998 resultados para Persecution against Christians
An unidentified young Black gentleman poses beside a chair in this small tintype photograph. Both the name of the photographer and the date the photo was taken are unknown. The upper and lower left-hand corners have been cut and the tintype is slightly discolored and bent. This tintype was among the family memorabilia in the possession of Iris Sloman Bell, of St. Catharines, Ontario. The Bell - Sloman families are descended from former slaves from the United States."Tintypes were the invention of Prof. Hamilton Smith of Ohio. They begin as thin sheets of iron, covered with a layer of black paint. This serves as the base for the same iodized collodion coating and silver nitrate bath used in the ambrotype process. First made in 1856, millions were produced well into the twentieth century. When tintypes were finished in the same sorts of mats and cases used for ambrotypes, it can be almost impossible to distinguish which process was used without removing the image to examine the substrate." Source: American Museum of Photography http://www.photographymuseum.com/primer.html
Published at the request of the hearers. Printed by C. Stebbins
Published at the request of the hearers Printed by Greenough and Stebbins
"June 1st, 1812. Referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations. June 3d, 1812. Bill reported, declaring war ..."
The purpose of this research was to examine the experiences of Canadian Hockey League (CHL) players using a Foucauldian theory-based analysis. Specifically, this thesis contends that power relations between players and CHL hockey authorities need to be critically assessed. The CHL is the world’s leading developmental junior ice hockey league. Comprised of 1,400 hockey players, aged 15–21 years old on 60 teams through three divisions, the CHL is a primary supplier of talent for the National Hockey League. In the last year, several issues surrounding unjust practices within the CHL have been brought to the forefront, indicating that the potential for harassment, abuse, and exploitative practices are heightened in an organization such as the CHL, where profits are extracted from the labour of youth. Ultimately, this study is designed to contribute to both scholarly and public audiences, providing a critical analysis of the welfare of youth in the CHL.
Trichoderma spp are effective competitors against other fungi because they are mycoparasitic and produce hydrolytic enzymes and secondary metabolites that inhibit the growth of their competitors. Inhibitory compounds produced by Trichoderma aggressivum, the causative agent of green mold disease, are more toxic to the hybrid off-white strains of Agaricus bisporus than the commercial brown strains, consistent with the commercial brown strain’s increased resistance to the disease. This project looked at the response of hybrid off-white and commercial brown strains of A. bisporus to the presence of T. aggressivum metabolites with regard to three A. bisporus genes: laccase 1, laccase 2, and manganese peroxidase. The addition of T. aggressivum toxic metabolites had no significant effect on MnP or lcc1 transcript abundance. Alternatively, laccase 2 appears to be involved in resistance to T. aggressivum because the presence of T. aggressivum metabolites results in higher lcc2 transcript abundance and laccase activity, especially in the commercial brown strain. The difference in laccase expression and activity between A. bisporus strains was not a result of regulatory or coding sequence differences. Alteration of laccase transcription by RNAi resulted in transformants with variable levels of laccase transcript abundance. Transformants with a low number of lcc transcripts were very sensitive to T. aggressivum toxins, while those with a high number of lcc transcripts had increased resistance. These results indicated that laccase activity, in particular that encoded by lcc2, serves as a defense response of A. bisporus to T. aggressivum toxins and contributes to green mold disease resistance in commercial brown strains.
A memorandum describing the days leading up to the Battle of Saint-Mihiel. The document describes 1. Statement of Operation, 2. Character of Terrain, 3. Initial Dispositions, 4. Suitability of Formations, 5. How such formations were, or could have been, best adapted to meet the changing conditions of combat and terrain, 6. Employment of Infantry Weapons, 7. Artillery Support, 8. Passage of Obstacles, 9. Passage of Lines, 10. Destruction of Opposition, 11. Fighting in Intermediate Zone, 12. Organization of Ground, 13. Liaison, 14. General Observations.
A map titled "Plan of Operation against Cantigny" and dated 17 December 1918.
Statement from the Sheriff’s Office, Lincoln that there are no writs of execution or extent against Owen Clifford. This is signed by Joseph A. Woodruff, March 5, 1869.
