968 resultados para Parafunctional habits


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Because driving is a complex task, drivers need to be sure they have the mental and physical capacity for driving safely as they experience changes with aging. Most drivers who are aware of their changing capacity to drive can adjust their driving plans and improve their driving habits to drive safer and longer.


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Formica bruni décrite en 1966 par Kutter appartient au sous-genre Coptoformica Müll. connue de Forel sous le nom de Formica pressilabris "un peu exsecta ". La biologie de cette espèce est demeurée inconnue jusqu'à nous jours. La découverte d'une nouvelle station au Bois de Chênes, près de Nyon (Vaud, Suisse), nous a poussé à entreprendre une série de travaux afin de savoir dans quelle mesure cette espèce diffère des autres espèces de Coptoformica. La zone étudiée comportait 61 nids en 1978, 18 nids habités par 7 sociétés en 1983 et 2 nids occupés par deux sociétés en juillet 1984. F. bruni est une espèce vraisemblablement polygyne et facultativement polycalique; aucune agressivité n'a été observée entre les sociétés qui, d'autre part, exploitent en commun un même territoire trophique. Les sociétés sont de petites tailles et leur territoire exploité ainsi que leur taux d'activité dépendent principalement de la quantité de nourriture à disposition. Différents facteurs susceptibles de la quasi extinction de cette espèce dans cette station sont discutés (fauchage, pâturage, etc...).


