970 resultados para Philipp I, der Grossmütige, landgrave of Hesse, 1504-1567.


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The ultimate bearing capacity of a circular footing, placed over a soil mass which is reinforced with horizontal layers of circular reinforcement sheets, has been determined by using the upper bound theorem of the limit analysis in conjunction with finite elements and linear optimization. For performing the analysis, three different soil media have been separately considered, namely, (i) fully granular, (ii) cohesive frictional, and (iii) fully cohesive with an additional provision to account for an increase of cohesion with depth. The reinforcement sheets are assumed to be structurally strong to resist axial tension but without having any resistance to bending; such an approximation usually holds good for geogrid sheets. The shear failure between the reinforcement sheet and adjoining soil mass has been considered. The increase in the magnitudes of the bearing capacity factors (N-c and N-gamma) with an inclusion of the reinforcement has been computed in terms of the efficiency factors eta(c) and eta(gamma). The results have been obtained (i) for different values of phi in case of fully granular (c=0) and c-phi soils, and (ii) for different rates (m) at which the cohesion increases with depth for a purely cohesive soil (phi=0 degrees). The critical positions and corresponding optimum diameter of the reinforcement sheets, for achieving the maximum bearing capacity, have also been established. The increase in the bearing capacity with an employment of the reinforcement increases continuously with an increase in phi. The improvement in the bearing capacity becomes quite extensive for two layers of the reinforcements as compared to the single layer of the reinforcement. The results obtained from the study are found to compare well with the available theoretical and experimental data reported in literature. (C) 2014 The Japanese Geotechnical Society. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Vernacular dwellings are well-suited climate-responsive designs that adopt local materials and skills to support comfortable indoor environments in response to local climatic conditions. These naturally-ventilated passive dwellings have enabled civilizations to sustain even in extreme climatic conditions. The design and physiological resilience of the inhabitants have coevolved to be attuned to local climatic and environmental conditions. Such adaptations have perplexed modern theories in human thermal-comfort that have evolved in the era of electricity and air-conditioned buildings. Vernacular local building elements like rubble walls and mud roofs are given way to burnt brick walls and reinforced cement concrete tin roofs. Over 60% of Indian population is rural, and implications of such transitions on thermal comfort and energy in buildings are crucial to understand. Types of energy use associated with a buildings life cycle include its embodied energy, operational and maintenance energy, demolition and disposal energy. Embodied Energy (EE) represents total energy consumption for construction of building, i.e., embodied energy of building materials, material transportation energy and building construction energy. Embodied energy of building materials forms major contribution to embodied energy in buildings. Operational energy (OE) in buildings mainly contributed by space conditioning and lighting requirements, depends on the climatic conditions of the region and comfort requirements of the building occupants. Less energy intensive natural materials are used for traditional buildings and the EE of traditional buildings is low. Transition in use of materials causes significant impact on embodied energy of vernacular dwellings. Use of manufactured, energy intensive materials like brick, cement, steel, glass etc. contributes to high embodied energy in these dwellings. This paper studies the increase in EE of the dwelling attributed to change in wall materials. Climatic location significantly influences operational energy in dwellings. Buildings located in regions experiencing extreme climatic conditions would require more operational energy to satisfy the heating and cooling energy demands throughout the year. Traditional buildings adopt passive techniques or non-mechanical methods for space conditioning to overcome the vagaries of extreme climatic variations and hence less operational energy. This study assesses operational energy in traditional dwelling with regard to change in wall material and climatic location. OE in the dwellings has been assessed for hot-dry, warm humid and moderate climatic zones. Choice of thermal comfort models is yet another factor which greatly influences operational energy assessment in buildings. The paper adopts two popular thermal-comfort models, viz., ASHRAE comfort standards and TSI by Sharma and Ali to investigate thermal comfort aspects and impact of these comfort models on OE assessment in traditional dwellings. A naturally ventilated vernacular dwelling in Sugganahalli, a village close to Bangalore (India), set in warm - humid climate is considered for present investigations on impact of transition in building materials, change in climatic location and choice of thermal comfort models on energy in buildings. The study includes a rigorous real time monitoring of the thermal performance of the dwelling. Dynamic simulation models validated by measured data have also been adopted to determine the impact of the transition from vernacular to modern material-configurations. Results of the study and appraisal for appropriate thermal comfort standards for computing operational energy has been presented and discussed in this paper. (c) 2014 K.I. Praseeda. Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Virtualization is one of the key enabling technologies for Cloud computing. Although it facilitates improved utilization of resources, virtualization can lead to performance degradation due to the sharing of physical resources like CPU, memory, network interfaces, disk controllers, etc. Multi-tenancy can cause highly unpredictable performance for concurrent I/O applications running inside virtual machines that share local disk storage in Cloud. Disk I/O requests in a typical Cloud setup may have varied requirements in terms of latency and throughput as they arise from a range of heterogeneous applications having diverse performance goals. This necessitates providing differential performance services to different I/O applications. In this paper, we present PriDyn, a novel scheduling framework which is designed to consider I/O performance metrics of applications such as acceptable latency and convert them to an appropriate priority value for disk access based on the current system state. This framework aims to provide differentiated I/O service to various applications and ensures predictable performance for critical applications in multi-tenant Cloud environment. We demonstrate through experimental validations on real world I/O traces that this framework achieves appreciable enhancements in I/O performance, indicating that this approach is a promising step towards enabling QoS guarantees on Cloud storage.


