1000 resultados para PRODUCTION


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The study was conducted to investigate the communities perception and compliance to community-based fisheries management (CBFM) in Turag-Bangshi floodplains under Kaliakoir, Gazipur District. Measures such as ban on use of the harmful fishing gears, seasonal fishing closure, halt of fry fishing, halt of dewatering of beels and the impact of establishment of sanctuaries on fish production and species diversity were introduced by MACH project. Almost all members of the communities in Turag-Bangshi MACH (Management of Aquatic Ecosystem through Community Husbandry) site welcomed the introduction and complied with the implementation of all management measures which helped stopped use of harmful fishing gears, ensured survival and breeding of brood fish in the rainy season, protected and allowed fry to grow big, restored lost and degraded fisheries and organized communities for sustainable development of the fisheries. A total of 51 species of fishes were found in Makosh beel (natural depression). Among these, small indigenous species (SIS) under Cyprinidae family (Puntius sophore) was the most dominant. Many species available in the past recorded disappeared from the Makosh beel due to loss of habitat and industrial pollution that damaged spawning and nursery grounds of fish. Introduction of some selective native endangered species (Nandus nandus, Notopterus notopterus, Ompok pabda and Labeo calbasu) by MACH in the Turag-Bangshi water bodies increased diversity of species from 82 to 95. Over a period of five years during MACH intervention, the average production remained nearly 200% higher than the baseline production of 57 kg/ha to present 207 kg/ha due to maintaining sanctuaries and the closed fishing seasons. Per capita daily fish consumption of the surrounding communities also increased by 78% (from 27 to 48 g/person/day) which is much higher than the national average fish consumption in Bangladesh. The implementation of community-based MACH project management measures substantially improved fish habitat, production, consumption and socio-economic conditions of the surrounding communities. The model can be used to improve the floodplains of Bangladesh.


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Currently our government and the private sectors are very much interested in the establishment of marine aquaculture. For the successful operation in aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes, the basic requirement is the suitable diet, apart from proper environment. For the larvae, juveniles and adult stages of the culturing organisms the live Artemia is the ideal food. The aquaculturists the worldover are using live food for their culturing organisms, as the live food played an important role in the dietary management of aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes (Sorgeloos and Kulasekarapandian, 1984), particularly during larval stages. The live nauplii of Artemia are used in aquaculture of finfishes and shellfishes due to being nutritionally balanced, non polluting, economically bearable, viable and readily acceptable to the culturing species. The adult Artemia is also used for feeding the aquarium fishes particularly so when there is a clear abundance of this resource which is cheaper and can economically compete with alternative artificial diet. By the use of Artemia the aquaculturists may obtain optimum growth and survival rate of the organisms. The life cycle of Artemia is very short, which is completed within two weeks especially during dry season in highly saline waters, the two weeks old Artemia starts producing cysts. These cysts become ready to harvest within a week.


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Growth, survival and food conversion ratio (FCR) of Cyprinus carpio in cages at different stocking density were studied in Kaptai lake. Fingerlings of common carp (12.47 ± 4.29 g) were stocked at 25/m2 , 50/m2 and 75/m2 each with replication in six floating net cages each of Sm x Sm x 4m and reared for 240 days. The growth rate was inversely related to the stocking density with the mean weights of 325.5 ± 11.74 g, 268.99± 8.44 g and 167.0 ± 11.66 g at low, medium and high densities, respectively. At harvest, standing crop biomass averaged 7 .82, 12.83 and 11.58 kg with the survival of 98.9%, 97.6% and 94.4% and food conversion ratios of 4.51, 3.82 and 4.21 for the above three densities, respectively. Weight gain and production at density 25 fish/m 2 were significantly different (p< 0.01) from other two densities. Water quality was not affected in the cages having different stocking densities.