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RésuméLes champignons sont impliqués dans les cycles biogéochimiques de différentes manières. En particulier, ils sont reconnus en tant qu'acteurs clés dans la dégradation de la matière organique, comme fournisseurs d'éléments nutritifs via l'altération des minéraux mais aussi comme grands producteurs d'acide oxalique et de complexes oxalo-métalliques. Toutefois, peu de choses sont connues quant à leur contribution à la genèse d'autres types de minéraux, tel que le carbonate de calcium (CaCO3). Le CaCO3 est un minéral ubiquiste dans de nombreux écosystèmes et il joue un rôle essentiel dans les cycles biogéochimiques du carbone (C) et du calcium (Ca). Le CaCO3 peut être d'origine physico-chimique ou biogénique et de nombreux organismes sont connus pour contrôler ou induire sa biominéralisation. Les champignons ont souvent été soupçonnés d'être impliqué dans ce processus, cependant il existe très peu d'informations pour étayer cette hypothèse.Cette thèse a eu pour but l'étude de cet aspect négligé de l'impact des champignons dans les cycles biogéochimiques, par l'exploration de leur implication potentielle dans la formation d'un type particulier de CaCO3 secondaires observés dans les sols et dans les grottes des environnements calcaires. Dans les grottes, ces dépôts sont appelés moonmilk, alors que dans les sols on les appelle calcite en aiguilles. Cependant ces deux descriptions correspondent en fait au même assemblage microscopique de deux habitus particulier de la calcite: la calcite en aiguilles (au sens strict du terme cette fois-ci) et les nanofibres. Ces deux éléments sont des habitus aciculaires de la calcite, mais présentent des dimensions différentes. Leur origine, physico-chimique ou biologique, est l'objet de débats intenses depuis plusieurs années déjà.L'observation d'échantillons environnementaux avec des techniques de microscopie (microscopie électronique et micromorphologie), ainsi que de la microanalyse EDX, ont démontré plusieurs relations intéressantes entre la calcite en aiguilles, les nanofibres et des éléments organiques. Premièrement, il est montré que les nanofibres peuvent être organiques ou minérales. Deuxièmement, la calcite en aiguilles et les nanofibres présentent de fortes analogies avec des structures hyphales, ce qui permet de confirmer l'hypothèse de leur origine fongique. En outre, des expériences en laboratoire ont confirmé l'origine fongique des nanofibres, par des digestions enzymatiques d'hyphes fongiques. En effet, des structures à base de nanofibres, similaires à celles observées dans des échantillons naturels, ont pu être produites par cette approche. Finalement, des enrichissements en calcium ont été mesurés dans les parois des hyphes et dans des inclusions intrahyphales provenant d'échantillons naturels de rhizomorphes. Ces résultats suggèrent une implication de la séquestration de calcium dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et/ou des nanofibres.Plusieurs aspects restent à élucider, en particulier la compréhension des processus physiologiques impliqués dans la nucléation de calcite dans les hyphes fongiques. Cependant, les résultats obtenus dans cette thèse ont permis de confirmer l'implication des champignons dans la formation de la calcite en aiguilles et des nanofibres. Ces découvertes sont d'une grande importance dans les cycles biogéochimiques puisqu'ils apportent de nouveaux éléments dans le cycle couplé C-Ca. Classiquement, les champignons sont considérés comme étant impliqués principalement dans la minéralisation de la matière organique et dans l'altération minérale. Cette étude démontre que les champignons doivent aussi être pris en compte en tant qu'agents majeurs de la genèse de minéraux, en particulier de CaCO3. Ceci représente une toute nouvelle perspective en géomycologie quant à la participation des champignons au cycle biologique du C. En effet, la présence de ces précipitations de CaCO3 secondaires représente un court-circuit dans le cycle biologique du C puisque du C inorganique du sol se retrouve piégé dans de la calcite plutôt que d'être retourné dans l'atmosphère.AbstractFungi are known to be involved in biogeochemical cycles in numerous ways. In particular, they are recognized as key players in organic matter recycling, as nutrient suppliers via mineral weathering, as well as large producers of oxalic acid and metal-oxalate. However, little is known about their contribution to the genesis of other types of minerals such as calcium carbonate (CaCO3). Yet, CaC03 are ubiquitous minerals in many ecosystems and play an essential role in the biogeochemical cycles of both carbon (C) and calcium (Ca). CaC03 may be physicochemical or biogenic in origin and numerous organisms have been recognized to control or induce calcite biomineralization. While fungi have often been suspected to be involved in this process, only scarce information support this hypothesis.This Ph.D. thesis aims at investigating this disregarded aspect of fungal impact on biogeochemical cycles by exploring their possible implication in the formation of a particular type of secondary CaC03 deposit ubiquitously observed in soils and caves from calcareous environments. In caves, these deposits are known as moonmilk, whereas in soils, they are known as Needle Fibre Calcite (NFC - sensu lato). However, they both correspond to the same microscopic assemblage of two distinct and unusual habits of calcite: NFC {sensu stricto) and nanofibres. Both features are acicular habits of calcite displaying different dimensions. Whether these habits are physicochemical or biogenic in origin has been under discussion for a long time.Observations of natural samples using microscopic techniques (electron microscopy and micromorphology) and EDX microanalyses have demonstrated several interesting relationships between NFC, nanofibres, and organic features. First, it has shown that nanofibres can be either organic or minera! in nature. Second, both nanofibres and NFC display strong structural analogies with fungal hyphal features, supporting their fungal origin. Furthermore, laboratory experiments have confirmed the fungal origin of nanofibres through an enzymatic digestion of fungal hyphae. Indeed, structures made of nanofibres with similar features as those observed in natural samples have been produced. Finally, calcium enrichments have been measured in both cell walls and intrahyphal inclusions of hyphae from rhizomorphs sampled in the natural environment. These results point out an involvement of calcium sequestration in nanofibres and/or NFC genesis.Several aspects need further investigation, in particular the understanding of the physiological processes involved in hyphal calcite nucleation. However, the results obtained during this study have allowed the confirmation of the implication of fungi in the formation of both NFC and nanofibres. These findings are of great importance regarding global biogeochemical cycles as they bring new insights into the coupled C and Ca cycles. Conventionally, fungi are considered to be involved in organic matter mineralization and mineral weathering. In this study, we demonstrate that they must also be considered as major agents in mineral genesis, in particular CaC03. This is a completely new perspective in geomycology regarding the role of fungi in the short-term (or biological) C cycle. Indeed, the presence of these secondary CaC03 precipitations represents a bypass in the short- term carbon cycle, as soil inorganic C is not readily returned to the atmosphere.


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Fertilization and/or the accumulation of organic matter from plant residues can influence the composition of soil and litter community. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of P and K fertilization on total faunal and nematode faunal composition and richness in plant litter and soil for 360 days in an area reforested with Acacia auriculiformis (A. Cunn), located in the municipality of Conceição de Macabu in the State of Rio de Janeiro. For each treatment (fertilized and unfertilized plots), samples of litter and soil (to a depth of 5 cm) were collected and transferred into a Berlese-Tüllgren funnels for the extraction of fauna. Mesofauna and macrofauna were quantified, and the major taxa identified. Nematodes were extracted by centrifugal flotation in sucrose solution and identified according to feeding habits. Density (number of individuals m-2) of total fauna, microphages, social insects and saprophages varied significantly per treatment and sampling time in both litter and soil. The total number of individuals collected was 5,127, and the total number of nematodes 894. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization resulted in an increase in total fauna density and richness in the litter due to an increased abundance of social insects, saprophages and herbivores. In the soil, fertilization increased the saprophage and predator densities. Saprophages were the predominant taxa in the litter, while social insects (Formicidae) prevailed in the soil. Litter nematode populations were favored by mineral fertilization. Bacteriophages were the predominant nematode group in both litter and soil.


