976 resultados para Phylogeny -- Molecular aspects
Sequences from the tuf gene coding for the elongation factor EF-Tu were amplified and sequenced from the genomic DNA of Pirellula marina and Isosphaera pallida, two species of bacteria within the order Planctomycetales. A near-complete (1140-bp) sequence was obtained from Pi. marina and a partial (759-bp) sequence was obtained for I. pallida. Alignment of the deduced Pi. marina EF-Tu amino acid sequence against reference sequences demonstrated the presence of a unique Il-amino acid sequence motif not present in any other division of the domain Bacteria. Pi. marina shared the highest percentage amino acid sequence identity with I. pallida but showed only a low percentage identity with other members of the domain Bacteria. This is consistent with the concept of the planctomycetes as a unique division of the Bacteria. Neither primary sequence comparison of EF-Tu nor phylogenetic analysis supports any close relationship between planctomycetes and the chlamydiae, which has previously been postulated on the basis of 16S rRNA. Phylogenetic analysis of aligned EF-Tu amino acid sequences performed using distance, maximum-parsimony, and maximum likelihood approaches yielded contradictory results with respect to the position of planctomycetes relative to other bacteria, It is hypothesized that long-branch attraction effects due to unequal evolutionary rates and mutational saturation effects may account for some of the contradictions.
Mesoporous Ti-substituted aluminophosphates (AlPOs) with a hexagonal, cubic and lamellar pore structure, characteristic of MCM-41, MCM-48, and MCM-50, respectively, were synthesized. The stability of these mesophases upon template removal was studied. The pore structures, surface properties, and local atom environments of Al, P, and Ti of the hexagonal and cubic Ti-containing mesoporous products were extensively characterized using X-ray diffraction, magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance, AAS, XPS, ultraviolet–visible, and adsorption of nitrogen and water vapor techniques while the lamellar mesophase was not further characterized due to its very poor thermal stability. Ti-containing mesoporous AlPO materials show a reasonable thermal stability upon template removal, a hydrophilic surface property, and high porosity showing application potentials in catalytic oxidation of hydrocarbons.
Cobalamins are stored in high concentrations in the human liver and thus are available to participate in the regulation of hepatotropic virus functions. We show that cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) inhibited the H(IV internal ribosome entry site (IRES)-dependent translation of a reporter gene in vitro in a dose-dependent manner without significantly affecting the cap-dependent mechanism. Vitamin B12 failed to inhibit translation by IRES elements from encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) or classical swine fever virus (CSFV), We also demonstrate a relationship between the total cobalamin concentration in human sera and HCV viral load (a measure of viral replication in the host), The mean viral load was two orders of magnitude greater when the serum cobalamin concentration was above 200 pM (P < 0.003), suggesting that the total cobalamin concentration in an HCV-infected liver is biologically significant in HCV replication.
Recent progress in the production, purification, and experimental and theoretical investigations of carbon nanotubes for hydrogen storage are reviewed. From the industrial point of view, the chemical vapor deposition process has shown advantages over laser ablation and electric-arc-discharge methods. The ultimate goal in nanotube synthesis should be to gain control over geometrical aspects of nanotubes, such as location and orientation, and the atomic structure of nanotubes, including helicity and diameter. There is currently no effective and simple purification procedure that fulfills all requirements for processing carbon nanotubes. Purification is still the bottleneck for technical applications, especially where large amounts of material are required. Although the alkali-metal-doped carbon nanotubes showed high H-2 Weight uptake, further investigations indicated that some of this uptake was due to water rather than hydrogen. This discovery indicates a potential source of error in evaluation of the storage capacity of doped carbon nanotubes. Nevertheless, currently available single-wall nanotubes yield a hydrogen uptake value near 4 wt% under moderate pressure and room temperature. A further 50% increase is needed to meet U.S. Department of Energy targets for commercial exploitation. Meeting this target will require combining experimental and theoretical efforts to achieve a full understanding of the adsorption process, so that the uptake can be rationally optimized to commercially attractive levels. Large-scale production and purification of carbon nanotubes and remarkable improvement of H-2 storage capacity in carbon nanotubes represent significant technological and theoretical challenges in the years to come.
