971 resultados para Peripheral Membrane-protein
PURPOSE: Vaccination with full-length human tumor antigens aims at inducing or increasing antitumor immune responses, including CD8 CTL in cancer patients across the HLA barrier. We have recently reported that vaccination with a recombinant tumor-specific NY-ESO-1 (ESO) protein, administered with Montanide and CpG resulted in the induction of specific integrated antibody and CD4 T cell responses in all vaccinated patients examined, and significant CTL responses in half of them. Vaccine-induced CTL mostly recognized a single immunodominant region (ESO 81-110). The purpose of the present study was to identify genetic factor(s) distinguishing CTL responders from nonresponders. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We determined the HLA class I alleles expressed by CTL responders and nonresponders using high-resolution molecular typing. Using short overlapping peptides spanning the ESO immunodominant CTL region and HLA class I/ESO peptide tetramers, we determined the epitopes recognized by the majority of vaccine-induced CTL. RESULTS: CTL induced by vaccination with ESO protein mostly recognized distinct but closely overlapping epitopes restricted by a few frequently expressed HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 alleles. All CTL responders expressed at least one of the identified alleles, whereas none of the nonresponders expressed them. CONCLUSIONS: Expression of HLA-B35 and HLA-Cw3 is associated with the induction of immunodominant CTL responses following vaccination with recombinant ESO protein. Because recombinant tumor-specific proteins are presently among the most promising candidate anticancer vaccines, our findings indicate that the monitoring of cancer vaccine trials should systematically include the assessment of HLA association with responsiveness.
The pathogenesis of hepatosplenic T-cell lymphoma (HSTL), a rare entity mostly derived from γδ T cells and usually with a fatal outcome, remains largely unknown. In this study, HSTL samples (7γδ and 2αβ) and the DERL2 HSTL cell line were subjected to combined gene-expression profiling and array-based comparative genomic hybridization. Compared with other T-cell lymphomas, HSTL had a distinct molecular signature irrespective of TCR cell lineage. Compared with peripheral T-cell lymphoma, not otherwise specified and normal γδ T cells, HSTL overexpressed genes encoding NK-cell-associated molecules, oncogenes (FOS and VAV3), the sphingosine-1-phosphatase receptor 5 involved in cell trafficking, and the tyrosine kinase SYK, whereas the tumor-suppressor gene AIM1 (absent in melanoma 1) was among the most down-expressed. We found highly methylated CpG islands of AIM1 in DERL2 cells, and decitabine treatment induced a significant increase in AIM1 transcripts. Syk was present in HSTL cells and DERL2 cells contained phosphorylated Syk and were sensitive to a Syk inhibitor in vitro. Genomic profiles confirmed recurrent isochromosome 7q (n = 6/9) without alterations at the SYK and AIM1 loci. Our results identify a distinct molecular signature for HSTL and highlight oncogenic pathways that offer rationale for exploring new therapeutic options such as Syk inhibitors and demethylating agents.
Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) is a key organizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex formation. In concert with other nonstructural proteins, it induces a specific membrane rearrangement, designated as membranous web, which serves as a scaffold for the HCV replicase. The N-terminal part of NS4B comprises a predicted and a structurally resolved amphipathic α-helix, designated as AH1 and AH2, respectively. Here, we report a detailed structure-function analysis of NS4B AH1. Circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance structural analyses revealed that AH1 folds into an amphipathic α-helix extending from NS4B amino acid 4 to 32, with positively charged residues flanking the helix. These residues are conserved among hepaciviruses. Mutagenesis and selection of pseudorevertants revealed an important role of these residues in RNA replication by affecting the biogenesis of double-membrane vesicles making up the membranous web. Moreover, alanine substitution of conserved acidic residues on the hydrophilic side of the helix reduced infectivity without significantly affecting RNA replication, indicating that AH1 is also involved in virus production. Selective membrane permeabilization and immunofluorescence microscopy analyses of a functional replicon harboring an epitope tag between NS4B AH1 and AH2 revealed a dual membrane topology of the N-terminal part of NS4B during HCV RNA replication. Luminal translocation was unaffected by the mutations introduced into AH1, but was abrogated by mutations introduced into AH2. In conclusion, our study reports the three-dimensional structure of AH1 from HCV NS4B, and highlights the importance of positively charged amino acid residues flanking this amphipathic α-helix in membranous web formation and RNA replication. In addition, we demonstrate that AH1 possesses a dual role in RNA replication and virus production, potentially governed by different topologies of the N-terminal part of NS4B.
