986 resultados para Palissy, Bernard, 1510?-1590.


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The rate and type of biological colonization of stone is influenced by a wide array of environmental factors in addition to substrate characteristics. A series of experiments was designed to compare the rate and type of biological colonization of stone at varying locations over a 21-month time period. Exposure
trials were set up at nine different sites across Northern Ireland that covered a wide variety of environmental conditions. To determine aspect-related differences in colonization, blocks of Peakmoor sandstone and Portland limestone were placed on the north- and south-facing sides of purpose-designed exposure racks. Colorimetry and visual analysis were carried out on collected samples at increasing time intervals. Results showed significantly different rates of darkening and greening over time between north-facing and south-facing blocks, for both sandstone and limestone. This difference is likely to be representative of the fact that in Northern Ireland’s wet climate and northern-latitude position, the north face of a building will receive less direct sunlight. Therefore north-facing blocks, once wet, will remain damp for much longer than blocks on other façades. This slow-drying phenomenon is much more hospitable for biological colonization and continued growth than the hostile environment of rapid wetting and drying cycles experienced on the south face.


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Studies demonstrate the active and passive capability of lichens to inhibit or retard the weathering of calcareous surfaces. Lichen coverage may actively protect a surface through shielding by the thallus and the binding and waterproofing of the rock surface and subsurface by fungal hyphae. Passive protection of rock surfaces may be induced by the formation of an insoluble encrustation, such as calcium oxalate, at the lichen-rock interface. Recent research suggests that the decay of hyphae, induced by changes in microenvironmental conditions, necrosis, parasitism or the natural physiological traits of particular lichen species, may expose a chemically and physically weakened substrate to dissolution triggering relatively rapid weathering-related surface lowering. Consequently, certain epilithic crustose and endolithic lichens may induce a period of surface stability throughout the course of their lifespan, followed by a phase of instability and rapid episodic microtopographical evolution after death and decay. A series of conceptual models is proposed to illustrate this idea over short (single lichen lifespan) and long (multiple lichen lifespans) timescales. The models suggest that the microscale biogeomorphological system of lichen-rock interaction is underpinned by nonlinear dynamical system theory as it exhibits dynamical instability and is consequently difficult to predict over a long timescale. Dominance by biodeterioration or bioprotection may be altered by changes in lichen species or in environmental conditions over time.


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It has long been accepted that thermal and moisture regimes within stonework exert a major influence upon patterns of salt movement and, subsequently, the type and severity of salt-induced decay. For example, it is suggested that slow drying is more likely to bring dissolved salts to the surface, whereas rapid drying could result in the retention of some salt at or near the frequent wetting depth. In reality however, patterns of heating, cooling and surface wetting regimes that drive them – are complex and inconsistent responses to a wide range of environmental controls. As a first step to understanding the complexity of these relationships, this paper reports a series of experiments within a climatic cabinet designed to replicate the effects of short-term temperature fluctuations on the surface and sub-surface temperature regimes of a porous Jurassic limestone, and how they are influenced by surface wetting, ambient temperature and surface airflow. Preliminary results confirm the significance of very steep temperature/stress gradients within the outer centimetre or less of exposed stone under short-duration cycles of heating and cooling. This is important because this is the zone in which many stone decay processes, particularly salt weathering, operate, these processes invariably respond to temperature and moisture fluctuations, and short-term interruptions to insolation could, for example,
trigger these fluctuations on numerous occasions over a day. The data also indicate that there are complex patterns of temperature reversal with depth that are influenced in their intensity and location by surface wetting and moisture penetration, airflow across the surface and ambient air temperature. The presence of multiple temperature reversals and their variation over the course of heating and cooling phases belies previous assumtions of smooth, exponential increases and decreases in subsurface temperatures in response, for example to diurnal patterns of heating and cooling


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The monitoring of temperature and moisture changes in response to different micro-environment of building stones is essential to understand the material behaviour and the degradation mechanisms. From a practical point of view, having a continuous and detailed understanding of micro-environmental changes in building stones helps to assist in their maintenance and repair strategies. Temperature within the stone is usually monitored by means of thermistors, whereas wide ranges of techniques are available for monitoring the moisture. In the case of concrete an electrical resistance method has previously been used as an inexpensive tool for monitoring moisture changes. This paper describes the adaptation of this technique and describes its further development for monitoring moisture movement in building stones.
In this study a block of limestone was subjected to intermittent infrared radiation with programmed cycles of ambient temperature, rainfall and wind conditions in an automated climatic chamber. The temperature and moisture changes at different depths within the stone were monitored by means of bead thermistors and electrical resistance sensors. This experiment has helped to understand the thermal conductivity and moisture transport from surface into deeper parts of the stone at different simulated extreme climatic conditions. Results indicated that variations in external ambient conditions could substantially affect the moisture transport and temperature profile within the micro-environment of building stones and hence they could have a significant impact on stone decay.


