986 resultados para PBS prescriptions


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Objective of the study To determine the extent and nature of unlicensed/off-label prescribing patterns in hospitalised children in Palestine. Setting Four paediatric wards in two public health system hospitals in Palestine [Caritas children’s hospital (Medical and neonatal intensive care units) and Rafidia general hospital (Medical and surgical units)]. Method A prospective survey of drugs administered to infants and children <18 years old was carried out over a five-week period in the four paediatric wards. Main outcome measure Drug-licensing status of all prescriptions was determined according to the Palestinian Registered Product List and the Physician’s Desk Reference. Results Overall, 917 drug prescriptions were administered to 387children. Of all drug prescriptions, 528 (57.5%) were licensed for use in children; 65 (7.1%) were unlicensed; and 324 (35.3%) were used off-label. Of all children, 49.6% received off-label prescriptions, 10.1% received unlicensed medications and 8.2% received both. Seventy-two percent of off-label drugs and 66% of unlicensed drugs were prescribed for children <2 years. Multivariate analysis showed that patients who were admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit and infants aged 0–1 years were most likely to receive a greater number of off-label or unlicensed medications (OR 1.80; 95% CI 1.03–3.59 and OR 1.99; 95% CI 0.88–3.73, respectively). Conclusion The present findings confirmed the elevated prevalence of unlicensed and off-label paediatric drugs use in Palestine and strongly support the need to perform well designed clinical studies in children.


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Objective To investigate the provision of pharmaceutical care by community pharmacists across Europe and to examine the various factors that could affect its implementation. Methods A questionnaire-based survey of community pharmacies was conducted within 13 European countries. The questionnaire consisted of two sections. The first section focussed on demographic data and services provided in the pharmacy. The second section was a slightly adapted version of the Behavioral Pharmaceutical Care Scale (BPCS) which consists of three main dimensions (direct patient care activities, referral and consultation activities and instrumental activities). Results Response rates ranged from 10–71% between countries. The mean total score achieved by community pharmacists, expressed as a percentage of the total score achievable, ranged from 31.6 (Denmark) to 52.2% (Ireland). Even though different aspects of pharmaceutical care were implemented to different extents across Europe, it was noted that the lowest scores were consistently achieved in the direct patient care dimension (particularly those related to documentation, patient assessment and implementation of therapeutic objectives and monitoring plans) followed by performance evaluation and evaluation of patient satisfaction. Pharmacists who dispensed higher daily numbers of prescriptions in Ireland, Germany and Switzerland had significantly higher total BPCS scores. In addition, pharmacists in England and Ireland who were supported in their place of work by other pharmacists scored significantly higher on referral and consultation and had a higher overall provision of pharmaceutical care. Conclusion The present findings suggest that the provision of pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy is still limited within Europe. Pharmacists were routinely engaged in general activities such as patient record screening but were infrequently involved in patient centred professional activities such as the implementation of therapeutic objectives and monitoring plans, or in self-evaluation of performance.


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Methods: It has been estimated that medication error harms 1-2% of patients admitted to general hospitals. There has been no previous systematic review of the incidence, cause or type of medication error in mental healthcare services. Methods: A systematic literature search for studies that examined the incidence or cause of medication error in one or more stage(s) of the medication-management process in the setting of a community or hospital-based mental healthcare service was undertaken. The results in the context of the design of the study and the denominator used were examined. Results: All studies examined medication management processes, as opposed to outcomes. The reported rate of error was highest in studies that retrospectively examined drug charts, intermediate in those that relied on reporting by pharmacists to identify error and lowest in those that relied on organisational incident reporting systems. Only a few of the errors identified by the studies caused actual harm, mostly because they were detected and remedial action was taken before the patient received the drug. The focus of the research was on inpatients and prescriptions dispensed by mental health pharmacists. Conclusion: Research about medication error in mental healthcare is limited. In particular, very little is known about the incidence of error in non-hospital settings or about the harm caused by it. Evidence is available from other sources that a substantial number of adverse drug events are caused by psychotropic drugs. Some of these are preventable and might probably, therefore, be due to medication error. On the basis of this and features of the organisation of mental healthcare that might predispose to medication error, priorities for future research are suggested.