Oligogalacturonides are plant cell wall-derived regulatory molecules which stimulate defense gene expression during pathogenesis. In vitro, these compounds enhance the phosphorylation of an approximately 34-kDa protein (pp34) in purified plasma membranes from potato and tomato leaves. We now show that polygalacturonate-enhanced phosphorylation of pp34 occurs in plasma membranes purified from tomato roots, hypocotyls, and stems and from undifferentiated potato cells. Furthermore, a similar phosphorylation is detected in leaf plasma membranes from soybean, a plant distantly related to tomato. Purified oligogalacturonides 13 to at least 26 residues long stimulate pp34 thiophosphorylation in vitro. This stimulation pattern differs from the induction of many known defense responses in vivo, where a narrower range of smaller fragments, between approximately 10 and 15 residues long, are active. On the basis of these differences we suggest that observed effects of applied exogenous oligogalacturonides on defense responses may not necessarily reflect the situation during pathogenesis. The cell wall could act as a barrier to many exogenous oligo- and polygalacturonides as well as other large regulatory ligands.
Background PPP1R6 is a protein phosphatase 1 glycogen-targeting subunit (PP1-GTS) abundant in skeletal muscle with an undefined metabolic control role. Here PPP1R6 effects on myotube glycogen metabolism, particle size and subcellular distribution are examined and compared with PPP1R3C/PTG and PPP1R3A/GM. Results PPP1R6 overexpression activates glycogen synthase (GS), reduces its phosphorylation at Ser-641/0 and increases the extracted and cytochemically-stained glycogen content, less than PTG but more than GM. PPP1R6 does not change glycogen phosphorylase activity. All tested PP1-GTS-cells have more glycogen particles than controls as found by electron microscopy of myotube sections. Glycogen particle size is distributed for all cell-types in a continuous range, but PPP1R6 forms smaller particles (mean diameter 14.4 nm) than PTG (36.9 nm) and GM (28.3 nm) or those in control cells (29.2 nm). Both PPP1R6- and GM-derived glycogen particles are in cytosol associated with cellular structures; PTG-derived glycogen is found in membrane- and organelle-devoid cytosolic glycogen-rich areas; and glycogen particles are dispersed in the cytosol in control cells. A tagged PPP1R6 protein at the C-terminus with EGFP shows a diffuse cytosol pattern in glucose-replete and -depleted cells and a punctuate pattern surrounding the nucleus in glucose-depleted cells, which colocates with RFP tagged with the Golgi targeting domain of β-1,4-galactosyltransferase, according to a computational prediction for PPP1R6 Golgi location. Conclusions PPP1R6 exerts a powerful glycogenic effect in cultured muscle cells, more than GM and less than PTG. PPP1R6 protein translocates from a Golgi to cytosolic location in response to glucose. The molecular size and subcellular location of myotube glycogen particles is determined by the PPP1R6, PTG and GM scaffolding.
The expression of microtubule-associated protein 1a (MAP1a) in the developing rat spinal cord was studied using the monoclonal antibody BW6. Immunoblots of microtubule preparations revealed the presence of MAP1a in spinal cord tissue of rats aged embryonal day 16 and postnatal day 0. The spinal cord matrix layer, between embryonal days 12-17, displayed a pattern of MAP1a-positive processes, horizontally oriented in between the membrane limitans interna and externa. The mantle layer stained intensely for MAP1a between embryonal day 12 and postnatal day 2. MAP1a was found in neuronal cell bodies, axons and dendrites, located mainly in the ventral and intermediate mantle layer. In the marginal layer, MAP1a-positive axons could be observed between embryonal days 14-18. During further development, the intensity of the MAP1a staining in the spinal columns gradually decreased. These expression patterns indicate an involvement of MAP1a in the proliferation and differentiation of neuroblasts, and the maturation of the long spinal fiber systems, i.e. early events in spinal cord development
SCG10 is a neuron-specific, membrane-associated protein that is highly concentrated in growth cones of developing neurons. Previous studies have suggested that it is a regulator of microtubule dynamics and that it may influence microtubule polymerization in growth cones. Here, we demonstrate that in vivo, SCG10 exists in both phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, two phosphoisoforms were detected in neonatal rat brain. Using in vitro phosphorylated recombinant protein, four phosphorylation sites were identified in the SCG10 sequence. Ser-50 and Ser-97 were the target sites for protein kinase A, Ser-62 and Ser-73 for mitogen-activated protein kinase and Ser-73 for cyclin-dependent kinase. We also show that overexpression of SCG10 induces a disruption of the microtubule network in COS-7 cells. By expressing different phosphorylation site mutants, we have dissected the roles of the individual phosphorylation sites in regulating its microtubule-destabilizing activity. We show that nonphosphorylatable mutants have increased activity, whereas mutants in which phosphorylation is mimicked by serine-to-aspartate substitutions have decreased activity. These data suggest that the microtubule-destabilizing activity of SCG10 is regulated by phosphorylation, and that SCG10 may link signal transduction of growth or guidance cues involving serine/threonine protein kinases to alterations of microtubule dynamics in the growth cone.
