1000 resultados para Partial annealing


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 Partial shading is one of the unavoidable complications in the field of solar power generation. Although the most common approach in increasing a photovoltaic (PV) array’s efficiency has always been to introduce a bypass diode to the said array, this poses another problem in the form of multi-peaks curves whenever the modules are partially shaded. To further complicate matters, most conventional Maximum Power Point Tracking methods develop errors under certain circumstances (for example, they detect the local Maximum Power Point (MPP) instead of the global MPP) and reduce the efficiency of PV systems even further. Presently, much research has been undertaken to improve upon them. This study aims to employ an evolutionary algorithm technique, also known as particle swarm optimization, in MPP detection. VC 2014 Author(s).


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Reduced order multi-functional observer design for multi-input multi-utput (MIMO) linear time-invariant (LTI) systems with constant delayed inputs is studied. This research is useful in the input estimation of LTI systems with actuator delay, as well as system monitoring and fault detection of these systems. Two approaches for designing an asymptotically stable functional observer for the system are proposed: delay-dependent and delay-free. The delay-dependent observer is infinite-dimensional, while the delay-free structure is finite-dimensional. Moreover, since the delay-free observer does not require any information on the time delay, it is more practical in real applications. However, the delay-dependent observer contains less restrictive assumptions and covers more variety of systems. The proposed observer design schemes are novel, simple to implement, and have improved numerical features compared to some of the other available approaches to design (unknown-input) functional observers. In addition, the proposed observers usually possess lower order than ordinary Luenberger observers, and the design schemes do not need the observability or detectability requirements of the system. The necessary and sufficient conditions of the existence of an asymptoticobserver in each scenario are explored. The extensions of the proposed observers to systems with multiple delayed-inputs are also discussed. Several numerical examples and simulation results are employed to support our theories.


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Single pass warm rolling and compression experiments were carried out from ambient to 800°C for ultra-low carbon (ULC) steel with ∼100 ppm carbon and interstitial free (IF) steels, both with two levels of silicon. Subsequently, annealing was done in order to recrystallize the deformed specimens. The main purpose of this study was to understand the effects of rolling temperature and silicon on stress responses and textures. This study comprises two main themes: flow stress and strain rate sensitivity during compression and shear banding and textures in warm rolled specimens. The effects of deformation temperature on in-grain shear bands were different between ULC-Si and IF-Si steels. As in previous work with more conventional steels, in-grain shear bands in the IF grade had low sensitivity to rolling temperature, while those in the ULC grade depended significantly on the deformation temperature. However, the temperature profile of shear banding in the ULC grade was approximately 150°C higher than in previous work. Deformation and recrystallisation textures for both IF and ULC grades depended on their rolling temperatures. The variation of both grain size and texture after annealing can be explained by the rise and fall of in-grain shear banding activity which is related to the strain rate sensitivity.


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Waste management is becoming a major issue for communities worldwide. Glass, being nonbiodegradable, is not suitable for addition to landfill, and as such recycling opportunities need to be investigated. Due to the high material consumption of the construction industry, the utilisation of waste glass as a partial replacement for fine aggregate in structural concrete is particularly attractive. This project aimed to determine the level of glass replacement resulting in optimal compressive strength. Three concrete samples were tested at 7 and 28 days, for glass replacement proportions of 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40%. Compressive strength was found to increase up to a level of 30%, at which point the strength developed was 9% and 6% higher than the control after 7 and 28 days respectively. This demonstrates that concrete containing up to 30% fine glass aggregate exhibits higher compressive strength development than traditional concrete.


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In Kirk v Industrial Court (NSW), the High Court determined that, based on“accepted doctrine at the time of Federation”, s 73 of the Constitutionentrenched the jurisdiction of the State Supreme Courts to review thedecisions of State decision-makers on the grounds of jurisdictional error. In anearlier article, the author argued that this reasoning was seriously flawed. Thisarticle propounds an alternative, partial justification for the holding in Kirk,based on features inherent in the text and structure of Ch III of the Constitutionat Federation and the preservation of those features in the face of thepost-Federation dismantling of the imperial legal system. It argues that animplication can be inserted into s 73 which entrenches the jurisdiction of theState Supreme Courts to review the decisions of “Lower State Courts”, but not“State Administrators”.


