985 resultados para Palmerín de Oliva


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... El Discreto. Oráculo manual y arte de prudencia. El héroe / Baltasar Gracian.


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At foot of t.p.: José de los Santos Berrelleza.


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Este artigo objetiva a expor a lógica de um modelo de avaliação de desempenho individual focado apenas em atitudes, sem integração com a estratégia, utilizado por um Banco Brasileiro de Desenvolvimento (BD). A literatura tem enfatizado a necessidade de consistência entre critérios de avaliação do desempenho individual e a estratégia, com base na visão de que a estratégia deve ser o centro de todas as ações da empresa. Este artigo questiona essa perspetiva mediante análise da experiência do BD estatal, cujo modelo de avaliação de desempenho individual não busca o alinhamento à estratégia empresarial mas sim a melhoria da qualidade no trabalho, considerada essencial ao seu negócio. A metodologia de pesquisa se baseou em uma abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Além de entrevistas e pesquisa documental, utilizou-se de estatística descritiva para analisar os resultados da avaliação de desempenho dos 5659 funcionários do BD em 2010, que obteve a média de 8,9 pontos. Os resultados mostraram que o BD prefere utilizar uma lógica peculiar de avaliação individual de desempenho, que é dissociada da estratégia e das metas da organização, enfatizando a promoção de um clima organizacional harmonioso.


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O presente artigo apresenta o resultado de uma pesquisa realizada junto a empresas brasileiras de transporte rodoviário de cargas perigosas, avaliadas pelo Sistema de Avaliação de Saúde, Segurança, Meio Ambiente e Qualidade – Sassmaq, que foi implantado em 2005 pela Associação Brasileira da Indústria Química – Abiquim. O objetivo foi investigar mudanças ocorridas na atuação gerencial a partir dessa implantação, considerada uma ferramenta de gestão ambiental. Este estudo exploratório, de natureza quantitativa, foi realizado por meio de pesquisa de campo, utilizando um instrumento elaborado pelos pesquisadores e validado por especialistas. Partiu-se da totalidade de 458 empresas certificadas, obtendo-se retorno de 76 questionários respondidos. Os dados foram tratados pelo teste Qui-quadrado e concluiu-se que há uma relação entre a implantação do Sassmaq e as mudanças na atuação gerencial, advindas, sobretudo, da incorporação da responsabilidade socioambiental por parte da alta administração das organizações pesquisadas.


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We here describe the rostrum of a pliosaur from the Kimmeridgian of northeastern Mexico. The specimen comes from the Upper Jurassic La Casita Formation (Kimmeridgian - Tithonian) and represents one of the few Plesiosauria in the area. The internal anatomy of the specimen is partly visible through cross-sections, which reveal a hitherto undescribed rostral prolongation of a paired bone of the interorbital area, probably the parietal or frontal beneath the premaxillae. The specimen also provides new information on the morphology and function of the choanae. In light of these morphological data, the new pliosaur shows similarities both with the European Late Jurassic genus Pliosaurus and the Australian Early Cretaceous Kronosaurus.


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Esse estudo se propõe analisar se a participação dos indivíduos em programas pertencentes à Educação Corporativa apresenta efeitos sobre a carreira e sobre o desenvolvimento pessoal dos colaboradores. Em âmbito teórico, tomam-se os trabalhos de Dutra (2002), Fleury (1997), Guns (1998) entre outros para tratar da temática de aprendizagem e as obras de Beschizza (2005), Gunz (2007) e Hall (2002) para a questão da carreira. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de cunho, exploratório, em uma organização do segmento de transportes de cargas. Participaram do estudo líderes departamentais, sendo que para obtenção de dados foi utilizada uma entrevista baseada em roteiro semiestruturado. Como resultados, identificaram-se os caminhos da educação corporativa e desenvolvimento da carreira. Desta forma, foi possível caracterizar um modelo e exemplo prático de educação corporativa às empresas de transportes de cargas, contribuindo para a formação de uma cultura organizacional. Conclui-se que se têm efeitos sobre a participação dos colaboradores nos programas de Educação Corporativa.


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Este trabalho analisa os caminhos percorridos pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior na utilização da Internet como intermediadora da relação com os veículos de comunicação. O objeto de estudo são as Salas de Imprensa Virtuais de seis universidades paulistas e, a partir da descrição e análise desses espaços, buscou-se destacar se estão sendo amplamente utilizados em todo seu potencial comunicativo. A principal motivação deste trabalho foi sanar uma lacuna quanto a um panorama de como esta ferramenta de comunicação está sendo utilizada no País a partir da experiência universitária. As Salas de Imprensa foram investigadas a partir de Estudo de Casos Múltiplos, com análise comparativa de seus conteúdos e vivências, além de informações coletadas em entrevistas com especialistas, equipes de Comunicação e reitores das Universidades. O diagnóstico da experiência universitária evidencia muitos equívocos na utilização dessa ferramenta, principalmente quanto à interatividade, pois muitos deles não disponibilizam serviços de interação com o jornalista via web. Os resultados deste estudo alertam para a implementação das Salas de Imprensa Virtuais com toda a potencialidade que a Internet oferece.(AU)