GLUT8 is a high-affinity glucose transporter present mostly in testes and a subset of brain neurons. At the cellular level, it is found in a poorly defined intracellular compartment in which it is retained by an N-terminal dileucine motif. Here we assessed GLUT8 colocalization with markers for different cellular compartments and searched for signals, which could trigger its cell surface expression. We showed that when expressed in PC12 cells, GLUT8 was located in a perinuclear compartment in which it showed partial colocalization with markers for the endoplasmic reticulum but not with markers for the trans-Golgi network, early endosomes, lysosomes, and synaptic-like vesicles. To evaluate its presence at the plasma membrane, we generated a recombinant adenovirus for the expression of GLUT8 containing an extracellular myc epitope. Cell surface expression was evaluated by immunofluorescence microscopy of transduced PC12 cells or primary hippocampal neurons exposed to different stimuli. Those included substances inducing depolarization, activation of protein kinase A and C, activation or inhibition of tyrosine kinase-linked signaling pathways, glucose deprivation, AMP-activated protein kinase stimulation, and osmotic shock. None of these stimuli-induced GLUT8 cell surface translocation. Furthermore, when GLUT8myc was cotransduced with a dominant-negative form of dynamin or GLUT8myc-expressing PC-12 cells or neurons were incubated with an anti-myc antibody, no evidence for constitutive recycling of the transporter through the cell surface could be obtained. Thus, in cells normally expressing it, GLUT8 was associated with a specific intracellular compartment in which it may play an as-yet-uncharacterized role.
AbstractPlants continuously grow during their complete life span and understanding the mechanisms that qualitatively regulate their traits remains a challenging topic in biology. The hormone auxin has been identified as a crucial molecule for shaping plant growth, as it has a role in most developmental processes. In the root, the directional, so-called polar transport of auxin generates a peak of concentration that specifies and maintains the stem cell niche and a subsequent gradient of decreasing concentration that also regulates cell proliferation and differentiation. For these reasons, auxin is considered the main morphogen of the root, as it is fundamental for its organization and maintenance. Recently, in Arabidopsis thaliana, a natural variation screen allowed the discovery of BREVIS RADIX (BRX) gene as a limiting factor for auxin responsive gene expression and thus for root growth.In this study, we discovered that BRX is a direct target of auxin that positively feeds back on auxin signaling, as a transcriptional co-regulator, through interaction with the Auxin Response Factor (ARF) MONOPTEROS (MP), modulating the auxin gene response magnitude during the transition between division and differentiation in the root meristem. Moreover, we provide evidence that BRX is activated at the plasma membrane level as an associated protein before moving into the nucleus to modulate cellular growth.To investigate the discrepancy between the auxin concentration and the expression pattern of its downstream targets, we combined experimental and computational approaches. Expression profiles deviating from the auxin gradient could only be modeled after intersection of auxin activity with the observed differential endocytosis pattern and with positive auto- regulatory feedback through plasma- membrane-to-nucleus transfer of BRX. Because BRX is required for expression of certain auxin response factor targets, our data suggest a cell-type-specific endocytosis-dependent input into transcriptional auxin perception. This input sustains expression of a subset of auxin-responsive genes across the root meristem's division and transition zones and is essential for meristem growth. Thus, the endocytosis pattern provides specific positional information to modulate auxin response. RésuméLes plantes croissent continuellement tout au long de leur cycle de vie. Comprendre et expliquer les mécanismes impliqués dans ce phénomène reste à l'heure actuelle, un défi. L'hormone auxine a été identifiée comme une molécule essentielle à la régulation de la croissance des plantes, car impliquée dans la plupart des processus développementaux. Dans la racine, le transport polaire de l'auxine, par la génération d'un pic de concentration, spécifie et maintient la niche de cellules souches, et par la génération d'un gradient de concentration, contrôle la prolifération et la différentiation cellulaire. Puisque l'auxine est essentielle pour l'organisation et la maintenance du système racinaire, il est considéré comme son principal morphogène. Récemment, dans la plante modèle, Arabidopsis thalinana, un criblage des variations génétique a permis d'identifier le gène Brevis radix (BRX) comme facteur limitant l'expression des gènes