998 resultados para Poyet, Guillaume (1473-1548)


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Oculopalatal tremor (OPT) is an acquired disorder resulting from the interruption of a specific brainstem circuitry, the dentato-rubro-olivary pathway or Guillain-Mollaret triangle. The recent literature on OPT and olivary hypertrophy was reviewed with specific interest regarding causes, diagnostic procedures, physiopathology and therapies. RECENT FINDINGS: OPT is associated with inferior olivary hypertrophy, and recent findings have provided a better understanding of its intimate mechanisms. A dual-mechanism model, combining an oscillator (inferior olive) and a modulator/amplifier (cerebellum), best explains the development of OPT. Electrotonic coupling and specific Ca channels contribute to oscillations of inferior olivary nucleus neurons in OPT. Improvement of visual symptoms can be achieved with oral gabapentin or memantine. SUMMARY: Both the neuronal circuitry and the physiopathology of OPT are now better understood. This opens up an era of specific therapy for this rare cause of disabling oscillopsia.


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Prominent doping cases in certain sports have recently raised public awareness of doping and reinforced the perception that doping is widespread. Efforts to deal with doping in sport have intensified in recent years, yet the general public believes that the 'cheaters' are ahead of the testers. Therefore, there is an urgent need to change the antidoping strategy. For example, the increase in the number of individual drug tests conducted between 2005 and 2012 was approximately 90 000 and equivalent to an increase of about 50%, yet the number of adverse analytical findings remained broadly the same. There is also a strikingly different prevalence of doping substances and methods in sports such as a 0.03% prevalence of anabolic steroids in football compared to 0.4% in the overall WADA statistics. Future efforts in the fight against doping should therefore be more heavily based on preventative strategies such as education and on the analysis of data and forensic intelligence and also on the experiences of relevant stakeholders such as the national antidoping organisations, the laboratories, athletes or team physicians and related biomedical support staff. This strategy is essential to instigate the change needed to more effectively fight doping in sport.


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quantiNemo is an individual-based, genetically explicit stochastic simulation program. It was developed to investigate the effects of selection, mutation, recombination and drift on quantitative traits with varying architectures in structured populations connected by migration and located in a heterogeneous habitat. quantiNemo is highly flexible at various levels: population, selection, trait(s) architecture, genetic map for QTL and/or markers, environment, demography, mating system, etc. quantiNemo is coded in C++ using an object-oriented approach and runs on any computer platform. Availability: Executables for several platforms, user's manual, and source code are freely available under the GNU General Public License at http://www2.unil.ch/popgen/softwares/quantinemo.


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BACKGROUND: Hypertension and associated disorders are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. The Lyon hypertensive rat (LH) is a genetically hypertensive strain that exhibits spontaneous and salt-sensitive hypertension, exaggerated proteinuria, high body weight, hyperlipidemia, and elevated insulin-to-glucose ratio. Previous genetic mapping identified quantitative trait loci (QTLs) influencing blood pressure (BP) on rat chromosome 13 (RNO13) in several models of hypertension. METHODS: To study the effects of a single chromosome on the mapped traits, we generated consomic strains by substituting LH RNO13 with that of the normotensive Brown Norway (BN) strain (LH-13BN) and reciprocal consomics by substituting a BN RNO13 with that of LH (BN-13LH). These reciprocal consomic strains, as well as the two parental strains were characterized for BP, metabolic and morphological parameters. RESULTS: Compared with LH parents, LH-13BN rats showed decreased mean BP (up to -24 mmHg on 2% NaCl in the drinking water), urine proteins and lipids, and increased body weight. Differences between BN-13LH and BN rats were much smaller than those observed between LH-13BN and LH rats, demonstrating the effects of the highly resistant BN genome background. Plasma renin activity was not affected by the substitution of RNO13, despite the significant BP differences. CONCLUSION: The present work demonstrates that RNO13 is a determinant of BP, proteinuria, and plasma lipids in the LH rat. The distinct phenotypic differences between the consomic LH-13BN and the LH make it a powerful model to determine genes and pathways leading to these risk factors for cardiovascular and renal disease.


