999 resultados para POLICIES


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Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategies have a strong link with human resources policies. Not only because employees are one of the main stakeholders and because leaders’ style is directly related to the deployment of the strategy, but also, and with a growing importance, because a company culture aligned with CSR values could be a key competitive factor. The relationships among CSR values, employees’ commitment and productivity is one of the research lines of the GIOS (Grupo de Investigación de Organizaciones Sostenibles, Sustainable Organizations Research Group). Employees’ commitment management is one of the main challenges managers face, particularly in companies with a high proportion of knowledge workers. Many pieces of research indicate the direct relationship between employees’ commitment and company success. In this paper the results of a case study in REE (Red Eléctrica de España) identify some key variables to demonstrate that relationship. Based on commitment construct with the duality of emotional and rational commitment, and on the REE employee satisfaction survey, a direct relationship with organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB) variables appears. These OCB variables are an intermediate step with CSR values.From the results analysis of this survey a direct linear relationship can be seen between commitment and organizational citizenship behaviours. The relationships among emotional and rational commitment and OCB are examined separately with the conclusion being reached that there is a strong correlation in both cases. Moreover, the correlation between emotional commitment and OCB is somewhat stronger than that existing between rational commitment and OCB. it can also be seen how emotional commitment increases more strongly than rational commitment as organizational citizenship behaviours are gradually incorporated.