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Background - It is well recognised that errors are more likely to occur during transitions of care, especially medicines errors. Clinic letters are used as a communication tool during a transition from hospital (outpatient clinics) to primary care (general practitioners). Little is known about medicines errors in clinic letters, as previous studies in this area have focused on medicines errors in inpatient or outpatient prescriptions. Published studies concerning clinic letters largely focus on perceptions of patients or general practitioners in respect to overall quality. Purpose - To investigate medicines errors contained in outpatient clinic letters generated by prescribers within the Neurology Department of a specialist paediatric hospital in the UK.Materials and methods - Single site, retrospective, cross-sectional review of 100 clinic letters generated during March–July 2013 in response to an outpatient consultation. Clinic letters were conveniently selected from the most recent visit of each patient. An evaluation tool with a 10-point scale, where 10 was no error and 0 was significant error, was developed and refined throughout the study to facilitate identification and characterisation of medicines errors. The tool was tested for a relationship between scores and number of medicines errors using a regression analysis.Results - Of 315 items related to neurology mentioned within the letters, 212 items were associated with 602 errors. Common missing information was allergy (97%, n = 97), formulation (60.3%, n = 190), strength/concentration (59%, n = 186) and weight (53%, n = 53). Ninety-nine letters were associated with at least one error. Scores were in range of 4–10 with 42% of letters scored as 7. Statistically significant relationships were observed between scores and number of medicines errors (R2 = 0.4168, p < 0.05) as well as between number of medicines and number of drug-related errors (R2 = 0.9719, p < 0.05). Conclusions - Nearly all clinic letters were associated with medicines errors. The 10-point evaluation tool may be a useful device to categorise clinic letter errors.


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Hollow nanostructures with a highly oriented lattice structure and active facets are promising for catalytic applications, while their preparation via traditional approaches contains multiple steps and is time and energy consuming. Here, we demonstrate a new one-step strategy involving two complementary reactions which promote each other; it is capable of producing unique hollow nanoparticles. Specifically, we apply synergic cooperation of cation exchange and chemical etching to attack PbS nanosized cubes (NCs) and produce CdS quasi-monocrystal nanoboxes (QMNBs) which possess the smallest dimensions reported so far, a metastable zinc-blende phase, a large specific surface area, and particularly high-energy {100} facets directly visualized by aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy. These properties in combination allow the nanoboxes to acquire exceptional photocatalytic activities. As an extension of the approach, we use the same strategy to prepare Co9S8 and Cu7.2S4 single-crystal hollow nanooctahedrons (SCHNOs) successfully. Hence, the synergic reaction synthesis strategy exhibits great potential in engineering unique nanostructures with superior properties.