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BACKGROUND: Long-term side-effects and cost of HIV treatment motivate the development of simplified maintenance. Monotherapy with ritonavir-boosted lopinavir (LPV/r-MT) is the most widely studied strategy. However, efficacy of LPV/r-MT in compartments remains to be shown. METHODS: Randomized controlled open-label trial comparing LPV/r-MT with continued treatment for 48 weeks in treated patients with fully suppressed viral load. The primary endpoint was treatment failure in the central nervous system [cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)] and/or genital tract. Treatment failure in blood was defined as two consecutive HIV RNA levels more than 400 copies/ml. RESULTS: The trial was prematurely stopped when six patients on monotherapy (none in continued treatment-arm) demonstrated a viral failure in blood. At study termination, 60 patients were included, 29 randomized to monotherapy and 13 additional patients switched from continued treatment to monotherapy after 48 weeks. All failures occurred in patients with a nadir CD4 cell count below 200/microl and within the first 24 weeks of monotherapy. Among failing patients, all five patients with a lumbar puncture had an elevated HIV RNA load in CSF and four of six had neurological symptoms. Viral load was fully resuppressed in all failing patients after resumption of the original combination therapy. No drug resistant virus was found. The only predictor of failure was low nadir CD4 cell count (P < 0.02). CONCLUSION: Maintenance of HIV therapy with LPV/r alone should not be recommended as a standard strategy; particularly not in patients with a CD4 cell count nadir less than 200/microl. Further studies are warranted to elucidate the role of the central nervous system compartment in monotherapy-failure.