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© 2014 IEEE. There are three different approaches for functional observer design for Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) systems within the literature. One of the most common methods has been proposed by Aldeen [1] and further developed by others. We found several examples in which the necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a functional observer are actually not sufficient for this methodology. This finding motivated us to develop a new methodology for designing functional observers. Our new method provides enough degrees of freedom for the observer design parameter and it improves the weakness within the Aldeen's method in solving the observer coupled matrix equations. In this paper, we present the reason and an example to show the insufficiency of the former method. Furthermore, we present our new developed methodology. An illustrative algorithm also describes the design procedure step by step. A numerical example and simulation results support our findings and performance of the proposed method.


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In group decision-making problems it is common to elicit preferences from human experts in the form of pairwise preference relations. When this is extended to a fuzzy setting, entries in the pairwise preference matrix are interpreted to denote strength of preference, however once logical properties such as consistency and transitivity are enforced, the resulting preference relation requires almost as much information as providing raw scores or a complete order over the alternatives. Here we instead interpret fuzzy degrees of preference to only apply where the preference over two alternatives is genuinely fuzzy and then suggest an aggregation procedure that minimizes a generalized Kemeny distance to the nearest complete or partial order. By focusing on the fuzzy partial order, the method is less affected by differences in the natural scale over which an expert expresses their preference, and can also limit the influence of extreme scores.


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Os algoritmos baseados no paradigma Simulated Annealing e suas variações são atualmente usados de forma ampla na resolução de problemas de otimização de larga escala. Esta popularidade é resultado da estrutura extremamente simples e aparentemente universal dos algoritmos, da aplicabilidade geral e da habilidade de fornecer soluções bastante próximas da ótima. No início da década de 80, Kirkpatrick e outros apresentaram uma proposta de utilização dos conceitos de annealing (resfriamento lento e controlado de sólidos) em otimização combinatória. Esta proposta considera a forte analogia entre o processo físico de annealing e a resolução de problemas grandes de otimização combinatória. Simulated Annealing (SA) é um denominação genérica para os algoritmos desenvolvidos com base nesta proposta. Estes algoritmos combinam técnicas de busca local e de randomização. O objetivo do presente trabalho é proporcionar um entendimento das características do Simulated Annealing e facilitar o desenvolvimento de algoritmos com estas características. Assim, é apresentado como Simulated Annealing e suas variações estão sendo utilizados na resolução de problemas de otimização combinatória, proposta uma formalização através de um método de desenvolvimento de algoritmos e analisados aspectos de complexidade. O método de desenvolvimento especifica um programa abstrato para um algoritmo Simulated Annealing seqüencial, identifica funções e predicados que constituem os procedimentos deste programa abstrato e estabelece axiomas que permitem a visualização das propriedades que estes procedimentos devem satisfazer. A complexidade do Simulated Annealing é analisada a partir do programa abstrato desenvolvido e de seus principais procedimentos, permitindo o estabelecimento de uma equação genérica para a complexidade. Esta equação genérica é aplicável aos algoritmos desenvolvidos com base no método proposto. Uma prova de correção é apresentada para o programa abstrato e um código exemplo é analisado com relação aos axiomas estabelecidos. O estabelecimento de axiomas tem como propósito definir uma semântica para o algoritmo, o que permite a um desenvolvedor analisar a correção do código especificado para um algoritmo levando em consideração estes axiomas. O trabalho foi realizado a partir de um estudo introdutório de otimização combinatória, de técnicas de resolução de problemas, de um levantamento histórico do uso do Simulated Annealing, das variações em torno do modelo e de embasamentos matemáticos documentados. Isto permitiu identificar as características essenciais dos algoritmos baseados no paradigma, analisar os aspectos relacionados com estas características, como as diferentes formas de realizar uma prescrição de resfriamento e percorrer um espaço de soluções, e construir a fundamentação teórica genérica proposta.


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Data available on continuous-time diffusions are always sampled discretely in time. In most cases, the likelihood function of the observations is not directly computable. This survey covers a sample of the statistical methods that have been developed to solve this problem. We concentrate on some recent contributions to the literature based on three di§erent approaches to the problem: an improvement of the Euler-Maruyama discretization scheme, the employment of Martingale Estimating Functions, and the application of Generalized Method of Moments (GMM).