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To explore the views of pharmacy and rheumatology stakeholders about system-related barriers to medicines optimisation activities with young people with long-term conditions. A three-phase consensus-building study comprising (1) focus groups with community and hospital pharmacists; (2) semi-structured telephone interviews with lay and professional adolescent rheumatology stakeholders and pharmacy policymakers, and (3) multidisciplinary discussion groups with community and hospital pharmacists and rheumatology staff. Qualitative verbatim transcripts from phases 1 and 2 were subjected to framework analysis. Themes from phase 1 underpinned a briefing for phase 2 interviewees. Themes from phases 1 and 2 generated elements of good pharmacy practice and current/future pharmacy roles for ranking in phase 3. Results from phase 3 prioritisation and ranking exercises were captured on self-completion data collection forms, entered into an Excel spreadsheet and subjected to descriptive statistical analysis. Institutional ethical approval was given by Aston University Health and Life Sciences Research Ethics Committee. Four focus groups were conducted with 18 pharmacists across England, Scotland and Wales (7 hospital, 10 community and 1 community/public health). Fifteen stakeholders took part in telephone interviews (3 pharmacist commissioners; 2 pharmacist policymakers; 2 pharmacy staff members (1 community and 1 hospital); 4 rheumatologists; 1 specialist nurse, and 3 lay juvenile arthritis advocates). Twenty-five participants took part in three discussion groups in adolescent rheumatology centres across England and Scotland (9 community pharmacists; 4 hospital pharmacists; 6 rheumatologists; 5 specialist nurses, and 1 physiotherapist). In all phases of the study, system-level issues were acknowledged as barriers to more engagement with young people and families. Community pharmacists in the focus groups reported that opportunities for engaging with young people were low if parents collected prescriptions alone, which was agreed by other stakeholders. Moreover, institutional/company prescription collection policies – an activity largely disallowed for a young person under 16 without an accompanying parent - were identified by hospital and community pharmacists as barriers to open discussion and engagement. Few community pharmacists reported using Medicines Use Review (England/Wales) or Chronic Medication Service (Scotland) as a medicines optimisation activity with young people; many were unsure about consent procedures. Despite these limitations, rheumatology stakeholders ranked highly the potential of pharmacists empowering young people with general health care skills, such as repeat prescription ordering. The pharmacy profession lacks vision for its role in the care of young people with long-term conditions. Pharmacists and rheumatology stakeholders identified system-level barriers to more engagement with young people who take medicines regularly. We acknowledge that the modest number of participants may have had a specific interest and thus bias for the topic, but this underscores their frank admission of the challenges. Professional guidance and policy, practice frameworks and institutional/company policies must promote flexibility for pharmacy staff to recognise and empower young people who are able to give consent and take responsibility for medicines activities. This will increase mutual confidence and trust, and foster pharmacy’s role in teaching general health care skills. In this way, pharmacists will be able to build long-term relationships with young people and families.


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Microporous polycaprolactone (PCL) matrices loaded with hydrophobic steroidal drugs or a hydrophilic drug - pilocarpine hydrochloride - were produced by precipitation casting using solutions of PCL in acetone. The efficiency of steroid incorporation in the final matrix (progesterone (56 %) testosterone (46 %) dexamethasone (80 %)) depended on the nature of the drug initially co-dissolved in the PCL solution. Approximately 90 % w/w of the initial load of progesterone, 85 % testosterone and 50 % dexamethasone was released from the matrices in PBS at 37°C over 8 days. Pilocarpine hydrochloride (PH)-loaded PCL matrices, prepared by dispersion of powder in PCL solution, released 70-90 % of the PH content over 12 days in PBS. Application of the Higuchi model revealed that the kinetics of steroid and PH release were consistent with a Fickian diffusion mechanism with corresponding diffusion coefficients of 5.8 × 10-9 (progesterone), 3.9 × 10 -9 (testosterone), 7.1 × 10-10 (dexamethasone) and 22 × 10-8 cm2/s (pilocarpine hydrochloride). The formulation techniques described are expected to be useful for production of implantable, insertable and topical devices for sustained delivery of a range of bioactive molecules of interest in drug delivery and tissue engineering.