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The ecology of euglenophytes and their role in fish production were studied in 12 small earthen ponds beside the Faculty of Fisheries, BAU from July to November 2001. Four experiments each with three replications were conducted and those were as follows: pond treated with both poultry droppings and cowdung (T1); pond treated with only poultry droppings (T2), and pond treated with only poultry droppings (T3), while the control (T4) where no organic manure was applied. Fishes comprising of rohu (Labeo rohita), catla ( Catla catla), mrigal ( Cirrhinus cirrhosus), silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and silver barb (Barbonymus gonionotus) were stocked at the same stocking density of (10,621 fish/ha) and species ratio (1:1:1:2:2). The stocked fishes were fed with a common supplemental diet comprising of mustard oil cake and rice polish (1:1) at the rate of 4% of body weight per day. The highest cell density of euglenophytes was found in the ponds of T2, where poultry droppings were applied and was followed by T1, where both poultry droppings and cow dung were applied. Higher temperature, nitrate-nitrogen, phosphate-phosphorous and acidic pH were found to be conducive for the bloom of noxious euglenophytes. The bloom was found to use up most of the nutrients resulting in reduction in the growth of beneficial plankters and planktivorous fishes. The SGR (%/day) of catla, rohu and mrigal was lower during heavy bloom period while that of silver carp and silver barb were comparatively higher. The mortality of fishes in a pond of T2 during the bloom period was possibly due to formation of anoxic situation (dissolved oxygen level as low as 0.34 mg/1) in the early mornings through bacterial decomposition of the settled dead individuals or due to the combined effect of anoxic situation and toxic metabolite secretion by the euglenophytes.


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Kalyani lake (P sub(1)), a weed infested recreational water body and a weed chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) in the heart of Kalyani city of West Bengal were studied for a period of one year for their primary productivity and other physicochemical parameters. Very low primary productivity (GPP=360-1237mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=157-787 mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was recorded in P sub(2) in spite of having a high concentration of nutrients (PO sub(4)–P=0.052-0.260mg l super(- 1); NO sub(3)-N=0.110-0.412mg l super(-1)). On the other hand, moderate primary productivity (GPP=1687-3195mg C m super(-2) d super(-1); NPP=900-2700mg C m super(-2) d super(-1)) was found in P sub(1) with comparatively low range of nutrients (P0 sub(4)-P =0.010-0.058mg l super(-1); NO sub(3)-N=0.032-0.118mg l super(-1)). After studying the other physicochemical parameters (temperature, transparency, dissolved oxygen, free carbon dioxide, pH, alkalinity and macrophytic biomass), it was found that the overall hydro-biological conditions of the weed-chocked derelict water body (P sub(2)) is not congenial for biological production as compared to Kalyani Lake (P sub(1)). Kalyani Lake may be used for fish culture with proper management practices.


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Seasonal variations in the phytoplankton density, diversity, gross production and related physicochemical parameters of Poonthura estuary have been followed for a period of one year. The polluted nature of the water body favored a higher density of phytoplankters, which exhibited a positive correlation with gross production. The influence of various physicochemical parameters, phytoplankton density and species diversity on gross production is discussed.


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The study has been undertaken in Kerala State in India with an overall objective of analyzing the bio-economic conditions of commercially exploited marine fishes for assessing their sustainability in the context of existing management practices. Maximum sustainable yield, maximum economic yield and open access levels of yield and effort were analyzed using Gompertz-Fox growth model. The study concluded that the fishing effort exceeded the economically optimal levels and there is unnecessary wastage of money, manpower and fuel in the fishing industry. The study stressed the urgent need for capture fisheries management in the State which at present follows an open access fishery where regulations exist only in the form of seasonal closure in the monsoon season.


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Effects of different levels of salinity on survival, growth and gonadal development of Genetically Improved Farmed Tilapia (GIFT) were studied under laboratory conditions in glass aquarium, for a period of ten weeks. The initial individual size of the GIFT was 20.23±4.45 and the salinity levels tested were 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppt. The highest survival of 87.5% was found in 0 ppt and the lowest 60.5% in 20 ppt. Though the survival decreased progressively with increased salinity, there were no significant differences (P>0.05) among 0, 5, and 10 ppt. Similar to what has been observed in survival, the specific growth rate (SGR %/day) also decreased as of 1.30, 1.24, 1.08, 0.90 and 0.71, respectively, with the increased salinity of 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppt. The gonadal development was highest in 0 ppt with a GSI value of 3.75 and lowest of 2.01 in 20 ppt. In the second experiment, gonadal development and seed production performance of GIFT in brackishwater condition were investigated for a period of three months. Each of the three fine meshed hapas of 20 square meters made from nylon net was placed in a freshwater (0 ppt) and in a brackish water (10-15 ppt) pond of the Brackishwater Station (BS). GIFT of 65 g average weight from a single cohort were stocked into three hapas at a rate of 2 per m. The male vs female ratio was 1:3. The development of gonad was faster with the higher gonadosomatic index (GSI %) of 3.85 % in freshwater condition than that of 2.73 % in brackish water. Within three months of the study period, a total of 70,510 and 44,250 GIFT fry were produced respectively, in freshwater and brackishwater conditions. Finally under third experiment, a participatory on-farm trial was carried out to evaluate the production performance of GIFT in monoculture and in polyculture with silver barb in coastal freshwater pond conditions. Nine ponds were selected for three treatment combinations of GIFT monoculture (T1), GIFT and silver barb polyculture (T2), and silver barb monoculture (T3). The ponds have been stocked in April, 05 at a density of 25,000 fry per ha. Fishes were fed with rice bran at the rate of 6% bw per day. In one month culture period, GIFT attained an average weight of 16.27 g in monoculture and 17.23 g in polyculture, against an average stocking weight of 0.37 g. Silver barb reached an average weight of 16.62 g in polyculture with GIFT and 10.01 g in monoculture, against an average stocking weight of 3.79 g.


