988 resultados para POVERTY LINE


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Experimental assessments of the modified power-combining Class-E amplifier are described. The technique used to combine the output of individual power amplifiers (PAs) into an unbalanced load without the need for bulky transformers permits the use of small RF chokes useful for the deployment in the EER transmitter. The modified output load network of the PA results in excellent 50 dBc and 46 dBc second and third-harmonic suppressions, dispensing the need for additional lossy filtering block. Operating from a 3.2 V dc supply voltage, the PA exhibits 64% drain efficiency at 24 dBm output power. Over a wide bandwidth of 350 MHz, drain efficiency of better than 60% at output power higher than 22 dBm were achieved. © 2010 IEICE Institute of Electronics Informati.


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Star formation often occurs within or nearby stellar clusters. Irradiation by nearby massive stars can photoevaporate protoplanetary disks around young stars (so-called proplyds) which raises questions regarding the ability of planet formation to take place in these environments. We investigate the two-dimensional physical and chemical structure of a protoplanetary disk surrounding a low-mass (T Tauri) star which is irradiated by a nearby massive O-type star to determine the survivability and observability of molecules in proplyds. Compared with an isolated star-disk system, the gas temperature ranges from a factor of a few (in the disk midplane) to around two orders of magnitude (in the disk surface) higher in the irradiated disk. Although the UV flux in the outer disk, in particular, is several orders of magnitude higher, the surface density of the disk is sufficient for effective shielding of the disk midplane so that the disk remains predominantly molecular in nature. We also find that non-volatile molecules, such as HCN and H2O, are able to freeze out onto dust grains in the disk midplane so that the formation of icy planetesimals, e.g., comets, may also be possible in proplyds. We have calculated the molecular line emission from the disk assuming LTE and determined that multiple transitions of atomic carbon, CO (and isotopologues, 13CO and C18O), HCO+, CN, and HCN may be observable with ALMA, allowing characterization of the gas column density, temperature, and optical depth in proplyds at the distance of Orion (˜400 pc).


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We have modeled a small sample of Seyfert galaxies that were previously identified as having simple X-ray spectra with little intrinsic absorption. The sources in this sample all contain moderately broad components of FeK-shell emission and are ideal candidates for testing the applicability of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind model to active galactic nucleus (AGN) emission components. Viewing angles through the wind allow the observer to see the absorption signature of the gas, whereas face-on viewing angles allow the observer to see the scattered light from the wind. We find that the FeK emission line profiles are well described with a model of a Compton-thick accretion disk wind of solar abundances, arising tens to hundreds of gravitational radii from the central black hole. Further, the fits require a neutral component of FeKa emission that is too narrow to arise from the inner part of the wind, and likely comes from a more distant reprocessing region. Our study demonstrates that a Compton-thick wind can have a profound effect on the observed X-ray spectrum of an AGN, even when the system is not viewed through the flow. © 2012. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved..


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The effect of photon frequency redistribution by line branching on mass-loss rates for hot luminous stars is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations are carried out for a range of OB star models which show that previous mass-loss calculations which neglect non-resonance line scattering overestimate mass-loss rates for luminous O stars by ~20 per cent. For luminous B stars the effect is somewhat larger, typically ~50 per cent. A Wolf-Rayet star model is used to investigate line branching in the strong wind limit. In this case the effect of line branching is much greater, giving mass-loss rates that are smaller by a factor ~3 from computations which neglect branching.


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Massive young stellar objects (YSOs) are powerful infrared Hi line emitters. It has been suggested that these lines form in an outflow from a disc surrounding the YSO. Here, new two-dimensional Monte Carlo radiative transfer calculations are described which test this hypothesis. Infrared spectra are synthesized for a YSO disc wind model based on earlier hydrodynamical calculations. The model spectra are in qualitative agreement with the observed spectra from massive YSOs, and therefore provide support for a disc wind explanation for the Hi lines. However, there are some significant differences: the models tend to overpredict the Bra/Br? ratio of equivalent widths and produce line profiles which are slightly too broad and, in contrast to typical observations, are double-peaked. The interpretation of these differences within the context of the disc wind picture and suggestions for their resolution via modifications to the assumed disc and outflow structure are discussed. © 2005 RAS.