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Selection of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars with enhanced root growth would be a strategy for increasing P uptake and grain yield in tropical soils, but the strong plasticity of root traits may compromise their inclusion in breeding programs. The aim of this study was to evaluate the magnitude of the genotypic variability of root traits in common bean plants at two ontogenetic stages and two soil P levels. Twenty-four common bean genotypes, comprising the four growth habits that exist in the species and two wild genotypes, were grown in 4 kg pots at two levels of applied P (20 and 80 mg kg-1) and harvested at the stages of pod setting and early pod filling. Root area and root length were measured by digital image analysis. Significant genotype × P level and genotype × harvest interactions in analysis of variance indicate that the genotypic variation of root traits depended on soil nutrient availability and the stage at which evaluation was made. Genotypes differed for taproot mass, basal and lateral root mass, root area and root length at both P levels and growth stages; differences in specific root area and length were small. Genotypes with growth habits II (upright indeterminate) and III (prostrate indeterminate) showed better adaptation to limited P supply than genotypes of groups I (determinate) and IV (indeterminate climbing). Between the two harvests, genotypes of groups II and III increased the mass of basal and lateral roots by 40 and 50 %, respectively, whereas genotypes of groups I and IV by only 7 and 19 %. Values of the genotypic coefficient of determination, which estimates the proportion of phenotypic variance resulting from genetic effects, were higher at early pod filling than at pod setting. Correlations between shoot mass and root mass, which could indicate indirect selection of root systems via aboveground biomass, were higher at early pod filling than at pod setting. The results indicate that selection for root traits in common bean genotypes should preferentially be performed at the early pod-filling stage.


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Background and Aims: The three anti-TNF agents infliximab (IFX), adalimumab (ADA) andcertolizumab pegol (CZP) have demonstrated similar efficacy in induction and maintenanceof response and remission in Crohn's disease (CD) treatment. Given the comparability ofthese drugs, patient's preferences may influence the choice of the product. However, dataon patient's preferences for choosing anti-TNF agents are lacking. We therefore aimed toassess the CD patient's appraisal to select the drug of his choice and to identify factorsguiding this decision.Methods: A prospective survey among anti-TNF-naive CD patientswas performed. Patients were provided a description of the three anti-TNF agents focusingon indication, application mode (s.c. vs. i.v.), application time intervals, setting of application(hospital vs. private practice vs. patient's home), average time to apply the medication permonth, typical side effects, and the scientific evidence of efficacy and safety available for everydrug. Patients answered a questionnaire consisting of 17 questions, covering demographic,disease-specific, and medication data.Results: Hundred patients (47f/53m, mean age 45±16years) completed the questionnaire. Disease duration was <1year in 7%, 1-5 years in 31%,and >5 years in 62% of patients. Disease location was ileal in 33%, colonic in 40%, andileocolonic in 27%. Disease phenotype was inflammatory in 68%, stenosing in 29%, andinternally fistulizing in 3% of patients. Additionally, 20% had perianal fistulizing disease.Patients were already treated with the following drugs: mesalamines 61%, budesonide 44%,prednisone 97%, thiopurines 78%, methotrexate 16%. In total, 30% had already heardabout IFX, 20% about ADA, and 11% about CZP. Thirty-six percent voted for treatmentwith ADA, 28% for CZP, and 25% for IFX, whereas 11% were undecided. The followingfactors influenced the patient's decision for choosing a specific anti-TNF drug (severalanswers possible): side effects 76%, physician's recommendation 66%, application mode54%, efficacy experience 52%, time to spend for therapy 27%, patient's recommendations21%, interactions with other medications 12%. The single most important factor for choosinga specific anti-TNF was (1 answer): side effect profile 35%, physician's recommendation22%, efficacy experience 21%, application mode 13%, patient's recommendations 5%, timespent for therapy 3%, interaction with other medications 1%.Conclusions: The majority ofpatients preferred anti-TNF syringes to infusions. The safety profile of the drugs and thephysician's recommendation are major factors influencing the patient's choice for a specificanti-TNF drug. Patient's issues about safety and lifestyle habits should be taken into accountwhen prescribing specific anti-TNF formulations.


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Comment on: Blouin C, Chopra M, van der Hoeven R.Trade and social determinants of health. Lancet. 2009;373(9662):502-7. PMID: 19167058.