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Esta Tesis surgió ante la intensidad y verosimilitud de varias señales o “warnings” asociadas a políticas dirigidas a reducir el peso del petróleo en el sector energético, tanto por razones económicas, como geopolíticas, como ambientales. Como tal Tesis se consolidó al ir incorporando elementos novedosos pero esenciales en el mundo petrolífero, particularmente las “tecnologías habilitantes”, tanto de incidencia directa, como el “fracking” como indirecta, del cual es un gran ejemplo el Vehículo Eléctrico (puro). La Tesis se definió y estructuró para elaborar una serie de indagaciones y disquisiciones, que comportaran un conjunto de conclusiones que fueran útiles para las corporaciones energéticas. También para la comprensión de la propia evolución del sector y de sus prestaciones técnicas y económicas, de cara a dar el servicio que los usuarios finales piden. Dentro de las tareas analíticas y reflexivas de la Tesis, se acuñaron ciertos términos conceptuales para explicar más certeramente la realidad del sector, y tal es el caso del “Investment burden”, que pondera la inversión específica (€/W) requerida por una instalación, con la duración del período de construcción y los riesgos tanto tangibles como regulatorios. Junto a ello la Tesis propone una herramienta de estudio y prognosis, denominada “Market integrated energy efficiency”, especialmente aplicable a dicotomías. Tal es el caso del coche térmico, versus coche eléctrico. El objetivo es optimizar una determinada actividad energética, o la productividad total del sector. Esta Tesis propone varias innovaciones, que se pueden agrupar en dos niveles: el primero dentro del campo de la Energía, y el segundo dentro del campo de las corporaciones, y de manera especial de las corporaciones del sector hidrocarburos. A nivel corporativo, la adaptación a la nueva realidad será función directa de la capacidad de cada corporación para desarrollar y/o comprar las tecnologías que permitan mantener o aumentar cuota de mercado. Las conclusiones de la Tesis apuntan a tres opciones principalmente para un replanteamiento corporativo: - Diversificación energética - Desplazamiento geográfico - Beneficiándose de posibles nuevos nichos tecnológicos, como son: • En upstream: Recuperación estimulada de petróleo mediante uso de energías renovables • En downstream: Aditivos orientados a reducir emisiones • En gestión del cambio: Almacenamiento energético con fines operativos Algunas políticas energéticas siguen la tendencia de crecimiento cero de algunos países de la OCDE. No obstante, la realidad mundial es muy diferente a la de esos países. Por ejemplo, según diversas estimaciones (basadas en bancos de datos solventes, referenciados en la Tesis) el número de vehículos aumentará desde aproximadamente mil millones en la actualidad hasta el doble en 2035; mientras que la producción de petróleo sólo aumentará de 95 a 145 millones de barriles al día. Un aumento del 50% frente a un aumento del 100%. Esto generará un curioso desajuste, que se empezará a sentir en unos pocos años. Las empresas y corporaciones del sector hidrocarburos pueden perder el monopolio que atesoran actualmente en el sector transporte frente a todas las demás fuentes energéticas. Esa pérdida puede quedar compensada por una mejor gestión de todas sus capacidades y una participación más integrada en el mundo de la energía, buscando sinergias donde hasta ahora no había sino distanciamiento. Los productos petrolíferos pueden alimentar cualquier tipo de maquina térmica, como las turbinas Brayton, o alimentar reformadores para la producción masiva de H2 para su posterior uso en pilas combustible. El almacenamiento de productos derivados del petróleo no es ningún reto ni plantea problema alguno; y sin embargo este almacenamiento es la llave para resolver muchos problemas. Es posible que el comercio de petróleo se haga menos volátil debido a los efectos asociados al almacenamiento; pero lo que es seguro es que la eficiencia energética de los usos de ese petróleo será más elevada. La Tesis partía de ciertas amenazas sobre el futuro del petróleo, pero tras el análisis realizado se puede vislumbrar un futuro prometedor en la fusión de políticas medioambientales coercitivas y las nuevas tecnologías emergentes del actual portafolio de oportunidades técnicas. ABSTRACT This Thesis rises from the force and the credibility of a number of warning signs linked to policies aimed at reducing the role of petroleum in the energy industry due to economical, geopolitical and environmental drives. As such Thesis, it grew up based on aggregating new but essentials elements into the petroleum sector. This is the case of “enabling technologies” that have a direct impact on the petroleum industry (such as fracking), or an indirect but deep impact (such as the full electrical vehicle). The Thesis was defined and structured in such a way that could convey useful conclusions for energy corporations through a series of inquiries and treatises. In addition to this, the Thesis also aims at understating la evolution of the energy industry and its capabilities both technical and economical, towards delivering the services required by end users. Within the analytical task performed in the Thesis, new terms were coined. They depict concepts that aid at explaining the facts of the energy industry. This is the case for “Investment burden”, it weights the specific capital investment (€/W) required to build a facility with the time that takes to build it, as well as other tangible risks as those posed by regulation. In addition to this, the Thesis puts forward an application designed for reviewing and predicting: the so called “Market integrated energy efficiency”, especially well-suited for dichotomies, very appealing for the case of the thermal car versus the electric car. The aim is to optimize energy related activity; or even the overall productivity of the system. The innovations proposed in this Thesis can be classified in two tiers. Tier one, within the energy sector; and tier two, related to Energy Corporation in general, but with oil and gas corporations at heart. From a corporate level, the adaptation to new energy era will be linked with the corporation capability to develop or acquire those technologies that will yield to retaining or enhancing market share. The Thesis highlights three options for corporate evolution: - diversification within Energy - geographic displacement - profiting new technologies relevant to important niches of work for the future, as: o Upstream: enhanced oil recovery using renewable energy sources (for upstream companies in the petroleum business) o Downstream: additives for reducing combustion emissions o Management of Change: operational energy storage Some energy policies tend to follow the zero-growth of some OECD countries, but the real thing could be very different. For instance, and according to estimates the number of vehicles in use will grow from 1 billion to more than double this figure 2035; but oil production will only grow from 95 million barrel/day to 145 (a 50% rise of versus an intensification of over a 100%). Hydrocarbon Corporation can lose the monopoly they currently hold over the supply of energy to transportation. This lose can be mitigated through an enhanced used of their capabilities and a higher degree of integration in the world of energy, exploring for synergies in those places were gaps were present. Petroleum products can be used to feed any type of thermal machine, as Brayton turbines, or steam reformers to produce H2 to be exploited in fuel cells. Storing petroleum products does not present any problem, but very many problems can be solved with them. Petroleum trading will likely be less volatile because of the smoothing effects of distributed storage, and indeed the efficiency in petroleum consumption will be much higher. The Thesis kicked off with a menace on the future of petroleum. However, at the end of the analysis, a bright future can be foreseen in the merging between highly demanding environmental policies and the relevant technologies of the currently emerging technical portfolio.


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Acknowledgements The authors thank the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases for facilitating this work. The contribution of P.S. contributed to the EU-funded GHG Europe project.


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Improvements over the past 30 years in statistical data, analysis, and related theory have strengthened the basis for science and technology policy by confirming the importance of technical change in national economic performance. But two important features of scientific and technological activities in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries are still not addressed adequately in mainstream economics: (i) the justification of public funding for basic research and (ii) persistent international differences in investment in research and development and related activities. In addition, one major gap is now emerging in our systems of empirical measurement—the development of software technology, especially in the service sector. There are therefore dangers of diminishing returns to the usefulness of economic research, which continues to rely completely on established theory and established statistical sources. Alternative propositions that deserve serious consideration are: (i) the economic usefulness of basic research is in the provision of (mainly tacit) skills rather than codified and applicable information; (ii) in developing and exploiting technological opportunities, institutional competencies are just as important as the incentive structures that they face; and (iii) software technology developed in traditional service sectors may now be a more important locus of technical change than software technology developed in “high-tech” manufacturing.