Silica xerogels were prepared by a sol-gel process catalyzed by acid with tetraethylorthosilicate, and using an organic covalent ligand template (methyltriethoxysilane) or a noncovalent template C6 surfactant (triethylhexylammonium bromide). The influence of hydrotreatment on the structure of templated xerogels is examined in terms of surface area, micropore volume, average pore size, and pore size distribution, and compared against a blank xerogel (nontemplated). The role of surface functional groups was evaluated using Si-29 nuclear magnetic resonance. The structural integrity of the xerogel was maintained to a large extent in samples that had a high contribution of Q(4) species (siloxane groups). Xerogel matrix densification occurred when there was a large concentration of Q(3) and Q(2) species (silanol groups), which also were responsible for increased hydrophilicity. The templated xerogels resulted in up to a 25% concentration of methyl functional groups (T-3 and T-2 species), leading to hydrophobic xerogels. The best results in terms of structural integrity and hydrophobicity were obtained with templated xerogels prepared with the C6 surfactant. The results in this study suggest that surfactant-enhanced condensation reactions lead to structures with a high contribution of Q(4) groups, which are not susceptible to water attack, but are strong enough to oppose matrix densification during rehydration.
We studied the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) in twenty-two spp. of ticks from the subfamily Rhipicephalinae. A 104-109 base pair (bp) region was Imperfectly repeated In most ticks studied. Mapping the number of repeat copies on to a phylogeny from the ITS2 showed that there have been many Independent gains and losses of repeats. Comparison of the sequences of the repeat copies Indicated that in most taxa concerted evolution had played little if any role in the evolution of these regions, as the copies clustered by sequence position rather than species, In our putative secondary structure, each repeat copy can fold into a distinct and almost identical stem-loop complex; a gain or loss of a repeat copy apparently does not impair the function of the ITS2 in these ticks.
This paper presents the results of the characterisation of templated silica xerogels as precursor material for molecular sieve silica membranes for gas separation. The template agent integrated in the xerogel matrix is a methyl ligand covalently bended to the siloxane network in the form of methyltriethoxysilane (MTES). Several surface and microstructural characterisation techniques such as TGA, FTIR, NMR, and nitrogen adsorption have been employed to obtain information on the reaction mechanisms involved in the sol-gel processing of such molecular sieves. The characterisation results show the effects of processing parameters such as heat treatment temperature, and the concentration of the covalently bonded template on the development of the pore structure. It was found that calcination temperature significantly enhanced the condensation reactions thus resulted in more Si-O-Si groups being formed. This was also confirmed with the data of FTIR characterisation showing enhanced silicon bands at higher heat treatment temperatures. As a result of the promoted densification and shrinkable pore network the micropore volume also reduced with increasing methyl ligand molar ratio. However, the mean pore diameter does not change significantly with calcination temperature. While the contribution of the templates towards controlling pore size is less precise, increasing the methyl ligand molar ratio results in the broadening of the pore size distribution and lower pore volume. Higher template concentration induces the collapse of the xerogel matrix due to capillary stress promoting dense xerogels with low pore volume (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The spermatozoa of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Gambelia wislizenii (Crotaphytidae), and Anolis carolinensis (Polychrotidae) exhibit the squamate autapomorphies of a single perforatorium extending anteriorly from the apical tip of the paracrystalline subacrosomal cone, the presence of an epinuclear electron-lucent region, and extension of the fibrous sheath into the midpiece. Crotaphytid sperm differ from those of polychrotids in several respects, including: the structure of the perforatorium, the size of the epinuclear electron-lucent region, aspects of the acrosome complex, the arrangement and structure of intermitochondrial dense bodies, and in the distance the fibrous sheath extends into the midpiece. The sperm of C. bicinctores, G. wislizenii, and A. carolinensis are most similar to those of the agamids and phrynosomatids examined to date. No spermatozoal autapomorphies for Crotaphytidae or Polychrotidae were found. The condition of having the intermitochondrial dense bodies arranged in regular incomplete rings is tentatively defined as a synapomorphy of Iguania (although modified in Chamaeleonidae). Spermatozoal ultrastructure offers no characters that justify the separation of Iguanidae (sensu late) into several separate families. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The electroantennogram method was used to investigate the number of distinct olfactory receptor neuron types responding to a range of behaviorally active volatile chemicals in gravid Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. Three receptor neuron types were identified. One type responds to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide; a second to ethanol; and a third to n-butyric acid and ammonia. The receptor neuron type responding to methyl butyrate, 2-butanone, farnesene, and carbon dioxide consists of three subtypes. The presence of a limited number of receptor neuron types responding to a diverse set of chemicals and the reception of carbon dioxide by a receptor neuron type that responds to other odorants are novel aspects of the peripheral olfactory discrimination process.
