974 resultados para Petrified forests.


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外生菌根是重要的菌根类群,在自然界中分布广泛。外生菌根真菌参与了生物地球化学循环,是森林生态系统中的重要组分。由于外生菌根真菌的宿主植物通常是一些生态系统的优势种和建群种,并且这些真菌还参与了许多森林生态系统的有机和无机元素循环、物种的竞争和共存、生物多样性的维持、生态系统的演替等过程,因而对外生菌根真菌的研究有助于对这些生态系统维持和演替机制的深入理解。作者在中国四川都江堰地区选择了两个不同林龄的森林,应用分子生物学方法,研究了它们的外生菌根真菌群落组成。比较分析了两种年龄亚热带森林下真菌群落的物种组成、密度和多样性的差异,并分析了外生菌根真菌群落与宿主植物群落之间的相互关系,主要研究结果如下: (1) 用分子方法(巢式PCR, RFLP和DNA测序)鉴定了87个土样中的ECM真菌。共检测到70种真菌,属于13目21科30属,其中,子囊菌门5目6科6属8种,担子菌门8目15科24属62种。在担子菌门中,革菌目、红菇目和伞菌目三个目的真菌为常见种。 (2) 成熟林的ECM真菌物种数、密度和物种多样性都显著高于幼林。 (3) 少数几种ECM真菌在群落中占绝对优势,而大多数种类的相对多度和相对频度都较低。重要值(IV)至少在一个样地中大于4.0%的真菌共有12种。成熟林中,IV大于4.0%的ECM真菌有8种,分别是:Russula sp.01,Tomentella sp.01,Tomentella sp.04,Tomentella sp.05,Boletales-01,Lactarius sp.01,Tricholomataceae-01,Leptodontidium sp.01;幼林中IV大于4.0%的真菌有6种,分别是:Lactarius quietus,Russula sp.01,Tomentella sp.01,Tomentella sp.02,Tomentella sp.03, Trechisporales-01。 (4) 成熟林与幼林中的优势属有所不同,成熟林以绵菌属和红菇属最丰富,幼林以乳菇属最丰富,其次是绵菌属和红菇属; (5) ECM真菌群落与乔木群落关系密切,ECM真菌群落物种多样性随着菌根乔木群落物种多样性的增加而增加;ECM群落密度随着非菌根乔木群落密度的增加而降低;ECM群落物种数随着非菌根乔木群落物种数的增加而降低。 (6) ECM真菌群落间的相似性与菌根乔木群落间相似性之间呈显著正相关,即,菌根乔木群落之间越相似,则菌根群落之间也越相似;ECM群落间的相似性与非菌根乔木群落间的相似性之间无相关性。


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森林作为陆地生态系统的主体,在全球陆地碳循环中起着决定性作用。实测和模型研究均表明北半球的森林是重要的大气CO2汇,在缓解全球碳收支失衡中发挥着关键作用。过去几十年北半球所经历的显著气候变化,已经很大地改变了陆地生态系统的碳平衡状况。随着未来100年气候变化继续增大,对未来气候变化下森林生态系统碳平衡的预测研究就尤为重要。 北京山区森林属于典型的暖温带森林生态系统,前人对本区森林的植被特征、生态系统结构和功能、养分循环以及长期动态变化等都进行了深入的研究。然而长期的人类活动已使本区原生的地带性植被破坏殆尽。因此,对该区域森林生态系统碳平衡的模拟研究可以帮助我们认识其生态系统碳平衡变化特点及未来气候变化对其潜在的影响。 本研究采用LPJ-GUESS植被动态机理模型,利用IPCC于2000年发布的《排放情景特别报告》(SRES)的A2和B2两种情景下不同气候模式对华北地区未来100年温度和降水预测的平均值以及相应大气CO2浓度变化情景进行驱动,模拟北京山区未来100年暖温带森林生态系统的净初级生产力和碳平衡,尽可能真实地反映未来百年的变化趋势。通过比较当前和未来气候情景下北京山区以辽东栎(Quercus liaotungensis)为优势种的落叶阔叶林、以白桦(Betula platyphylla)为主的落叶阔叶林和油松(Pinus tabulaeformis)为主的针阔混交林三种典型暖温带森林生态系统的碳平衡差异,了解未来北京山区这三种暖温带森林生态系统的碳源汇功能,认识气候变化和大气CO2浓度升高对净初级生产力(Net primary productivity, NPP)、净生态系统碳交换(Net ecosystem exchange, NEE)、土壤异养呼吸(Heterotrophic respiration, Rh)和碳储量(Carbon biomass, C biomass)的影响,以及不同生态系统碳平衡对气候变化响应的异质性。 结果表明,未来100年两种气候情景下三种森林生态系统的NPP和Rh均增加,并且A2情景下增加的程度更大。由于三种生态系统树种组成的不同,未来气候情景下各自NPP和Rh增加的比例不同,导致三者NEE的变化也相异:100年后辽东栎林由碳汇转变为弱碳源,白桦林仍保持为碳汇但功能减弱,油松林成为一个更大的碳汇。三种森林生态系统的碳生物量在未来气候情景下均增大,21世纪末与20世纪末相比:辽东栎林在A2情景下碳生物量增加的比例为27.6%,大于B2情景下的19.3%;白桦林和油松林在B2情景下碳生物量增加的比例分别为34.2%和52.2%,大于A2情景下的30.8%和28.4%。各森林类型碳平衡状况不同,原因除气候因素外,主要是由于树种组成的差异所导致。SRES A2和B2两种气候情景相比,相对较低的排放情景(B2)下,生态系统有更高的碳储量。