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The production of fish and net economic return in pangasiid catfish (Pangasius hypophthalmus) monoculture and polyculture with silver carp (Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) in farmers' ponds were assessed. The experiment was arranged in three treatments each with three replications. The ponds were stocked with 30,000 fishes per hectare. In treatment 1 (T1) pangasiid catfish only, in treatment 2 (T2) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 1:1, and in treatment 3 (T3) pangasiid catfish and silver carp at the ratio of 2:1 were stocked. At harvest, production of fish was found significantly (p<0.05) different among the treatments, highest in T1 and lowest in T2. Though the total biomass production and total economic return was significantly highest in T1 than in T2 and T3, the net economic return was lowest because of the required highest input costs especially for supplemental feed and fingerlings, resulted the highest cost per unit yield (CPY in Tk/kg) in T1. Highest cost for supplemental feed required in T1 was due to highest quantity of feed required for the highest number of pangasiid catfish stocked in that treatment. The findings of the present study suggest that though monoculture of pangasiid catfish give higher fish biomass production but polyculture with silver carp is environmentally good and economically profitable.


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The main objective of the study was to assess the production and marketing system of fish seed and examining the demand for and supply of fry and fingerlings in some selected areas viz. Mymensingh, Netrokona and Tangail in Bangladesh. The present study selected the related stakeholders like 20 Fish Seed Multiplication Farms (FSMF) owners, 80 nursery operators, 20 fry traders and 90 fish farmers who are the beneficiaries and directly involved with the fish seed production and supply chain, and marketing system of fish seed. In case of nursing and rearing fingerlings, only those stakeholders (nurserers and fish farmers) attached with NGOs were selected and the NGOs were GRAMUS, SARA and ORD from Mymensingh and SATU from Tangail district. Data were collected for the period 2004-2005 and most analyses were done by using tables and flow chart to determine production and marketing system of fish seed.


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An investigation was carried out in Phulpur upazila, Mymensingh to examine the current production practices of freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii and its marketing systems with sustainable livelihood approach. The livelihoods of a considerable number of rural poor are associated with prawn production in Phulpur upazila. Based on a sample of 50 farmers, about 94% farmers were found to culture prawn with fish in their ponds. Only 4% and 2% farmers were found to culture prawn-fish-dike crops and only prawn respectively. Prawn marketing is almost exclusively a preserve of the private sector where the livelihoods of a large number of people are associated with its distribution and marketing systems. The market chain from producers to consumers passes through a number of intermediaries. About 40% of the produced prawns are exported and the rest 60% are sold to local markets. The price of prawn depends on quality, size and weight. The average farm-gate price of prawn varied from Tk. 110 to 160/kg, whereas it's [sic] market price varied from Tk. 150 to 350/kg. Most of the farmers and traders have improved their socio-economic conditions through prawn farming and marketing activities. However, concerns arise about the long-term sustainability of prawn farming and marketing systems due to lack of technical knowledge of prawn farming, poor road and transport facilities, higher transport cost, poor supply of ice, lack of cash and credit facilities. It is therefore essential to provide institutional and organizational support and credit facilities for sustainable prawn production and marketing systems.


