976 resultados para Pressure field distribution


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A lagarta-do-cartucho, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith), é uma das principais pragas do milho nas Américas. O estudo de sua distribuição espacial é fundamental para a utilização de estratégias de controle, otimização de técnicas de amostragens, determinação de danos econômicos e incorporação de um programa de agricultura de precisão. em uma área cultivada com milho foram realizadas amostragens com intervalo semanal, correspondendo ao estádio vegetativo que compreende desde a germinação até o pendoamento. Foram amostradas 10 plantas ao acaso por parcela, no total de 2000 plantas em cada amostragem. A produtividade foi obtida através da colheita de todas as parcelas que eram pesadas separadamente no campo e em cada parcela foram coletadas 15 espigas aleatoriamente para estimar o comprimento e o diâmetro médio. As análises espaciais, utilizando geoestatística, mostraram que o modelo esférico apresentou o melhor ajuste às lagartas pequenas. À medida que as lagartas foram se desenvolvendo sua distribuição foi tornando aleatória, representada por um modelo ajustado por uma reta, não tendo sido detectado nenhum tipo de dependência espacial nos pontos de amostragem. A produtividade e o diâmetro e comprimento da espiga foram descritos por modelos esféricos, indicando uma variabilidade espacial nos parâmetros de produtividade na área cultivada. A geoestatística mostrou-se promissora para a aplicação de métodos precisos no controle integrado de pragas.


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O presente trabalho objetivou estudar a uniformidade de distribuição da calda de pulverização contendo herbicidas, em culturas perenes arbustivas, utilizando combinações de pontas de pulverização em barra lateral protegida, conduzida a pequena distância do alvo, na linha de culturas perenes arbustivas. Para isso, foi desenvolvido um programa computacional que permite simular a sobreposição do leque de pulverização, da porção protegida da barra e do leque formado pela ponta de pulverização do bico mais extremo da barra, de modo diferente dos demais programas. Após a seleção das melhores combinações de pontas de pulverização por meio de simulação dos padrões de deposição da pulverização das pontas individuais e dos coeficientes de variação menores que 10%, algumas dessas combinações foram testadas em campo, aplicando-se um herbicida sistêmico (glyphosate) e outro com ação de contato (paraquat). Os resultados indicaram que o programa computacional desenvolvido pode constituir-se em um auxiliar valioso para a seleção das melhores combinações de pontas de pulverização. em aplicações tanto do herbicida glyphosate quanto do paraquat, com volumes de calda mais reduzidos,abaixo de 100 L ha-1, destacaram-se como arranjos mais eficientes: a) pontas TT110015 distanciadas de 52,5 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra a 50 cm do último bico, operando na velocidade de 5 km h-1 e pressão de 103 kPa (15 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 20 cm ; b) pontas SMCE2 distanciadas de 15 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra de 20 cm do último bico, operando na velocidade de 4 km h-1 e pressão de 414 kPa (60 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 30 cm ; e c) pontas TLX-2 distanciadas de 15 cm entre si, combinadas com a ponta TK-0,5 na extremidade da barra de 20 cm do último bico, operando à velocidade de 5 km h-1 e pressão de 414 kPa (60 lbf pol-2), com distância de caminhamento do tronco da árvore de 30 cm. A velocidade de deslocamento do pulverizador de 5 km h-1 proporcionou melhores condições para que os herbicidas estudados apresentassem melhor controle de plantas daninhas, quando comparada com a velocidade de deslocamento do pulverizador de 4 km h-1.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O adequado manejo de culturas de cobertura no plantio direto tem-se mostrado excelente alternativa para melhorar as condições de semeadura. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho do trator agrícola no manejo dos restos culturais do sorgo (rolo-faca e triturador de palhas) e a pressão de inflação (525 e 385 kPa) do pneu da semeadora-adubadora, no estabelecimento da cultura do milho em plantio direto. O experimento foi conduzido na UNESP - Jaboticabal, em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, com parcela subdividida, e os tratamentos consistiram nos manejos da cultura de cobertura do solo e pressões de inflação do pneu da semeadora, com quatro repetições. Foram mensurados nas máquinas: velocidade de deslocamento, capacidade de campo, consumo de combustível e patinhagem do trator; no solo e nas plantas, foi acrescido o tratamento de manejo com herbicida: cobertura inicial, número de dias para emergência das plântulas, população inicial e final de plantas, distribuição longitudinal e produtividade de grãos. No manejo da palhada da cultura do sorgo, o rolo-faca proporcionou maior capacidade de campo e menores consumos de combustível. Os tratamentos manejos e pressão não interferiram na cobertura do solo, no número de dias para emergência do milho e na distribuição longitudinal.