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With the stimulus of the very high international market value of penaeid shrimp, new pond areas for shrimp farming are rapidly being added in Bangladesh. Unfortunately, this expansion is occurring with the loss of some natural mangrove forests and with soils and sediments that are far from ideal for aquaculture. In this study, two representative shrimp farming areas were surveyed and pH, in profile depth, was recorded. It was found that the shrimp farming areas of the Chakaria Sundarban are more acidic than those of the Khulna-Satkhira region due to the acid sulfate soils.


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Mangrove, a tidal wetland, is a good example of complex land and water system whose resource attributes is neither fully understood from an ecological perspective nor valued comprehensively in economic terms. With increased ecological and social perception of the functions of wetlands, the utility and relative values will increase. The perception, however, varies from society to society. It must be recognized that mangrove forests differ greatly in local conditions and in their ability to produce a wide variety of economic products. What may be highly productive strategy for one country may have little meaning to its neighbor. Therefore, it becomes essential that from among diversity of potential uses of the mangrove environment, specific uses will have to be decided, and management plan developed on site, or area specific basis. It is therefore necessary to arrive at a balance between the views of the ecologists and economists on the management of mangroves. Biological conservation should encompass resource management in the sense that integrity of the biological and physical attributes of the resource base should be sustained and man-induced management practices should not alter an ecosystem to the extent that biological production is eliminated. Sustained yield management for food, fiber and fuel would serve to sustain local fisheries while generating new economic enterprises. This requires the recognition of mangrove environment as a resource with economic value, and managed according to local conditions and national priorities.


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The marine environment of Pakistan has been described in the context of three main regions : the Indus delta and its creek system, the Karachi coastal region, and the Balochistan coast. The creeks, contrary to concerns, do receive adequate discharges of freshwater. On site observations indicate that freshwater continues flowing into them during the lean water periods and dilutes the seawater there. A major factor for the loss of mangrove forests as well as ecological disturbances in the Indus delta is loss of the silt load resulting in erosion of its mudflats. The ecological disturbance has been aggravated by allowing camels to browse the mangroves. The tree branches and trunks, having been denuded of leaves are felled for firewood. Evidence is presented to show that while indiscriminate removal of its mangrove trees is responsible for the loss of large tracts of mangrove forests, overharvesting of fisheries resources has depleted the river of some valuable fishes that were available from the delta area. Municipal and industrial effluents discharged into the Lyari and Malir rivers and responsible for land-based pollution at the Karachi coast and the harbour. The following are the three major areas receiving land-based pollution and whose environmental conditions have been examined in detail: (l) the Manora channel, located on the estuary of the Lyari river and serving as the main harbour, has vast areas forming its western and eastern backwaters characterized by mud flats and mangroves. The discharge of industrial wastewater from the S.I.T.E. and municipal effluents from the northern and central districts into the Lyari has turned this river into an open drain. This, in turn, has caused a negative impact on the environment of the port, fish harbour, and the adjacent beaches. (2) The Gizri creek receives industrial and municipal effluents from the Malir river as well as from several industries and power stations. The highly degraded discharges from the Malir have negatively impacted the environment in this creek. (3) The coastline between the Manora channel and Gizri creek where the untreated municipal effluents are discharged by the southern districts of Karachi, is responsible for the degraded environment of the Chinna creek, and also of the beaches and the harbour. The Balochistan coast is relatively safe from land-based pollution, mainly because of the lack of industrial, urban or agricultural activity, except the Hingol river system where some agricultural activities have been initiated.


