effect is absent in MyD88-deficient mice, which have neurobehavioral alterations associated to disorders in glucose homeostasis, as during several psychiatric diseases. IL-1β effects on brain metabolism are most likely maintained by IL-1β auto-induction and may reflect a compensatory increase in fuel supply to neural cells. We explore this possibility by directly blocking IL-1 receptors in neural cells. The results showed that, in an activity-dependent and paracrine/autocrine manner, endogenous IL-1 produced by neurons and astrocytes facilitates glucose uptake by these cells. This effect is exacerbated following glutamatergic stimulation and can be passively transferred between cell types. We conclude that the capacity of IL-1β to provide fuel to neural cells underlies its physiological effects on glucoregulation, synaptic plasticity, learning and memory. However, deregulation of IL-1β production could contribute to the alterations in brain glucose metabolism that are detected in several neurologic and psychiatric diseases.Molecular Psychiatry advance online publication, 8 December 2015; doi:10.1038/mp.2015.174.
Stan Heptinstall's contributions to platelet research covered organising meetings at the national and European level as well as starting and maintaining the journal "Platelets". The major part of his research addressed problems of inhibition of platelet receptors and the effects of this on patient health. In particular, the effects of P2Y12 inhibitors on patients with acute cardiovascular problems were a major focus. Other studies included the effects of feverfew (Tanacetum parthenium) extracts on platelets, of direct anti-IIb/IIIa receptor (αIIbβ3) inhibitors and of prostanoids on platelet function. Recently, methods for assessing the effectiveness of platelet inhibition were investigated.
Aloys Schreiber