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The aim of this study was to develop a laboratory method for time response evaluation on electronically controlled spray equipment using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). For that purpose, a PLC controlled digital drive inverter was set up to drive an asynchronous electric motor linked to a centrifugal pump on a experimental sprayer equipped with electronic flow control. The PLC was operated via RS232 serial communication from a PC computer. A user program was written to control de motor by adjusting the following system variables, all related to the motor speed: time stopped; ramp up and ramp down times, time running at a given constant speed and ramp down time to stop the motor. This set up was used in conjunction with a data acquisition system to perform laboratory tests with an electronically controlled sprayer. Time response for pressure stabilization was measured while changing the pump speed by +/-20%. The results showed that for a 0.2 s ramp time increasing the motor speed, as an example, an AgLogix Flow Control system (Midwest Technologies Inc.) took 22 s in average to readjust the pressure. When decreasing the motor speed, this time response was down to 8 s. General results also showed that this kind of methodology could make easier the definition of standards for tests on electronically controlled application equipment.


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The progressing cavity pumping (PCP) is one of the most applied oil lift methods nowadays in oil extraction due to its ability to pump heavy and high gas fraction flows. The computational modeling of PCPs appears as a tool to help experiments with the pump and therefore, obtain precisely the pump operational variables, contributing to pump s project and field operation otimization in the respectively situation. A computational model for multiphase flow inside a metallic stator PCP which consider the relative motion between rotor and stator was developed in the present work. In such model, the gas-liquid bubbly flow pattern was considered, which is a very common situation in practice. The Eulerian-Eulerian approach, considering the homogeneous and inhomogeneous models, was employed and gas was treated taking into account an ideal gas state. The effects of the different gas volume fractions in pump volumetric eficiency, pressure distribution, power, slippage flow rate and volumetric flow rate were analyzed. The results shown that the developed model is capable of reproducing pump dynamic behaviour under the multiphase flow conditions early performed in experimental works


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The bronze bug Thaumastocoris peregrinus Carpintero & Dellape (Hemiptera: Thaumastocoridae) was detected infesting Eucalyptus trees in Brazil in 2008, in the states of São Paulo, Rio Grande do Sul and Minas Gerais and in 2009 was found in the state of Espirito Santo, Mato Grosso do Sul, Rio de Janeiro and Parana. Details about geographical spread, means of introduction, impact in Eucalyptus plantations and natural enemies observed in the field are discussed.