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Local heterogeneity is ubiquitous in natural aqueous systems. It can be caused locally by external biomolecular subsystems like proteins, DNA, micelles and reverse micelles, nanoscopic materials etc., but can also be intrinsic to the thermodynamic nature of the aqueous solution itself (like binary mixtures or at the gas-liquid interface). The altered dynamics of water in the presence of such diverse surfaces has attracted considerable attention in recent years. As these interfaces are quite narrow, only a few molecular layers thick, they are hard to study by conventional methods. The recent development of two dimensional infra-red (2D-IR) spectroscopy allows us to estimate length and time scales of such dynamics fairly accurately. In this work, we present a series of interesting studies employing two dimensional infra-red spectroscopy (2D-IR) to investigate (i) the heterogeneous dynamics of water inside reverse micelles of varying sizes, (ii) supercritical water near the Widom line that is known to exhibit pronounced density fluctuations and also study (iii) the collective and local polarization fluctuation of water molecules in the presence of several different proteins. The spatio-temporal correlation of confined water molecules inside reverse micelles of varying sizes is well captured through the spectral diffusion of corresponding 2D-IR spectra. In the case of supercritical water also, we observe a strong signature of dynamic heterogeneity from the elongated nature of the 2D-IR spectra. In this case the relaxation is ultrafast. We find remarkable agreement between the different tools employed to study the relaxation of density heterogeneity. For aqueous protein solutions, we find that the calculated dielectric constant of the respective systems unanimously shows a noticeable increment compared to that of neat water. However, the `effective' dielectric constant for successive layers shows significant variation, with the layer adjacent to the protein having a much lower value. Relaxation is also slowest at the surface. We find that the dielectric constant achieves the bulk value at distances more than 3 nm from the surface of the protein.


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The interaction of a single bubble with a single vortex ring in water has been studied experimentally. Measurements of both the bubble dynamics and vorticity dynamics have been done to help understand the two-way coupled problem. The circulation strength of the vortex ring (Gamma) has been systematically varied, while keeping the bubble diameter (D-b) constant, with the bubble volume to vortex core volume ratio (V-R) also kept fixed at about 0.1. The other important parameter in the problem is a Weber number based on the vortex ring strength. (We = 0.87 rho(Gamma/2 pi a)(2)/(sigma/D-b); a = vortex core radius, sigma = surface tension), which is varied over a large range, We = 3-406. The interaction between the bubble and ring for each of the We cases broadly falls into four stages. Stage I is before capture of the bubble by the ring where the bubble is drawn into the low-pressure vortex core, while in stage II the bubble is stretched in the azimuthal direction within the ring and gradually broken up into a number of smaller bubbles. Following this, in stage III the bubble break-up is complete and the resulting smaller bubbles slowly move around the core, and finally in stage IV the bubbles escape. Apart from the effect of the ring on the bubble, the bubble is also shown to significantly affect the vortex ring, especially at low We (We similar to 3). In these low-We cases, the convection speed drops significantly compared to the base case without a bubble, while the core appears to fragment with a resultant large decrease in enstrophy by about 50 %. In the higher-We cases (We > 100), there are some differences in convection speed and enstrophy, but the effects are relatively small. The most dramatic effects of the bubble on the ring are found for thicker core rings at low We (We similar to 3) with the vortex ring almost stopping after interacting with the bubble, and the core fragmenting into two parts. The present idealized experiments exhibit many phenomena also seen in bubbly turbulent flows such as reduction in enstrophy, suppression of structures, enhancement of energy at small scales and reduction in energy at large scales. These similarities suggest that results from the present experiments can be helpful in better understanding interactions of bubbles with eddies in turbulent flows.


