969 resultados para Pos-modernism


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This presentation examines my abstract films from my ongoing 16mm and digital experimental film practice, e.g.: 223(1985, 6 mins), Migraine Particles (1984, 12 mins) , Understanding Science (1992, 18 mins), Rote Movie (1994, 12 mins), Trauma Dream (2002, 7 mins) and Analog Stress (2004, 12 mins) as expressing a process of erasure, a method employed to construct a gutted and marooned identity. It rereads the essentialism of Modernism as laying bare the mechanics of erasure and denial and Peter Gidal’s anti-illusionist ‘Materialist Film’ as a practice outlining the structure of trauma, and the nature of traumatic memory, described as dissociative in Pierre Janet's early work.

I understand my practice as a response to trauma, dislocation and resettlement expressible in the emptied and gutted voice of the New Australian, a 50s term for the assimilated migrant of which the Dutch were considered exemplar performers, good white New Australians, who neatly left their Dutch identity at the door, but who never-the-less witnessed the ambiguities of the ideologies they implicitly embraced. The term ‘New Australian’ is an ‘official’ 1950’s identity which asks you to forget your past for a problematic, undefined Oother¹ that is set apart from ‘Australian’.


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The dynamism and mobility of architects in their approach to architecturaldesign practice provides a context that emphasises that architecture, likeculture, is not static or rooted in place, but is intricately configured throughthe dual processes of locality and mobility – both physical and theoretical. Theproduction of architecture in Australia, as in other immigrant-rich societies,provides a case for reinforcing the theory that architectural mobility and travelare integral to the architecture of place.This issues paper sets out to re-examine the contribution of geo-culturalinfluences upon Australia’s architectural lineage and considers a diverse rangeof themes across an equally broad timeframe; British colonial transpositions; thedissemination of Modernism in Australia; the latent contribution of mid-twentiethcentury European émigré architects; and the secreted history of Australia’sAsian architecture. Common to all, however, is the notion of architecturaltranslation as a process of influences transmitted, transposed or adapted toother contexts. It uses Australia as the focus from which to consider how globalcriticism, ideas and theories have travelled and continue to travel transverselyacross time and place, from the late-eighteenth century well into the twenty-first.This paper investigates translations through narratives, processes, networks andtraces of architectural manifestations and begins to draw lines of influence.


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Appreciative inquiry is a collaborative and positive approach to change developed by David Cooperrider. The approach is built on the assumption that every organisation has a 'positive core' that has contributed to its previous successes as well as its current strengths, potentials and assets. This presentation outlines how members of an organisation, such as a school community, can be involved, through collaborative storytelling and analysis, to identify their institution's positive core; a process that enhances every participants' energy, vision and actions for change. The steps will demonstrate how appreciative inquiry can be a practical leadership tool for change with a range of purposes. This presentation provides seven innovative ways that appreciativeinquiry can be applied and an Al template for use in diverse organisational settings.


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This paper develops the concept of thermal modernity in order to offer a more detailed understanding of air conditioning and the historical role it has played in transforming urban and built space. An analysis oriented by the insights of Science and Technology Studies stresses how the international ascendancy of air conditioning has been contingent upon certain socio-political forces and cultural changes that occur at the local level. The productive example of Singapore - often referred to as the air-conditioned nation - is given to reveal the entanglements between indoor comfort provision, economic development and post-colonial nation-building. At a broader level, the paper points towards the importance of understanding air conditioning's impact on the spread of international modernism in analytically expansive ways, such that we can more fully appreciate how it has acted to remodel the built environment at different scales and reconfigure indoor and outdoor relationships.


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Despite an increasing number of studies investigating the effects of mentoring on employee work outcomes, limited attention has been placed on the relationship between mentoring functions and turnover intentions. In this study, we examined the relationship between mentoring functions and turnover intentions, and the mediating role of perceived organizational support (POS) on this relationship. Using data collected from 176 employees in three Chinese banks, we found that POS partially mediated the relationship between mentoring functions and employees' turnover intentions.