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In order to assess qualitatively the ejecta geometry of stripped-envelope core-collapse supernovae (SNe), we investigate 98 late-time spectra of 39 objects, many of them previously unpublished. We perform a Gauss-fitting of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 feature in all spectra, with the position, full width at half maximum and intensity of the ?6300 Gaussian as free parameters, and the ?6364 Gaussian added appropriately to account for the doublet nature of the [O ] feature. On the basis of the best-fitting parameters, the objects are organized into morphological classes, and we conclude that at least half of all Type Ib/c SNe must be aspherical. Bipolar jet models do not seem to be universally applicable, as we find too few symmetric double-peaked [O ] profiles. In some objects, the [O ] line exhibits a variety of shifted secondary peaks or shoulders, interpreted as blobs of matter ejected at high velocity and possibly accompanied by neutron-star kicks to assure momentum conservation. At phases earlier than ~200 d, a systematic blueshift of the [O ] ??6300, 6364 line centroids can be discerned. Residual opacity provides the most convincing explanation of this phenomenon, photons emitted on the rear side of the SN being scattered or absorbed on their way through the ejecta. Once modified to account for the doublet nature of the oxygen feature, the profile of Mg i] ?4571 at sufficiently late phases generally resembles that of [O ] ??6300, 6364, suggesting negligible contamination from other lines and confirming that O and Mg are similarly distributed within the ejecta. © 2009 RAS.


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We report a 133-ks XMM-Newton observation of the Seyfert 1 galaxy Markarian 335. The 0.4-12 keV spectrum contains an underlying power-law continuum, a soft excess below 2 keV, and a double-peaked iron emission feature in the 6-7 keV range. We investigate the possibility that the double-peaked emission might represent the characteristic signature of the accretion disc. Detailed investigations show that a moderately broad accretion disc line is most likely present, but that the peaks may be due to narrower components from more distant material. The peaks at 6.4 and 7 keV can be identified, respectively, with the molecular torus in active galactic nucleus unification schemes, and very highly ionized, optically thin gas filling the torus. The X-ray variability spectra on both long (~100 ks) and short (~1 ks) time-scales do not support the recent suggestion that the soft excess is an artefact of variable, moderately ionized absorption. © 2007 The Authors. Journal compilation © 2007 RAS.


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Body to body links are the most scenario dependent form of body centric communications with performance highly dependent on the users' movements, relative positioning and the local operating environment. This paper focuses on line of sight cases which although they should be the most dependent, still have considerable variability depending on local propagation conditions. The results presented in the paper also raise important questions about the statistical characterisation of such links and the effect of different approaches to local mean averaging on fading characteristics. © 2012 IEEE.


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GIP is a peptide hormone of therapeutic interest in type 2 diabetes and obesity. This study evaluated pGIP/neo STC-1 as a potential K-cell model for studying GIP secretion.


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The paper reports data from an on-line peer tutoring project. In the project 78, 9–12-year-old students from Scotland and Catalonia peer tutored each other in English and Spanish via a managed on-line envi- ronment. Significant gains in first language (Catalonian pupils) modern language (Scottish pupils) and attitudes towards modern languages (both Catalonian and Scottish pupils) were reported for the exper- imental group as compared to the control group. Results indicated that pupils tutored each other in using Piagetian techniques of error correction during the project. Error correction provided by tutors to tutees focussed on morph syntaxys, more specifically the correction of verbs. Peer support provided via the on- line environment was predominantly based on the tutor giving the right answer to the tutee. High rates of impact on tutee corrected messages were observed. The implications for peer tutoring initiative taking place via on-line environments are discussed. Implications for policy and practice are explored