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Az elmúlt években hazánkban a svájcifrank- és a japánjen-alapú hitelezés gyakorlatilag megszűnt, a devizaalapú hitelek folyósításának feltételei szigorodtak, a már meglévő portfólió romlott, a hitelezők által elszenvedett veszteség megnőtt. A számviteli előírások azonban alig változtak, azaz a jelenlegi szabályozás képes a számviteli törvény által alapvető célként megjelölt megbízható és valós kép bemutatására. A számviteli megközelítés szerint a deviza- és a devizaalapú ügyletek között nincs lényegi különbség, az aktiválási, értékelési, valamint értékvesztés-képzési szabályok megegyeznek. A probléma nagyságrendjének bemutatása után ismertetem a devizás vagyonrészek értékelésével kapcsolatos szabályok változását azok indokaival együtt. Ezután bemutatom a különféle alkalmazott árfolyamok hatásait a beszámolóra, s az alkalmazható árfolyamok és a mérlegben megjelenő devizapozíciók összefüggéseit. A devizás követelésekre képzendő értékvesztés témakörben bemutatom az év végi zárási feladatok sorrendjét, valamint a deviza- és a devizaalapú ügyletek értékvesztése közötti különbségeket is. _______ Loan fi nancing in Swiss Franc and Japanese Yen has disappeared in the last few years, fi nancing in foreign currency has become more diffi cult, while the actual loan portfolio has worsened, losses born by fi nancial institutions have increased. Despite this, the accounting prescriptions have hardly changed, which can be seen as if the current regulation is able to provide the fair and true picture. According to the accounting approach, there is no material difference between FX and FX-denominated deals: rules on the recognition in the balance sheet, valuation and loan loss provisions are identical. In this article – after highlighting the magnitude of the problem -, I introduce the changes in the rules regarding items in foreign currency and the reasons behind those changes. In the next part, I investigate the impact of application of different FX rates on the fi nancial statement and their correspondence with the FX-position reported in the Balance sheet. Later, I discuss the adequate order of the periodical accounting closing tasks, and the differences between impairment of receivables to be settled and denominated in foreign currency, or only denominated in FX with Forint Cash Flow.


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This article investigates whether the strength of formal professional relationships between general practitioners (GPs) and specialists (SPs) affects either the health status of patients or their pharmacy costs. To this end, it measures the strength of formal professional relationships between GPs and SPs through the number of shared patients and proxies the patient health status by the number of comorbidities diagnosed and treated. In strong GP–SP relationships, the patient health status is expected to be high, due to efficient care coordination, and the pharmacy costs low, due to effective use of resources. To test these hypotheses and compare the characteristics of the strongest GP–SP connections with those of the weakest, this article concentrates on diabetes—a chronic condition where patient care coordination is likely important. Diabetes generates the largest shared patient cohort in Hungary, with the highest traffic of specialist medication prescriptions. This article finds that stronger ties result in lower pharmacy costs, but not in higher patient health statuses. Key points for decision makers • The number of shared patients may be used to measure the strength of formal professional relationships between general practitioners and specialists. • A large number of shared patients indicates a strong, collaborative tie between general practitioners and specialists, whereas a low number indicates a weak, fragmented tie. • Tie strength does not affect patient health—strong, collaborative ties between general practitioners and specialists do not involve better patient health than weak, fragmented ties. • Tie strength does affect pharmacy costs—strong, collaborative ties between general practitioners and specialists involve significantly lower pharmacy costs than weak, fragmented ties. • Pharmacy costs may be reduced by lowering patient care fragmentation through channelling a general practitioner’s patients to a small number of specialists and increasing collaboration between general practitioner and specialists. • Limited patient choice is financially more beneficial than complete freedom of choice, and no more detrimental to patient health.


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Arra a kérdésre keressük a választ, hogy a szoros háziorvosi-szakorvosi szakmai kapcsolatoknak van-e hatásuk a betegek gyógyszerkiadására, illetve egészségi állapotára. Az orvosok közötti szakmai kapcsolatok szorosságát a közösen gondozott betegek száma alapján határoztuk meg, míg a betegek egészségügyi állapotát a diagnosztizált és kezelt társbetegségek számával mértük. Hipotézisünk egyrészt az volt, hogy a hatékonyabb koordinációnak köszönhetően a szoros kapcsolatban kezelt betegek jobb egészségi állapotúak, másrészt kezelésük az erőforrások hatékonyabb felhasználása miatt kisebb gyógyszerköltséggel jár. E két hipotézist a cukorbetegekre teszteltük. Azért esett erre a krónikus betegségre a választásunk, mert itt a háziorvosok és a szakorvosok együttműködése elsődleges fontosságú. Magyarországon a cukorbetegek esetében a legnagyobb a közösen kezelt betegek populációja, valamint itt a legmagasabb a szakorvosi javaslatra felírt háziorvosi receptek száma. Azt az eredményt kaptuk, hogy a szoros kapcsolatban kezelt betegek nem rendelkeznek sem jobb, sem rosszabb egészségi állapottal, miközben a kapcsolódó gyógyszerkiadásuk szignifikánsan alacsonyabb. ____ The article considers whether strong formal professional relations between GPs and specialists in shared care affect either the health of patients or the pharmacy costs they incur. The strength of such relations is measured by the number of shared patients; patient health is proxied by number of co-morbidities diagnosed and treated. The first hypothesis is that patients treated amid strong GP-specialist relations have better health status than those treated amid weak ones, due to enhanced efficiency of care coordination. The second is that patients treated in such strong relations incur lower pharmacy costs high numbers of shared patients are assumed to promote appropriate, effective use of resources. The article tests these hypotheses and compares the outcomes of the strongest and weakest GP-specialist relations through the example of diabetes, a chronic condition where patient-care coordination is important. Diabetes generates the largest shared patient cohort in Hungary, with the highest number of specialist medication prescriptions. This article finds that stronger ties result in significantly lower pharmacy costs, but not a higher patient health status.