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A pesquisa teve como objetivo geral analisar as principais razões pelas quais as empresas públicas paulistas utilizam coaching e mentoring como práticas de compartilhamento de conhecimento. No ano de 2009, foi instituído pelo governador do Estado de São Paulo, o decreto nº 53.963 que instituiu a Política de Gestão do Conhecimento e Inovação para as empresas públicas. Kuniyoshi e Santos (2007) realizaram uma pesquisa, na qual identificaram práticas e iniciativas de gestão do conhecimento adotadas por algumas empresas, dentre elas, coaching e mentoring. As práticas são processos que necessitam de investimento não somente financeiro, mas de tempo e pessoas adequadas, por serem processos mais complexos, instigam a investigação de ações no contexto organizacional de empresas públicas. Este estudo busca contribuir para o desenvolvimento de estudos na área pública. O método utilizado neste estudo de abordagem qualitativa é do tipo exploratória. O objeto desta pesquisa foram as empresas públicas paulistas, que, atualmente, somam 21. Foi realizado estudo de caso, com entrevista e análise documental em duas destas empresas, A Sabesp, empresa do segmento de saneamento de água e esgoto, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de coaching e, o Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológicas (IPT), referência nacional em metrologia, teve como objetivo analisar a prática de mentoring. Uma vez que não existem práticas exclusivas à Gestão do Conhecimento, e o sucesso de uma prática está relacionado ao contexto na qual está inserida. No caso da Sabesp, a prática de coaching é utilizada como uma das atividades dentro de dois programas, visando desenvolver o capital humano como força competitiva. O IPT teve como objetivo da aplicação do programa de mentoring, especificamente, o compartilhar conhecimento tácito. Foi constatado que as práticas de coaching e mentoring podem ser utilizadas como recurso capaz de tornar a empresa singular perante as demais, mesmo empresas públicas não tendo foco em competitividade, mas utilizam o conhecimento de forma estratégica para melhorar a qualidade de atendimento à sociedade.


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This article reports on a conversation between 12 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) psychologists at the first international LGBT Psychology Summer Institute at the University of Michigan in August 2009. Participants discuss how their work in LGBT psychology is affected by national policy, funding and academic contexts and the transnational influence of the US-based stigma model of LGBT psychology. The challenges and possibilities posed by internationalism are discussed with reference to the dominance of the United States, the cultural limits of terms such as 'lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender', intergenerational communication between researchers and the role of events such as the Summer Institute in creating an international community of LGBT psychologists. © 2010 Taylor & Francis.


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This dissertation analyzes whether and how changes in federal tax policy affect local tax policies, specifically, the elimination of the federal deductibility of state and local taxes for individual taxpayers by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 (TRA86) in 59 California cities. Two methods are used in the study: a survey of local revenue officials and a time event time-series/cross sectional sales tax reliance study.^ The reliance study uses a covariance model to pool cross-section and time-series observations. The results of the reliance study indicate a statistically significant overall decline in sales tax reliance after 1986. The results of the survey indicate that local policy makers generally do not believe that federal deductibility is an important factor when considering raising local sales taxes. Further analysis shows that local revenue officials claiming federal deductibility is not an important factor are associated mostly with cities that registered no significant decline in sales tax reliance after 1986. Similarly, local revenue officials claiming federal deductibility is an important factor when considering local tax policy are associated mostly with cities that suffered a significant decline in sales tax reliance after 1986.^ Of that group, further analysis shows that the declines in sales tax reliance are associated mostly with cities located in the southwestern part of the state. When compared to other cities in the state, an analysis of variance reveals that there are a series of statistically significant factors associated with southwestern cities which may contribute to the decline in sales tax reliance following the enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986. ^


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Freshwater ecosystems have been recognized as important components of the global carbon cycle, and the flux of organic matter (OM) from freshwater to marine environments can significantly affect estuarine and coastal productivity. The focus of this study was the assessment of carbon dynamics in two aquatic environments, namely the Florida Everglades and small prairie streams in Kansas, with the aim of characterizing the biogeochemistry of OM. In the Everglades, particulate OM (POM) is mostly found as a layer of flocculent material (floc). While floc is believed to be the main energy source driving trophic dynamics in this oligotrophic wetland, not much is known about its biogeochemistry. The objective of this study was to determine the origin/sources of OM in floc using biomarkers and pigment-based chemotaxonomy to assess specific biomass contributions to this material, on a spatial (freshwater marshes vs. mangrove fringe) and seasonal (wet vs. dry) scales. It was found that floc OM is derived from the local vegetation (mainly algal components and macrophyte litter) and its composition is controlled by seasonal drivers of hydrology and local biomass productivity. Photo-reactivity experiments showed that light exposure on floc resulted in photo-dissolution of POC with the generation of significant amounts of both dissolved OM (DOM) and nutrients (N & P), potentially influencing nutrient dynamics in this ecosystem. The bio-reactivity experiments determined as the amount and rate of CO2 evolution during incubation were found to vary on seasonal and spatial scales and were highly influenced by phosphorus limitation. Not much is known on OM dynamics in small headwater streams. The objective of this study was to determine carbon dynamics in sediments from intermittent prairie streams, characterized by different vegetation cover for their watershed (C4 grasses) vs. riparian zone (C3 plants). In this study sedimentary OM was characterized using a biomarker and compound specific carbon stable isotope approach. It was found that the biomarker composition of these sediments is dominated by higher plant inputs from the riparian zone, although inputs from adjacent prairie grasses were also apparent. Conflicting to some extent with the River Continuum Concept, sediments of the upper reaches contained more degraded OM, while the lower reaches were enriched in fresh material deriving from higher plants and plankton sources as a result of hydrological regimes and particle sorting.