Warrant (1 page, handwritten copy) that a complaint was presented to Edmund Riselay, Justice of the Peace in Bertie by Henry Nelles, Justice of the Peace in Niagara against William Wintermute and Benjamin Wright of Bertie by Joseph Lindeberry of Clinton regarding the suspicion of Wintermute and Wright stealing wheat from the Lindeberry barn. Benjamin Wright seemed the guiltier of the two and therefore it is requested that he be brought before a Justice of the Peace to be examined. This document is stained, but this does not affect the text, April 4, 1837.
Le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC) est un problème mondial. La majorité des personnes infectées (70-85%) développent une infection chronique qui cause des complications hépatiques. Le seul régime thérapeutique approuvé pour le VHC est l'interféron alpha (IFN-α). Ce traitement a un taux de réussite de 50-80% selon le génotype de virus et le moment de l'initiation de la thérapie. Les facteurs régissant la réponse au traitement ne sont pas bien définis. Des études antérieures ont suggéré un rôle potentiel de la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte au succès de la thérapie, toutefois, ces résultats sont controversés. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que la réponse immunitaire de l’hôte sera plus efficace chez les patients qui commencent la thérapie tôt pendant la phase aiguë de l'infection. En revanche, la réponse immunitaire sera épuisée lorsque le traitement est initié pendant la phase chronique. L'objectif principal de ce mémoire est d’étudier les facteurs immunologiques qui régissent la réponse à la thérapie, et de déterminer si la contribution de la réponse immunitaire de l'hôte peut être influencée par la période de l'infection. Nos résultats démontrent l'efficacité de la restauration de la réponse immunitaire spécifique au VHC lorsque la thérapie par l'interféron est initiée tôt. Ceci est démontré par le sauvetage des cellules T efficaces spécifiques au VHC efficace similaires à celles observées chez les individus qui ont résolu spontanément, suggérant ainsi qu'elles jouent un rôle actif dans la réponse au traitement. Toutefois, cette réponse n'a pas été restaurée chez les patients traités au cours de la phase chronique. Ces résultats ont des implications importantes dans la compréhension des mécanismes sous-jacents à la réponse aux traitements actuels et au développement des nouvelles thérapies.
BACKGROUND: The secretory basic amino acid-specific proprotein convertases (PCs) have often been associated with cancer/metastasis. By controlling the cleavage of cancer-associated proteins, PCs play key roles in multiple steps of cancer development. Most analyses of the implication of PCs in cancer/metastasis relied on the use of in vitro overexpression systems or inhibitors that can affect more than one PC. Aside from the role of furin in salivary gland tumorigenesis, no other in vivo genetic model of PC-knockout was reported in relation to cancer development. RESULTS: Since PC5/6 is highly expressed in the small intestine, the present study examined its in vivo role in intestinal tumorigenesis. Analysis of human intestinal tumors at various stages showed a systematic down-regulation of PC5/6 expression. Since gene inactivation of PC5/6 leads to lethality at birth, we generated mice lacking PC5/6 in enterocytes and analyzed the impact of the presence or absence of this PC in the mouse ApcMin/+ model that develops numerous adenocarcinomas along the intestinal tract. This resulted in viable mice with almost no expression of PC5/6 in small intestine, but with no overt phenotype. The data showed that by themselves ApcMin/+ tumors express lower levels of PC5/6 mRNA, and that the lack of PC5/6 in enterocytes results in a significantly higher tumor number in the duodenum, with a similar trend in other intestinal segments. Finally, the absence of PC5/6 is also associated with a premature mortality of ApcMin/+ mice. CONCLUSION: Overall, these data suggest that intestinal PC5/6 is protective towards tumorigenesis, especially in mouse duodenum, and possibly in human colon.
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La Convention des Nations Unies contre la corruption, adoptée en 2003, est le premier outil international criminalisant la corruption de façon aussi détaillée. Ce mémoire tente d'évaluer sa portée en analysant les dispositions concernant la prévention, la criminalisation, la coopération internationale et le recouvrement d'avoirs. Il tente d’évaluer la pertinence et l'efficacité de la Convention en illustrant ses défis en matière de conformité, pour ensuite étudier d'autres outils internationaux existants qui lui font compétition. Malgré sa portée élargie, il est débattu que la Convention souffre de lacunes non négligeables qui pourraient restreindre son impact à l'égard de la conduite d'États Membres.