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The crab-eating frog, Rana cancrivora, is one of only a handful of amphibians worldwide that tolerates saline waters. It typically inhabits brackish water of mangrove forests of Southeast Asia. A large amount of antimicrobial peptides belonging to different families have been identified from skins of amphibians inhabiting freshwater. No antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibians has been reported. In this paper, we firstly reported the antimicrobial peptide and its cDNA cloning from skin secretions of the crab-eating frog R. cancrivora. The antimicrobial peptide was named cancrin with an amino acid sequence of GSAQPYKQLHKVVNWDPYG. By BLAST search, cancrin had no significant similarity to any known peptides. The cDNA encoding cancrin was cloned from the cDNA library of the skin of R. cancrivora. The cancrin precursor is composed of 68 amino acid residues including a signal peptide, acidic spacer peptide, which are similar to other antimicrobial peptide precursors from Ranid amphibians and mature cancrin. The overall structure is similar to other amphibian antimicrobial peptide precursors although mature cancrin is different from known peptides. The current results reported a new family of amphibian antimicrobial peptide and the first antimicrobial peptide from sea amphibian. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Manu National Park of southern Peru is one of the most renowned protected areas in the world, yet large-bodied vertebrate surveys conducted to date have been restricted to Cocha Cashu Biological Station, a research station covering <0.06 percent of the 1.7Mha park. Manu Park is occupied by >460 settled Matsigenka Amerindians, 300-400 isolated Matsigenka, and several, little-known groups of isolated hunter-gatherers, yet the impact of these native Amazonians on game vertebrate populations within the park remains poorly understood. On the basis of 1495 km of standardized line-transect censuses, we present density and biomass estimates for 23 mammal, bird, and reptile species for seven lowland and upland forest sites in Manu Park, including Cocha Cashu. We compare these estimates between hunted and nonhunted sites within Manu Park, and with other Neotropical forest sites. Manu Park safeguards some of the most species-rich and highest biomass assemblages of arboreal and terrestrial mammals ever recorded in Neotropical forests, most likely because of its direct Andean influence and high levels of soil fertility. Relative to Barro Colorado Island, seed predators and arboreal folivores in Manu are rare, and generalist frugivores specializing on mature fruit pulp are abundant. The impact of such a qualitative shift in the vertebrate community on the dynamics of plant regeneration, and therefore, on our understanding of tropical plant ecology, must be profound. Despite a number of external threats, Manu Park continues to serve as a baseline against which other Neotropical forests can be gauged.


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The Hainan gibbon (Nomascus hainanus) is one of the most endangered primates in the world, confined to mature natural forest in Hainan Island, China. We assessed changes in habitat condition on the island between 1991 and 2008, using vegetation maps generated by remote-sensing images. We defined forest suitable for gibbons based on composition, tree size and canopy cover. During the 17-year period, the area of suitable gibbon forest decreased by 540 km(2) (35%) across the whole island, and by 6.3 km(2) (7%) in the locality of the sole remaining gibbon population at Bawangling National Nature Reserve. The forest patches large enough (>1 km(2)) to support a gibbon group decreased from 754 km(2) to 316 km(2) in total area, and from 92 to 64 in number. Suitable natural forest was mainly replaced by plantations below 760 m, or degraded by logging, grazing and planting of pines above 760 m. Meanwhile, forests in former confirmed gibbon areas became more fragmented: mean area of patches decreased by 53%. We mapped the patches of natural forest in good condition which could potentially support gibbons. We recommend a freeze on further expansion of plantations between core patches at Bawangling, Jiaxi-Houmiling and Yinggeling Nature Reserves in accordance with forest protection regulations; establishment of nature reserves in currently unprotected natural forest patches elsewhere in line with the local government's nature reserve expansion policy; and active natural-forest restoration between remaining fragments at Bawangling. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Habitat fragmentation usually results in alteration of species composition or biological communities. However, little is known about the effect of habitat fragmentation on the fig/fig wasp system. In this study, we compared the structure of a fig wasp community and the interaction between figs and fig wasps of Ficus racemosa L. in a primary forest, a locally fragmented forest and a highly fragmented forest. Our results show that, in the highly fragmented forest, the proportion of pollinator wasps is lower and the proportion of non-pollinator wasps is higher compared with the primary forest and locally fragmented forest. The proportion of fruits without pollinator wasps in mature fruits is also greatly increased in the highly fragmented forest. The proportion of galls in all female flowers increases in the highly fragmented forest, whereas the proportion of viable seeds does not change considerably. The disruption of groups of fig trees results in a decrease in pollinator wasps and even might result in the extinction of pollinator wasps in some extreme cases, which may transform the reciprocal interaction between figs and fig wasps into a parasite/host system. Such an effect may lead to the local extinction of this keystone plant resource of rain forests in the process of evolution, and thereby, may change the structure and function of the tropical rain forest.