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This study demonstrates the compositional heterogeneity of a protein-like fluorescence emission signal (T-peak; excitation/emission maximum at 280/325 nm) of dissolved organic matter (DOM) samples collected from subtropical river and estuarine environments. Natural water samples were collected from the Florida Coastal Everglades ecosystem. The samples were ultrafiltered and excitation–emission fluorescence matrices were obtained. The T-peak intensity correlated positively with N concentration of the ultrafiltered DOM solution (UDON), although, the low correlation coefficient (r2=0.140, p<0.05) suggested the coexistence of proteins with other classes of compounds in the T-peak. As such, the T-peak was unbundled on size exclusion chromatography. The elution curves showed that the T-peak was composed of two compounds with distinct molecular weights (MW) with nominal MWs of about >5×104 (T1) and ∼7.6×103 (T2) and with varying relative abundance among samples. The T1-peak intensity correlated strongly with [UDON] (r2=0.516, p<0.001), while T2-peak did not, which suggested that the T-peak is composed of a mixture of compounds with different chemical structures and ecological roles, namely proteinaceous materials and presumably phenolic moieties in humic-like substances. Natural source of the latter may include polyphenols leached from senescent plant materials, which are important precursors of humic substances. This idea is supported by the fact that polyphenols, such as gallic acid, an important constituent of hydrolysable tannins, and condensed tannins extracted from red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) leaves exhibited the fluorescence peak in the close vicinity of the T-peak (260/346 and 275/313 nm, respectively). Based on this study the application of the T-peak as a proxy for [DON] in natural waters may have limitations in coastal zones with significant terrestrial DOM input.


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We describe the fate of mangrove leaf tannins in aquatic ecosystems and their possible influence on dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) cycling. Tannins were extracted and purified from senescent yellow leaves of the red mangrove (Rhizophora mangle) and used for a series of model experiments to investigate their physical and chemical reactivity in natural environments. Physical processes investigated included aggregation, adsorption to organic matter-rich sediments, and co-aggregation with DON in natural waters. Chemical reactions included structural change, which was determined by excitation–emission matrix fluorescence spectra, and the release of proteins from tannin–protein complexes under solar-simulated light exposure. A large portion of tannins can be physically eliminated from aquatic environments by precipitation in saline water and also by binding to sediments. A portion of DON in natural water can coprecipitate with tannins, indicating that mangrove swamps can influence DON cycling in estuarine environments. The chemical reactivity of tannins in natural waters was also very high, with a half-life of less than 1 d. Proteins were released gradually from tannin–protein complexes incubated under light conditions but not under dark conditions, indicating a potentially buffering role of tannin– protein complexes on DON recycling in mangrove estuaries. Although tannins are not detected at a significant level in natural waters, they play an important ecological role by preserving nitrogen and buffering its cycling in estuarine ecosystems through the prevention of rapid DON export/loss from mangrove fringe areas and/or from rapid microbial mineralization.


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This study shows that light exposure of flocculent material (floc) from the Florida Coastal Everglades (FCE) results in significant dissolved organic matter (DOM) generation through photo-dissolution processes. Floc was collected at two sites along the Shark River Slough (SRS) and irradiated with artificial sunlight. The DOM generated was characterized using elemental analysis and excitation emission matrix fluorescence coupled with parallel factor analysis. To investigate the seasonal variations of DOM photo-generation from floc, this experiment was performed in typical dry (April) and wet (October) seasons for the FCE. Our results show that the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) for samples incubated under dark conditions displayed a relatively small increase, suggesting that microbial processes and/or leaching might be minor processes in comparison to photo-dissolution for the generation of DOM from floc. On the other hand, DOC increased substantially (as much as 259 mgC gC−1) for samples exposed to artificial sunlight, indicating the release of DOM through photo-induced alterations of floc. The fluorescence intensity of both humic-like and protein-like components also increased with light exposure. Terrestrial humic-like components were found to be the main contributors (up to 70%) to the chromophoric DOM (CDOM) pool, while protein-like components comprised a relatively small percentage (up to 16%) of the total CDOM. Simultaneously to the generation of DOC, both total dissolved nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus also increased substantially during the photo-incubation period. Thus, the photo-dissolution of floc can be an important source of DOM to the FCE environment, with the potential to influence nutrient dynamics in this system.