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We report the origin of room temperature weak ferromagnetic behavior of polycrystalline Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O-3 (PFW) powder. The structure and magnetic properties of the ceramic powder prepared by a Columbite method were characterized by X-ray and neutron diffraction, Mossbauer spectroscopy and magnetization measurements. Rietveld analysis of diffraction data confirm the formation of single phase PFW, without traces of any parasitic pyrochlore phase. PFW was found to crystallize in the cubic structure at room temperature. The Rietveld refinement of neutron diffraction data measured at room temperature confirmed the G-type antiferromagnetic structure of PFW in our sample. However, along with the antiferromagnetic (AFM) ordering of the Fe spins, we have observed the existence of weak ferromagnetism at room temperature through: (i) a clear opening of hysteresis (M-H) loop, (ii) bifurcation of the field cooled and zero-field cooled susceptibility; supported by Mossbauer spectroscopy results. The P-E loop measurements showed a non-linear slim hysteresis loop at room temperature due to the electronic conduction through the local inhomogeneities in the PFW crystallites and the inter-particle regions. By corroborating all the magnetic measurements, especially the spin glass nature of the sample, with the conduction behavior of the sample, we report here that the observed ferromagnetism originates at these local inhomogeneous regions in the sample, where the Fe-spins are not perfectly aligned antiferromagnetically due to the compositional disordering. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.


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If a deuterated molecule containing strong intramolecular hydrogen bonds is placed in a hydrogenated solvent, it may preferentially exchange deuterium for hydrogen. This preference is due to the difference between the vibrational zero-point energy for hydrogen and deuterium. It is found that the associated fractionation factor (I) is correlated with the strength of the intramolecular hydrogen bonds. This correlation has been used to determine the length of the H-bonds (donor-acceptor separation) in a diverse range of enzymes and has been argued to support the existence of short low-barrier H-bonds. Starting with a potential energy surface based on a simple diabatic state model for H-bonds, we calculate (I) as a function of the proton donor-acceptor distance R. For numerical results, we use a parameterization of the model for symmetric 0-H. ``.0 bonds R. H. McKenzie, Chem. Phys. Lett. 535, 196 (2012)]. We consider the relative contributions of the 0-H stretch vibration, O-H bend vibrations (both in plane and out of plane), tunneling splitting effects at finite temperature, and the secondary geometric isotope effect. We compare our total (I) as a function of R with NMR experimental results for enzymes, and in particular with an earlier model parametrization (D(R), used previously to determine bond lengths. (C) 2015 AIP Publishing LLC.


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Termite mounds are conspicuous features in many tropical ecosystems. Their shape and soil physicochemical properties have been suggested to result from the termites ecological need to control the temperature and humidity within their nests and protect themselves from predators. This study aimed to determine the influence of the parent soil properties on the shape and soil physical and chemical properties of termite mounds. Termite mounds built by the fungus-growing termite species Odontotermes obesus were compared in two forests with different soil properties (Ferralsol or Luvisol) in Southern India. Our findings confirm that soil properties influence the physicochemical characteristics of mound material and may affect the shape, but these impacts are mostly independent of the size of the mounds (i.e., the age of the colonies). Mound walls were more enriched in clay and impoverished in C and N in the Luvisol than the Ferralsol. However, their shape was more complex in the Ferralsol than the Luvisol, suggesting a possible link between the clay content in soil and the shape of termite mounds. The results also suggest that clay becomes enriched in O. obesus mound walls through a more passive process rather than solely by particle selection, and that termite mound shape results from the soil properties rather than the ecological needs of termites. In conclusion, although ecologists have mainly focused upon the influence of termite ecological needs on their nest properties, this study highlights the need for a better understanding about the role of the soil pedological properties and, as a consequence, how these properties drive the establishment and survival of termites in tropical ecosystems. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have estimated a metallicity map of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the Magellanic Cloud Photometric Survey (MCPS) and Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE III) photometric data. This is a first of its kind map of metallicity up to a radius of 4 degrees-5 degrees, derived using photometric data and calibrated using spectroscopic data of Red Giant Branch (RGB) stars. We identify the RGB in the V, (V - I) colour-magnitude diagrams of small subregions of varying sizes in both data sets. We use the slope of the RGB as an indicator of the average metallicity of a subregion, and calibrate the RGB slope to metallicity using spectroscopic data for field and cluster red giants in selected subregions. The average metallicity of the LMC is found to be Fe/H] = -0.37 dex (sigmaFe/H] = 0.12) from MCPS data, and Fe/H] = -0.39 dex (sigmaFe/H] = 0.10) from OGLE III data. The bar is found to be the most metal-rich region of the LMC. Both the data sets suggest a shallow radial metallicity gradient up to a radius of 4 kpc (-0.049 +/- 0.002 dex kpc(-1) to -0.066 +/- 0.006 dex kpc(-1)). Subregions in which the mean metallicity differs from the surrounding areas do not appear to correlate with previously known features; spectroscopic studies are required in order to assess their physical significance.