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During the last decade, the United States has witnessed a high increase in its immigration flow. Despite recent surge of interest in numerically small ethnic groups, data on Bulgarian immigrants in the United States is almost non-existent. This is the first comprehensive study on the Bulgarian ethnic group in the United States. ^ This study examined the impact of immigration upon the negotiation of cultural prescriptions by Bulgarian immigrants in the United States. Several fundamental Bulgarian prescriptions for daily behavior, such as emphasis on stability rather than mobility, preference for collectivism instead of individualism, and wide use of social critique rather than social approval were tested on U.S. soil. Furthermore, the impact of gender upon cultural appropriation and retention was considered. The study made use of a comprehensive historical analysis of Bulgarian immigration to the United States, statistical descriptions of contemporary Bulgarian immigrants in the United States, and over a three-year long qualitative study of Bulgarian immigrants in South Florida. ^ The results of the study indicated that the transferring of cultural prescriptions due to immigration did not occur unaffected by gender. Bulgarian and U.S. cultural models clashed, intermingled, and resisted each other in various ways depending on the immigrants' gender. At the same time, gender did not solely determine the validity of prescriptions for daily behavior, but it rather acted in concert with other principles of everyday life. In addition, gender impacted significantly the method, type, and structure of the immigration journey. Gender was a very significant variable in the determination of these features of the immigration process, but it did not account independently for historical variations. Other factors, such as larger contexts of reception and rejection also played an important role. ^


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President Jimmy Carter once said, "I had a different way of governing." In attempting to explain what he meant by this, Carter has been variously described as a political amateur, a trustee, a non-political politician, an "active-positive" president, and a forerunner of the 1990s' New Democrats. It is argued here, however, that mere secular descriptions and categories such as these do not adequately capture the essence of Carter's brand of politics and his understanding of the presidency. Rejecting Richard Neustadt's prescriptions for effective presidential leadership, Carter thought political bargaining and compromise were "dirty" and "sinful." He deemed the ways of Washington as "evil," and considered many, if not most, career politicians immoral. While he fully supported the institutional separation of church and state, politics for Carter was about "doing right," telling the truth, and making the United States and the world "a better demonstration of what Christ is." Like two earlier Democrats, William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson, Carter understood politics as an alternative form of Christian ministry and service. In this regard, Carter was a presidential exception. Carter's evangelical faith gave his politics meaning, skill, vision, and a framework for communication. Using Fred Greenstein's categories of presidential leadership, Carter's faith provided him with "emotional intelligence", too. However, Carter's evangelical style provoked many of his contemporaries, including many of his fellow Democrats. To his critics at home and abroad, Carter was often accused of being arrogant, stubborn, naive, and ultimately a political failure. But as evinced by his indispensable role in negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt, his leadership style also provided him some remarkable achievements. The research here is based on a thorough examination of President Carter's many writings, his public papers, interviews, and opinion pieces. Written accounts from former Carter administration officials and from Israeli and Egyptian participants at Camp David are also used. This project is largely descriptive, qualitative in approach, but quantitative data are used when appropriate and as supplements.