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From the area under report 17 species, 15 endemic and 2 exotic, of freshwater fish have been identified. Of these, 8 species are commonly found in the catches and are of fishery significance. The fact that small fish species which have no fishery importance also support life in other trophic levels of this ecosystem is well exemplified by the interaction of the birds and mammals with these species. A scientific management and monitoring of the reservoir waters as well as the remaining segments of forests are recommended to salvage the wild life and vegetation from a possible rapid deterioration within years.


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The paper discusses the recommended strategies regarding the further conversion of mangrove forests to fishponds and the management of existing fishponds for the culture of various aquatic species based on economic feasibility analysis. Strategy for the management of Philippine mangrove and the guidelines for the selection of mangrove areas for preservation, conservation and fishpond development are also presented.


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This research investigates the quality of sonbolrood river by using Hylsenhof HFBI indicators and identified Macroinvertebrates invertebrates community in the family level. This study took place during 1388-1389 with four sampling season in four stations respectively in the forests of Kalyj kheyl village in Savadkuh (first station), industrial area of Islamabad (second Station), earth dam of Sonbolrood (third station) and the Place crosses Sonbolrood with Babolrood river (fourth Station). Macroinvertebrates invertebrates collected by quantitative sampler of Sorbr and they were isolated in laboratory by loop and they were identified in the family level. Generally, Macroinvertebrates of Sonbolrood river were formed three branches: Arthropods and flat worms and mollusks, including 3 tiers, 6 orders and 14 families that showed the maximum diversity and density in autumn and the least diversity and density in summer at all stations, also the third and fourth stations respectively were highest and lowest diversity and density. The water quality of Sonbolrood river based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) is evaluated with excellent condition for all stations except third station. Sonbolrood river with having high slope, rocky and sandy bed, with self-refining act, completely is a proper ecosystem for aquatic organisms, but it is done due to increased organic matter and sewage factory located in industrial zone in the third station and then the increased water pollution caused by nurturing the water warm fish in the earth dam of Sonbolrood. (because of this, the water quality at third station based on the water quality Guide(Hylsenhof) are evaluated in a fairly good condition) and adding domestic sewages of adjacent villages like Seyedkola village and Shirdarkola caused increased pollution and increased trophy of Macroinvertebrates that are resistant to pollution and affect upon Macroinvertebrates community.


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1. The stripe-backed weasel Mustela strigidorsa is one of the rarest and least-known mustelids in the world. Its phylogenetic relationships with other Mustela species remain controversial, though several unique morphological features distinguish it from congeners. 2. It probably lives mainly in evergreen forests in hills and mountains, but has also been recorded from plains forest, dense scrub, secondary forest, grassland and farmland. Known sites range in altitude from 90 m to 2500 m. Data are insufficient to distinguish between habitat and altitudes which support populations, and those where only dispersing animals may occur. 3. It has been confirmed from many localities in north-east India, north and central Myanmar, south China, north Thailand, north and central Laos, and north and central Vietnam. Given the limited survey effort, the number of recent records shows that the species is not as rare as hitherto believed. Neither specific nor urgent conservation needs are apparent.


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Highlights are given of a mangove community structure survey conducted in the coastal barangays of Carles, Panay Island, Philippines, in April 2003. The survey aimed to qualitatively describe the species composition, community structure and plant biomass of mangrove forests. The 13 sample sites showed a total of 18 mangrove species, dominated by Avicennia marina. The findings, which indicate a modest yet declining diversity of mangroves in Carles, reinforce the need for their protection and management. This is due not only to their importance as habitats for fish and shellfish juveniles that replenish stocks for capture fisheries and aquaculture, but also due to the fact that Carles is one of the few remaining areas in Panay where rare mangrove species can still be found.