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Cost-profit analysis and market testing of some value-added products from silver carp such as fish mince block, fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were analyzed during April 2001 to March 2002. The study also explored the possibility to involve rural low-income people in the production and marketing of such products. The production of silver carp was higher in greater Jessore and Mymensingh districts but the price remained low during the peak-harvesting season in October to November. The price varied with size of the fish, season, market characteristics and effective demand of the buyers. Price of about 500 g size fish was found to be Tk. 20-25/kg in the rural markets. The average size of fish in the rural markets was 3S0-550 g while that in the urban markets it was 700-1,200 g. The cost of production of the value added products and profit margin were assessed on the basis of market price of the raw material as well as that of the finished products, transportation, storage and marketing costs. The profit margins of 34%, 39%, 81% and 31% of their sales price were obtained for fish sausage, fish ball, fish stick and fish burger, respectively. Actual production cost could be minimized if the fish is purchased directly from the farmers. Consumer's acceptance and marketability tests showed that both rural and urban people preferred fish ball than fish sausage. However, response towards the taste, flavor and color of fish ball and fish sausage was found to vary with occupations and age of the consumers. A correlation was observed between age group and acceptance of new products. Fish ball, fish stick and fish burger were found to be the most preferable items to the farmers because of easy formulation process with common utensils. Good marketing linkage and requirement of capital had been identified as the prerequisites for operating small-scale business on value-added fish products.


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In a goat-tilapia integrated farming system, the effect of Black Bengal goat manure on the growth and production of Oreochromis niloticus was studied at the Freshwater Substation, Shantahar, Bogra for 4.5 months. The stocking density used in three treatments were, 200 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T1); 300 goats and 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T2); and only 15,000 GIFT strain/ha (T3). The initial individual total length and weight of stocked tilapia were 7.6 cm and 11.34 g, respectively. Twelve ponds each having an area of 40 square meters were used for this trail [sic]. On one side of each pond goat shed was constructed and the space allocated for each goat was 0.75 m x 1.5 m. Newly weaned black Bengal goats of average weight 8.45 kg was used in the trial. Every morning the goats manure was swiped out in ponds through the fixed opening of bamboo made floor of goat shed. Water depth of the ponds was maintained at 0.75 m. The highest fish production was in treatment 1 (1,750 kg/ha) followed by treatment 2 (1,455 kg/ha) and treatment 3 (621 kg/ha). The difference in individual goat weight was not significant (P>0.05) among treatments 1 and 2.


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Freshwater giant prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii fry produced during late season can not withstand low temperature thus the prawn culture programme during winter is hampered. To overcome this problem, late season (August-September) prawn juveniles (0.9-6.8 g) were stocked at a density of 1.43 to 3.57/square meter in 350-476 square-meter ponds in Pabna and Mymensingh districts during October 2000 and cultured till May 2001. Monthly average water temperature during the winter months (December-February) varied from 16 to 22 °C and gradually increased to 32 °C in May. The prawn fry showed fast growth rate and attained an average weight of 60-70 g within eight months including three winter months. Growth compensation was observed during summer months. Survival rate was 60-79%. After extrapolation of the present growth rate more than 1,600 kg/ha production can be achieved in better-managed ponds. Extrapolated cost of production was Tk. 268,000 and 200,000 Tk./ha in two best ponds, sale value was Tk. 644,9146 [sic] and 528,466 and gross profit was Tk. 376,000-410,000, suggesting a higher economic feasibility of farming freshwater prawn with over-wintered juveniles.


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Six treatments each with 12 replications designed to optimize the dose of inducing agent PG to achieve fertilization and hatching success of climbing perch, Anabas testudineus were tested. The females were given single injection of 7-12 mg PG/kg body weight and the males were given 4 mg PG/kg body weight. Fertilization and hatching rate varied from 67±4.55% to 66±3.0% and 59±4.88% to 57±6.21% for the doses of 10, 11 and 12 mg PG/kg of body weight, respectively. The hormone dose had significant (P<0.05) effect on fertilization and hatching. Six mini shallow cisterns (570 cm x 105 cm) were used to investigate the efficacy of zooplankton and Artemia nauplii as feed for spawn rearing. Three-day old spawns were stocked in six mini shallow cisterns at a stocking density of 100 individuals/L of water. Two treatments each with three replications were used to develop culture technique of the climbing perch. In case of treatment-1, the spawns were fed with Artemia nauplii three times daily, while in treatment-2, zooplankton were used as feed in the same manner as in treatment-1. After 14 days of rearing, mean final weight of the fry of treatments-1 and 2 were 95.55±6.71 and 57.69±5.40 mg, respectively. In treatment-1, spawn fed with Artemia nauplii showed significantly (P<0.05) higher mean weight than the spawn fed with zooplankton (treatment 2).