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Contient : 1 « Testament de GUILLAUME LE HONGRE, chevalier de la ville de Metz... Ceste devise fust faitte devant feste S. Luc euvangeliste, quant il out a millair M.CCC.LIX ans » ; 2 « Testamentum GALESII DE BALMA, domini VALAFINI,... Actum et datum apud Montem Revellum, in castro nostro dicti loci, duodecima mensis augusti, hora meridiei, anno Domini millesimo trecentesimo sexagesimo secundo ». En latin ; 3 « Codicillus GALESII DE BALMA, domini VALAFINI ». Même date. En latin ; 4 « Testament de JEAN DE SAULZ, escuyer, seigneur DE COURTIVRON, chancelier de Bourgongne... Le mardy vint cinquiesme jour du mois de janvier, l'an de grace courant mille trois cent soixante et dix neuf » ; 5 « Testament de CATHERINE D'ESTRABONE, dame D'AUMONT ». Après 1456 ; 6 « Testament de Jean d'Arsonvalle, evesque de Chaalon. Tiré des registres du parlement de Paris ». 23 et 24 août 1416. En latin ; 7 « Testament de messire JEHAN DE CHALLON, prince D'ORENGE et seigneur D'ARLAY,... Faict et donné en mon chastel de Lyons le Saulnyer... le 21 d'octobre 1417... Extraict des registres de l'officialité de l'arcevesché de Bezançon » ; 8 Testament de « CLAUDE DE MONTAGU, chevalier, Sr DE COULCHES, DE LONGVY et D'ESPOISSE,... Le cinquiesme jour de... l'an mil IIII.C. cinquante et trois » ; 9 Extrait du testament de Pierre Berland, archevêque de Bordeaux. Samedi 5 février 1457. En latin ; 10 « Testamentum illustris comitis Troyae, Joannis Cossa, domini de Grimaldo et de Marignana, magni Provinciae senescalli ». Dimanche 15 septembre 1476. En latin ; 11 « Testament d'Olivier, seigneur de La Marche, conseiller et premier maistre d'hostel de Mr l'archiduc d'Austriche ». Bruxelles, 8 octobre 1501 ; 12 « Testament de PHILIPPE DE MONTAGU, comtesse DE JOIGNY » ; 13 « Testament de... Loys, Sr de Graville, admiral de France... Au chasteau de Marcoussys, l'an 1516, le jeudi 26 juing » ; 14 « Testamentum Claudii de Seyssel, archiepiscopi Taurinensis ». Turin, dimanche 27 mai 1520. En latin ; 15 Testament de « GUILLAUME BUDE, conseiller du roy, maistre des requestes ordinaire de son hostel, et maistre de sa librairie... 23 juin 1536 » ; 16 Testament de « Guillaume Du Bellay, seigneur de Langey et Glatigny,... lieutenant general en Italye... Turin, le 13 novembre 1542 » ; 17 « Testament de Michel Nostradamus,... docteur en medecine et astrophile de la ville de Salon... 17 juin 1566 » ; 18 « Testament de Caesar de Nostredame, gentilhomme ordinaire de la chambre du roy... Salon, 23 janvier 1630 » ; 19 Testament d'« ODINET GODRAN, baron D'ANTILLY, president au parlement de Bourgoigne ». 3 février 1581 ; 20 « Testament de JACQUELINE DE ROHAN, marquise DE ROTHELIN ». Décédée en 1586 ; 21 Testament de FRANÇOIS, duc D'ALENÇON, fils de Henri II, roi de France. Château-Thierry, 8 juin 1584 ; 22 Testament de « JEANNOT PATOILLET, protonotaire du S. Siege... demeurant à S. Ligier ». 22 juillet 1585 ; 23 Lettres de légitimation accordées par HENRI III, roi de France, à « Lune Patouillet, fille naturelle de Jeannot Patouillet et Jeanne Sailliot, du village d'Estrevaut, bailliage de Dijon... Donné à Dijon, au mois de febvrier, l'an 1575 » ; 24 à 26 Épitaphes d'«Odet Patoillet, d'Estrevaux », Richard Patoillet, et Jeannot Patoillet, le protonotaire. 1543, 1546, 1585. La première est en français, les deux autres sont en latin ; 27 Testament de « JAQUES DE GERMIGNY, Sr DE GERMOLLES, chevalier de l'ordre du roy, conseiller et maistre d'hostel ordinaire de sa maison, et cy devant ambassadeur pour S. M. en Levant », et de « JEHANNE BORLETTE, femme dud. Sr de Germigny,... Novembre 1585, en [la] ville de Chalon » ; 28 « Advis de conseil au proces de Mrs [Henri] de Vienne », baron de Chevreau, et François de Vienne, chevalier de Malte, « contre [Claude de La Baume], archevesque de Besançon ». Avant 1582. Commence par un extrait du testament de « dame JEHANNE DE MONBELIARD, [femme de] Loys de Chalon, prince d'Oranges et Sr d'Arlay » ; 29 Testament de « François, filz de feu Henry de Vienne, baron de Chevreaul,... Mostier, 25 octobre 1596 » ; 30 « Testamentum ROBERTI, cardinalis BELLARMINI,... Die 23 januarii, anno 1611 ». En latin ; 31 « Testament de FRANÇOIS PITHOU,... 20 novembre 1617 » ; 32 « Testament de PHILIPPE-GUILLAUME, prince D'ORANGE,... Faict à Bruxelles, le 20 de febvrier 1618 » ; 33 « Testament de messire GUILLAUME DU VAIR, evesque de Lizieux et garde des sceaux de France ». Du 10 juin au 5 juillet 1620 ; 34 « Testament de messire ANTHOINE FAVRE, baron de Peroges, de Domessin,... premier president au senat de Savoye... Faict à Chambery... ce 15 febvrier 1624 » ; 35 « Testamento di Leonor de Semeur, sigr de Tremon,... governatore per il re christianissimo di Francia della citta et paese di Macon di Bergongna... Nel... monasterio di molto reverendi padri capucini... sito sopra le fini d'Asti ». 14 juillet 1625. En italien ; 36 « Testament de Gabriel de Ste Marie, archevesque de Reims... Reims, 27 septembre 1628 » ; 37 « Exemplar testamenti cardinalis LUDOVISII ». Bologne, 10 avril 1629. En latin ; 38 « Testament de Nicolas Claude Fabri, seigneur de Peiresc, seigneur et abbé de Guistres, baron de Rians, conseiller du roy en sa cour de parlement de Provence... Aix, 22 juin 1637 » ; 39 Pièce imprimée, de 16 pages, contenant le « Testament de Mr le cardinal DE RICHELIEU ». Narbonne, 23 mai 1642 ; 40 « Testament d'ANNE DE MONTAFIE, comtesse DE SOISSONS,... Faict en mon chasteau de Creil, le 30 octobre 1642 » ; 41 « Premier testament de Gabriel de Syon,... prestre, docteur on theologie... et professeur royal... es langues orientales... Ligny le Chastel, 8 juin 1648 » ; 42 « Second Testament » du même. « Fontaine en Duesmois, 29 juin 1648 » ; 43 « Testament de CLAUDE DE SAUMAISE, chevalier de l'ordre du roy et conseiller en ses conseils d'Estat et privé... Spa, le 30 aoust 1653 » ; 44 Testament de « JEAN QUENAULT, conseiller du roy en ses conseils, et cy devant secretaire des commandemens de la feue reine Marie de Medicis,... Paris, 4 febvrier 1655 » ; 45 « Testament et codicille de Pierre Gassendi, prestre, prevost de Digne et professeur royal aux mathematiques à Paris ». 17 et 18 septembre 1655 ; 46 « Testament de Jules, cardinal Mazarin, duc de Nivernois et Donziois, pair de France ». Vincennes, 3 à 7 mars 1661 ; 47 « Testament d'Anne d'Autriche, royne de France et de Navarre... S. Germain en Laye, 13 aoust 1665 » ; 48 Pièce imprimée, de 6 pages, contenant le testament de « LOUIS DE LA RIVIERE, evesque de Langres... Petit Bourg, 22 may 1669 » ; 49 « Testamentum THEOPHILI VIAUT,... Datum in aula burgundica ». 1626. En latin ; 50 « Ejusdem epitaphium ». En latin ; 51 « Testamentum christianum cardinalis RICHELII ». En latin ; 52 « Testamentum politicum ». En latin ; 53 « Testamento della citta di Candia. Copia tratta da Pasquino, notaro publico ». En italien ; 54 « Testamento del Ruyseñor de Sa Eminencia ». En espagnol ; 55 « Epitaphio del Ruyseñor ». En espagnol