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The ability to listen and comprehend the intrinsic meaning behind the words people are saying is an important skill for those in the hospitality industry. The author provides some prescriptions for "winning friends and influencing people.”


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Liver cancer accounts for nearly 10% of all cancers in the US. Intrahepatic Arterial Radiomicrosphere Therapy (RMT), also known as Selective Internal Radiation Treatment (SIRT), is one of the evolving treatment modalities. Successful patient clinical outcomes require suitable treatment planning followed by delivery of the microspheres for therapy. The production and in vitro evaluation of various polymers (PGCD, CHS and CHSg) microspheres for a RMT and RMT planning are described. Microparticles with a 30±10 µm size distribution were prepared by emulsion method. The in vitro half-life of the particles was determined in PBS buffer and porcine plasma and their potential application (treatment or treatment planning) established. Further, the fast degrading microspheres (≤ 48 hours in vitro half-life) were labeled with 68Ga and/or 99mTc as they are suitable for the imaging component of treatment planning, which is the primary emphasis of this dissertation. Labeling kinetics demonstrated that 68Ga-PGCD, 68Ga-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg can be labeled with more than 95% yield in 15 minutes; 99mTc-PGCD and 99mTc-CHSg can also be labeled with high yield within 15-30 minutes. In vitro stability after four hours was more than 90% in saline and PBS buffer for all of them. Experiments in reconstituted hemoglobin lysate were also performed. Two successful imaging (RMT planning) agents were found: 99mTc-CHSg and 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg. For the 99mTc-PGCD a successful perfusion image was obtained after 10 minutes, however the in vivo degradation was very fast (half-life), releasing the 99mTc from the lungs. Slow degrading CHS microparticles (> 21 days half-life) were modified with p-SCN-b-DOTA and labeled with 90 Y for production of 90Y-DOTA-CHS. Radiochemical purity was evaluated in vitro and in vivo showing more than 90% stability after 72 and 24 hours respectively. All agents were compared to their respective gold standards (99mTc-MAA for 68Ga-NOTA-CHSg and 99m Tc-CHSg; 90Y-SirTEX for 90Y-DOTA-CHS) showing superior in vivo stability. RMT and RMT planning agents (Therapy, PET and SPECT imaging) were designed and successfully evaluated in vitro and in vivo.


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Bien que les technologies d’imagerie soient un acquis réel de la médecine moderne, leur introduction ne semble pas avoir été précédée d’une démarche réflexive suffisante qui aurait permis d’anticiper les multiples enjeux que rencontre la pratique radiologique actuelle. En effet, à force de se focaliser sur les acquis techniques et scientifiques, le cadre de radioprotection en place semble ne pas avoir suffisamment considéré l’apport essentiel que représente la connaissance des aspects sociaux, éthiques et humains que peuvent amener des domaines comme la bioéthique. Cette insuffisance fait en sorte que l’on se retrouve aujourd’hui face à des enjeux importants relatifs à la radioprotection du patient comme la surutilisation des examens radiologiques ou encore le manque d’information des acteurs du milieu face aux risques des rayonnements. Après un état des lieux des enjeux éthiques en radiologie diagnostique ayant un impact sur la radioprotection médicale des patients, un enjeu majeur de la pratique actuelle, qui est la justification inadéquate des prescriptions d’examens radiologiques, sera analysé selon une approche par principes. De cet exercice, visant à démontrer comment l’éthique peut concrètement contribuer à la radioprotection, découle l’impératif d’une vision nouvelle et globale permettant de proposer des pistes de solution aux controverses liées à l’utilisation actuelle de l’imagerie. Dans une perspective de santé des populations, il est important de contribuer à la diminution de la banalisation du recours au rayonnement ionisant dans la pratique médicale diagnostique en alliant bioéthique et radioprotection. Ce projet de recherche se veut être une étape limitée, mais nécessaire dans l’établissement de ce dialogue interdisciplinaire.