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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of perceived organizational support (POS), perceived supervisor support (PSS) and intra-organizational network resources on the turnover intentions of the Chinese employees of multinational enterprises. Design/methodology/approach: The study utilized structured equation modeling to analyze survey data from 437 Chinese employees of five multinational enterprises operating in the Chinese service sector. Findings: The study found that POS was positively related to affective organizational commitment, which in turn was negatively related to turnover intentions. A direct relationship was revealed between PSS and turnover intentions, as well as a mediated relationship through POS. In contrast, the relationship between intra-organizational network resources and turnover intentions was fully mediated through POS. Research limitations/implications: The cross sectional design is a limitation of the study. Another limitation regards the generalisability of the findings outside the specific research context. Future research should be extended to different geographical and organizational settings. Practical implications: In order to promote employee retention, multinational enterprises operating in China could start by carefully targeting visible support on offer to their employees. Improving supervisor support is a relatively inexpensive and practical measure compared to the costly alternatives such as improving employee compensation, training and career development. Organizations should also consider improving co-worker support schemes in the workplace which enable individuals to build up their network resources. Originality/value: The study provided evidence for both a direct relationship between PSS and turnover intentions and a mediated one via POS, confirming the generalisability of previous findings to the Chinese context. In addition it made an original contribution by establishing that POS fully, rather than partially mediated the relationship between intra-organizational network resources and turnover intentions. This suggests that Chinese employees attribute instrumental and expressive support from others in the organization as coming from the organization itself.


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Tese apresentada ao Departamento de Pos Grado Ciências Jurídicas Y Sociales da Universidad Del Museo Social Argentino


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O processo de regeneração neural do modelo experimental em nervo mediano foi estudado em 34 ratos da raça Wistar, os quais foram submetidos à micro-neurorrafia término-terminal, sendo analisada a força de preensão do membro anterior e realizada a biópsia para análise morfométrica dos pós-operatórios 10° (8 ratos), 20° (5), 30° (5), 45° (8) e grupo controle não operado (8). Foi aferida a força negativa de preensão com o membro anterior e morfometricamente analisadas a contagem do número de fibras mielinizadas, seu diâmetro, períme-tro e área bem como espessura da bainha de mielina. O teste paramétrico de análise de variância foi utilizado para avaliação do número de fibras, diâmetro, perímetro e área bem como para as comparações de força e espessura da bainha de mielina entre os diferentes grupos. Uma média de 16,62 g (10°); 45,80 g (20°); 91,20 g (30°) e 106,75 g (45°) demonstrou haver um aumento progres-sivo da força de preensão em cada grupo paralelamente à evolução no tempo (p < 0,05), exceto entre o 45° e grupo controle com média de 116,25 g, o que denota regeneração com resultados similares à normalidade no final do período considerado. Não foram detectadas fibras regeneradas no coto distal do 10o dia pós-operatório e a totalidade das fibras mielinizadas presentes foi desconsiderada por apresentar sinais degenerativos. Embora sem significância, o número de fibras aumentou progressivamente até o 30° dia, reduzindo-se no 45°. Quanto à espessura, diâmetro, perímetro e área, verificou-se diminuição sig-nificativa no 20o dia e progressivo aumento nos grupos posteriores. Embora a força e o número de fibras tenham apresentado correlação fortemente negativa pelo coeficiente de Spearman (r = − 0,87) no grupo controle, não foi possível obter correlação entre os dados morfométricos e teste funcional nos demais gru-pos. Conclui-se que o modelo experimental do nervo mediano é válido para o estudo evolutivo da regeneração neural, no período considerado de 45 dias pós-operatórios, porém os dados morfométricos apenas refletem a evolução morfológica e cronológica do processo de regeneração do modelo experimental, não apresentando correlação direta com a função.