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The recent emerging market experiences have posed a challenge to the conventional wisdom that unsustainable fiscal deficits are the key to understanding financial crises in these countries. The health of the domestic banking system has emerged as the main driving force behind the perverse dynamics of partial reforms. The current paper shares this view and uses a model of contractual inefliciencies in the banking sector to understand the dynamics of these reforms. We find that the threat of a large exchange rate devaluation depends on the stock of international reserves relative to the stock of domestic credit that must be extended by the Central Bank in response to a large capital outflow. Moreover, if a country has a weak banking sector but high net reserve ratios, the capital flow reversal might only increase the vulnerability to a currency crisis without necessarily causing it. The results are in accordance with much of the empiricalliterature on the determinants of financiaI crises in emerging markets. Some aspectsof the recent policy debate on the introduction of capital controls are also analysed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A vaccine containing crude Toxoplasma gondii rhoptry proteins incorporated in the immunostimulating complexes (ISCOM) adjuvant was tested in pigs for protecting against tissue cyst formation. For this, 38 mixed breed pigs were divided into four groups, G1 (vaccinated challenged, n = 10) received two doses (100 mu g/dose) of the rhoptry vaccine at days 0 and 21, G2 (vaccinated challenged, n = 10) received viable tachyzoites (7 x 10(7)) of the RH strain at day 0, G3 (unvaccinated challenged, n = 10) and G4 (unvaccinated unchallenged, n = 8). Pigs were challenged with 4 x 10(4) VEG strain oocysts 57 days later. The G1 pigs produced high IgG antibody levels in the indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) after the second dose of rhoptry vaccine, but were not clinically protected against a high dose oocyst challenge. Partial protection was observed in G1 at the chronic phase of infection, when compared with G3. Pigs in group 2 developed high antibody levels and were protected against clinic signs. T gondii was not detected in two (G1) and three (G2) pigs by mouse bioassay. The results indicate partial protection in pigs vaccinated with a rhoptry vaccine. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The aim of this work was to compare the efficiency of total (TC) or partial (PC) collection excreta methods to determine metabolizable energy in poultry feeds. A number of 180 12- to 21-day-old broilers were distributed into two treatments of six replicates of 10 birds each. A reference-diet was formulated to supply broiler requirements, and the test-diets consisted of 60% of reference diets and 40% of corn or soybean meal. Celite was added at 1% to the diets as a marker. Excreta and diet samples were analyzed for dry matter, energy, nitrogen, and acid-insoluble ash (AIA). AME of corn determined by partial collection (PC) was higher (3544 kcal/kg) as compared to total collection (TC) (3133 kcal/kg). However, no difference were observed for soybean meal (1797 vs. 1821 kcal/kg) between both methods. Marker recovery rates in the excreta were 101, 111, and 96% for the basal-diet, and the test-diets with corn or soybean meal, respectively. This result indicates the importance of marker recovery rate in the excreta to evaluate feed AME and digestibility.


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This paper analyzes the performance of a parallel implementation of Coupled Simulated Annealing (CSA) for the unconstrained optimization of continuous variables problems. Parallel processing is an efficient form of information processing with emphasis on exploration of simultaneous events in the execution of software. It arises primarily due to high computational performance demands, and the difficulty in increasing the speed of a single processing core. Despite multicore processors being easily found nowadays, several algorithms are not yet suitable for running on parallel architectures. The algorithm is characterized by a group of Simulated Annealing (SA) optimizers working together on refining the solution. Each SA optimizer runs on a single thread executed by different processors. In the analysis of parallel performance and scalability, these metrics were investigated: the execution time; the speedup of the algorithm with respect to increasing the number of processors; and the efficient use of processing elements with respect to the increasing size of the treated problem. Furthermore, the quality of the final solution was verified. For the study, this paper proposes a parallel version of CSA and its equivalent serial version. Both algorithms were analysed on 14 benchmark functions. For each of these functions, the CSA is evaluated using 2-24 optimizers. The results obtained are shown and discussed observing the analysis of the metrics. The conclusions of the paper characterize the CSA as a good parallel algorithm, both in the quality of the solutions and the parallel scalability and parallel efficiency