de réponse à l'auxine et par là même, la croissance de la racine.Dans ce travail, nous avons découvert que BRX est une cible direct de l'auxine qui rétroactive positivement le signalement de l'hormone, agissant ainsi comme un régulateur transcriptionnel à travers l'interaction avec la protéine Monopteros (MP) de la famille des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine (Auxin Responsive Factor, ARF), et modulant ainsi la magnitude de la réponse des gènes reliés à l'auxine durant la division et la différentiation cellulaire dans le méristème de la racine. De plus, nous fournissons des preuves que BRX est activées au niveau de la membrane plasmique, tel une protéine associée se déplaçant à l'intérieur du noyau et modulant la croissance cellulaire.Pour mener à bien l'investigation des divergences entre la concentration de l'auxine et les schémas d'expression de ses propres gènes cibles, nous avons combiné les approches expérimentales et computationnelles. Les profiles d'expressions déviant du gradient d'auxine pourraient seulement être modéliser après intersection de l'activité de l'auxine avec les schémas différentiels d'endocytose observés et les boucles de rétroaction positives et autorégulatrices par le transfert de BRX de la membrane plasmique au noyau. Puisque BRX est requis pour l'expression de certains gènes cibles des facteurs de réponse à l'auxine, nos données suggèrent une contribution dépendante d'une endocytose spécifique au type de cellule dans la perception transcriptionnelle à l'auxine Cette contribution soutient l'expression d'un sous-set de gène de réponse à l'auxine dans la division du méristème racinaire et la zone de transition, et par conséquent, est essentielle pour la croissance méristematique. Ainsi, le schéma d'endocytose fournit des informations positionnelles spécifiques à la modulation de la réponse à l'auxine.
Glutamate transport through astrocytic excitatory amino-acid transporters (EAAT)-1 and EAAT-2 is paramount for neural homeostasis. EAAT-1 has been reported in secreted extracellular microvesicles (eMV, such as exosomes) and because the protein kinase C (PKC) family controls the sub-cellular distribution of EAATs, we have explored whether PKCs drive EAATs into eMV. Using rat primary astrocytes, confocal immunofluorescence and ultracentrifugation on sucrose gradient we here report that PKC activation by phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) reorganizes EAAT-1 distribution and reduces functional [(3)H]-aspartate reuptake. Western-blots show that EAAT-1 is present in eMV from astrocyte conditioned medium, together with NaK ATPase and glutamine synthetase all being further increased after PMA treatment. However, nanoparticle tracking analysis reveals that PKC activation did not change particle concentration. Functional analysis indicates that eMV have the capacity to reuptake [(3)H]-aspartate. In vivo, we demonstrate that spinal astrocytic reaction induced by peripheral nerve lesion (spared nerve injury, SNI) is associated with a phosphorylation of PKC δ together with a shift of EAAT distribution ipsilaterally. Ex vivo, spinal explants from SNI rats release eMV with an increased content of NaK ATPase, EAAT-1 and EAAT-2. These data indicate PKC and cell activation as important regulators of EAAT-1 incorporation in eMV, and raise the possibility that microvesicular EAAT-1 may exert extracellular functions. Beyond a putative role in neuropathic pain, this phenomenon may be important for understanding neural homeostasis and a wide range of neurological diseases associated with astrocytic reaction as well as non-neurological diseases linked to eMV release.
Nonstructural protein 4B (NS4B) is a key organizer of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication complex formation. It induces a specific membrane rearrangement, designated membranous web, that serves as a scaffold for the HCV replication complex. However, the mechanisms underlying membranous web formation are poorly understood. Based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and confirmatory coimmunoprecipitation analyses, we provide evidence for an oligomerization of NS4B in the membrane environment of intact cells. Several conserved determinants were found to be involved in NS4B oligomerization, through homotypic and heterotypic interactions. N-terminal amphipathic ?-helix AH2, comprising amino acids 42 to 66, was identified as a major determinant for NS4B oligomerization. Mutations that affected the oligomerization of NS4B disrupted membranous web formation and HCV RNA replication, implying that oligomerization of NS4B is required for the creation of a functional replication complex. These findings enhance our understanding of the functional architecture of the HCV replication complex and may provide new angles for therapeutic intervention. At the same time, they expand the list of positive-strand RNA virus replicase components acting as oligomers.