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The recent astronomical observations indicate that the universe has null spatial curvature, is accelerating and its matter-energy content is composed by circa 30% of matter (baryons + dark matter) and 70% of dark energy, a relativistic component with negative pressure. However, in order to built more realistic models it is necessary to consider the evolution of small density perturbations for explaining the richness of observed structures in the scale of galaxies and clusters of galaxies. The structure formation process was pioneering described by Press and Schechter (PS) in 1974, by means of the galaxy cluster mass function. The PS formalism establishes a Gaussian distribution for the primordial density perturbation field. Besides a serious normalization problem, such an approach does not explain the recent cluster X-ray data, and it is also in disagreement with the most up-to-date computational simulations. In this thesis, we discuss several applications of the nonextensive q-statistics (non-Gaussian), proposed in 1988 by C. Tsallis, with special emphasis in the cosmological process of the large structure formation. Initially, we investigate the statistics of the primordial fluctuation field of the density contrast, since the most recent data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) indicates a deviation from gaussianity. We assume that such deviations may be described by the nonextensive statistics, because it reduces to the Gaussian distribution in the limit of the free parameter q = 1, thereby allowing a direct comparison with the standard theory. We study its application for a galaxy cluster catalog based on the ROSAT All-Sky Survey (hereafter HIFLUGCS). We conclude that the standard Gaussian model applied to HIFLUGCS does not agree with the most recent data independently obtained by WMAP. Using the nonextensive statistics, we obtain values much more aligned with WMAP results. We also demonstrate that the Burr distribution corrects the normalization problem. The cluster mass function formalism was also investigated in the presence of the dark energy. In this case, constraints over several cosmic parameters was also obtained. The nonextensive statistics was implemented yet in 2 distinct problems: (i) the plasma probe and (ii) in the Bremsstrahlung radiation description (the primary radiation from X-ray clusters); a problem of considerable interest in astrophysics. In another line of development, by using supernova data and the gas mass fraction from galaxy clusters, we discuss a redshift variation of the equation of state parameter, by considering two distinct expansions. An interesting aspect of this work is that the results do not need a prior in the mass parameter, as usually occurs in analyzes involving only supernovae data.Finally, we obtain a new estimate of the Hubble parameter, through a joint analysis involving the Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect (SZE), the X-ray data from galaxy clusters and the baryon acoustic oscillations. We show that the degeneracy of the observational data with respect to the mass parameter is broken when the signature of the baryon acoustic oscillations as given by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) catalog is considered. Our analysis, based on the SZE/X-ray data for a sample of 25 galaxy clusters with triaxial morphology, yields a Hubble parameter in good agreement with the independent studies, provided by the Hubble Space Telescope project and the recent estimates of the WMAP


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Lead calcium titanate (Pb1-xCaxTiO3 or PCT) thin films have been thermally treated under different oxygen pressures, 10, 40 and 80 bar, by using the so-called chemical solution deposition method. The structural, morphological, dielectric and ferroelectric properties were characterized by x-ray diffraction, FT-infrared and Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and polarization-electric-field hysteresis loop measurements. By annealing at a controlled pressure of around 10 and 40 bar, well-crystallized PCT thin films were successfully prepared. For the sample submitted to 80 bar, the x-ray diffraction, Fourier transformed-infrared and Raman data indicated deviation from the tetragonal symmetry. The most interesting feature in the Raman spectra is the occurrence of intense vibrational modes at frequencies of around 747 and 820 cm(-1), whose presence depends strongly on the amount of the pyrochlore phase. In addition, the Raman spectrum indicates the presence of symmetry-breaking disorder, which would be expected for an amorphous (disorder) and mixed pyrochlore-perovskite phase. During the high-pressure annealing process, the crystallinity and the grain size of the annealed film decreased. This process effectively suppressed both the dielectric and ferroelectric behaviour. Ferroelectric hysteresis loop measurements performed on these PCT films exhibited a clear decrease in the remanent polarization with increasing oxygen pressure.


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Plasma treatments are frequently employed to modify surface properties of materials such as adhesivity, hydrophobicity, oleophobicity etc. Present work deals with surface modification of common commercial polymers such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyurethane (PU) by an air dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) at atmospheric pressure. The DBD treatment was performed in a plain reactor in wire-duct geometry (non-uniform field reactor), which was driven by a 60 Hz power supply. Material characterization was carried out by water contact angle measurements, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). The plasma-induced modifications are associated with incorporation of polar oxygen and nitrogen containing groups on the polymer surface. The AFM analysis reveals that the plasma treatment roughens the material surface. Due to these structural and morphological changes the surface of DBD-treated polymers becomes more hydrophilic resulting in enhanced adhesion properties. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Ti-6Al-7Nb alloys are being evaluated for biomedical applications, in substitution of the more conventional Ti-6Al-7V. Both types of alloys present a microstructure containing the alpha and the beta phases, which result in good compromise for mechanical applications. In the present work Ti-6Al-7Nb alloys were processed by High Pressure Torsion (HPT), varying the number of revolutions and thus the total imposed strain. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) results revealed the formation of different crystallographic textures in samples subjected to HPT. Microhardness distribution, across the diameters of the disks, is rather homogeneous for all samples, with higher values for those subjected to 03 and 05 turns. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) micrographs have showed that an ultra-fine grained microstructure was obtained in all the samples.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)