In a preliminary survey of genetic variability among 12 Australian isolates of Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae Fraser and Led (Pca) collected from 1966 to 1993, two relatively diverse (
We investigated the phylogeography of two closely related Australian frog species from open forest habitats, Limnodynastes tasmaniensis and L. peronii, using mitochondrial ND4 sequence data. Comparison of our results with previous work on Litoria fallax allowed us to test the generality of phylogeographic patterns among non-rainforest anurans along the east coast of Australia. In general, there was no strong evidence for congruence between overall patterns of genetic structure in the three species. However, phylogenetic breaks congruent with the position of the Burdekin Gap were detected at some level in all species. As previously noted for closed forest taxa, this area of dry habitat appears to have been an important influence on the evolution of several open forest taxa. There were broad geographic similarities in the phylogenetic structuring of southern populations of L. peronii and L. tasmaniensis. Contrarily, although the McPherson Range has previously been noted to coincide geographically with a major mtDNA phylogenetic break in Litoria fallax this pattern is not apparent in L. peronii or L. tasmaniensis. It appears that major phylogeographic splits within L. peronii and L. tasmaniensis may predate the Quaternary. We conclude that phylogeographies of open forest frogs are complex and more difficult to predict than for rainforest taxa, mainly due to an absence of palaeomodels for historical distributions of non-rainforest habitats. (C) 2001 The Linnean Society of London.
Motion of chains of poly(ethylene oxide) within the interlayer spacing of 2:1 phyllosilicate/montmorillonite was studied with H-1 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Measurements of the H-1 NMR line widths and relaxation times across a large temperature range were used to determine the effect of bulk thermal transitions on polymer chain motion within the nanocomposites. The results were consistent with previous reports of low apparent activation energies of motion. Details of the frequency and geometry of motion were obtained from a comparison of the C-13 cross-polarity/magic-angle spinning spectra and relaxation times of the nanocomposite with those of the pure polymer. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The link between body size and risk of extinction has been the focus of much recent attention. For Australian terrestrial mammals this link is of particular interest because it is widely believed that species in the intermediate size range of 35-5500 g (the critical weight range) have been the most prone to recent extinction. But the relationship between body size and extinction risk in Australian mammals has never been subject to a robust statistical analysis. Using a combination of randomization tests and phylogenetic comparative analyses, we found that Australian mammal extinctions and declines have been nonrandom with respect to body size, but we reject the hypothesis of a critical weight range at intermediate sizes. Small species appear to be the least prone to extinction, but extinctions have not been significantly clustered around intermediate sizes. Our results suggest that hypotheses linking intermediate body size with high risk of extinction in Australian mammals are misguided and that the focus of future research should shift to explaining why the smallest species are the most resistant to extinction.
1. Schizophrenia is a chronic, disabling brain disease that affects approxmately 1% of the world's population. It is characterized by delusions, hallucinations and formal thought disorder, together with a decline in socio-occupational functioning. While the causes for schizophrenia remain unknown, evidence from family, twin and adoption studies clearly demonstrates that it aggregates in families, with this clustering largely attributable to genetic rather than cultural or environmental factors. Identifying the genes involved, however, has proven to be a difficult task because schizophrenia is a complex trait characterized by an imprecise phenotype, the existence of phenocopies and the presence of low disease penetrance, 2. The current working hypothesis for schizophrenia causation is that multiple genes of small to moderate effect confer compounding risk through interactions with each other and with non-genetic risk factors, The same genes may be commonly involved in conferring risk across populations or they may vary in number and strength between different populations. To search for evidence of such genetic loci, both candidate gene and genome-wide linkage studies have been used in clinical cohorts collected from a variety of populations. Collectively, these works provide some evidence for the involvement of a number of specific genes (e.g. the 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) type 2a receptor (5-HT2a) gene and the dopamine D-3 receptor gene) and as yet unidentified factors localized to specific chromosomal regions, including 6p, 6q, 8p, 13q and 22q, These data provide suggestive, but no conclusive, evidence for causative genes. 3. To enable further progress there is a need to: (i) collect fine-grained clinical datasets while searching the schizophrenia phenotype for subgroups or dimensions that may provide a more direct route to causative genes; and (ii) integrate recent refinements in molecular genetic technology, including modern composite marker maps, DNA expression assays and relevant animal models, while using the latest analytical techniques to extract maximum information in order to help distinguish a true result from a false-positive finding.