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Excess risk of subsequent cancers has been documented in women diagnosed with ovarian cancer. We updated to 2006 data on second cancers in women diagnosed with invasive and borderline ovarian cancer in the Swiss canton of Vaud. Between 1974 and 2006, 304 borderline and 1530 invasive first ovarian tumours were abstracted from the Vaud Cancer Registry database and followed up till the end of 2006. Calculation of expected numbers of tumours in the cohorts was based on site-specific, age-specific and calendar-year-specific incidence rates. We computed the standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) of second cancers, and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CI). There was no change in the incidence of malignant cancers, but that of borderline tumours increased over more recent years. Overall, 110 second neoplasms were observed versus 49.7 expected after invasive ovarian cancer (SIR 2.21; 95% CI: 1.82-2.67). Significant excess risks were observed for cancers of the breast, corpus uteri and leukaemias. When synchronous cancers were excluded, the overall SIR for all sites declined to 1.05. Thirty-one second neoplasms were observed after borderline tumours compared with 21.1 expected (SIR=1.47; 95% CI: 1.00-2.09). SIRs were above unity for ovary, colorectum and uterus. After exclusion of synchronous neoplasms, SIR for all neoplasms declined to 1.09, and remained significant only for second ovarian cancers (SIR=4.93). The present record linkage cohort study shows an excess risk for selected synchronous neoplasms in women diagnosed with both borderline and invasive ovarian cancer, likely because of shared genetic and perhaps environmental factors.


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