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Weathering of stone is one of the major reasons for the damage of stone masonry structures and it takes place due to interlinked chemical, physical and biological processes in stones. The key parameters involved in the deterioration processes are temperature, moisture and salt. It is now known that the sudden variations in temperature and moisture greatly accelerate the weathering process of the building stone fabric. Therefore, in order to monitor these sudden variations an effective and continuous monitoring system is needed. Furthermore, it must consist of robust sensors which are accurate and can survive in the harsh environments experienced in and around masonry structures. Although salt penetration is important for the rate of deterioration of stone masonry structures, the processes involved are much slower than the damage associated with temperature and moisture variations. Therefore, in this paper a novel fibre optic temperature cum relative humidity sensor is described and its applicability in monitoring building stones demonstrated. The performance of the sensor is assessed in an experiment comprising wetting and drying of limestone blocks. The results indicate that the novel fibre optic relative humidity sensor which is tailor made for applications in masonry structures performed well in wetting and drying tests, whilst commercial capacitance based sensors failed to recover during the drying regime for a long period after a wetting regime. That is, the fibre optic sensor has the capability to measure both sorption and de-sorption characteristics of stone blocks. This sensor is used in a test wall in Oxford and the data thus obtained strengthened the laboratory observations.


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Several studies with erythropoiesis-stimulating agents claim that maintenance therapy of renal anaemia may be possible at extended dosing intervals; however, few studies were randomized, results varied, and comparisons between agents were absent. We report results of a multi-national, randomized, prospective trial comparing haemoglobin maintenance with methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoetin beta and darbepoetin alfa administered once monthly.


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The treatment of ischaemic stroke with neuroprotective drugs has been unsuccessful, and whether these compounds can be used to reduce disability after recurrent stroke is unknown. The putative neuroprotective effects of antiplatelet compounds and the angiotensin II receptor antagonist telmisartan were investigated in the Prevention Regimen for Effectively Avoiding Second Strokes (PRoFESS) trial.


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Prolonged lowering of blood pressure after a stroke reduces the risk of recurrent stroke. In addition, inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in high-risk patients reduces the rate of subsequent cardiovascular events, including stroke. However, the effect of lowering of blood pressure with a renin-angiotensin system inhibitor soon after a stroke has not been clearly established. We evaluated the effects of therapy with an angiotensin-receptor blocker, telmisartan, initiated early after a stroke.


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Recurrent stroke is a frequent, disabling event after ischemic stroke. This study compared the efficacy and safety of two antiplatelet regimens--aspirin plus extended-release dipyridamole (ASA-ERDP) versus clopidogrel.


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The p53 family of transcription factors is made up of p53, p63 and p73, which share significant structural homology. In particular, transcriptional complexity and the expression of multiple protein isoforms are an emergent trait of all family members. p63 is the evolutionarily eldest member of the p53 family and the various isoforms have critical roles in the development of stratifying epithelia. Recent results have uncovered additional splice variants, adding to the complexity of the transcriptional architecture of p63. These observations and the emerging extensive interplay between p63 and p53 in development, proliferation and differentiation underline the importance of considering all isoforms and family members in studies of the function of p53 family members.


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Data on rock temperatures has previously been collected to characterise typical diurnal regimes, and more recently to describe short-term variability in extreme locations. However, there is also the case that little is understood concerning the impact of extreme events in otherwise temperate environments. Internal stone temperatures (5?cm) collected during the atypical cold extreme experienced, throughout the UK, in December 2010 show a difference between ambient air temperatures and aspect-related thermal differences, particularly concerning temperature lows and the influence of radiative heating. In this case, debris release was not visible; however, laboratory simulations have shown that under such conditions, surface loss does not necessarily negate the occurrence of internal stone modifications. This preparatory sequence of change demonstrates that surface loss is not the result of one process, but rather many operating over time to sufficiently decrease stone strength to facilitate obvious damage.


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Seven-transmembrane receptors (7TMRs), also termed G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs), form the largest class of cell surface membrane receptors, involving several hundred members in the human genome. Near 30% of marketed pharmacological agents target 7TMRs. 7TMRs adopt multiple conformations upon agonist binding. Biased agonists, in contrast to non-biased agonists, are believed to stabilize conformations preferentially activating either G-protein- or ß-arrestin-dependent signalling pathways. However, proof that cognate conformations of receptors display structural differences within their binding site where biased agonism initiates, are still lacking. Here, we show that a non-biased agonist, cholecystokinin (CCK) induces conformational states of the CCK2R activating Gq-protein-dependent pathway (CCK2RG) or recruiting ß-arrestin2 (CCK2Rß) that are pharmacologically and structurally distinct. Two structurally unrelated antagonists competitively inhibited both pathways. A third ligand (GV150,013X), acted as a high affinity competitive antagonist on CCK2RG but was nearly inefficient as inhibitor of CCK2Rß. Several structural elements on both GV150,013X and in CCK2R binding cavity, which hinder binding of GV150,013X only to the CCK2Rß were identified. At last, proximity between two conserved amino acids from transmembrane helices 3 and 7 interacting through sulphur-aromatic interaction was shown to be crucial for selective stabilization of the CCK2Rß state. These data establish structural evidences for distinct conformations of a 7TMR associated with ß-arrestin-2 recruitment or G-protein coupling and validate relevance of the design of biased ligands able to selectively target each functional conformation of 7TMRs.