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Since the beginning of the 1990s, the majority of Latin American states have attempted to incorporate in some way or another human rights concern into their respective foreign policies, highlighting a history of human rights abuses and the return of democratic political rule as a trigger for galvanizing a commitment to assist in preventing such violations in other countries. Yet, while human rights have come to play a non-trivial role in the contemporary foreign policy of many Latin American states, there is great diversity in the ways and the extent to which they go about incorporating human rights concerns into their foreign policies. Explaining the diversity of human rights foreign policies of new Latin American democracies is at the heat of this project. The main research questions are the following: Why do new democracies incorporate human rights into their foreign policies? And what explains the different international human rights policies of new democracies? To answer these questions, this research compares the human rights foreign policies of Chile and Brazil for over two decades starting from their respective transitions to democracy. The study argues that states commitment to international human rights is the result of the intersection of domestic and international influences. At the international level, the search for international legitimacy and the desire for recognition and credibility affected the adoption of international human rights in both cases but with different degrees of impact. International values and pressures by themselves, while necessary, are an insufficient condition for human rights initiatives perceived to have not insubstantial political, economic or strategic costs. New democracies will be more or less likely to actively include human rights in their international policies depending on the following four domestic conditions: political leadership legitimizing the inclusion of human rights into a state's policies, civil society groups connected to international human rights advocacy networks with a capacity to influencing the foreign policy decisions of their government, and the Foreign Ministry's attitudes towards international human rights and the degree of influence it exercises over the outcome of the foreign policy process.


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This paper revises mainstream economic models which include time use in an explicit and endogenous manner, suggesting a extended theory which escape from the main problem existing in the literature. In order to do it, we start by presenting in section 2 the mainstream time use models in economics, showing their main features. Once this is done, we introduce the reader in the main problems this kind of well established models imply, within section 3, being the most highlighted the problem of joint production. Subsequently, we propose an extended theory which solves the problem of joint production; this is extensively described in section 4. Last, but not least, we apply this model to offer a time use analysis of the effect of a policy which increases the retirement age in a life-cycle perspective for a representative individual.


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Actualmente, el rendimiento de los computadores es un tema candente. Existen importantes limitaciones físicas y tecnológicas en los semiconductores de hoy en día, por lo que se realiza un gran esfuerzo desde las universidades y la industria para garantizar la continuidad de la ley de Moore. Este proyecto está centrado en el estudio de la cache y la jerarquía de memoria, uno de los grandes temas en la materia. Para ello, hemos escogido MIPSfpga, una plataforma hardware abierta de Imagination Technologies, lo que nos ha permitido implementar y testear diferentes políticas de reemplazamiento como prueba de concepto, demostrando, además, las bondades de la plataforma.


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Climate change is critically impacting the environment and economy at the local level. County governments have an opportunity to adopt climate change policies that address local environmental and economic concerns. The Colorado counties of Boulder, Gunnison, and Pitkin have all adopted some form of climate change policies. There are some components of each of these policies that are more effective in terms of economic, environmental, and community benefits. An effective climate change policy clearly states specific cost analyses, environmental impacts at the local level, the relationship between impacts and the community, and the economic benefits of policy adoption. This Capstone project addresses specific cost and energy analyses and provides a beneficial policy framework for county governments.


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The United States and the European Union each have their own policy approach to protect surface water quality. Both policy approaches are similar in many ways. Both rely heavily on command and control. However, there are differences in the application of the details. Both the U.S. and E.U. began current efforts to protect surface water quality in the 1970s, yet quality continues to less than desired in both places. Both have reduced point source pollutants but have had difficulty controlling non-point source pollutants even though policies have been in place for many decades. The successes and failures of the two policies are studied in this project to determine which aspects of both policies will best protect surface water quality in an increasingly complex future.


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Mexico has a long history of structuralized violence against its most vulnerable socioeconomic strata, the peasantry, also referred to as Campesinos. From the Spanish invasion, to the contemporary neoliberal development project, corn production has been intimately associated with disparate power relations both within Mexican society, and without, particularly in relations with the United States. This study sheds light on the incongruities of modernism implicit within neoliberal policy instruments such as Structural Adjustment Programs (SAP) and free trade agreements. It will demonstrate that while such policies benefit some, they principally exacerbate existing power disparities via disarticulated trade economics, subordinating rather than liberating Mexico's most vulnerable citizenry.


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Business organization executives today are routinely challenged to attract and retain key talent and employ innovative techniques to expand their consumer-base. Moreover, these executives have advanced their business initiatives to include workplace equality initiatives with a motivation to attract and retain key talent. In this research the author examined the contributing factors that lead executives in corporate America to implement Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgender (GLBT) initiatives as business strategies. The case study methodology applied in this examination illustrated that the implementation of GLBT initiatives can increase a business organization's ability to attract and retain key talent, and increase employee work productivity while expanding the consumer base. Therefore, the business organization's competitive advantage in the marketplace is increased.