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ABSTRACT (250 words)
BACKGROUND: The mechanism underlying respiratory virus-induced cough hypersensitivity is unknown. Up-regulation of airway neuronal receptors responsible for sensing physical and chemical stimuli is one possibility and the transient receptor potential (TRP) channel family are potential candidates. We have used an in vitro model of sensory neurones and human rhinovirus (HRV-16) to study the effect of virus infection on TRP expression.
METHODS: IMR32 neuroblastoma cells were differentiated in culture to express three TRP channels, TRPV1, TRPA1 and TRPM8. Flow cytometry and qRT-PCR were used to measure TRP channel protein and mRNA levels following inoculation with live virus, inactivated virus, virus- induced soluble factors or pelleted virus particles. Multiplex bioassay was used to determine nerve growth factor (NGF), interleukin (IL)-1ß, IL-6 and IL-8 levels in response to infection.
RESULTS: Early up-regulation of TRPA1 and TRPV1 expression occurred 2 to4 hours post infection. This was independent of replicating virus as virus induced soluble factors alone were sufficient to increase channel expression 50 and 15 fold, respectively. NGF, IL-6 and IL-8 levels, increased in infected cell supernatants, represent possible candidates. In contrast, TRPM8 expression was maximal at 48 hours (9.6 fold) and required virus replication rather than soluble factors
CONCLUSIONS We show for the first time that rhinovirus can infect neuronal cells. Furthermore, infection causes up-regulation of TRP channels by channel specific mechanisms. Increase in TRPA1 and TRPV1 levels can be mediated by soluble factors induced by infection whereas TRPM8 requires replicating virus. TRP channels may be novel therapeutic targets for controlling virus-induced cough.


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A real-time Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS) analysis of the products of methanol oxidation in a prototype direct-methanol fuel cell operating at high temperatures (150 to 185°C) is reported here. The methanol oxidation products on platinum black and platinum-ruthenium catalyst surfaces were determined as a function of the fuel cell operating temperature, current density, and methanol/water mole ratio. Neither formaldehyde nor formic acid was detected in anode exhaust gas at all cell operating conditions. The product distributions of methanol oxidation obtained by on-line FTIRS are consistent with our previous results obtained by on-line mass spectroscopy under similar conditions. With pure methanol in anode feed, methanaldimethylacetal was found to be the main product, methyl formate and CO were also found. However, when water was present in the anode feed, the main product was CO , and the formation of methanaldimethylacetal and methyl formate decreased significantly with increase of the water/methanol mole ratio. Increase of cell operating temperature enhanced the formation of CO and decreased the formation of methanaldimethylacetal and methyl formate. Pt/Ru catalyst is more active for methanol oxidation and has a higher selectivity toward CO formation than Pt-black. Nearly complete methanol oxidation, i.e., the product was almost exclusively CO , was achieved using a Pt/Ru catalyst and a water/methanol mole ratio of 2 or higher in the anode feed at a temperature of 185°C or above.


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DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) 3A and DNMT3B are both active de novo DNA methyltransferases required for development, whereas DNMT3L, which has no demonstrable methyltransferase activity, is required for methylation of imprinted genes in the oocyte. We show here that different mechanisms are used to restrict access by these proteins to their targets during germ cell development. Transcriptional control of the Dnmt3l promoter guarantees that message is low or absent except during periods of de novo activity. Use of an alternative promoter at the Dnmt3a locus produces the shorter Dnmt3a2 transcript in the germ line and postimplantation embryo only, whereas alternative splicing of the Dnmt3b transcript ensures that Dnmt3b1 is absent in the male prospermatogonia. Control of subcellular protein localization is a common theme for DNMT3A and DNMT3B, as proteins were seen in the nucleus only when methylation was occurring. These mechanisms converge to ensure that the only time that functional products from each locus are present in the germ cell nuclei is around embryonic day 17.5 in males and after birth in the growing oocytes in females.